50 resultados para PLATINUM-ELECTRODE
The present paper reviews research in the area of the broad-spectrum chemotherapeutic agent cisplatin (cis-diamminedichloro-platinum II) and examines the implications for clinical neuropsychology arising from the neurological disruption associated with cisplatin-based therapy. The paper begins with a brief review of cisplatin treatment in terms other than survival alone, and examines the side-effects and the potential central nervous system (CNS) dysfunction in terms of neurological symptoms and concomitant implications for neuropsychology. Two main implications for clinical neuropsychology arising from cisplatin therapy are identified. First, cisplatin therapy impacts upon the psychological well-being of the patient, particularly during and in the months following treatment. It is suggested that during this time, a primary role for neuropsychology is to focus upon the monitoring and the active enhancement of the patient's social, psychological and spiritual resources. Second, with regard to neurocognitive changes, the review suggests that (1) neurocognitive assessment may not yield stable results within 8 months following treatment and (2) while perceptual, memory, attentional and executive dysfunction may be predicted following cisplatin treatment, little systematic research has been carried out to investigate such a possibility. Future research might profitably address this issue and also specifically examine the effects of low dosage cisplatin-based therapy and the effects of recently developed neuroprotective agents. Finally, there is some evidence to suggest that women may be more susceptible to neurotoxicity during cisplatin therapy, but no gender-related cognitive effects are reported in the cisplatin literature. Future research could usefully investigate gender differences in association with cisplatin chemotherapy. Copyright (C) 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
As part of a large ongoing project, the Memory, Attention and Problem Solving (MAPS) study, we investigated whether genetic variability explains some of the variance in psychophysiological correlates of brain function, namely, the P3 and SW components of event-related potentials (ERPs). These ERP measures are minute time recordings of brain processes and, because they reflect fundamental cognitive processing, provide a unique window on the millisecondto- millisecond transactions that occur at the cognitive level and taking place in the human brain. The extent to which the variance in P3 and SW components is influenced by genetic factors was examined in 350 identical and nonidentical twin pairs aged 16 years. ERPs were recorded from 15 scalp electrodes during the performance of a visuospatial delayed response task that engages working memory. Multivariate genetic analyses using MX were used to estimate genetic and environmental influences on individual differences in brain functioning and to identify putative genetic factors common to the ERP measures and psychometric IQ. For each of the ERP measures, correlation among electrode sites was high, a spatial pattern was evident, and a large part of the genetic variation in the ERPs appeared to be mediated by a common genetic factor. Moderate within-pair concordance in MZ pairs was found for all ERP measures, with higher correlations found for P3 than SW, and the MZ twin pair correlations were approximately twice the DZ correlations, suggesting a genetic influence. Correlations between ERP measures and psychometric IQ were found and, although moderately low, were evident across electrode site. The analyses show that the ERP components, P3 and SW, are promising phenotypes of the neuroelectrical activity of the brain and have the potential to be used in linkage and association analysis in the search for QTLs influencing cognitive function.
The gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABA(A)) receptor mediates fast inhibitory synaptic transmission in the CNS. Dysfunction of the GABA(A) receptor would be expected to cause neuronal hyperexcitability, a phenomenon linked with epileptogenesis. We have investigated the functional consequences of an arginine-to-glutamine mutation at position 43 within the GABA(A) gamma(2)-subunit found in a family with childhood absence epilepsy and febrile seizures. Rapid-application experiments performed on receptors expressed in HEK-293 cells demonstrated that the mutation slows GABA(A) receptor deactivation and increases the rate of desensitization, resulting in an accumulation of desensitized receptors during repeated, short applications. In Xenopus laevis oocytes, two-electrode voltage-clamp analysis of steady-state currents obtained from alpha(1)beta(2)gamma(2) or alpha(1)beta(2)gamma(2)(R43Q) receptors did not reveal any differences in GABA sensitivity. However, differences in the benzodiazepine pharmacology of mutant receptors were apparent. Mutant receptors expressed in oocytes displayed reduced sensitivity to diazepam and flunitrazepam but not the imiclazopyricline zolpidem. These results provide evidence of impaired GABA(A) receptor function that could decrease the efficacy of transmission at inhibitory synapses, possibly generating a hyperexcitable neuronal state in thalamocortical networks of epileptic patients possessing the mutant subunit.
