107 resultados para Ipsilateral Motor Cortex


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Chronic alcohol misuse leads to both widespread and localized damage in human cerebral cortex. The latter, as neuronal loss, is marked in superior frontal cortex (SFC) but milder in primary motor cortex (PMC) and elsewhere. Quantitative morphometry by Harper et al showed that neuronal loss is greater in alcoholics with comorbidity (Wernicke Korsakoff syndrome, liver cirrhosis). Previous work revealed a paradox: the marked differences in GABAA receptor density, pharmacology, and expression between alcoholics without cormorbidity and controls are muted or absent in cirrhotic alcoholics. This concurs with work by the Butterworth group on hepatic encephalopathy cases — most of whom had an alcoholic ætiology — who show only minor differences from controls. Glutamate receptor differences are muted in many autopsy studies, though we have evidence that NMDA site pharmacology may vary in cirrhotic alcoholics. Here we used Real-Time PCR normalized to GAPDH deltaCT to quantify NMDA NR1, NR2A and NR2B subunit expression in SFC and PMC samples obtained at autopsy from alcoholics with and without comorbid cirrhosis and matched controls. Overall subunit transcript expression was signifi cantly lower in alcoholic cirrhotics than in either of the other groups (F2,42 = 12.942, P < 0.001). The effect was most marked for the NR1 subunit; males differed from females, particularly in SFC. The data suggest that if excitotoxicity mediates neuronal loss in SFC, it may be implemented differently: passively in uncomplicated alcoholics, by altered GABAergic transmission; actively in cirrhotic alcoholics, by altered glutamatergic transmission. We also subdivided cases on a panel of genetic markers. Different genotypes interacted with NMDA and GABAA pharmacology and expression. Cirrhotic and uncomplicated alcoholics may differ pathogenically because of inherent characteristics in addition to possible neurotoxic sequelæ to the liver damage.


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Long-term alcohol abuse by human subjects leads to selective brain damage that is restricted in extent and variable in severity. Within the cerebral cortex, neuronal loss is most marked in the superior frontal cortex and relatively mild in motor cortex. Cirrhotic alcoholics and subjects with alcohol-related Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome show more severe and more extensive damage than do uncomplicated cases. Accumulating evidence suggests that the likelihood of developing alcohol dependency is associated with one or more genetic markers. In previous work we showed that GABAA receptor functionality, and the subunit isoform expression that underlies this, differed in region- and disease-specific ways between alcoholics and controls. By contrast, glutamate receptor (NMDA, KA, AMPA) differences were muted or absent. Here we asked if genotype differentiated the form, pharmacology, or expression of glutamate and GABA receptors in pathologically vulnerable and spared cortical regions, with a view to determining whether such subject factors might influence the severity of alcohol-induced brain damage. Cerebrocortical tissue was obtained at autopsy under informed, written consent from uncomplicated and alcoholic-cirrhotic Caucasian (predominantly Anglo-Celtic) cases, together with matched controls and cases with cirrhosis of non-alcoholic origin. All subjects had pathological confirmation of liver and brain diagnosis; none had been polydrug abusers. Samples were processed for synaptic membrane receptor binding, mRNA analysis by quantitative RT-PCR, and protein analysis by Western blot. Genotyping was performed by PCR methods, in the main using published primers. Several genetic markers differentiated between our alcoholic and control subjects, including the GABAA receptor 2 subunit (GABB2) gene ( 2 (3) 10.329, P 0.01), the dopamine D2 receptor B1 (DRD2B) allele ( 2 (3) 10.109, P 0.01) and a subset of the alcohol dehydrogenase-3 (ADH3) alleles ( 2 (2) 4.730, P 0.05). Although neither the type-2 glutamate transporter (EAAT2) nor the serotonin transporter (5HTT) genes were significantly associated with alcoholism, only EAAT2 heterozygotes showed a significant association between ADH3 genotype and alcoholism ( 2 (3) 7.475, P 0.05). Other interactions between genotypes were also observed. DRD2A, DRD2B, GABB2, EAAT2 and 5HTT genotypes did not divide alcoholic cases and controls on NMDA receptor parameters, although in combined subjects there was a significant DRD2B X Area Interaction with glutamateNMDA receptor efficacy (F(1,57) 4.67; P 0.05), measured as the extent of glutamate-enhanced MK801 binding. In contrast, there was a significant Case-group X ADH3 X Area Interaction with glutamateNMDA receptor efficacy (F(3,57) 2.97; P 0.05). When GABAA receptor subunit isoform expression was examined, significant Case-group X Genotype X Area X Isoform interactions were found for EAAT2 with subunit mRNA (F(1,37) 4.22; P0.05), for GABB2 with isoform protein (F(1,37) 5.69; P 0.05), and for DRD2B with isoform protein (F(2,34)5.69; P0.05). The results suggest that subjects’ genetic makeup may modulate the effectiveness of amino acid-mediated transmission in different cortical regions, and thereby influence neuronal vulnerability to excitotoxicity.


