72 resultados para Malignant Myoepithelioma
The optimal dosing schedule for melphalan therapy of recurrent malignant melanoma in isolated limb perfusions has been examined using a physiological pharmacokinetic model with data from isolated rat hindlimb perfusions (IRHP), The study included a comparison of melphalan distribution in IRHP under hyperthermia and normothermia conditions. Rat hindlimbs were perfused with Krebs-Henseleit buffer containing 4.7% bovine serum albumin at 37 or 41.5 degrees C at a flow rate of 4 ml/min. Concentrations of melphalan in perfusate and tissues were determined by high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection, The concentration of melphalan in perfusate and tissues was linearly related to the input concentration. The rate and amount of melphalan uptake into the different tissues was higher at 41.5 degrees C than at 37 degrees C. A physiological pharmacokinetic model was validated from the tissue and perfusate time course of melphalan after melphalan perfusion. Application of the model involved the amount of melphalan exposure in the muscle, skin and fat in a recirculation system was related to the method of melphalan administration: single bolus > divided bolus > infusion, The peak concentration of melphalan in the perfusate was also related to the method of administration in the same order, Infusing the total dose of melphalan over 20 min during a 60 min perfusion optimized the exposure of tissues to melphalan whilst minimizing the peak perfusate concentration of melphalan. It is suggested that this method of melphalan administration may be preferable to other methods in terms of optimizing the efficacy of melphalan whilst minimizing the limb toxicity associated with its use in isolated limb perfusion.
Melphalan is commonly used as a cytotoxic agent in isolated limb perfusion for locally recurrent malignant melanoma. The time course of melphalan concentrations in perfusate and tissues during a 60-min melphalan perfusion and 30-min drug-free washout in the single-pass perfused rat hindlimb was examined using a physiologically based pharmacokinetic model. The rat hindlimbs were perfused with Krebs-Heinseleit buffer containing 4.7% bovine serum albumin (BSA) or 2.8% dextran 40 at a constant rate of 3.8 ml/min. The concentration of melphalan in perfusate and tissues was determined by highperformance liquid chromatography. The tissue concentrations of melphalan were significantly higher with the perfusate containing dextran than BSA during the 60-min perfusion. During the washout period, the melphalan concentration in the perfusates decreased rapidly in first few minutes, followed by a slower monoexponential decline. The estimated half life (t(1/2)) for melphalan removal from skin and fat was 59 +/- 2 min for both BSA and dextran perfusates. However, the estimated t(1/2) for melphalan removal from muscle was 79 and 96 min for BSA and dextran washout perfusates, respectively. The predicted concentration-time profiles obtained for melphalan with BSA and dextran perfusates appear to correspond closely to the observed data. This study showed that the uptake of melphalan into perfused tissues is impaired by the use of perfusates in which melphalan is highly bound. Melphalan washout from muscle, but not skin and fat, was facilitated by the use of perfusates in which melphalan is highly protein bound.
Aims We have characterized the relative dispersion of vascular and extravascular markers in the limbs of three patients undergoing isolated limb perfusions with the cytotoxic melphalan for recurrent malignant melanoma both before and after melphalan dosing. Methods A bolus of injectate containing [Cr-51] labelled red blood cells, [C-14]-sucrose and [H-3]-water was injected into an iliac or femoral artery and outflow samples collected at 1 s intervals by a fraction collector. The radioactivity due to each isotype was analysed by either gamma [Cr-51] or beta [C-14 and H-3] counting. The moments of the outflow fraction-time profiles were estimated by a nonparametric (numerical integration) method and a parametric model (sum of two inverse Gaussian functions). Results The availability, mean transit time and normalised variance (CV2) obtained for labelled red blood cells, sucrose and water were similar before and after melphalan dosing and with the two methods of calculation but varied between the patients. Conclusions The vascular space is not well-stirred but characterized by a CV2 similar that reported previously for in situ rat hind limb and rat liver perfusions. A flow-limited blood-tissue exchange was observed for the permeating indicators. Administration of melphalan did not influence the distribution characteristics of the indicators.
