88 resultados para Phillips, Roger: The 3000-mile garden


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View to townhouses with individual front porch and paired carports.


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View to front elevation of flats from internal street.


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View through internal street with townhouses on left and flats on left.


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View to townhouses and carports from east.


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View to development with townhouses in foreground and flats beyond.


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View of townhouses from exterior.


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The differences in spectral shape resolution abilities among cochlear implant ~CI! listeners, and between CI and normal-hearing ~NH! listeners, when listening with the same number of channels ~12!, was investigated. In addition, the effect of the number of channels on spectral shape resolution was examined. The stimuli were rippled noise signals with various ripple frequency-spacings. An adaptive 4IFC procedure was used to determine the threshold for resolvable ripple spacing, which was the spacing at which an interchange in peak and valley positions could be discriminated. The results showed poorer spectral shape resolution in CI compared to NH listeners ~average thresholds of approximately 3000 and 400 Hz, respectively!, and wide variability among CI listeners ~range of approximately 800 to 8000 Hz!. There was a significant relationship between spectral shape resolution and vowel recognition. The spectral shape resolution thresholds of NH listeners increased as the number of channels increased from 1 to 16, while the CI listeners showed a performance plateau at 4–6 channels, which is consistent with previous results using speech recognition measures. These results indicate that this test may provide a measure of CI performance which is time efficient and non-linguistic, and therefore, if verified, may provide a useful contribution to the prediction of speech perception in adults and children who use CIs.


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Recent detections of high-redshift absorption by both atomic hydrogen and molecular gas in the radio spectra of quasars have provided a powerful tool for measuring possible temporal and spatial variations of physical 'constants' in the Universe. We compare the frequency of high-redshift hydrogen 21-cm absorption with that of associated molecular absorption in two quasars to place new (1 sigma) upper limits on any variation in y = g(p) alpha(2) (where alpha is the fine-structure constant, and g(p) is the proton g-factor) of \Delta y/y\ < 5 x 10(-6) at redshifts z = 0.25 and 0.68. These quasars are separated by a comoving distance of 3000 Mpc (for H-0=75 km s(-1) Mpc(-1) and q(0) = 0). We also derive limits on the time rates of change of \(g) over dot (p)/(g) over dot (p)\ < 1 x 10(-15) yr(-1) and \(alpha) over dot/(a) over dot\ < 5 x 10(-16) yr(-1) between the present epoch and z = 0.68, These limits are more than an order of magnitude smaller than previous results derived from highredshift measurements.


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Febrile seizures affect approximately 3% of all children under six years of age and are by far the most common seizure disorder(1). A small proportion of children with febrile seizures later develop ongoing epilepsy with afebrile seizures(2). Segregation analysis suggests the majority of cases have complex inheritance(3) but rare families show apparent autosomal dominant: inheritance. Two putative loci have been mapped (FEB1 and FEB2), but specific genes have not yet been identified(4,5). We recently described a clinical subset, termed generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus (GEFS(+)), in which many family members have seizures with fever that may persist beyond six years of age or be associated with afebrile generalized seizures(6). We now report linkage, in another large GEFS(+) family, to chromosome region 19q13.1 and identification of a mutation in the voltage-gated sodium (Na+)-channel beta 1 subunit gene (SCN1B). The mutation changes a conserved cysteine residue disrupting a putative disulfide bridge which normally maintains an extracellular immunoglobulin-like fold. Go-expression of the mutant pr subunit with a brain Na+-channel alpha subunit in Xenopus laevis oocytes demonstrates that the mutation interferes with the ability of the subunit to modulate channel-gating kinetics consistent with a loss-of-function allele. This observation develops the theme that idiopathic epilepsies are a family of channelopathies and raises the possibility of involvement of other Na+-channel subunit genes in febrile seizures and generalized epilepsies with complex inheritance patterns.


