150 resultados para Method Optimization
A modified formula for the integral transform of a nonlinear function is proposed for a class of nonlinear boundary value problems. The technique presented in this paper results in analytical solutions. Iterations and initial guess, which are needed in other techniques, are not required in this novel technique. The analytical solutions are found to agree surprisingly well with the numerically exact solutions for two examples of power law reaction and Langmuir-Hinshelwood reaction in a catalyst pellet.
The Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) method is used to simulate the flow of rarefied gases. In the Macroscopic Chemistry Method (MCM) for DSMC, chemical reaction rates calculated from local macroscopic flow properties are enforced in each cell. Unlike the standard total collision energy (TCE) chemistry model for DSMC, the new method is not restricted to an Arrhenius form of the reaction rate coefficient, nor is it restricted to a collision cross-section which yields a simple power-law viscosity. For reaction rates of interest in aerospace applications, chemically reacting collisions are generally infrequent events and, as such, local equilibrium conditions are established before a significant number of chemical reactions occur. Hence, the reaction rates which have been used in MCM have been calculated from the reaction rate data which are expected to be correct only for conditions of thermal equilibrium. Here we consider artificially high reaction rates so that the fraction of reacting collisions is not small and propose a simple method of estimating the rates of chemical reactions which can be used in the Macroscopic Chemistry Method in both equilibrium and non-equilibrium conditions. Two tests are presented: (1) The dissociation rates under conditions of thermal non-equilibrium are determined from a zero-dimensional Monte-Carlo sampling procedure which simulates ‘intra-modal’ non-equilibrium; that is, equilibrium distributions in each of the translational, rotational and vibrational modes but with different temperatures for each mode; (2) The 2-D hypersonic flow of molecular oxygen over a vertical plate at Mach 30 is calculated. In both cases the new method produces results in close agreement with those given by the standard TCE model in the same highly nonequilibrium conditions. We conclude that the general method of estimating the non-equilibrium reaction rate is a simple means by which information contained within non-equilibrium distribution functions predicted by the DSMC method can be included in the Macroscopic Chemistry Method.
Modeling volcanic phenomena is complicated by free-surfaces often supporting large rheological gradients. Analytical solutions and analogue models provide explanations for fundamental characteristics of lava flows. But more sophisticated models are needed, incorporating improved physics and rheology to capture realistic events. To advance our understanding of the flow dynamics of highly viscous lava in Peléean lava dome formation, axi-symmetrical Finite Element Method (FEM) models of generic endogenous dome growth have been developed. We use a novel technique, the level-set method, which tracks a moving interface, leaving the mesh unaltered. The model equations are formulated in an Eulerian framework. In this paper we test the quality of this technique in our numerical scheme by considering existing analytical and experimental models of lava dome growth which assume a constant Newtonian viscosity. We then compare our model against analytical solutions for real lava domes extruded on Soufrière, St. Vincent, W.I. in 1979 and Mount St. Helens, USA in October 1980 using an effective viscosity. The level-set method is found to be computationally light and robust enough to model the free-surface of a growing lava dome. Also, by modeling the extruded lava with a constant pressure head this naturally results in a drop in extrusion rate with increasing dome height, which can explain lava dome growth observables more appropriately than when using a fixed extrusion rate. From the modeling point of view, the level-set method will ultimately provide an opportunity to capture more of the physics while benefiting from the numerical robustness of regular grids.
We present a fast method for finding optimal parameters for a low-resolution (threading) force field intended to distinguish correct from incorrect folds for a given protein sequence. In contrast to other methods, the parameterization uses information from >10(7) misfolded structures as well as a set of native sequence-structure pairs. In addition to testing the resulting force field's performance on the protein sequence threading problem, results are shown that characterize the number of parameters necessary for effective structure recognition.
Aim: Unless specifically treated (glucocorticoids in low doses), Familial Hyperaldosteronism Type I(FH-I) may result in early death from stroke. We report the successful application of a rapid, polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based method of detecting the 'hybrid' 11 beta-hydroxylase (11 beta-OHase)/aldosterone synthase (AS) gene as a screening test for FH-I. Methods: 'Long-PCR' was used to amplify, concurrently, a 4 kb fragment of AS gene (both primers AS-specific) and a 4 kb fragment of the hybrid gene (5' primer 11 beta-OHase-specific, 3'primer AS-specific) from DNA extracted from blood either collected locally or transported from elsewhere. Sample collection and transport were straightforward. This 4 kb fragment contains all the currently recognised hybrid gene 'crossover' points. Results: Within a single family, long-PCR identified all 21 individuals known to have FH-I. Hypertension was corrected in all 11 treated with glucocorticoids. Nine with normal blood pressure are being closely followed for development of hypertension. Long-PCR cord blood analysis excluded FH-I in three neonates born to affected individuals. Long-PCR newly identified two other affected families: (1) a female (60 years) with a personal and family history of stroke and her normotensive daughter (40 years), and (2) a female (51 years) previously treated for primary aldosteronism with amiloride, her two hypertensive sons (14 and 16 years) and her hypertensive mother (78 years). No false negative or false positive results have yet been encountered. At least seven other centres have successfully performed this test. Conclusion: Long-PCR is a reliable method of screening individuals of all ages for FH-I.