The cDNAs encoding wild type (WT) human receptor tyrosine kinase c-Kit and a constitutively activated mutant, V816Kit, were introduced into granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF)-dependent early murine hemopoietic cells, which had been transformed with activated Myb, WTKit cells were able to grow in the presence of the human ligand for Kit, stem cell factor (SCF), but displayed reduced growth and clonogenic potential in either SCF or GM-CSF compared with the parental cells in GM-CSF. In contrast, V816Kit cells grew without factor at a higher rate than the parental cells in GM-CSF and displayed increased clonogenicity. Dissection of the growth characteristics in liquid culture showed that in the presence of appropriate factors, the different populations had similar proliferation rates, but that V816Kit profoundly increased cell survival compared with WTKit or parental cells, This suggests that the signals transduced by WTKit activated with SCF, and by V816Kit, were not identical. Also, WTKit and V816Kit-expressing cells both varied from the early myeloid progenitor phenotype of the parental cells and gave rise to a small number of large to giant adherent cells that expressed macrophage (alpha-naphthyl acetate) esterase and neutrophil (naphtol-AS-D-chloroacetate) esterase, were highly phagocytic and phenotypically resembled histiocytes. Thus, WTKit activated by SCF and V816Kit were able to induce differentiation in a proportion of Myb-transformed myeloid cells. The factor independent V816Kit cells, unlike the parental and WTKit expressing cells, were shown to produce tumors of highly mitotic, invasive cells at various stages of differentiation in syngeneic mice. These results imply that constitutively activated Kit can promote the development of differentiated myeloid tumors and that its oncogenic effects are not restricted to lineages (mast cell and B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia), which have been reported previously. Furthermore, the mixed populations of cells in culture and in the tumors phenotypically resembled the leukemic cells from patients with monocytic leukemia with histiocytic differentiation (acute myeloid leukemia-M5c), a newly proposed subtype of myeloid leukemia. (C) 1997 by The American Society of Hematology.
Hyperplastic polyps have traditionally been regarded as nonneoplastic polyps lacking malignant potential. The demonstration of genetic alterations within these lesions indicates an underlying neoplastic cause. There is evidence that hyperplastic polyps are heterogeneous. Most are innocuous, but subsets may have malignant potential. Risk factors for neoplastic progression include multiple, large, and proximally located polyps. Aberrant methylation resulting in the silencing of cancer genes may be an important underlying mechanism, particularly in pathways progressing to tumors with DNA microsatellite instability. Lesions intermediate between hyperplastic polyp and cancer include admired polyps and serrated adenomas. Currently, pathologists have different thresholds for diagnosing serrated adenomas, including the distinction from large hyperplastic polyps. Reasons for over looking this pathway in the past may include rapid tumor progression and the fact that proximally located hyperplastic polyps may be flat and not especially numerous. Management of the serrated pathway of colorectal neoplasia may require novel approaches to screening, early detection, and prevention.
Important pathogenic alterations within established cancers are acquired during the premalignant stage. These genetic alterations can be grouped into specific neoplastic pathways that differ within and between anatomical sites. By understanding the mechanisms that determine the initiation and progression of each pathway, it will be possible to develop novel approaches to the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of cancer. This chapter outlines the principles underlying the molecular characterization of pre-malignant lesions, taking colorectal neoplasia as the main model.
Background-The presence of high level DNA microsatellite instability (MSI-H) in colorectal cancer is associated with an improved prognosis, as is the presence of tumour infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs). It is not clear if TILs contribute directly to the survival advantage associated with MSI-H cancers through activation of an antitumour immune response. Aims-To correlate TIL and apoptosis rates in colorectal cancer stratified by MSI status. Methods-The distribution of TILs was characterised and quantified in a selected series of 102 sporadic colorectal cancers classified according to levels of MSI as 32 MSI-H, 30 MSI-low (MSI-L), and 40 microsatellite stable (MSS). Archival blocks were immunostained using the T cell markers CD3 and CD8, and the B cell marker CD20. Apoptosis of malignant epithelial cells was quantified by immunohistochemistry with the M30 CytoDEATH antibody. Results-Positive staining with anti-CD3 and negative staining with anti-CD20 identified virtually all TILs as T cells. The majority of CD3(+) TILs (>75%) also stained with anti-CDS. TILs were most abundant in MSI-H colorectal cancers in which 23/32 (72%) scored as TIL positive. Only 5/40 (12.5%) MSS tumours and 9/30 (30%) MSI-L cancers were TIL positive (p