Event-related potentials (ERPs) were recorded while subjects made old/new recognition judgments on new unstudied words and old words which had been presented at study either once ('weak') or three times ('strong'). The probability of an 'old' response was significantly higher for strong than weak words and significantly higher for weak than new words. Comparisons were made initially between ERPs to new, weak and strong words, and subsequently between ERPs associated with six strength-by-response conditions. The N400 component was found to be modulated by memory trace strength in a graded manner. Its amplitude was most negative in new word ERPs and most positive in strong word ERPs. This 'N400 strength effect' was largest at the left parietal electrode (in ear-referenced ERPs). The amplitude of the late positive complex (LPC) effect was sensitive to decision accuracy (and perhaps confidence). Its amplitude was larger in ERPs evoked by words attracting correct versus incorrect recognition decisions. The LPC effect had a left > right, centro-parietal scalp topography (in ear-referenced ERPs). Hence, whereas, the majority of previous ERP studies of episodic recognition have interpreted results from the perspective of dual-process models, we provide alternative interpretations of N400 and LPC old/new effects in terms of memory strength and decisional factor(s). (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The 4-carboxyphenyl-appended macrocyclic ligand trans-6,13-dimethyl-6-((4-carboxybenzyl)amino)-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane-6-amine (HL10) has been synthesised and complexed with Co-III. The mononuclear complexes [Co(HL10)(CN)](2+) and [CoL10(OH)](+) have been prepared and the crystal structures of their perchlorate salts are presented, where the ligand is bound in a pentadentate mode in each case while the 4-carboxybenzyl-substituted pendent amine remains free from the metal. The cyano-bridged dinuclear complex [CoL10-mu-NC-Fe(CN)(5)](2-) was also prepared and chemisorbed on titania-coated ITO conducting glass. The adsorbed complex is electrochemically active and cyclic voltammetry of the modified ITO working electrode in both water and MeCN solution was undertaken with simultaneous optical spectroscopy. This experiment demonstrates that reversible electrochemical oxidation of the Fe-II centre is coupled with rapid changes in the optical absorbance of the film.
This paper reports for the first time superior electric double layer capacitive properties of ordered mesoporous carbon (OMCs) with varying ordered pore symmetries and mesopore structure. Compared to commercially used activated carbon electrode, Maxsorb, these OMC carbons have superior capacitive behavior, power output and high-frequency performance in EDLCs due to the unique structure of their mesopore network, which is more favorable for fast ionic transport than the pore networks in disordered microporous carbons. As evidenced by N-2 sorption, cyclic voltammetry and frequency response measurements, OMC carbons with large mesopores, and especially with 2-D pore symmetry, show superior capacitive behaviors (exhibiting a high capacitance of over 180 F/g even at very high sweep rate of 50 mV/s, as compared to much reduced capacitance of 73 F/g for Maxsorb at the same sweep rate). OMC carbons can provide much higher power density while still maintaining good energy density. OMC carbons demonstrate excellent high-frequency performances due to its higher surface area in pores larger than 3 nm. Such ordered mesoporous carbons (OMCs) offer a great potential in EDLC capacitors, particularly for applications where high power output and good high-frequency capacitive performances are required. (C) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In the present study, we analyzed how high-frequency repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) of the primary motor hand area (M1-Hand) shapes anticipatory motor activity in frontal areas as indexed by the contingent negative variation (CNV). Eight right-handed volunteers received real or sham 5 Hz rTMS at an intensity of 90% resting motorthreshold (1500 stimuli per session). Real but not sham rTMS to left M1-Hand induced a site-specific increase in amplitude of the late component of the CNV at the electrode C3 overlaying the site of stimulation. The increase in pre-movement activity in the stimulated cortex may reflect an increase in facilitatory drive from connected motor areas, enhanced responsiveness of the stimulated cortex to these inputs or both. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Molecular dynamics simulations are used to study the interaction of low-energy Ar atoms with the Ni(001) surface, Angular scattering distributions, in and out of the plane of incidence, are investigated as a function of incident energy, angles of incidence, crystallographic orientation of the incident beam and surface temperature. The results show a clear transition to the structure scattering regime at around 2 eV. However, at lower energies, two sub-regimes are revealed by the simulations, Far energies up to 250 meV, scattering is mainly diffuse, and significant trapping on the surface is observed, At energies above this level, lobular patterns start to form and trapping decreases with the increase in energy, Generally, there is a weak temperature dependence, but variations in the angle of incidence and/or changes in the crystallographic direction, generate significant changes in the scattering patterns.