Almost all clinical magnetic resonance imaging systems are based on circular cross-section magnets. Recent advances in elliptical cross-section RF probe and gradient coil hardware raise the question of the possibility of using elliptical cross-section magnet systems, This paper presents a methodology for calculating rapidly the magnetic fields generated by a multi-turn coil of elliptical cross-section and incorporates this in a stochastic optimization method for magnet design, An open magnet system of elliptical cross-section is designed that both reduces the claustrophobia for the patients and allows ready access by attending physicians, The magnet system is optimized for paediatric use, The coil geometry produced by the optimization method has several novel features.
This communication describes an improved one-step solid-phase extraction method for the recovery of morphine (M), morphine-3-glucuronide (M3G), and morphine-6-glucuronide (M6G) from human plasma with reduced coextraction of endogenous plasma constituents, compared to that of the authors' previously reported method. The magnitude of the peak caused by endogenous plasma components in the chromatogram that eluted immediately before the retention time of M3G has been reduced (similar to 80%) significantly (p < 0.01) while achieving high extraction efficiencies for the compounds of interest, viz morphine, M6G, and M3G (93.8 +/- 2.5, 91.7 +/- 1.7, and 93.1 +/- 2.2%, respectively). Furthermore, when the improved solid-phase extraction method was used, the extraction cartridge-derived late-eluting peak (retention time 90 to 100 minutes) reported in our previous method, was no longer present in the plasma extracts. Therefore the combined effect of reducing the recovery of the endogenous components of plasma that chromatographed just before the retention time of M3G and the removal of the late-eluting, extraction cartridge-derived peak has resulted in a decrease in the chromatographic run-time to 20 minutes, thereby increasing the sample throughput by up to 100%.
The large fat globules that can be present in UHT milk due to inadequate homogenisation cause a cream layer to form that limits the shelf life of UHT milk. Four different particle size measurement techniques were used to measure the size of fat globules in poorly homogenised UHT milk processed in a UHT pilot plant. The thickness of the cream layer that formed during storage was negatively correlated with homogenisation pressure. It was positively correlated with the mass mean diameter and the percentage volume of particles between 1.5 and 2 mu m diameter, as determined by laser light scattering using the Malvern Mastersizer. Also, the thickness of the cream layer was positively correlated with the volume mode diameter and the percentage volume of particles between 1.5 and 2 mu m diameter, as determined by electrical impedance using the Coulter Counter. The cream layer thickness did not correlate significantly with the Coulter Counter measurements of volume mean diameter, or volume percentages of particles between 2 and 5 mu m or 5 and 10 mu m diameter. Spectroturbidimetry (Emulsion Quality Analyser) and light microscopy analyses were found to be unsuitable for assessing the size of the fat particles. This study suggests that the fat globule size distribution as determined by the electrical impedance method (Coulter Counter) is the most useful for determining the efficiency of homogenisation and therefore for predicting the stability of the fat emulsion in UHT milk during storage.
A hydride cold-trapping technique was developed and optimised for the measurement of urinary arsenic metabolites. The analytical precision of the method was found to be 6.1, 4.0 and 4.8% (n = 5) for inorganic arsenic (As-i), monomethylarsonate (MMA) and dimethylarsinate (DMA), respectively, with recoveries close to 100%, The detection limits were 1.0, 1.3 and 3 ng for As-i, MMA and DMA, respectively. The method was then used to analyse urine samples obtained from three groups of workers for occupational exposure in three companies where copper chrome arsenate was used for timber treatment. The results were compared with those for a normal control group of laboratory workers. Arsenic and its metabolites were also measured in experimental rats given 5 mg As kg(-1) body mass by oral gavage in the form of sodium arsenite, calcium arsenite or sodium arsenate. Occupational workers showed a significantly higher excretion of As-i, Up to two fold increases of urinary As-i excretion in rats compared with control rats were also observed in animals dosed with various forms of arsenicals. The method is suitable for the measurement of arsenic metabolites in urine of both humans and experimental animals.