This study sought to use a microdialysis technique to relate clinical and biochemical responses to the time course of melphalan concentrations in the subcutaneous interstitial space and in tumour tissue (melanoma, malignant fibrous histiocytoma, Merkel cell tumour and osteosarcoma) in patients undergoing regional chemotherapy by Isolated Limb Infusion (ILI). 19 patients undergoing ILI for treatment of various limb malignancies were monitored for intra-operative melphalan concentrations in plasma and, using microdialysis, in subcutaneous and tumour tissues. Peak and mean concentrations of melphalan were significantly higher in plasma than in subcutaneous or tumour microdialysate. There was no significant difference between drug peak and mean concentrations in interstitial and tumour tissue, indicating that there was no preferential uptake of melphalan into the tumours. The time course of melphalan in the microdialysate could be described by a pharmacokinetic model which assumed melphalan distributed from the plasma into the interstitial space. The model also accounted for the vascular dispersion of melphalan in the limb. Tumour response in the whole group to treatment was partial response: 53.8% (n = 7); complete response: 33.3% (n = 5); no responses 6.7% (n = 1). There was a significant association between tumour response and melphalan concentrations measured over time in subcutaneous microdialysate (P < 0.01). No significant relationship existed between the severity of toxic reactions in the limb or peak plasma creatine phosphokinase levels and peak melphalan microdialysate or plasma concentrations. It is concluded that microdialysis is a technique well suited for measuring concentrations of cytotoxic drug during ILI. The possibility of predicting actual concentrations of cytotoxic drug in the limb during ILI using our model opens an opportunity for improved drug dose calculation. The combination of predicting tissue concentrations and monitoring in microdialysate of subcutaneous tissue could help optimise ILI with regard to post-operative limb morbidity and tumour response. (C) 2001 Cancer Research Campaign http:,//www.bjcancer.com.
Cytogenetic and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) studies have long indicated the presence of a tumor suppressor gene (TSG) on 90 involved in the development of melanoma, Although LOH at 90 has been reported in approximately 60% of melanoma tumors, only 5-10% of these tumors have been shown to carry CDKN2A mutations, raising the possibility that another TSG involved in melanoma maps to chromosome 90. To investigate this possibility, a panel of 37 melanomas derived from 35 individuals was analyzed for CDKN2A mutations hy single-strand conformation polymorphism analysis and sequencing. The melanoma samples were then typed for 15 markers that map to 9p13-24 to investigate LOH trends in this region. In those tumors demonstrating retention of heterozygosity at markers flanking CDKN2A and LOH on one or both sides of the gene, multiplex microsatellite PCR was performed to rule out homozygous deletion of the region encompassing CDKN2A. CDKN2A mutations were found in tumors from 5 patients [5 (14%) of 35], 4 of which demonstrated LOH across the entire region examined. The remaining tumor with no observed LOH carried two point mutations, one on each allele, Although LOH was identified at one or more markers in 22 (59%) of 37 melanoma tumors corresponding to 20 (57%) of 35 individuals, only 11 tumors from 9 individuals [9 (26%) of 35] demonstrated LOH at D9S942 and D9S1748, the markers closest to CDKN2A. Of the remaining 11 tumors with LOH, 9 demonstrated LOH at two or more contiguous markers either centromeric and/or telomeric to CDKN2A while retaining heterozygosity at several markers adjacent to CDKN2A. Multiplex PCR revealed one tumor carried a homozygous deletion extending from D9S1748 to the IFN-alpha locus. In the remaining eight tumors, multiplex PCR demonstrated that the observed heterozygosity was not attributable to homozygous deletion and stromal contamination at D9S1748, D9S942, or D9S974, as measured by comparative amplification strengths, which indicates that retention of heterozygosity with flanking LOH does not always indicate a homozygous deletion, This report supports the conclusions of previous studies that at least two TSGs involved in melanoma development in addition to CDKN2A may reside on chromosome 9p.