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The superior frontal cortex (SFC) is selectively damaged in chronic alcohol abuse, with localized neuronal loss and tissue atrophy. Regions such as motor cortex show little neuronal loss except in severe co-morbidity (liver cirrhosis or WKS). Altered gene expression was found in microarray comparisons of alcoholic and control SFC samples [1]. We used Western blots and proteomic analysis to identify the proteins that also show differential expression. Tissue was obtained at autopsy under informed, written consent from uncomplicated alcoholics and age- and sex-matched controls. Alcoholics had consumed 80 g ethanol/day chronically (often, 200 g/day for 20 y). Controls either abstained or were social drinkers ( 20 g/day). All subjects had pathological confirmation of liver and brain diagnosis; none had been polydrug abusers. Samples were homogenized in water and clarified by brief centrifugation (1000g, 3 min) before storage at –80°C. For proteomics the thawed suspensions were centrifuged (15000g, 50 min) to prepare soluble fractions. Aliquots were pooled from SFC samples from the 5 chronic alcoholics and 5 matched controls used in the previous microarray study [1]. 2-Dimensional electrophoresis was performed in triplicate using 18 cm format pH 4–7 and pH 6–11 immobilized pH gradients for firstdimension isoelectric focusing. Following second-dimension SDS-PAGE the proteins were fluorescently stained and the images collected by densitometry. 182 proteins differed by 2-fold between cases and controls. 141 showed lower expression in alcoholics, 33 higher, and 8 were new or had disappeared. To date 63 proteins have been identified using MALDI-MS and MS-MS. Western blots were performed on uncentrifuged individual samples from 76 subjects (controls, uncomplicated alcoholics and cirrhotic alcoholics). A common standard was run on every gel. After transfer, immunolabeling, and densitometry, the intensities of the unknown bands were compared to those of the standards. We focused on proteins from transcripts that showed clear differences in a series of microarray studies, classified into common sets including Regulators of G-protein Signaling and Myelin-associated proteins. The preponderantly lower level of differentially expressed proteins in alcoholics parallels the microarray mRNA analysis in the same samples. We found that mRNA and protein expression do not frequently correspond; this may help identify pathogenic processes acting at the level of transcription, translation, or post-translationally.


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Chronic alcoholism leads to localized brain damage, which is prominent in superior frontal cortex but mild in motor cortex. The likelihood of developing alcohol dependence is associated with genetic markers. GABA-A receptor expression differs between alcoholics and controls, whereas glutamate receptor differences are muted. We determined whether genotype differentiated the localized expression of glutamate N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) and GABA-A receptors to influence the severity of alcohol-induced brain damage. Cerebral cortex tissue was obtained at autopsy from alcoholics without disease comorbid with alcoholics, alcoholics with cirrhosis, and matched controls. DRD2A, DRD2B, GABRB2, SLC1A2, and 5HTT genotypes did not divide alcoholic cases and controls on NMDA receptor parameters. In contrast, a specific alcohol dehydrogenase (ADHIC) genotype interacted significantly with NMDA efficacy and affinity in a region-specific manner SLC1A2 (glutamate transporter-2) genotype interacted significantly with local GABAA receptor b subunit mRNA expression, and ADHIC, DRD2B, SLC1A2, and APOE genotypes with b subunit isoform protein expression. In the latter instance, possession of the alcoholism- associated allele altered b isoform protein expression patterns toward a less-efficacious form of the GABA-A receptor in the pathologically vulnerable region. GABRB2 and GRIN2B (NMDA receptor 2B subunit} Genotypes were associated with significant regional difference in the pattern of b subunit protein isoform expression, but this was not influenced by alcoholism status. Genotype may modulate amino acid transmission locally so as to mediate neuronal vulnerability. This has implications for the effectiveness of pharmacological interventions aimed at ameliorating brain damage and, possibly, dependence.


