The diffusion model for percutaneous absorption is developed for the specific case of delivery to the skin being limited by the application of a finite amount of solute. Two cases are considered; in the first, there is an application of a finite donor (vehicle) volume, and in the second, there are solvent-deposited solids and a thin vehicle with a high partition coefficient. In both cases, the potential effect of an interfacial resistance at the stratum corneum surface is also considered. As in the previous paper, which was concerned with the application of a constant donor concentration, clearance limitations due to the viable eqidermis, the in vitro sampling rate, or perfusion rate in vivo are included. Numerical inversion of the Laplace domain solutions was used for simulations of solute flux and cumulative amount absorbed and to model specific examples of percutaneous absorption of solvent-deposited solids. It was concluded that numerical inversions of the Laplace domain solutions for a diffusion model of the percutaneous absorption, using standard scientific software (such as SCIENTIST, MicroMath Scientific software) on modern personal computers, is a practical alternative to computation of infinite series solutions. Limits of the Laplace domain solutions were used to define the moments of the flux-time profiles for finite donor volumes and the slope of the terminal log flux-time profile. The mean transit time could be related to the diffusion time through stratum corneum, viable epidermal, and donor diffusion layer resistances and clearance from the receptor phase. Approximate expressions for the time to reach maximum flux (peak time) and maximum flux were also derived. The model was then validated using reported amount-time and flux-time profiles for finite doses applied to the skin. It was concluded that for very small donor phase volume or for very large stratum corneum-vehicle partitioning coefficients (e.g., for solvent deposited solids), the flux and amount of solute absorbed are affected by receptor conditions to a lesser extent than is obvious for a constant donor constant donor concentrations. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc. and the American Pharmaceutical Association J Pharm Sci 90:504-520, 2001.
Free radical bulk copolymerization of methyl methacrylate (MMA) and allyl acetate (AAc) has been investigated using electron spin resonance (ESR) and FT-near infrared (FTNIR) spectroscopy. Data are used to evaluate the rate constants. The mole fraction of AAc plays an important role in the copolymerization of these two monomers. AAc not only delays the Trommsdorff effect but also increases the onset of percentage total conversion at which the Trommsdorff region begins. With AAc fraction 0.5 and higher, no Trommsdorff effect was observed. Inclusion of AAc into copolymer structure mainly occurs in the Trommsdorf region or when the AAc fraction in the comonomer feed is dominant. This is associated with a drop in the concentration of propagating radicals. However, ESR spectra indicate that the MMA propagating radical is predominant during the reaction. In the comonomer mixtures where a Trommsdorff region can be observed, the addition of AAc does not produce any significant change in k(p) and k(t) in the steady state region. Major changes in k(p) and k(t) are observed after the gel point and glassy state, respectively. (C) 2001 Society of Chemical Industry.
The microwave and thermal cure processes for the epoxy-amine systems N,N,N',N'-tetraglycidyl-4,4'-diaminodiphenyl methane (TGDDM) with diaminodiphenyl sulfone (DDS) and diaminodiphenyl methane (DDM) have been investigated. The DDS system was studied at a single cure temperature of 433 K and a single stoichiometry of 27 wt% and the DDM system was studied at two stoichiometries, 19 and 32 wt%, and a range temperatures between 373 and 413 K. The best values the kinetic rate parameters for the consumption of amines have been determined by a least squares curve Ft to a model for epoxy-amine cure. The activation energies for the rate parameters for the MY721/DDM system were determined as was the overall activation energy for the cure reaction which was found to be 62 kJ mol(-1). No evidence was found for any specific effect of the microwave radiation on the rate parameters, and the systems were both found to be characterized by a negative substitution effect. Copyright (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The free radical polymerization of styrene in bulk was monitored by ESR and FT near-infrared spectroscopy at 70°C for a series of concentrations of the initiator, dimethyl 2,2′-azobis(isobutyrate). In order to obtain detailed kinetic information over the intire conversion range, and the gel effect range in particular, conversion and free radical concentration data points were accumulated with exceptionally short time intervals. The polystyrene radical concentration ([St•]) went through a sharp maximum at the gel effect, a feature that has hitherto escaped observation due to the rapid concentration changes in the gel effect range relative to the data point time intervals of previous studies. Temperature measurements throughout the polymerization were employed to calculate that a temperature increase was not the cause of the [St•] maximum, which thus appeares to be a genuine feature of the gel effect of this system under isothermal conditions. The propagation rate constant (kp) as a function of monomer conversion exhibited a marked dependence on initiator concentration at high monomer conversion; the sharp decrease in kp with increasing conversion was shifted to higher conversions with increasing initiator concentration.