The acceptance-probability-controlled simulated annealing with an adaptive move generation procedure, an optimization technique derived from the simulated annealing algorithm, is presented. The adaptive move generation procedure was compared against the random move generation procedure on seven multiminima test functions, as well as on the synthetic data, resembling the optical constants of a metal. In all cases the algorithm proved to have faster convergence and superior escaping from local minima. This algorithm was then applied to fit the model dielectric function to data for platinum and aluminum.
An electrochemical investigation was carried out to study the corrosion of pure magnesium in 1 N NaCl at different pH values involving electrochemical polarisation, scanning tunnel microscopy (STM), measurement of hydrogen gas evolution and measurement of the elements dissolved from the magnesium specimen which were determined by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrophotometry (ICPAES). A partially protective surface film was a principal factor controlling corrosion. Film coverage decreased with increasing applied electrode potential. Application of a suitable external cathodic current density was shown to inhibit magnesium dissolution whilst at the same time the hydrogen evolution rate was relatively small. This showed that cathodic protection could be used to significantly reduce magnesium corrosion. A new definition is proposed for the negative difference effect (NDE). (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Ltd.
We propose a simulated-annealing-based genetic algorithm for solving model parameter estimation problems. The algorithm incorporates advantages of both genetic algorithms and simulated annealing. Tests on computer-generated synthetic data that closely resemble optical constants of a metal were performed to compare the efficiency of plain genetic algorithms against the simulated-annealing-based genetic algorithms. These tests assess the ability of the algorithms to and the global minimum and the accuracy of values obtained for model parameters. Finally, the algorithm with the best performance is used to fit the model dielectric function to data for platinum and aluminum. (C) 1997 Optical Society of America.
Molecular dynamics simulations are used to study energy and momentum transfer of low-energy Ar atoms scattered from the Ni(001) surface. The investigation concentrates on the dependence of these processes on incident energy, angles of incidence and surface temperature. Energy transfer exhibits a strong dependence on the surface temperature, at incident energies below 500 meV, and incident angles close to specular incidence. Above 500 meV, the surface temperature dependence vanishes, and a limiting value in the amount of energy transferred to the surface is attained. Momentum exchange is investigated in terms of tangential and normal components. Both components exhibit a weak surface temperature dependence, but they have opposite behaviours at all incidence angles. In each component, momentum can be lost or gained following the interaction with the surface. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.