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Alcoholism results in changes in the human brain which reinforce the cycle of craving and dependency, and these changes are manifest in the pattern of expression of mRNA and proteins in key cells and brain areas. Long-term alcohol abuse also results in damage to selected regions of the cortex. We have used cDNA microarrays to show that less than 1% of mRNA transcripts differ signifi cantly between cases and controls in the susceptible area and that the expression profi le of a subset of these transcripts is suffi cient to distinguish alcohol abusers from controls. In addition, we have utilized a 2D gel proteomics based approach to determine the identity of proteins in the superior frontal cortex (SFC) of the human brain that show differential expression in controls and long term alcohol abusers. Overall, 182 proteins differed by the criterion of > 2-fold between case and control samples. Of these, 139 showed signifi cantly lower expression in alcoholics, 35 showed signifi cantly higher expression, and 8 were new or had disappeared. To date 63 proteins have been identifi ed. The expression of one family of proteins, the synucleins, has been further characterized using Real Time PCR and Western Blotting. The expression of alpha-synuclein mRNA was signifi cantly lower in the SFC of alcoholics compared with the same area in controls (P = 0.01) whereas no such difference in expression was found in the motor cortex. The expression of beta- and gamma- synuclein were not signifi cantly different between alcoholics and controls. In contrast, the pattern of alphasynuclein protein expression differs from that of the corresponding RNA transcript. Because of the key role of synaptic proteins in the pathogenesis of alcoholism, we are developing 2-D DIGE based techniques to quantify expression changes in synaptosomes prepared from the SFC of controls and alcoholics.


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Serotonin can modulate the activity of neural reward pathways that are strongly implicated in mediating the effects of chronic alcohol misuse, and its treatment, in human subjects. In previous work and as discussed elsewhere at this meeting, we and others have found consistent differences in the parameters of GABA and glutamate receptors, and the expression of their component subunit transcripts and proteins, in areas of the alcoholic brain that are altered by alcoholism. We did not fi nd clear changes in GABA and glutamate transport function in such samples, but a series of microarray analyses showed consistent upregulation of the presynaptic GABA/betaine transporter SLC6A12. Microarray studies showed no signifi cant differences in the expression of transcripts associated with 5HT transmission; however, only a small number of such elements were present on the arrays. Here we partitioned GABAA and NMDA pharmacology, and subunit mRNA and protein expression, measured in samples of frontal and motor cortex obtained at autopsy from alcoholics without comorbid disease, alcoholics with liver cirrhosis, and controls, according to 5HTTLPR (SLC6A4) and 5HT1B (HTR1B) polymorphisms. We found no effect of these genotypes on the expression of GABAA receptor gene products, but there was a signifi cant mRNA Transcript X Area X Group X 5HTTLPR Interaction with NMDA subunit isoform expression measured by Real Time PCR with GAPDH normalization. Further analysis showed the effect to be selective for alcoholics with cirrhosis, to be most marked in the pathologically vulnerable frontal cortex, and to vary with subunit transcript (F2,76 = 6.545, P = 0.002). NR1 expression was most affected, followed by NR2A, with NR2B expression least altered. Pilot data suggest 5HT1B genotype may also modulate NMDA subunit expression. Interactions between amino acid and serotonin transmission may infl uence susceptibility to alcohol dependence or pathogenesis


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Recent studies have revealed regional variation in the density and distribution of inhibitory neurons in different cortical areas, which are thought to reflect area-specific specializations in cortical circuitry. However, there are as yet few standardized quantitative data regarding how the inhibitory circuitry in prefrontal cortex (PFC), which is thought to be involved in executive functions such as cognition, emotion and decision making, compares to that in other cortical areas. Here we used immunohistochemical techniques to determine the density and distribution of parvalbumin (PV)-, calbindin (CB)-, and calretinin (CR)-immunoreactive (ir) neurons and axon terminals in the dorsolateral and orbital PFC of the owl monkey (Aotus trivirgatus), and compared them directly with data obtained using the same techniques in 11 different visual, somatosensory and motor areas. We found marked differences in the density of PV-ir, CB-ir, and CR-ir interneurons in several cortical areas. One hundred and twenty eight of all 234 possible between-area pairwise comparisons were significantly different. The density of specific subpopulations of these cells also varied among cortical areas, as did the density of axon terminals. Comparison of PFC with other cortical areas revealed that 40 of all 66 possible statistical comparisons of the density of PV-ir, CB-ir, and CR-ir cells were significantly different. We also found evidence for heterogeneity in the pattern of labeling of PV-ir, CB-ir, and CR-ir cells and axon terminals between the dorsolateral and orbital subdivisions of PFC. These data are likely to reflect basic differences in interneuron circuitry, which are likely to influence inhibitory function in the cortex. Copyright (C) 2003 S. Karger AG, Basel.


