66 resultados para Marginal Density
As nuclear magnetic resonance imaging and spectroscopy move inexorably toward higher field-strength magnets in search of improved signal-to-noise ratio, spectral resolution, and spatial resolution, the way in which radiofrequency (RF) probes are designed changes. At higher frequencies, resonant cavities become the favored RF ''coil'' type and may be built using streamline elements to reduce the inductance of the system. In modeling such systems, the quasi-static approach of assuming that current flows evenly in all conductor cross sections and that adjacent conductors do not affect each other becomes less reasonable. The proximity of RF conductors in resonators typically causes RF eddy currents to flow, whereby the current density in each rung is altered by the RF fields generated by nearby conductors. The proper understanding and prediction of how resonators will perform require a model of the current densities flowing in conducting sections, including all RF eddy current effects. Very few models of this type have been presented in the literature. This article presents an overview of one such model and of how it may be applied to a variety of resonators, both shielded and unshielded, circular, and elliptical, in cross section. Results are presented from a shielded head coil operating at 2 tesla. (C) 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Maximization of bone accrual during the growing years is thought to be an important factor in minimizing fracture risk in old age. Mechanical loading through physical activity has been recommended as a modality for the conservation of bone mineral in adults; however, few studies have evaluated the impact of different loading regimes in growing children. The purpose of this study was to compare bone mineral density (BMD) in weight-bearing and non-weight-bearing limbs in 17 children with unilateral Legg Calve Perthes Disease (LCPD). Children with this condition have an altered weight-bearing pattern whereby there is increased mechanical loading on the noninvolved normal hip and reduced loading on the involved painful hip. Thus, these children provide a unique opportunity to study the impact of differential mechanical loading on BMD during the growing years while controlling for genetic disposition. BMD at four regions of the proximal femur (trochanter, intertrochanter, femoral neck, total of the regions) was measured using dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA), and the values were compared between the involved and noninvolved sides of the children with LCPD. The BMD of both sides also were compared with normative values based on both chronological and skeletal age data. A significantly higher BMD was found on the noninvolved side over the involved side for all regions (P
Risk factors for melanoma include environmental (particularly ultraviolet exposure) and genetic factors. In rare families, susceptibility to melanoma is determined by high penetrance mutations in the genes CDKN2A or CDK4, with more common, less penetrant genes also postulated. A further, potent risk factor for melanoma is the presence of large numbers of melanocytic nevi so that genes controlling nevus phenotype could be such melanoma susceptibility genes. A large Australian study involving twins aged 12 y of predominantly U.K. ancestry showed strong evidence for genetic influence on nevus number and density. We carried out essentially the same study in the U.K. to gain insight into gene-environment interactions for nevi. One hundred and three monozygous (MZ) and 118 dizygous (DZ) twin pairs aged 10-18 y were examined in Yorkshire and Surrey, U.K. Nevus counts were, on average, higher in boys (mean = 98.6) than girls (83.8) (p = 0.009) and higher in Australia (110.4) than in the U.K. (79.2, adjusted to age 12 y, p < 0.0001), and nevus densities were higher on sun-exposed sites (92 per m(2)) than sun-protected sites (58 per m(2)) (p < 0.0001). Correlations in sex and age adjusted nevus density were higher in MZ pairs (0.94, 95% CI 0.92-0.96) than in DZ pairs (0.61, 95%CI 0.49-0.72), were notably similar to those of the Australian study (MZ = 0.94, DZ = 0.60), and were consistent with high heritability (65% in the U.K., 68% in Australia). We conclude that emergence of nevi in adolescents is under strong genetic control, whereas environmental exposures affect the mean number of nevi.
