64 resultados para Intellectual property disputes
This volume includes numerous introductory chapters on the basic concepts and practice of prokaryotic taxonomy in addition to detailed descriptions of the Archaea, phototrophic bacteria and some very deep bacterial phyla. Introductory chapters include the topics of classification of prokaryotes, the concept of bacterial speciation, numerical and polyphasic taxonomy, bacterial nomenclature and the etymology of prokaryotic names, nucleic acid probes and their application in environmental microbiology, culture collections, and the intellectual property of prokaryotes. The first Road Map to the prokaryotes is included as well as an overview of the phylogenetic backbone and taxonomic framework for prokaryotic systematics.
Decision In the Matter of Gray highlights complications that advancing medical technology causes to the law - case concerns the issue of removal of semen from a deceased man - how the courts deal with matters concerning medical technology in the absence of specific legislation or established case law - legal and moral questions raised by the case.
Challenges posed to copyright law in the digital age is most evident in A and M Records Inc v Napster Inc - the various court rulings indicate that Napster is likely to be held responsible for massive copyright infringement should the case come to a full trial - implications for Australian copyright law, the recording industry and individual artists - globalisation may hinder the ability of the recording industry to prevent mass copyright infringement.