Inactivation of p16(INK4a) and/or activation of cyclin-dependent kinase-4 (CDK4) are strongly associated with both susceptibility and progression in melanoma. Activating CDK4 mutations prevent the binding and inhibition of CDK4 by p16(INK4a). A second, more indirect role for CDK4 is in late G(1), where It may sequester the inhibitors p27(KIP1) or p21(CIP1) away from CDK2, and in doing so upregulate the CDK2 activity necessary for cells to proceed completely through G(1) into S phase. As the pivotal residues around the most predominant R24C activating CDK4 mutation are invariant between CDK2 and CDK4, we speculated that the pivotal arginine (position 22 in CDK2), or a nearby residue, may be mutated in some melanomas, resulting in the diminution of its binding and inhibition by p27(KIP1) or p21(CIP1). However, except for a silent polymorphism, we detected no variants within this region of the CDK2 gene in 60 melanoma cell lines. Thus, if CDK2 activity is dysregulated in melanoma it is likely to occur by a means other than mutations causing loss of direct inhibition. We also examined the expression of the CDK2 gene in melanoma cell lines, to assess its possible co-regulation with the gene for the melanocyte-lineage antigen pmel17, which maps less than 1 kb away in head to head orientation with CDK2 and may be transcribed off the same bidirectional promoter. However, expression of the genes is not co-regulated. (C) 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
Functional significance has been demonstrated in vitro for the exon 3 T-->C Tyr113His amino acid substitution polymorphism of the microsomal epoxide hydrolase (EPHX) gene. The higher activity or fast TT genotype was previously reported to be associated with an increased risk of ovarian cancer, and this association may reflect enhanced activation of endogenous or exogenous substrates to more reactive and mutagenic derivatives. Components of cigarette smoke are examples of exogenous substrates subject to such bioactivation, and smoking exposure may thus modify the risk associated with the EPHX polymorphism. We examined 545 cases of epithelial ovarian cancer and 287 unaffected controls for this EPHXT-C genetic variant to investigate whether, in the Australian population, the TT genotype was associated with (i) specific ovarian tumor characteristics; (ii) risk of ovarian cancer, overall or for specific subgroups; and (iii) risk of ovarian cancer in smokers specifically. Genotyping was carried out using the Perkin-Elmer ABI Prism 7700 Sequence Detection System for fluorogenic polymerase chain reaction allelic discrimination. Stratification of the ovarian cancer cases according to tumor behavior (low malignant potential or invasive), grade, stage, and p53 immunohistochemical status failed to show any heterogeneity with respect to the genotype defined by the EPHX polymorphism. There was a suggestion of heterogeneity with respect to histologic subtype (P= 0.03), largely due to a decreased frequency of the TT genotype in endometrioid tumors. EPHX genotype distribution did not differ significantly between unaffected controls and ovarian cancer cases (overall, low malignant potential, or invasive) either overall or after stratification by smoking status. However, the TT genotype was associated with a decreased risk of invasive ovarian cancer of the endometrioid subtype specifically (age-adjusted odds ratio = 0.38, 95% confidence interval=0.17-0.87). The results suggest that the proposed EPHX-mediated bioactivation of components of cigarette smoke to mutagenic forms is unlikely to be involved in the etiology of ovarian cancer in general but that a greater rate of EPHX-mediated detoxification may decrease the risk of endometrioid ovarian cancer. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
The phase II glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) GSTT1, GSTM1 and GSTP1 catalyse glutathione-mediated reduction of exogenous and endogenous electrophiles. These GSTs have broad and overlapping substrate specificities and it has been hypothesized that allelic variants associated with less effective detoxification of potential carcinogens may confer an increased susceptibility to cancer. To assess the role of GST gene variants in ovarian cancer development, we screened 285 epithelial ovarian cancer cases and 299 unaffected controls for the GSTT1 deletion (null) variant, the GSTM1 deletion (null) variant and the GSTP1 codon 104 A-->G Ile-->Val amino acid substitution variant, The frequencies of the GSTT1, GSTM1 and GSTP1 polymorphic variants did not vary with tumour behaviour (low malignant potential or invasive) or p53 immunohistochemical status. There was a suggestion that ovarian cancers of the endometrioid or clear cell histological subtype had a higher frequency of the GSTT1 and GSTM1 deletion genotype than other histological subgroups. The GSTT1, GSTM1 and GSTP1 genotype distributions did not differ significantly between unaffected controls and ovarian cancer cases (overall or invasive cancers only). However, the GSTM1 null genotype was associated with increased risk of endometrioid/clear cell invasive cancer [age-adjusted OR (95% CI) = 2.04 (1.01-4.09), P = 0.05], suggesting that deletion of GSTM1 may increase the risk of ovarian cancer of these histological subtypes specifically. This marginally significant finding will require verification by independent studies.