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Multiple sampling is widely used in vadose zone percolation experiments to investigate the extent in which soil structure heterogeneities influence the spatial and temporal distributions of water and solutes. In this note, a simple, robust, mathematical model, based on the beta-statistical distribution, is proposed as a method of quantifying the magnitude of heterogeneity in such experiments. The model relies on fitting two parameters, alpha and zeta to the cumulative elution curves generated in multiple-sample percolation experiments. The model does not require knowledge of the soil structure. A homogeneous or uniform distribution of a solute and/or soil-water is indicated by alpha = zeta = 1, Using these parameters, a heterogeneity index (HI) is defined as root 3 times the ratio of the standard deviation and mean. Uniform or homogeneous flow of water or solutes is indicated by HI = 1 and heterogeneity is indicated by HI > 1. A large value for this index may indicate preferential flow. The heterogeneity index relies only on knowledge of the elution curves generated from multiple sample percolation experiments and is, therefore, easily calculated. The index may also be used to describe and compare the differences in solute and soil-water percolation from different experiments. The use of this index is discussed for several different leaching experiments. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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OBJECTIVE: To compare the HIV/AIDS epidemics in Australia and sub-Saharan Africa, to outline reasons for differences, and to consider implications for the Asia and Pacific region. METHODS: Comparison of key indicators of the epidemic in Australia, and Africa viewed largely through the experience of the Hlabisa health district, South Africa. RESULTS: To the end of 1997, for all Australia, the estimated cumulative number of HIV infections was approximately 19,000, whereas in Hlabisa 31,000 infections are estimated to have occurred. Compared with the low and declining incidence of HIV in Australia (<1%), estimated incidence in Hlabisa rose to 10% in 1997. In all, 94% of Australian infections have been amongst men; in Hlabisa equal numbers of males and females are infected. Consequently, whereas 3000 children were perinatally exposed to HIV in Hlabisa in 1998 alone, 160 Australian children have been exposed this way. In Australia, HIV-related disease is characterised by opportunistic infection whereas in Hlabisa tuberculosis and wasting dominate. Surveys among gay men in Sydney and Melbourne indicate >80% of HIV infected people receive antiretroviral therapy whereas in Hlabisa these drugs are not available. IMPLICATIONS: It seems possible that Asia and the Pacific will experience a similar HIV/AIDS epidemic to that in Africa. Levels of HIV are already high in parts of Asia, and social conditions in parts of the region might be considered ripe for the spread of HIV. As Australia strengthens economic and political ties within the region, so should more be done to help Pacific and Asian neighbours to prevent and respond to the HIV epidemic.


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Ecological extinction caused by overfishing precedes all other pervasive human disturbance to coastal ecosystems, including pollution, degradation of water quality, and anthropogenic climate change. Historical abundances of large consumer species were fantastically large in comparison with recent observations. Paleoecological, archaeological, and historical data show that time lags of decades to centuries occurred between the onset of overfishing and consequent changes in ecological communities, because unfished species of similar trophic level assumed the ecological roles of overfished species until they too were overfished or died of epidemic diseases related to overcrowding. Retrospective data not only help to clarify underlying causes and rates of ecological change, but they also demonstrate achievable goals for restoration and management of coastal ecosystems that could not even be contemplated based on the limited perspective of recent observations alone.


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Recent findings from studies of two families have shown that mutations in the GABA(A)-receptor gamma2 subunit are associated with generalized epilepsies and febrile seizures. Here we describe a family that has generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus (GEFS(+)), including an individual with severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy, in whom a third GABA(A)-receptor gamma2-subunit mutation was found. This mutation lies in the intracellular loop between the third and fourth transmembrane domains of the GABA(A)-receptor gamma2 subunit and introduces a premature stop codon at Q351 in the mature protein. GABA sensitivity in Xenopus laevis oocytes expressing the mutant gamma2(Q351X) subunit is completely abolished, and fluorescent-microscopy studies have shown that receptors containing GFP-labeled gamma2(Q351X) protein are retained in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum. This finding reinforces the involvement of GABA(A) receptors in epilepsy.


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Objective: To describe a new syndrome of X-linked myoclonic epilepsy with generalized spasticity and intellectual disability (XMESID) and identify the gene defect underlying this disorder. Methods: The authors studied a family in which six boys over two generations had intractable seizures using a validated seizure questionnaire, clinical examination, and EEG studies. Previous records and investigations were obtained. Information on seizure disorders was obtained on 271 members of the extended family. Molecular genetic analysis included linkage studies and mutational analysis using a positional candidate gene approach. Results: All six affected boys had myoclonic seizures and TCS; two had infantile spasms, but only one had hypsarrhythmia. EEG studies show diffuse background slowing with slow generalized spike wave activity. All affected boys had moderate to profound intellectual disability. Hyperreflexia was observed in obligate carrier women. A late-onset progressive spastic ataxia in the matriarch raises the possibility of late clinical manifestations in obligate carriers. The disorder was mapped to Xp11.2-22.2 with a maximum lod score of 1.8. As recently reported, a missense mutation (1058C>T/P353L) was identified within the homeodomain of the novel human Aristaless related homeobox gene (ARX). Conclusions: XMESID is a rare X-linked recessive myoclonic epilepsy with spasticity and intellectual disability in boys. Hyperreflexia is found in carrier women. XMESID is associated with a missense mutation in ARX. This disorder is allelic with X-linked infantile spasms (ISSX; MIM 308350) where polyalanine tract expansions are the commonly observed molecular defect. Mutations of ARX are associated with a wide range of phenotypes; functional studies in the future may lend insights to the neurobiology of myoclonic seizures and infantile spasms.


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Degradation of coral reef ecosystems began centuries ago, but there is no global summary of the magnitude of change. We compiled records, extending back thousands of years, of the status and trends of seven major guilds of carnivores, herbivores, and architectural species from 14 regions. Large animals declined before small animals and architectural species, and Atlantic reefs declined before reefs in the Red Sea and Australia, but the trajectories of decline were markedly similar worldwide. All reefs were substantially degraded long before outbreaks of coral disease and bleaching. Regardless of these new threats, reefs will not survive without immediate protection from human exploitation over large spatial scales.