The ligand-binding region of the low-density lipoprotein (LDL) receptor is formed by seven N-terminal, imperfect, cysteine-rich (LB) modules. This segment is followed by an epidermal growth factor precursor homology domain with two N-terminal, tandem, EGF-like modules that are thought to participate in LDL binding and recycling of the endocytosed receptor to the cell surface. EGF-A and the concatemer, EGF-AB, of these modules were expressed in Escherichia coli. Correct protein folding of EGF-A and the concatemer EGF-AB was achieved in the presence or absence of calcium ions, in contrast to the LB modules, which require them for correct folding. Homonuclear and heteronuclear H-1-N-15 NMR spectroscopy at 17.6 T was used to determine the three-dimensional structure of the concatemer. Both modules are formed by two pairs of short, anti-parallel beta -strands. In the concatemer, these modules have a fixed relative orientation, stabilized by calcium ion-binding and hydrophobic interactions at the interface. N-15 longitudinal and transverse relaxation rates, and {H-1}-N-15 heteronuclear NOEs were used to derive a model-free description of the backbone dynamics of the molecule. The concatemer appears relatively rigid, particularly near the calcium ion-binding site at the module interface, with an average generalized order parameter of 0.85 +/- 0.11. Some mutations causing familial hypercholesterolemia may now be rationalized. Mutations of D41, D43 and E44 in the EGF-B calcium ion-binding region may affect the stability of the linker and thus the orientation of the tandem modules. The diminutive core also provides little structural stabilization, necessitating the presence of disulfide bonds. The structure and dynamics of EGF-AB contrast with the N-terminal LB modules, which require calcium ions both for folding to form the correct disulfide connectivities and for maintenance of the folded structure, and are connected by highly mobile linking peptides. (C) 2001 Academic Press.
We consider the statistical properties of the local density of states of a one-dimensional Dirac equation in the presence of various types of disorder with Gaussian white-noise distribution. It is shown how either the replica trick or supersymmetry can be used to calculate exactly all the moments of the local density of states.' Careful attention is paid to how the results change if the local density of states is averaged over atomic length scales. For both the replica trick and supersymmetry the problem is reduced to finding the ground state of a zero-dimensional Hamiltonian which is written solely in terms of a pair of coupled spins which are elements of u(1, 1). This ground state is explicitly found for the particular case of the Dirac equation corresponding to an infinite metallic quantum wire with a single conduction channel. The calculated moments of the local density of states agree with those found previously by Al'tshuler and Prigodin [Sov. Phys. JETP 68 (1989) 198] using a technique based on recursion relations for Feynman diagrams. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Parasitoids are predicted to spend longer in patches with more hosts, but previous work on Cotesia rubecula (Marshall) has not upheld this prediction, Tests of theoretical predictions may be affected by the definition of patch leaving behaviour, which is often ambiguous. 2. In this study whole plants were considered as patches and assumed that wasps move within patches by means of walking or flying. Within-patch and between-patch flights were distinguished based on flight distance. The quality of this classification was tested statistically by examination of log-survivor curves of flight times. 3. Wasps remained longer in patches with higher host densities, which is consistent with predictions of the marginal value theorem (Charnov 1976). tinder the assumption that each flight indicates a patch departure, there is no relationship between host density and leaving tendency. 4. Oviposition influences the patch leaving behaviour of wasps in a count down fashion (Driessen et al. 1995), as predicted by an optimal foraging model (Tenhumberg, Keller & Possingham 2001). 5. Wasps spend significantly longer in the first patch encountered following release, resulting in an increased rate of superparasitism.
Dispersal, or the amount of dispersion between an individual's birthplace and that of its offspring, is of great importance in population biology, behavioural ecology and conservation, however, obtaining direct estimates from field data on natural populations can be problematic. The prickly forest skink, Gnypetoscincus queenslandiae, is a rainforest endemic skink from the wet tropics of Australia. Because of its log-dwelling habits and lack of definite nesting sites, a demographic estimate of dispersal distance is difficult to obtain. Neighbourhood size, defined as 4 piD sigma (2) (where D is the population density and sigma (2) the mean axial squared parent-offspring dispersal rate), dispersal and density were estimated directly and indirectly for this species using mark-recapture and microsatellite data, respectively, on lizards captured at a local geographical scale of 3 ha. Mark-recapture data gave a dispersal rate of 843 m(2)/generation (assuming a generation time of 6.5 years), a time-scaled density of 13 635 individuals * generation/km(2) and, hence, a neighbourhood size of 144 individuals. A genetic method based on the multilocus (10 loci) microsatellite genotypes of individuals and their geographical location indicated that there is a significant isolation by distance pattern, and gave a neighbourhood size of 69 individuals, with a 95% confidence interval between 48 and 184. This translates into a dispersal rate of 404 m(2)/generation when using the mark-recapture density estimation, or an estimate of time-scaled population density of 6520 individuals * generation/km(2) when using the mark-recapture dispersal rate estimate. The relationship between the two categories of neighbourhood size, dispersal and density estimates and reasons for any disparities are discussed.
