49 resultados para Mäkisalo, Jukka: Grammar and experimental evidence in Finnish compounds
K+ Channels and Membrane Potential in Endothelial Cells. The endothelium plays a vital role in the control of vascular functions, including modulation of tone; permeability and barrier properties; platelet adhesion and aggregation; and secretion of paracrine factors. Critical signaling events in many of these functions involve an increase in intracellular free Ca2+ concentration ([Ca2+](i)). This rise in [Ca2+](i) occurs via an interplay between several mechanisms, including release from intracellular stores, entry from the extracellular space through store depletion and second messenger-mediated processes, and the establishment of a favorable electrochemical gradient. The focus of this review centers on the role of potassium channels and membrane potential in the creation of a favorable electrochemical gradient for Ca2+ entry. In addition, evidence is examined for the existence of various classes of potassium channels and the possible influence of regional variation in expression and experimental conditions.
Stabilizing selection is a fundamental concept in evolutionary biology. In the presence of a single intermediate optimum phenotype (fitness peak) on the fitness surface, stabilizing selection should cause the population to evolve toward such a peak. This prediction has seldom been tested, particularly for suites of correlated traits. The lack of tests for an evolutionary match between population means and adaptive peaks may be due, at least in part, to problems associated with empirically detecting multivariate stabilizing selection and with testing whether population means are at the peak of multivariate fitness surfaces. Here we show how canonical analysis of the fitness surface, combined with the estimation of confidence regions for stationary points on quadratic response surfaces, may be used to define multivariate stabilizing selection on a suite of traits and to establish whether natural populations reside on the multivariate peak. We manufactured artificial advertisement calls of the male cricket Teleogryllus commodus and played them back to females in laboratory phonotaxis trials to estimate the linear and nonlinear sexual selection that female phonotactic choice imposes on male call structure. Significant nonlinear selection on the major axes of the fitness surface was convex in nature and displayed an intermediate optimum, indicating multivariate stabilizing selection. The mean phenotypes of four independent samples of males, from the same population as the females used in phonotaxis trials, were within the 95% confidence region for the fitness peak. These experiments indicate that stabilizing sexual selection may play an important role in the evolution of male call properties in natural populations of T. commodus.
Endothelial cell apoptosis contributes to atherosclerosis and may be exacerbated by oxidative stress. Results from clinical trials using antioxidant supplementation are equivocal and could be enhanced by antioxidants with additional non-antioxidant properties such as a-lipoic acid and alpha-tocopherol. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of these antioxidants on cytoprotective pathways and endothelial apoptosis. Endothelial cells were incubated with alpha-lipoic acid and alpha-tocopherol, alone or in combination, prior to incubation with H2O2 or staurosporine. alpha-lipoic acid pre-treatment alone increased caspase-3 activity in a dose-dependent manner. Both H2O2 and staurosporine increased DNA fragmentation and caspase-3 activity and pre-treatment of cells with a-lipoic acid and/or a-tocopherol failed to prevent stress-induced apoptosis. Neither antioxidant treatments nor apoptotic inducers alone altered expressions of BcI-2, Bax, HSP70 or pERK1/2 or pJNK. alpha-lipoic decreased pERK2 in staurosporine-treated cells in a dose-dependent manner. These findings indicate that pre-incubation with alpha-lipoic acid and alpha-tocopherol, alone or in combination, does not protect against oxidative- or non-oxidative-induced apoptosis in endothelial cells. Moreover, we have demonstrated a non-antioxidant, dose-dependent role of alpha-lipoic acid in caspase-3 and ERK2 activation. These data provide an insight and indicate caution in the use of high doses of alpha-lipoic acid as an antioxidant.
This paper presents empirical evidence suggesting that healthy humans can perform a two degree of freedom visuo-motor pursuit tracking task with the same response time delay as a one degree of freedom task. In contrast, the time delay of the response is influenced markedly by the nature of the motor synergy required to produce it. We suggest a conceptual account of this evidence based on adaptive model theory, which combines theories of intermittency from psychology and adaptive optimal control from engineering. The intermittent response planning stage has a fixed period. It possesses multiple optimal trajectory generators such that multiple degrees of freedom can be planned concurrently, without requiring an increase in the planning period. In tasks which require unfamiliar motor synergies, or are deemed to be incompatible, internal adaptive models representing movement dynamics are inaccurate. This means that the actual response which is produced will deviate from the one which is planned. For a given target-response discrepancy, corrective response trajectories of longer duration are planned, consistent with the principle of speed-accuracy trade-off. Compared to familiar or compatible tasks, this results in a longer response time delay and reduced accuracy. From the standpoint of the intermittency approach, the findings of this study help make possible a more integral and predictive account of purposive action. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The demand for palliative care is increasing, yet there are few data on the best models of care nor well-validated interventions that translate current evidence into clinical practice. Supporting multidisciplinary patient-centered palliative care while successfully conducting a large clinical trial is a challenge. The Palliative Care Trial (PCT) is a pragmatic 2 x 2 x 2 factorial cluster randomized controlled trial that tests the ability of educational outreach visiting and case conferencing to improve patient-based outcomes such as performance status and pain intensity. Four hundred sixty-one consenting patients and their general practitioners (GPs) were randomized to the following: (1) GP educational outreach visiting versus usual care, (2) Structured patient and caregiver educational outreach visiting versus usual care and (3) A coordinated palliative care model of case conferencing versus the standard model of palliative care in Adelaide, South Australia (3:1 randomization). Main outcome measures included patient functional status over time, pain intensity, and resource utilization. Participants were followed longitudinally until death or November 30, 2004. The interventions are aimed at translating current evidence into clinical practice and there was particular attention in the trial's design to addressing common pitfalls for clinical studies in palliative care. Given the need for evidence about optimal interventions and service delivery models that improve the care of people with life-limiting illness, the results of this rigorous, high quality clinical trial will inform practice. Initial results are expected in mid 2005. