260 resultados para Jones, Sian E
The macrocyclic cobalt hexaamines [Co(trans-diammac)](3+) and [Co(cis-diammac)](3+) (diammac = 6,13-dimethyl-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane-6,13-diamine) are capable of reducing the overpotential for hydrogen evolution on a mercury cathode in aqueous solution. Protons are reduced in a catalytic process involving reoxidation of the Co-II species to its parent Co-III complex. The cycle is robust at neutral pH with no decomposition of catalyst. The stability of the [Co(trans-diammac)](2+) and [Co(cis-diammac)](2+) complexes depends on the pH of the solution and the coordinating properties of the supporting electrolyte. Electrochemical studies indicate that the adsorbed Co-II complex on the surface of mercury is the active catalyst for the reduction of protons to dihydrogen.
Sodium cyanide is being used on reefs in the Asia-Pacific region to capture live fish for the aquarium industry, and to supply a rapidly growing, restaurant-based demand, The effects of cyanide on reef biota have not been fully explored. To investigate its effect on hard corals, we exposed small branch lips of Stylophora pistillata and Acropora aspera to cyanide concentrations estimated to occur during cyanide fishing. Pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) chlorophyll fluorescence techniques were used to examine photoinhibition and photosynthetic electron transport in the symbiotic algae (zooxanthellae) in the tissues of the corals, These measurements were made in situ and in real time using a recently developed submersible PAM fluorometer. In S. pistillata. exposure to cyanide resulted in an almost complete cessation in photosynthetic electron transport rate. Both species displayed marked decreases in the ratio of variable fluorescence (F-v) to maximal fluorescence (F-m) (dark-adapted F-v/F-m), following exposure to cyanide, signifying a decrease in photochemical efficiency. Dark-adapted F-v/F-m recovered to normal levels in similar to 6 d, although intense tissue discolouration, a phenomenon well-recognised as coral 'bleaching' was observed during this period, Bleaching was caused by loss of zooxanthellae from the coral tissues, a well-recognised sub-lethal stress response of corals. Using the technique of chlorophyll fluorescence quenching analysis, corals exposed to cyanide did not show light activation of Calvin cycle enzymes and developed high levels of non-photochemical quenching (q(N)), signifying the photoprotective dissipation of excess light as heat, These features are symptomatic of the known properties of cyanide as an inhibitor of enzymes of the Calvin cycle. The results of this in situ study show that an impairment of zooxanthellar photosynthesis is; the site of cyanide-mediated toxicity, and is the cue that causes corals to release their symbiotic zooxanthellac following cyanide exposure. This study demonstrates the efficacy of PBM fluorometry as a new tool for in situ stress assessment in zooxanthellate scleractinian corals. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The ultrastructure of the tegument and tegument-associated microorganisms of the gyliauchenid digenean Gyliauchen nahaensis is described by transmission and scanning electron microscopy. The tegument is devoid of surface spines and is characterized by a moderately folded apical membrane, abundant vesicles, basal mitochondria, a folded basal plasma membrane, and a thick basal matrix. Microorganisms form a dense biofilm on the tegument of the posterodorsal surface and the excretory papilla. At least 7 microbial morphotypes were identified, including eubacteria, spirochaetes, and nanobacteria.
The Fornax Spectroscopic Survey will use the Two degree Field spectrograph (2dF) of the Angle-Australian Telescope to obtain spectra for a complete sample of all 14000 objects with 16.5 less than or equal to b(j) less than or equal to 19.7 in a 12 square degree area centred on the Fornax Cluster. The aims of this project include the study of dwarf galaxies in the cluster (both known low surface brightness objects and putative normal surface brightness dwarfs) and a comparison sample of background field galaxies. We will also measure quasars and other active galaxies, any previously unrecognised compact galaxies and a large sample of Galactic stars. By selecting all objects-both stars and galaxies-independent of morphology, we cover a much larger range of surface brightness and scale size than previous surveys. In this paper we first describe the design of the survey. Our targets are selected from UK Schmidt Telescope sky survey plates digitised by the Automated Plate Measuring (APM) facility. We then describe the photometric and astrometric calibration of these data and show that the APM astrometry is accurate enough for use with the 2dF. We also describe a general approach to object identification using cross-correlations which allows us to identify and classify both stellar and galaxy spectra. We present results from the first 2dF field. Redshift distributions and velocity structures are shown for all observed objects in the direction of Fornax, including Galactic stars? galaxies in and around the Fornax Cluster, and for the background galaxy population. The velocity data for the stars show the contributions from the different Galactic components, plus a small tail to high velocities. We find no galaxies in the foreground to the cluster in our 2dF field. The Fornax Cluster is clearly defined kinematically. The mean velocity from the 26 cluster members having reliable redshifts is 1560 +/- 80 km s(-1). They show a velocity dispersion of 380 +/- 50 km s(-1). Large-scale structure can be traced behind the cluster to a redshift beyond z = 0.3. Background compact galaxies and low surface brightness galaxies are found to follow the general galaxy distribution.