The batch removal of hexavalent chromium (Cr(Vl)) from wastewater under different experimental conditions using economic adsorbents was investigated in this study. These adsorbents were produced from the pyrolysis and activation of the waste tyres (TAC) and from the pyrolysis of sawdust (SPC). The performance of these adsorbents against commercial activated carbon F400 (CAC) has also been carried out. The removal was favoured at low pH, with maximum removal at pH = 2 for all types of carbon. The effects of concentration, temperature and particle size have been reported. All sorbents were found to efficiently remove Cr(VI) from solution. The batch sorption kinetics have been tested for a first-order reversible reaction, a first-order and second-order reaction. The rate constants of adsorption for all these kinetic models have been calculated. The applicability of the Langmuir isotherm for the present system has been tested at different temperatures. The thermodynamic parameters (AGO, K,) obtained indicate the endothermic nature of Cr(Vl) adsorption on TAC, SPC and CAC. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
A method based on isothermal calorimetry is described for the direct kinetic assay of pyruvate kinase. In agreement with earlier findings based on the standard coupled assay system for this enzyme in the presence of a fixed ADP concentration, the essentially rectangular hyperbolic dependence of initial velocity upon phosphoenolpyruvate concentration is rendered sigmoidal by the allosteric inhibitor phenylalanine. This effect of phenylalanine can be countered by including a high concentration of a space- filling osmolyte such as proline in the reaction mixtures. This investigation thus affords a dramatic example that illustrates the need to consider potential consequences of thermodynamic nonideality on the kinetics of enzyme reactions in crowded molecular environments such as the cell cytoplasm.
The conventional convection-dispersion model is widely used to interrelate hepatic availability (F) and clearance (Cl) with the morphology and physiology of the liver and to predict effects such as changes in liver blood flow on F and Cl. The extension of this model to include nonlinear kinetics and zonal heterogeneity of the liver is not straightforward and requires numerical solution of partial differential equation, which is not available in standard nonlinear regression analysis software. In this paper, we describe an alternative compartmental model representation of hepatic disposition (including elimination). The model allows the use of standard software for data analysis and accurately describes the outflow concentration-time profile for a vascular marker after bolus injection into the liver. In an evaluation of a number of different compartmental models, the most accurate model required eight vascular compartments, two of them with back mixing. In addition, the model includes two adjacent secondary vascular compartments to describe the tail section of the concentration-time profile for a reference marker. The model has the added flexibility of being easy to modify to model various enzyme distributions and nonlinear elimination. Model predictions of F, MTT, CV2, and concentration-time profile as well as parameter estimates for experimental data of an eliminated solute (palmitate) are comparable to those for the extended convection-dispersion model.
The study of viral-based processes is hampered by (a) their complex, transient nature, (b) the instability of products, and (c) the lack of accurate diagnostic assays. Here, we describe the use of real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction to characterize baculoviral infection. Baculovirus DNA content doubles every 1.7 h from 6 h post-infection until replication is halted at the onset of budding. No dynamic equilibrium exists between replication and release, and the kinetics are independent of the cell density at the time of infection. No more than 16% of the intracellular virus copies bud from the cell. (C) 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biotechnol Bioeng 77: 476-480, 2002; DOI 10.1002/bit.10126.
Two polymer-montmorillonite (MMT) nanocomposites have been synthesized by in situ intercalative polymerization. The styrene monomer is intercalated into the interlayer space of organically modified MMT, a layered clay mineral. Upon the intercalation, the complex is subsequently polymerized in the confinement environment of the interlayer space with a free radical initiator, 2,2-azobis isobutyronitrile. The aniline monomer is also intercalated and then polymerized within the interlayer space of sodium- and copper-MMT initiated by ammonium peroxodisulphate and interlayer copper cations respectively. X-ray diffraction indicates that the MMT layers are completely dispersed in the polystyrene matrix and an exfoliated structure has been obtained. The resulting polyaniline-MMT nanocomposites show a highly ordered structure of a single polyaniline layer stacked with the MMT layers. Fourier transform infrared spectra further confirm the intercalation and formation of both polymer-MMT nanocomposites.
Thermogravimetric analysis has been widely applied in kinetic studies of carbon gasification, with the associated temporal weight change profiles being used to extract kinetic information and to validate gasification models. However the weight change profiles are not always governed by the intrinsic gasification activity because of the effect of chemisorption and its dynamics. In the present work we theoretically determine the criteria under which weight change profiles can be used to determine intrinsic kinetics for CO2 and O2 gasification by examining the region in which the chemisorption dynamics can be assumed pseudo-steady. It is found that the validity of the pseudo-steady assumption depends on the experimental conditions as well as on the initial surface area of carbon. Based on known mechanisms and rate constants an active surface area region is identified within which the steady state assumption is valid and the effect of chemisorption dynamics is negligible. The size of the permissible region is sensitive to the reaction temperature and gas pressure. The results indicate that in some cases the thermogravimetric data should be used with caution in kinetic studies. A large amount of literature on thermogravimetric analyzer determined char gasification kinetics is examined and the importance of chemisorption dynamics for the data assessed.