In this work, a new method of optimization is successfully applied to the theoretical design of compact, actively shielded, clinical MRI magnets. The problem is formulated as a two-step process in which the desired current densities on multiple, cc-axial surface layers are first calculated by solving Fredholm equations of the first kind. Non-linear optimization methods with inequality constraints are then invoked to fit practical magnet coils to the desired current densities. The current density approach allows rapid prototyping of unusual magnet designs. The emphasis of this work is on the optimal design of short, actively-shielded MRI magnets for whole-body imaging. Details of the hybrid numerical model are presented, and the model is used to investigate compact, symmetric, and asymmetric MRI magnets. Magnet designs are presented for actively-shielded, symmetric magnets of coil length 1.0 m, which is considerably shorter than currently available designs of comparable dsv size. Novel, actively-shielded, asymmetric magnet designs are also presented in which the beginning of a 50-cm dsv is positioned just 11 cm from the end of the coil structure, allowing much improved access to the patient and reduced patient claustrophobia. Magn Reson Med 45:331540, 2001. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The dentary, a component of the transient marginal dentition found in the mandible of juveniles of the living Australian lungfish Neoceratodus forsteri, is a tooth plate exactly comparable to the tooth plates with radiating ridges that make up the marginal dentitions of Devonian dipnoans like Andreyevichthys, Orlovichthys and Ichnomylax. In N. forsteri, the dentary consists of two ridges, set almost in line with each other, and growing by the addition of cusps, of increasing sizes, to the extremity of each ridge. It is therefore equivalent to two ridges of a more normal tooth plate with radiating ridges. Despite its appearance, as a long row of sharp cusps ankylosed to a slender bone, and its position, embedded in soft tissue above the anterolabial margin of Meckel's cartilage, it is a tooth plate and is not comparable to the marginal dentitions of other vertebrates. Structure and development of the transient marginal dentition of this lungfish is another indication that dipnoans may not be the sister group of tetrapods.
Koala (Phascolarctos cinereus) populations in eastern Australia are threatened by land clearing for agricultural and urban development. At the same time, conservation efforts are hindered by a dearth of information about inland populations. Faecal deposits offer a source of information that is readily available and easily collected non-invasively. We detail a faecal pellet sampling protocol that was developed for use in a large rangeland biogeographic region. The method samples trees in belt transects, uses a thorough search at the tree base to quickly identify trees with koala pellets under them, then estimates the abundance of faecal pellets under those trees using 1-m(2) quadrats. There was a strong linear relationship between these estimates and a complete enumeration of pellet abundance under the same trees. We evaluated the accuracy of our method in detecting trees where pellets were present by means of a misclassification index that was weighed more heavily for missed trees that had high numbers of pellets under them. This showed acceptable accuracy in all landforms except riverine, where some trees with large numbers of pellets were missed. Here, accuracy in detecting pellet presence was improved by sampling with quadrats, rather than basal searches. Finally, we developed a method to reliably age pellets and demonstrate how this protocol could be used with the faecal-standing-crop method to derive a regional estimate of absolute koala abundance.
Novel current density mapping (CDM) schemes are developed for the design of new actively shielded, clinical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) magnets. This is an extended inverse method in which the entire potential solution space for the superconductors has been considered, rather than single current density layers. The solution provides an insight into the required superconducting coil pattern for a desired magnet configuration. This information is then used as an initial set of parameters for the magnet structure, and a previously developed hybrid numerical optimization technique is used to obtain the final geometry of the magnet. The CDM scheme is applied to the design of compact symmetric, asymmetric, and open architecture 1.0-1.5 T MRI magnet systems of novel geometry and utility. A new symmetric 1.0-T system that is just I m in length with a full 50-cm diameter of the active, or sensitive, volume (DSV) is detailed, as well as an asymmetric system in which a 50-cm DSV begins just 14 cm from the end of the coil structure. Finally a 1.0-T open magnet system with a full 50-cm DSV is presented. These new designs provide clinically useful homogeneous regions and have appropriately restricted stray fields but, in some of the designs, the DSV is much closer to the end of the magnet system than in conventional designs. These new designs have the potential to reduce patient claustrophobia and improve physician access to patients undergoing scans. (C) 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.