The prevalence of neoplasia in birds is generally low; however, in some species of companion and aviary birds, the incidence is high and neoplasia is a common cause of death. Surgical excision or limb amputation has been performed as the therapeutic plan. Chemotherapy in the treatment of avian neoplasia is largely empirical and poorly documented. For example, cisplatin has been used intralesionally in macaws (Ara species) with limited clinical success. Eight sulphur-crested cockatoos (Cacatua galerita), under general isoflurane anesthesia, were infused intravenously with cisplatin at 6.4 or 1.0 mg/kg over 1 hour and hydrated with lactated Ringer's solution for 1 hour before and 2 hours after cisplatin infusion. Birds were euthanatized 96 hours after infusion, except for 2 birds given the low cisplatin dose, which were euthanatized on day 35 after dosing. All birds tolerated the study procedure while under anesthesia. Blood pressure, heart rate, and respiratory rate did not change significantly. In the low-dose group, the mean cloacal temperature decreased significantly during the infusion period (P < .001) and then rose progressively to preinfusion values by 24 hours. Also in this group, the mean body weight tended to increase during the infusion period before significantly decreasing (P < .05) by 5% at 96 hours after dosing. At 24 hours after dosing, all birds were bright and eating. However, intermittent regurgitation and fecal changes (moist, dark green feces and yellow urates) occurred in 3 of 8 birds, especially those given the high dose. By 72 hours after dosing, droppings in the low-dose group were normal in appearance. One bird in the high-dose group died by 94 hours after dosing. Myelosuppression was not observed in any bird and at necropsy, no evidence of cisplatin toxicity was found except in 1 bird given the high cisplatin dose. On histology, this bird showed nephrotoxicity, and its serum uric acid levels and mean estimated white blood cell count increased significantly by 24 hours after dosing. This paper reports for the first time the effect of systemic cisplatin administration in birds and provides veterinarians data for formulating efficacious and safe protocols for platinum-containing compounds when treating neoplasia in parrots and other companion birds.
Objectives: This study examines human scalp electroencephalographic (EEG) data for evidence of non-linear interdependence between posterior channels. The spectral and phase properties of those epochs of EEG exhibiting non-linear interdependence are studied. Methods: Scalp EEG data was collected from 40 healthy subjects. A technique for the detection of non-linear interdependence was applied to 2.048 s segments of posterior bipolar electrode data. Amplitude-adjusted phase-randomized surrogate data was used to statistically determine which EEG epochs exhibited non-linear interdependence. Results: Statistically significant evidence of non-linear interactions were evident in 2.9% (eyes open) to 4.8% (eyes closed) of the epochs. In the eyes-open recordings, these epochs exhibited a peak in the spectral and cross-spectral density functions at about 10 Hz. Two types of EEG epochs are evident in the eyes-closed recordings; one type exhibits a peak in the spectral density and cross-spectrum at 8 Hz. The other type has increased spectral and cross-spectral power across faster frequencies. Epochs identified as exhibiting non-linear interdependence display a tendency towards phase interdependencies across and between a broad range of frequencies. Conclusions: Non-linear interdependence is detectable in a small number of multichannel EEG epochs, and makes a contribution to the alpha rhythm. Non-linear interdependence produces spatially distributed activity that exhibits phase synchronization between oscillations present at different frequencies. The possible physiological significance of these findings are discussed with reference to the dynamical properties of neural systems and the role of synchronous activity in the neocortex. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The first direct voltammetric response from a molybdenum enzyme under non-turnover conditions is reported. Cyclic voltammetry of dimethylsulfoxide reductase from Rhodobacter capsulatus reveals a reversible Mo-VI/V response at + 161 mV followed by a reversible Mo-V/IV response at -102 mV versus NHE at pH 8. The higher potential couple exhibits a pH dependence consistent with protonation upon reduction to the Mo-V state and we have determined the pK(a) for this semi-reduced species to be 9.0. The lower potential couple is pH independent within the range 5 < pH < 10. The optical spectrum of the Mo chromophore has been investigated with spectroelectrochemistry. At high potential, in its resting state, the enzyme exhibits a spectrum characteristic of the Mo-VI form. This changes significantly following bulk electrolysis (-400 mV versus NHE) at an optically transparent, indium-doped tin oxide working electrode, where a single visible electronic maximum at 632 nm is observed, which is comparable with spectra reported previously for the dithionite-reduced enzyme. This two-electron process is chemically reversible by reoxidizing the enzyme at the electrode in the absence of mediators or promoters. The activity of the enzyme has been established by observation of a catalytic current in the presence of DMSO at pH 8, where a sigmoidal (steady state) voltammogram is seen. Electronic supplementary material to this paper (Fig. S 1) can be obtained by using the Springer Link server located at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00775-002-0374-y.