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Lipoamino acids (LAAs) are promoieties able to enhance the amphiphilicity of drugs, facilitating their interaction with cell membranes. Experimental and computational studies were carried out on two series of lipophilic amide conjugates between a model drug (tranylcypromine, TCP) and LAA or alkanoic acids containing a short, medium or long alkyl side chain (C-4 to C-16). The effects of these compounds were evaluated by monolayer surface tension analysis and differential scanning calorimetry using dimyristoylphosphatidylcholine nnonolayers and liposomes as biomembrane models. The experimental results were related to independent calculations to determine partition coefficient and blood-brain partitioning. The comparison of TCP-LAA conjugates with the related series of TCP alkanoyl amides confirmed that the ability to interact with the biomembrane models is not due to the mere increase of lipophilicity, but mainly to the amphipatic nature and the kind of LAA residue. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The sulfite dehydrogenase from Starkeya novella is the only known sulfite-oxidizing enzyme that forms a permanent heterodimeric complex between a molybdenum and a heme c-containing subunit and can be crystallized in an electron transfer competent conformation. Tyr236 is a highly conserved active site residue in sulfite oxidoreductases and has been shown to interact with a nearby arginine and a molybdenum-oxo ligand that is involved in catalysis. We have created a Tyr236 to Phe substitution in the SorAB sulfite dehydrogenase. The purified SDHY236F protein has been characterized in terms of activity, structure, intramolecular electron transfer, and EPR properties. The substituted protein exhibited reduced turnover rates and substrate affinity as well as an altered reactivity toward molecular oxygen as an electron acceptor. Following reduction by sulfite and unlike SDHWT, the substituted enzyme was reoxidized quickly in the presence of molecular oxygen, a process reminiscent of the reactions of the sulfite oxidases. SDHY236F also exhibited the pH-dependent CW-EPR signals that are typically observed in vertebrate sulfite oxidases, allowing a direct link of CW-EPR properties to changes caused by a single-amino acid substitution. No quantifiable electron transfer was seen in laser flash photolysis experiments with SDHY236F. The crystal structure of SDHY236F clearly shows that as a result of the substitution the hydrogen bonding network surrounding the active site is disturbed, resulting in an increased mobility of the nearby arginine. These disruptions underline the importance of Tyr236 for the integrity of the substrate binding site and the optimal alignment of Arg55, which appears to be necessary for efficient electron transfer.
Changes in heart rate (f(H)) and cloacal ventilation frequency (f(C)) were investigated in the Fitzroy turtle, Rheodytes leukops, under normoxic (17.85 kPa) and hypoxic (3.79 kPa) conditions at 25 degrees C. Given R. leukops' high reliance on aquatic respiration via the cloacal bursae, the objective Of this Study was to examine the effect of varying aquatic PO2 levels upon the expression of a bradycardia in a freely diving, bimodally respiring turtle. In normoxia, mean diving f(H) and f(C) for R. leukops remained constant with increasing submergence length, indicating that a bradycardia failed to develop during extended dives of up to 3 days. Alternatively, exposure to aquatic hypoxia resulted in the expression of a bradycardia as recorded by a decreasing mean diving f(H) with increasing dive duration. The observed bradycardia is attributed to a hypoxic-induced metabolic depression, possibly facilitated by a concurrent decrease in f(C). Results suggest that R. leukops alters its strategy from aquatic O-2 extraction via cloacal respiration in normoxia to O-2 conservation when exposed to aquatic hypoxia for the purpose of extending dive duration. Upon surfacing, a significant tachycardia was observed for R. leukops regardless of aquatic PO2, presumably functioning to rapidly equilibrate blood and tissue gas tensions with alveolar gas to reduce surfacing duration.
Perinatal mortality is very high in Bangladesh. In this setting, few community-level studies have assessed the influence of underlying maternal health factors on perinatal outcomes. We used the data from a community-based clinical controlled trial conducted between 1994 and 1997 in the catchment areas of a large MCH/FP hospital located in Mirpur, a suburban area of Dhaka in Bangladesh, to investigate the levels of perinatal mortality and its associated maternal health factors during pregnancy. A total of 2007 women were followed after recruitment up to delivery, maternal death, or until they dropped out of the study. Of these, 1584 who gave birth formed our study subjects. The stillbirth rate was 39.1 per 1000 births [95% confidence interval (CI) 39.0, 39.3] and the perinatal mortality rate (up to 3 days) was 54.3 per 1000 births [95% CI 54.0, 54.6] among the study population. In the fully adjusted logistic regression model, the risk of perinatal mortality was as high as 2.7 times [95% CI 1.5, 4.9] more likely for women with hypertensive disorders, 5.0 times [95% CI 2.3, 10.8] as high for women who had antepartum haemorrhage and 2.6 times [95% CI 1.2, 5.8] as high for women who had higher haemoglobin levels in pregnancy when compared with their counterparts. The inclusion of potential confounding variables such as poor obstetric history, sociodemographic characteristics and preterm delivery influenced only marginally the net effect of important maternal health factors associated with perinatal mortality. Perinatal mortality in the study setting was significantly associated with poor maternal health conditions during pregnancy. The results of this study point towards the urgent need for monitoring complications in high-risk pregnancies, calling for the specific components of the safe motherhood programme interventions that are designed to manage these complications of pregnancy.