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Objective: Recent evidence suggests that cortical activity associated with voluntary movement is relatively shifted from medial to lateral premotor areas in Parkinson's disease. This shift occurs bilaterally even for unilateral responses. It is not clear whether the shift in processing reflects an overall change in movement strategy, thereby involving alternate cortical areas, or reflects a compensatory change whereby, given the appropriate conditions, less impaired cortical areas are able to provide a similar function in compensation for those areas which are more impaired. This issue was examined in patients with hemi-Parkinson's disease, in whom basal ganglia impairment is most pronounced in one hemisphere. Methods: Fourteen patients with hemi-Parkinson's disease and 15 age-matched control subjects performed a Go/NoGo finger movement task and the contingent negative variation (CNV) was recorded from 21 scalp positions. Results and conclusions: Maximal CNV amplitudes were found over central medial regions for control subjects, but were shifted more frontally for Parkinson's disease patients, reduced in amplitude over the midline and lateralized towards the side ipsilateral to the greatest basal ganglia impairment. This shift in cortical activity from medial to lateral areas in Parkinson's disease patients appears to reflect a compensatory mechanism operating predominantly on the side of greatest basal ganglia impairment. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Changes in trunk muscle recruitment have been identified in people with low-back pain (LBP). These differences may be due to changes in the planning of the motor response or due to delayed transmission of the descending motor command in the nervous system. These two possibilities were investigated by comparison of the effect of task complexity on the feedforward postural response of the trunk muscles associated with rapid arm movement in people with and without LBP. Task complexity was increased by variation of the expectation for a command to either abduct or flex the upper limb. The onsets of electromyographic activity (EMG) of the abdominal and deltoid muscles were measured. In control subjects, while the reaction time of deltoid and the superficial abdominal muscles increased with task complexity, the reaction time of transversus abdominis (TrA) was constant. However, in subjects with LBP, the reaction time of TrA increased along with the other muscles as task complexity was increased. While inhibition of the descending motor command cannot be excluded, it is more likely that the change in recruitment M of TrA represents a more complex change in organisation of the postural response.


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The Eph family of receptor tyrosine kinases and their ligands, the ephrins, are important regulators of axon guidance and cell migration in the developing nervous system. Inactivation of the EphA4 gene results in axon guidance defects of the corticospinal tract, a major descending motor pathway that originates in the cortex and terminates at all levels of the spinal cord. In this investigation, we report that although the initial development of the corticospinal projection is normal through the cortex, internal capsule, cerebral peduncle, and medulla in the brain of EphA4 deficient animals, corticospinal axons exhibit gross abnormalities when they enter the gray matter of the spinal cord. Notably, many corticospinal axons fail to remain confined to one side of the spinal cord during development and instead, aberrantly project across the midline, terminating ipsilateral to their cells of origin. Given the possible repulsive interactions between EphA4 and one of its ligands, ephrinB3, this defect could be consistent with a loss of responsiveness by corticospinal axons to ephrinB3 that is expressed at the spinal cord midline. Furthermore, we show that EphA4 deficient animals exhibit ventral displacement of the mature corticospinal termination pattern, suggesting that developing corticospinal axons, which may also express ephrinB3, fail to be repelled from areas of high EphA4 expression in the intermediate zone of the normal spinal cord. Taken together, these results suggest that the dual expression of EphA4 on corticospinal axons and also within the surrounding gray matter is very important for the correct development and termination of the corticospinal projection within the spinal cord. J. Comp. Neurol. 436: 248-262, 2001. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Arguably the most complex conical functions are seated in human cognition, the how and why of which have been debated for centuries by theologians, philosophers and scientists alike. In his best-selling book, An Astonishing Hypothesis: A Scientific Search for the Soul, Francis Crick refined the view that these qualities are determined solely by cortical cells and circuitry. Put simply, cognition is nothing more, or less, than a biological function. Accepting this to be the case, it should be possible to identify the mechanisms that subserve cognitive processing. Since the pioneering studies of Lorent de No and Hebb, and the more recent studies of Fuster, Miller and Goldman-Rakic, to mention but a few, much attention has been focused on the role of persistent neural activity in cognitive processes. Application of modern technologies and modelling techniques has led to new hypotheses about the mechanisms of persistent activity. Here I focus on how regional variations in the pyramidal cell phenotype may determine the complexity of cortical circuitry and, in turn, influence neural activity. Data obtained from thousands of individually injected pyramidal cells in sensory, motor, association and executive cortex reveal marked differences in the numbers of putative excitatory inputs received by these cells. Pyramidal cells in prefrontal cortex have, on average, up to 23 times more dendritic spines than those in the primary visual area. I propose that without these specializations in the structure of pyramidal cells, and the circuits they form, human cognitive processing would not have evolved to its present state. I also present data from both New World and Old World monkeys that show varying degrees of complexity in the pyramidal cell phenotype in their prefrontal cortices, suggesting that cortical circuitry and, thus, cognitive styles are evolving independently in different species.


