59 resultados para Johnstone, Patrick
A shortened version of the Interpersonal Sensitivity Measure (IPSM) developed to predict depression prone personalities was administered in a self-report questionnaire to a community-based sample of 3269 Australian twin pairs aged 18-28 years, along with Eysenck's EPQ and Cloninger's TPQ. The IPSM included four sub-scales: Separation Anxiety (SEP); Interpersonal Sensitivity (INT); Fragile Inner-Self (FIS); and Timidity (TIM). Univariate analysis revealed that individual differences in the IPSM sub-scale scores were best explained by additive genetic and specific environmental effects. Confirming previous research findings, familial aggregation for the EPQ and TPQ personality dimensions was entirely due to additive genetic effects. In the multivariate case, a model comprising additive genetic and specific environmental effects best explained the covariation between the latent factors for male and female twin pairs alike. The EPQ and TPQ dimensions accounted for moderate to large proportions of the genetic variance (40-76%) in the IPSM sub-scales, while most of the non-shared environment variance was unique to the IPSM sub-scales. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background: In large cohort studies of older children, self-report is the only practical way to assess physical activity. Assessing usual activity over the entire year is desirable, but children and adolescents may overestimate activities with high seasonal variability. Use of questionnaires in which individuals report each activity by season may improve accuracy. Methods: A total of 6782 girls and 5110 boys, aged 9–14 years in 1996, completed self-administered activity questionnaires in 1996 and in 1997. In 1996, participants reported the average time spent in each of 17 activities during the previous 12 months; in 1997, we also asked for the average time spent in the previous year, but within each of the four seasons. Results: Girls reported a median of 12.8 hours/week total activity in 1996 and 10.4 hours/week in 1997. For boys, the estimates were 15.5 hours/week and 13.4 hours/week, respectively. Girls and boys within 1-year age strata (e.g., comparison of 10-year olds in 1996 with 10-year olds in 1997) reported an average of 3.7 and 3.1 fewer hours per week, respectively, on the 1997 seasonal format versus the 1996 annual format questionnaire. In longitudinal analyses, the difference between the annual and the seasonal estimates was greater if participants did the activity in fewer seasons in 1997. Conclusions: In comparison to an annual format questionnaire, a seasonal format questionnaire may improve accuracy of self-report of physical activity by reducing over-reporting of activities in which pre-adolescents and adolescents engage in fewer seasons.
This essay analyses some of the political, economic and social challenges of East Timer's transition to independence. It scrutinizes the ethical dimensions of building peace in a territory devastated by the combined effect of Indonesia's colonial occupation and the violent militia attacks of September 1999. The most difficult task ahead does not lie in the physical rebuilding of the territory-gargantuan as it may be-but in the more intricate and long-term rehabilitation of a traumatized society. The latter involves competing Timorese factions as well as a range of international actors, including the United Nations Transitional Authority, foreign governments, business institutions and various multilateral and bilateral donors. each having their own organizational leitmotifs and policy priorities. If not managed carefully, the reconstruction process could further exacerbate existing societal tensions and complicate the starch for peace and reconciliation. The essay identifies a number of crucial components necessary to counter such risks, including the need to promote popular participation in the rebuilding process. Without the legitimacy created by strong community involvement and grassroots participation in decision making, the task of national reconstruction may well become overwhelmed by conflict.
This paper presents the experimental results on the slagging propensity of three pairs of blended coals tested in the Australian Coal Industry Research Laboratory furnace. The results showed that none of the coals or blends produced strongly molten deposit. At worst, the deposits contained some moderately sintered material. Most of the blends have (slightly) worse slagging behavior than the component coals. In order to rank the slagging propensity numerically, we defined the minimum heat flux ratio and total heat flux ratio based on the heat flux profiles. They are better in ranking the slagging propensities than other measures such as the build-up rate and visual physical characteristics. The Fe2O3/CaO molar ratio correlates the slagging propensity for five coals and six blends of this study. The worst slagging occurs when the ratio approaches 1.0. This ratio provides explanation of why the blends had worse slagging than the component coals for the pairs of blends: A-B and C-D. However, we note that there are causes of slagging other than the Fe2O3/CaO molar ratio. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
A model has been developed which enables the viscosities of coal ash slags to be predicted as a function of composition and temperature under reducing conditions. The model describes both completely liquid and heterogeneous, i.e. partly crystallised, slags in the Al2O3-CaO-'FeO'-SiO2 system in equilibrium with metallic iron. The Urbain formalism has been modified to describe the viscosities of the liquid slag phase over the complete range of compositions and a wide range of temperatures. The computer package F * A * C * T was used to predict the proportions of solids and the compositions of the remaining liquid phases. The Roscoe equation has been used to describe the effect of presence of solid suspension (slurry effect) on the viscosity of partly crystallised slag systems. The model provides a good description of the experimental data of fully liquid, and liquid + solids mixtures, over the complete range of compositions and a wide range of temperatures. This model can now be used for viscosity predictions in industrial slag systems. Examples of the application of the new model to coal ash fluxing and blending are given in the paper. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
To predict the combustion performance in pulverized coal-fired boilers, this paper examines existing indices and develops a maceral index (MI). These indices were compared with the data of 68 coals and blends in a range of the mean vitrinite reflectance from 0.25 to 1.63. The results showed that the fuel ratio and the mean vitrinite reflectance could qualitatively indicate the burnout of the coals and blends. The new MI, MI = L + V/R-2/I-1.25(HV/30)(2.5), provides a useful correlation for the burnout of the coals and blends. The correlation coefficient (I-) is 0.982 for the EER data, and 0.808 for the ACIRL data. The MI also has potential to correlate ignition and flame stability of the coals and blends. The MI predicts the burnout better than the other indices. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Several small isolates of rainforest situated on the central eastern coast of Australia are home to a rich herpetofauna, including four endemic species of leaftail geckos (Phyllurus spp.) and two skinks (Eulamprus spp.). To examine the extent and geographic pattern of historical subdivision among isolates, we assayed mtDNA variation in two species endemic to rainforests of this region (Phyllurus ossa and Eulamprus amplus) and, for comparison, a more widespread and less specialised lizard, Carlia rhomboidalis. There is a clear genetic signature of historical changes in population size and distribution in P. ossa that is consistent with Pleistocene (or earlier) rainforest contraction and subsequent expansion. Although more pronounced in the gecko, phylogeographic structure was congruent between E. amplus and P. ossa. In contrast to the saxicolous, rainforest-restricted P. ossa and E. amplus, the rainforest-generalist species, C. rhomboidalis, does not display strong geographic population structure. The differences in genetic population structure exhibited by the three species are consistent with species-specific differences in ecology.
While riparian vegetation can play a major role in protecting land, water and natural habitat in catchments, there are high costs associated with tree planting and establishment and in diverting land from cropping. The distribution of costs and benefits of riparian revegetation creates conflicts in the objectives of various stakeholder groups. Multicriteria analysis provides an appropriate tool to evaluate alternative riparian revegetation options, and to accommodate the conflicting views of various stakeholder groups. This paper discusses an application of multicriteria analysis in an evaluation of riparian revegetation policy options for Scheu Creek, a small sub-catchment in the Johnstone River catchment in north Queensland, Australia. Clear differences are found in the rankings of revegetation options for different stakeholder groups with respect to environmental, social and economic impacts. Implementation of a revegetation option will involve considerable cost for landholders for the benefits of society. Queensland legislation does not provide a means to require farmers to implement riparian revegetation, hence the need for subsidies, tau incentives and moral suasion. (C) 2001 Academic Press.