32 resultados para Java applets


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Large numbers of adults of certain species of butterfly flying in an apparently 'purposeful' manner are often noted by entomologists and the general public. Occasionally, these are recorded in the literature. Using these records we summarise information regarding the direction of movement in Australian butterflies and test whether there are consistent patterns that could account for known seasonal shifts in geographical range. The data were analysed using contingency tables and directionality statistics. Vanessa itea, Vanessa kershawi, Danaus plexippus, Danaus chrysippus and Badamia exclamationis flew predominately south in the spring-summer and north in the autumn-winter. Tirumala hamata has a strong southern component to its flight in spring but, as in Euploea core, appears non-directional in the autumn. For many supposedly known migratory species, the number of literature records are few, particularly in one season (mainly autumn). Thus, for Appias paulina, four of seven records were south in the spring-summer, as were six of nine records for Catopsilia pomona, and three of five for Zizina labradus. For Belenois java, flight records were only available for the spring and these showed geographical differences; predominantly north-west in northern Australia (Queensland) and south-west in southern Australia (Victoria, New South Wales). There were too few records for Papilio demoleus in the literature (four only) to draw any conclusions. Major exceptions to the seasonal trend of south in the spring and north in the autumn were Junonia villida, which showed a predominant north-westward direction in both seasons, and Eurema smilax, with a predominant southern or western flight in both seasons. We discuss these species specific trends in migration direction in relation to seasonal shifts in suitable habitat conditions, possible cues used in orientation and in timing changes in direction.


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A proportion of melanoma,prone individuals in both familial and non,familial contexts has been shown to carry inactivating mutations in either CDKN2A or, rarely, CDK4. CDKN2A is a complex locus that encodes two unrelated proteins from alternately spliced transcripts that are read in different frames. The alpha transcript (exons 1a, 2, and 3) produces the p16INK4A cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor, while the beta transcript (exons 1beta and 2) is translated as p14ARF, a stabilizing factor of p53 levels through binding to MDM2. Mutations in exon 2 can impair both polypeptides and insertions and deletions in exons 1alpha, 1beta, and 2, which can theoretically generate p16INK4A,p14ARF fusion proteins. No online database currently takes into account all the consequences of these genotypes, a situation compounded by some problematic previous annotations of CDKN2A related sequences and descriptions of their mutations. As an initiative of the international Melanoma Genetics Consortium, we have therefore established a database of germline variants observed in all loci implicated in familial melanoma susceptibility. Such a comprehensive, publicly accessible database is an essential foundation for research on melanoma susceptibility and its clinical application. Our database serves two types of data as defined by HUGO. The core dataset includes the nucleotide variants on the genomic and transcript levels, amino acid variants, and citation. The ancillary dataset includes keyword description of events at the transcription and translation levels and epidemiological data. The application that handles users' queries was designed in the model,view. controller architecture and was implemented in Java. The object-relational database schema was deduced using functional dependency analysis. We hereby present our first functional prototype of eMelanoBase. The service is accessible via the URL www.wmi.usyd.e, du.au:8080/melanoma.html.