The kinetics of single component adsorption on activated carbon is investigated here using a heterogeneous vacancy solution theory (VST) of adsorption. The adsorption isotherm is developed to account for the adsorbate non-ideality due to the size difference between the adsorbate molecule and the vacant site, while incorporating adsorbent heterogeneity through a pore-width-related potential energy. The transport process in the bidisperse carbon considers coupled mass transfer in both macropore and micropore phases simultaneously. Adsorbate diffusion in the micropore network is modeled through effective medium theory, thus considering pore network connectivity in the adsorbent, with the activation energy for adsorbate diffusion related to the adsorption energy, represented by the Steele 10-4-3 potential for carbons. Experimental data of five hydrocarbons, CO2 and SO2 on Ajax carbon at multiple temperatures, as well as three hydrocarbons on Norit carbon at three temperatures are first fitted by the heterogeneous VST model to obtain the isotherm parameters, followed by application of the kinetic model to uptake data on carbon particles of different sizes and geometry at various temperatures. For the hydrocarbons studied, the model can successfully correlate the experimental data for both adsorption equilibrium and kinetics. However, there is some deviation in the fit of the desorption kinetics for polar compounds such as CO2 and SO2, due to the inadequacy of the L-J potential model in this case. The significance of viscous transport in the micropores is also considered here and found to be negligible, consistent with recent molecular simulation studies. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
This work examines the effects of level of silica filler (at 0, 10, 30, 50wt%) on the gelation and vitrification of a model silica-filled diglycidyl ether of bisphenol F (DGEBF)/methylenedianiline (MDA) system. An increased filler level is shown to decrease the gelation and vitrification times at low temperatures (below 80degreesC). FTIR cure kinetics show that the reaction rates are increased and the activation energies of gelation are reduced at these temperatures, indicating that network formation is made easier. Entropic and catalytic reasons for this phenomenon are discussed. (C) 2003 Society of Chemical Industry.
The purpose of this study was to determine the pharmacokinetics of [C-14]diclofenac, [C-14]salicylate and [H-3]clonidine using a single pass rat head perfusion preparation. The head was perfused with 3-[N-morpholino] propane-sulfonic acid-buffered Ringer's solution. Tc-99m-red blood cells and a drug were injected in a bolus into the internal carotid artery and collected from the posterior facial vein over 28 min. A two-barrier stochastic organ model was used to estimate the statistical moments of the solutes. Plasma, interstitial and cellular distribution volumes for the solutes ranged from 1.0 mL (diclofenac) to 1.6 mL (salicylate), 2.0 mL (diclofenac) to 4.2 mL (water) and 3.9 mL (salicylate) to 20.9 mL (diclofenac), respectively. A comparison of these volumes to water indicated some exclusion of the drugs from the interstitial space and salicylate from the cellular space. Permeability-surface area (PS) products calculated from plasma to interstitial fluid permeation clearances (CLPI) (range 0.02-0.40 mL s(-1)) and fractions of solute unbound in the perfusate were in the order: diclofenac>salicylate >clonidine>sucrose (from 41.8 to 0.10 mL s(-1)). The slow efflux of diclofenac, compared with clonidine and salicylate, may be related to its low average unbound fraction in the cells. This work accounts for the tail of disposition curves in describing pharmacokinetics in the head.
A comparative study has been made of the radiation grafting of styrene onto poly(tetrafluoroethylene-co-perfluoropropyl vinyl ether) (PFA) and polypropylene (PP) substrates, using the simultaneous irradiation method. Effects of grafting conditions such as monomer concentrations, type of solvent, dose rate and irradiation dose on the grafting yield were investigated. Under the same grafting conditions it was found that a higher degree of grafting of styrene was obtained using a mixture of dichloromethane/methanol solvents for PFA and methanol for PP and the degree of grafting was higher in PP than in PFA at all doses. However, the micro-Raman spectroscopy analysis of the graft revealed that, for the same degree of grafting, the penetration depth of the grafted polystyrene into the substrate was higher in PFA than in PP substrates. In both polymers the crystallinity was hardly affected by the grafting process and the degree of crystallinity decreased slightly with grafting dose. The dependence of the initial rate of grafting on the dose rate and the monomer concentration was found to be 0.6 and 1.4 order for PFA and 0.15 and 2.2 for PP, respectively. The degree of grafting increased with increasing radiation dose in both polymers. However, the grafting yield decreased with an increase in the dose rate. The increase in the overall grafting yield for PFA and PP was accompanied by a proportional increase in the penetration depth of the graft into the substrates. (C) 2003 Society of Chemical Industry.
A hyphenated instrumental approach has been used to obtain reliable values for the propagation rate coefficients as a function of conversion for polymerizations of methyl methacrylate (MMA) and a mixture of MMA and ethyleneglycol dimethacrylate (EGDMA) with a 1:1 concentration of double bonds, from near the onset of the Trommsdorf region into the glass region. ESR spectroscopy was used to measure the radical concentration while FT-NIR fibre-optic spectroscopy was employed to measure instantaneously the double-bond concentration within the temperature-controlled cavity of the ESR instrument during polymerization. The advantage of this approach to the measurement of the rate coefficient is that it is equally applicable to branching and linear polymerizations. For the polymerization of methyl methacrylate, the values of the rate coefficient at the lowest conversions at which reliable values could be obtained were in agreement with recently reported values obtained by the PLP-SEC method. For the lowest conversions, the values obtained were 403 1 mol(-1) s(-1) at 306 K for MMA and 5201 mol(-1) s(-1) at 310 K for a 1:1 mixture of MMA and EGDMA. (C) 2003 Society of Chemical Industry.