The deep-sea pearleye, Scopelarchus michaelsarsi (Scopelarchidae) is a mesopelagic teleost with asymmetric or tubular eyes. The main retina subtends a large dorsal binocular field, while the accessory retina subtends a restricted monocular field of lateral visual space. Ocular specializations to increase the lateral visual field include an oblique pupil and a corneal lens pad. A detailed morphological and topographic study of the photoreceptors and retinal ganglion cells reveals seven specializations: a centronasal region of the main retina with ungrouped rod-like photoreceptors overlying a retinal tapetum; a region of high ganglion cell density (area centralis of 56.1x10(3) cells per mm(2)) in the centrolateral region of the main retina; a centrotemporal region of the main retina with grouped rod-like photoreceptors; a region (area giganto cellularis) of large (32.2+/-5.6 mu m(2)), alpha-like ganglion cells arranged in a regular array (nearest neighbour distance 53.5+/-9.3 mu m with a conformity ratio of 5.8) in the temporal main retina; an accessory retina with grouped rod-like photoreceptors; a nasotemporal band of a mixture of rod-and cone-like photoreceptors restricted to the ventral accessory retina; and a retinal diverticulum comprised of a ventral region of differentiated accessory retina located medial to the optic nerve head. Retrograde labelling from the optic nerve with DiI shows that approximately 14% of the cells in the ganglion cell layer of the main retina are displaced amacrine cells at 1.5 mm eccentricity. Cryosectioning of the tubular eye confirms Matthiessen's ratio (2.59), and calculations of the spatial resolving power suggests that the function of the area centralis (7.4 cycles per degree/8.1 minutes of are) and the cohort of temporal alpha-like ganglion cells (0.85 cycles per degree/70.6 minutes of are) in the main retina may be different. Low summation ratios in these various retinal zones suggests that each zone may mediate distinct visual tasks in a certain region of the visual field by optimizing sensitivity and/or resolving power.
A novel screening strategy has been developed for the identification of alpha-chymotrypsin inhibitors from a phage peptide library. In this strategy, the standard affinity selection protocol was modified by adding a proteolytic cleavage period to avoid recovery of alpha-chymotrypsin substrates. After four cycles of selection and further activity assay, a group of related peptides were identified by DNA sequencing. These peptides share a consensus sequence motif as (S/T)RVPR(R/H). Then, a corresponding short peptide (Ac-ASRVPRRG-NH2) was synthesized chemically and proved to be an inhibitor of alpha-chymotrypsin. The present work provides a useful way for searching proteinase inhibitors without detailed knowledge of the molecular structure.
A simple design process for the design of elliptical cross-section, transverse gradient coils for use in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is presented. This process is based on a flexible stochastic optimization method and results in designs of high linearity and efficiency with low switching times. A design study of a shielded, transverse asymmetric elliptical coil set for use in neural imaging is presented and includes the minimization of the torques experienced by the gradient set.
A sensitive and reproducible solid-phase extraction (SPE) method for the quantification of oxycodone in human plasma was developed. Varian Certify SPE cartridges containing both C-8 and benzoic acid functional groups were the most suitable for the extraction of oxycodone and codeine (internal standard), with consistently high (greater than or equal to 80%) and reproducible recoveries. The elution mobile phase consisted of 1.2 ml of butyl chloride-isopropanol (80:20, v/v) containing 2% ammonia. The quantification limit for oxycodone was 5.3 pmol on-column. Within-day and inter-day coefficients of variation were 1.2% and 6.8% respectively for 284 nM oxycodone and 9.5% and 6.2% respectively for 28.4 nM oxycodone using 0.5-ml plasma aliquots. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science BN. All rights reserved.
A method for the accurate computation of the current densities produced in a wide-runged bi-planar radio-frequency coil is presented. The device has applications in magnetic resonance imaging. There is a set of opposing primary rungs, symmetrically placed on parallel planes and a similar arrangement of rungs on two parallel planes surrounding the primary serves as a shield. Current densities induced in these primary and shielding rungs are calculated to a high degree of accuracy using an integral-equation approach, combined with the inverse finite Hilbert transform. Once these densities are known, accurate electrical and magnetic fields are then computed without difficulty. Some test results are shown. The method is so rapid that it can be incorporated into optimization software. Some preliminary fields produced from optimized coils are presented.
Power system small signal stability analysis aims to explore different small signal stability conditions and controls, namely: (1) exploring the power system security domains and boundaries in the space of power system parameters of interest, including load flow feasibility, saddle node and Hopf bifurcation ones; (2) finding the maximum and minimum damping conditions; and (3) determining control actions to provide and increase small signal stability. These problems are presented in this paper as different modifications of a general optimization to a minimum/maximum, depending on the initial guesses of variables and numerical methods used. In the considered problems, all the extreme points are of interest. Additionally, there are difficulties with finding the derivatives of the objective functions with respect to parameters. Numerical computations of derivatives in traditional optimization procedures are time consuming. In this paper, we propose a new black-box genetic optimization technique for comprehensive small signal stability analysis, which can effectively cope with highly nonlinear objective functions with multiple minima and maxima, and derivatives that can not be expressed analytically. The optimization result can then be used to provide such important information such as system optimal control decision making, assessment of the maximum network's transmission capacity, etc. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.