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Recent studies have revealed a marked degree of variation in the pyramidal cell phenotype in visual, somatosensory, motor and prefrontal cortical areas in the brain of different primates, which are believed to subserve specialized cortical function. In the present study we carried out comparisons of dendritic structure of layer III pyramidal cells in the anterior and posterior cingulate cortex and compared their structure with those sampled from inferotemporal cortex (IT) and the primary visual area (V1) in macaque monkeys. Cells were injected with Lucifer Yellow in flat-mounted cortical slices, and processed for a light-stable DAB reaction product. Size, branching pattern, and spine density of basal dendritic arbors was determined, and somal areas measured. We found that pyramidal cells in anterior cingulate cortex were more branched and more spinous than those in posterior cingulate cortex, and cells in both anterior and posterior cingulate were considerably larger, more branched, and more spinous than those in area V1. These data show that pyramidal cell structure differs between posterior dysgranular and anterior granular cingulate cortex, and that pyramidal neurons in cingulate cortex have different structure to those in many other cortical areas. These results provide further evidence for a parallel between structural and functional specialization in cortex.


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The medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) has been strongly implicated in control of the paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus (PVN) response to stress. Because of the paucity of direct projections from the mPFC to the PVN, we sought to investigate possible brain regions that might act as a relay between the two during psychological stress. Bilateral ibotenic acid lesions of the rat mPFC enhanced the number of Fos-immunoreactive cells seen in the PVN after exposure to the psychological stressor, air puff. Altered neuronal recruitment was seen in only one of the candidate relay populations examined, the ventral bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (vBNST). Furthermore, bilateral ibotenic acid lesions of the BNST caused a significant attenuation of the PVN response to air puff. To better characterize the structural relationships between the mPFC and PVN, retrograde tracing studies were conducted examining Fos expression in cells retrogradely labeled with cholera toxin b subunit (CTb) from the PVN and the BNST. Results obtained were consistent with an important role for both the mPFC and BNST in the mpPVN CRF cell response to air puff. We suggest a set of connections whereby a direct PVN projection from the ipsilateral vBNST is involved in the mpPVN response to air puff and this may, in turn, be modulated by an indirect projection from the mPFC to the BNST. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Based on the observation that bimanual finger tapping movements tend toward mirror symmetry with respect to the body midline, despite the synchronous activation of non-homologous muscles, F. Mechsner, D. Kerzel, G. Knoblich, and W. Prinz (2001) [Perceptual basis of bimanual coordination. Nature, 414, 69-73] suggested that the basis of rhythmic coordination is purely spatial/perceptual in nature, and independent of the neuro-anatomical constraints of the motor system. To investigate this issue further, we employed a four finger tapping task similar to that used by F. Mechsner and G. Knoblich (2004) [Do muscle matter in bimanual coordination? Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 30, 490-503] in which six male participants were required to alternately tap combinations of adjacent pairs of index (1), middle (M) and ring (R) fingers of each hand in time with an auditory metronome. The metronome pace increased continuously from 1 Hz to 3 Hz over the course of a 30-s trial. Each participant performed three blocks of trials in which finger combination for each hand (IM or MR) and mode of coordination (mirror or parallel) were presented in random order. Within each block, the right hand was placed in one of three orientations; prone, neutral and supine. The order of blocks was counterbalanced across the six participants. The left hand maintained a prone position throughout the experiment. On the basis of discrete relative phase analyses between synchronised taps, the time at which the initial mode of coordination was lost was determined for each trial. When the right hand was prone, transitions occurred only from parallel symmetry to mirror symmetry, regardless of finger combination. In contrast, when the right hand was supine, transitions occurred only from mirror symmetry to parallel but no transitions were observed in the opposite direction. In the right hand neutral condition, mirror and parallel symmetry are insufficient to describe the modes of coordination since the hands are oriented orthogonally. When defined anatomically, however, the results in each of the three right hand orientations are consistent. That is, synchronisation of finger tapping is deter-mined by a hierarchy of control of individual fingers based on their intrinsic neuro-mechanical properties rather than on the basis of their spatial orientation. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.