A novel conotoxin belonging to the 'four-loop' structural class has been isolated from the venom of the piscivorous cone snail Conus tulipa. It was identified using a chemical-directed strategy based largely on mass spectrometric techniques. The new toxin, conotoxin TVIIA, consists of 30 amino-acid residues and contains three disulfide bonds. The amino-acid sequence was determined by Edman analysis as SCSGRDSRCOOVCCMGLMCSRGKCVSIYGE where O = 4-transl-hydroxyproline. Two under-hydroxylated analogues, [Pro10]TVIIA and [Pro10,11]TVIIA, were also identified in the venom of C. tulipa. The sequences of TVIIA and [Pro10]TVIIA were further verified by chemical synthesis and coelution studies with native material. Conotoxin TVIIA has a six cysteine/four-loop structural framework common to many peptides from Conus venoms including the omega-, delta- and kappa-conotoxins. However, TVIIA displays little sequence homology with these well-characterized pharmacological classes of peptides, but displays striking sequence homology with conotoxin GS, a peptide from Conus geographus that blocks skeletal muscle sodium channels. These new toxins and GS share several biochemical features and represent a distinct subgroup of the four-loop conotoxins.
Objective rheological assessment of fluids given to dysphagic patients at mealtime and during videofluoroscopy was carried out using a multicenter format. Thin, quarter-thick, half-thick and full-thick fluids were examined for the degree of correlation between mealtime fluids and their allegedly matched videofluoroscopy counterparts. The study was carried out to determine whether perceived subjective differences between mealtime fluids and videofluoroscopy fluids could be quantified using the rheological parameters of viscosity, density, and yield stress. The results showed poor correlation between mealtime fluids and videofluoroscopy fluids over all parameters. In general, the videofluoroscopy fluids were more viscous, more dense, and showed higher yield stress values than their mealtime counterparts. Given these results, it is reasonable to assume that the fluids used during videofluoroscopy do not provide an accurate indication of swallowing ability at mealtime. Therefore, it is suggested that clinicians use objective methods to theologically match videofluoroscopy fluids to mealtime fluids.
Authigenic carbonate minerals are ubiquitous throughout the Late Permian coal measures of the Bowen Basin, Queensland, Australia. In the northern Bowen Basin, carbonates include the following assemblages: siderite I (delta O-18(SMOW) = +11.4 to + 17%, delta C-13(PDB) = - 5.3 to + 120), Fe-Mg calcite-ankerite-siderite II mineral association (delta O-18(SMOW) = +7.2 to + 10.20, delta C-13(PDB) = 10.9 to - 1.80 for ankerite) and a later calcite (delta O-18(SMOW) = +5.9 to + 14.60, delta C-13(PDB) = -11.4 to + 4.40). In the southern Bowen Basin, the carbonate phase consists only of calcite (delta O-18(SMOW) = +12.5 to + 14.80, delta C-13(PDB) = -19.4 to + 0.80), where it occurs extensively throughout all stratigraphic levels. Siderite I occurs in mudrocks and sandstones and predates all other carbonate minerals. This carbonate phase is interpreted to have formed as an early diagenetic mineral from meteoric waters under cold climate and reducing conditions. Fe-Mg calcite-ankerite-siderite Il occur in sandstones as replacement of volcanic rock fragments. Clay minerals (illite-smectite, chlorite and kaolinite) postdate Ca-Fe-Mg carbonates, and precipitation of the later calcite is associated with clay mineral formation. The Ca-Fe-Mg carbonates and later calcite of the northern Bowen Basin are regarded as having formed as a result of hydrothermal activity during the latest Triassic extensional tectonic event which affected this part of the basin, rather than deep burial diagenesis during the Middle to Late Triassic as previously reported. This hypothesis is based on the timing relationships of the authigenic mineral phases and the low delta O-18 values of ankerite and calcite, together with radiometric dating of illitic clays and recently published regional geological evidence. Following the precipitation of the Ca-Fe-Mg carbonates from strongly O-18-depleted meteoric-hydrothermal fluids, continuing fluid circulation and water-rock interaction resulted in dissolution of these carbonate phases as well as labile fragments of volcaniclastic rocks. Subsequently, the later calcite and day minerals precipitated from relatively evolved (O-18-enriched) fluids. The nearly uniform delta O-18 values of the southern Bowen Basin calcite have been attributed to very low water/rock ratio in the system, where the fluid isotropic composition was buffered by the delta O-18 values of rocks. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