Epidemiological studies suggest that ovarian cancer is an endocrine-related tumour, and progesterone exposure specifically may decrease the risk of ovarian cancer. To assess whether the progesterone receptor (PR) exon 4 valine to leucine amino acid variant is associated with specific tumour characteristics or with overall risk of ovarian cancer, we examined 551 cases of epithelial ovarian cancer and 298 unaffected controls for the underlying G-->T nucleotide substitution polymorphism. Stratification of the ovarian cancer cases according to tumour behaviour (low malignant potential or invasive), histology, grade or stage failed to reveal any heterogeneity with respect to the genotype defined by the PR exon 4 polymorphism. Furthermore, the genotype distribution did not differ significantly between ovarian cancer cases and unaffected controls. Compared with the GG genotype, the age-adjusted odds ratio (95% confidence interval) for risk of ovarian cancer was 0.78 (0.57-1.08) for the GT genotype, and 1.39 (0.47-4.14) for the TT genotype. In conclusion, the PR exon 4 codon 660 leucine variant encoded by the T allele does not appear to be associated with ovarian tumour behaviour, histology, stage or grade. This variant is also not associated with an increased risk of ovarian cancer, and is unlikely to be associated with a large decrease in ovarian cancer risk, although we cannot rule out a moderate inverse association between the GT genotype and ovarian cancer.
Ovarian adenocarcinomas develop as the result of multiple genetic, and epigenetic changes in the precursor ovarian surface epithelial (OSE) cells which result in a malignant phenotype. We investigated changes in gene expression in ovarian adenocarcinoma using a cDNA array containing 588 known human genes. We found that intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) was expressed at lower levels in the ovarian tumour cell lines OAW42, PEO1 and JAM than in the immortalised human ovarian surface epithelial cell line HOSE 17.1. Further investigation revealed ICAM-1 was expressed in the surface epithelium of normal ovaries and both mRNA and protein expression levels were reduced in the majority of ovarian adenocarcinoma cell lines and primary tumours. ICAM-1 expression was increased in 8/8 cell lines treated with the de novo methyltransferase inhibitor 5-aza-2'-deoxycytidiine, indicating that methylation of CpG islands may play a role in the down-regulation of its expression in primary tumours. 'There was a significant association between patients whose tumours expressed ICAM-1 and survival (P = 0.03), suggesting that expression levels of ICAM-1 may have clinical relevance. (C) 2001 Cancer Research Campaign.
Skeletal muscle differentiation and the activation of muscle-specific gene expression are dependent on the concerted action of the MyoD family and the MADS protein, MEF2, which function in a cooperative manner. The steroid receptor coactivator SRC-2/GRIP-1/TIF-2, is necessary for skeletal muscle differentiation, and functions as a cofactor for the transcription factor, MEF2. SRC-P belongs to the SRC family of transcriptional coactivators/cofactors that also includes SRC-1 and SRC-3/RAC-3/ACTR/ AIB-1. In this study we demonstrate that SRC-P is essentially localized in the nucleus of proliferating myoblasts; however, weak (but notable) expression is observed in the cytoplasm. Differentiation induces a predominant localization of SRC-P to the nucleus; furthermore, the nuclear staining is progressively more localized to dot-like structures or nuclear bodies. MEF2 is primarily expressed in the nucleus, although we observed a mosaic or variegated expression pattern in myoblasts; however, in myotubes all nuclei express MEF2. GRIP-1 and MEF2 are coexpressed in the nucleus during skeletal muscle differentiation, consistent with the direct interaction of these proteins. Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) cells derived from malignant skeletal muscle tumors have been proposed to be deficient in cofactors. Alveolar RMS cells very weakly express the steroid receptor coactivator, SRC-P, in a diffuse nucleocytoplasmic staining pattern. MEF2 and the cofactors, SRC-1 and SRC-3 are abundantly expressed in alveolar and embryonal RMS cells; however, the staining is not localized to the nucleus. Furthermore, the subcellular localization and transcriptional activity of MEF2C and a MEF2-dependent reporter are compromised in alveolar RMS cells. In contrast, embryonal RMS cells express SRC-2 in the nucleus, and MEF2 shuttles from the cytoplasm to the nucleus after serum withdrawal. In conclusion, this study suggests that the steroid receptor coactivator SRC-P and MEF2 are localized to the nucleus during the differentiation process. In contrast, RMS cells display aberrant transcription factor SRC localization and expression, which may underlie certain features of the RMS phenotype.