omega -Conotoxins selective for N-type calcium channels are useful in the management of severe pain. In an attempt to expand the therapeutic potential of this class, four new omega -conotoxins (CVIA-D) have been discovered in the venom of the piscivorous cone snail, Conus catus, using assay-guided fractionation and gene cloning. Compared with other omega -conotoxins, CVID has a novel loop 4 sequence and the highest selectivity for N-type over P/Q-type calcium channels in radioligand binding assays. CVIA-D also inhibited contractions of electrically stimulated rat vas deferens. In electrophysiological studies, omega -conotoxins CVID and MVIIA had similar potencies to inhibit current through central (alpha (1B-d)) and peripheral (alpha (1B-b)) splice variants of the rat N-type calcium channels when coexpressed with rat beta (3) in Xenopus oocytes, However, the potency of CVID and MVIIA increased when alpha (1B-d) and alpha (1B-b) were expressed in the absence of rat beta (3), an effect most pronounced for CVID at alpha (1B-d) (up to 540-fold) and least pronounced for MVIIA at alpha (1B-d) (3-fold). The novel selectivity of CVID may have therapeutic implications. H-1 NMR studies reveal that CMD possesses a combination of unique structural features, including two hydrogen bonds that stabilize loop 2 and place loop 2 proximal to loop 4, creating a globular surface that is rigid and well defined.
The tetraphyllidean metacestode diversity of 310 teleost fishes, including 87 species from 31 families, was examined from Heron Island, The Great Barrier Reef, Australia. Eleven metacestode 'types' were identified with the use of light microscopy. Host-specificity varied greatly among metacestode types. Incorporation of in vitro cultivation allowed generic identification for some types. Types 1 and 2 belong to Uncibilocularis Southwell, 1925, and have triloculate bothridia and one pair of Forked hooks with unequal prongs; Type 3 has quadriloculate bothridia. Hook development was insufficient to determine in which genus, Acanthobothrium van Beneden, 1849 or Calliobothrium van Beneden, 1850, this type may belong. Type 4 has unilocular bothridia with simple edges and belongs to Anthobothrium van Beneden, 1850. Type 5 has multiloculated bothridia which are invaginated within pouches. This type belongs to the Rhinebothriinae although its generic identity cannot be determined. The bothridia of Type 5 everted within 24 hours of in vitro cultivation and revealed the presence of two forms, one having 48 loculi per bothridium, the other 72 per bothridium. In vitro studies provide additional support for existing theories of onchobothriid scolex development.
We describe a population of compact objects in the centre of the Fornax Cluster which were discovered as part of our 2dF Fornax Spectroscopic Survey. These objects have spectra typical of old stellar systems, but are unresolved on photographic sky survey plates. They have absolute magnitudes - 13 < M-B
By utilizing the large multiplexing advantage of the Two-degree Field spectrograph on the Anglo-Australian Telescope, we have been able to obtain a complete spectroscopic sample of all objects in a predefined magnitude range, 16.5 < b(j) < 19.7 regardless of morphology, in an area toward the center of the Fornax Cluster of galaxies. Among the unresolved or marginally resolved targets, we have found five objects that are actually at the redshift of the Fornax Cluster; i.e., they are extremely compact dwarf galaxies or extremely large star clusters. All five have absorption-line spectra. With intrinsic sizes of less than 1.1 HWHM (corresponding to approximately 100 pc at the distance of the cluster), they are more compact and significantly less luminous than other known compact dwarf galaxies, yet much brighter than any globular cluster. In this paper we present new ground-based optical observations of these enigmatic objects. In addition to having extremely high central surface brightnesses, these objects show no evidence of any surrounding low surface brightness envelopes down to much fainter limits than is the case for, e.g., nucleated dwarf elliptical galaxies. Thus, if they are not merely the stripped remains of some other type of galaxy, then they appear to have properties unlike any previously known type of stellar system.