61 resultados para Incommensurability of reasons to believe
To investigate the efficiency of encapsidation of plasmid by papillomavirus virus-like particles (PV VLPs), and the infectivity of the resultant PV pseudovirions, Cos-1 cells were transfected with an 8-kb plasmid incorporating a green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporter gene (pGSV), and infected with bovine PV (BPV-1) L1/L2 recombinant vaccinia virus to produce BPV1 pseudovirions. Approximately 1 in 1.5x10(4) of dense (1.35 g/ml) PV pseudovirions and 0.3 in 10(4) Of less-dense (1.29 g/ml) pseudovirions packaged an intact pGSV plasmid. The majority (>75%) of packaged plasmids contained deletions, and the deletions affected all tested genes. After exposure of Cos-1 cells to BPV-1 pseudovirions at an MOI of 40,000:1, 6% of cells expressed GFP giving a calculated efficiency of delivery of the pGSV plasmid, by pseudovirions which had packaged an intact plasmid, of approximately 5%. Plasmid delivery was not effected by purified pGSV plasmid, was blocked by antiserum against BPV-1, and was not blocked by DNase treatment of pseudovirions, confirming that delivery was mediated by DNA within the pseudovirion. We conclude that a major limitation to the use of PV pseudovirions as a gene delivery system is that intact plasmid DNA is not efficiently selected for packaging by VLPs in cell-based pseudovirions production systems.
This study investigated the impact of media coverage of a health issue (skin cancer) on judgements of risk to self and others and the role of related communication processes. Consistent with predictions derived from the impersonal impact hypothesis, the effects of mass communication were more evident in perceptions of risk to others rather than in perceptions of personal risk. Perceptions of personal risk were more strongly correlated with interpersonal communication. However, as suggested by media system dependency theory, the relationship between mass communication and beliefs was complex. The impact of mass communication on both personal and impersonal perceptions was bound to be moderated by self-reported dependence on mass mediated information. The effect of this two-way interaction 071 perceptions of personal risk was partially mediated through interpersonal communication. Results point to the interdependence of mass and interpersonal communication as sources of social influence and the role of media dependency in shaping media impact.
The reactions of sodium benzoate with a series of trimesylates derived from glucosamine have been examined in an attempt to gain facile access to galactosamine analogues. Trimesylate 17, in which the amino group was protected as a phthalimide, underwent double displacement at positions 4 and 6 to give the dibenzoate 18 with the desired galactosamine configuration. In contrast, trimesylates 21 and 27, in which the amino groups were protected as acetamides, unexpectedly underwent double displacement at positions 3 and 6, giving products 22 and 28, respectively, with allosamine configurations.
The aim of this study was to determine the extent to which adults with Down syndrome (DS) are able to utilise advance information to prepare reach to grasp movements. The study comprised ten adults with DS; ten children matched to an individual in the group with DS on the basis of their intellectual ability, and twelve adult controls. The participants used their right hand to reach out and grasp illuminated perspex blocks. Four target blocks were positioned on a table surface, two to each side of the midsagittal plane. In the complete precue condition, participants were provided with information specifying the location of the target. In the partial precue condition, participants were given advance information indicating the location of the object relative to the midsagittal plane (left or right). In the null condition, advance information concerning the position of the target object was entirely ambiguous. It was found that both reaction times and movement times were greater for the participants with DS than for the adults without DS. The reaction times exhibited by individuals with DS in the complete precue condition were lower than those observed in the null condition, indicating that they had utilised advance information to prepare their movements. In the group with DS, when advance information specified only the location of the target object relative to the midline, reaction times were equivalent to those obtained when ambiguous information was given. In contrast, the adults without DS exhibited reaction times that were lower in both the complete and partial precue conditions when compared to the null condition. The pattern of results exhibited by the children was similar to that of the adults without DS. The movement times exhibited by all groups were not influenced by the precue condition. In summary, our findings indicate that individuals with DS are able to use advance information if it specifies precisely the location of the target object in order to prepare a reach to grasp movement. The group with DS were unable, however, to obtain the normal advantage of advance information specifying only one dimension of the movement goal (i.e., the position of an object relative to the body midline). (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Drosophila slit is a secreted protein involved in midline patterning. Three vertebrate orthologs of the fly slit gene, Slit1, 2, and 3, have been isolated. Each displays overlapping, but distinct, patterns of expression in the developing vertebrate central nervous system, implying conservation of function. However, vertebrate Slit genes are also expressed in nonneuronal tissues where their cellular locations and functions are unknown. In this study, we characterized the cellular distribution and processing of mammalian Slit3 gene product, the least evolutionarily conserved of the vertebrate Slit genes, in kidney epithelial cells, using both cellular fractionation and immunolabeling. Slit3, but not Slit2, was predominantly localized within the mitochondria. This localization was confirmed using immunoelectron microscopy in cell lines and in mouse kidney proximal tubule cells. In confluent epithelial monolayers, Slit3 was also transported to the cell surface. However, we found no evidence of Slit3 proteolytic processing similar to that seen for Slit2. We demonstrated that Slit3 contains an NH2-terminal mitochondrial localization signal that can direct a reporter green fluorescent protein to the mitochondria. The equivalent region from Slit1 cannot elicit mitochondrial targeting. We conclude that Slit3 protein is targeted to and localized at two distinct sites within epithelial cells: the mitochondria, and then, in more confluent cells, the cell surface. Targeting to both locations is driven by specific NH2-terminal sequences. This is the first examination of Slit protein localization in nonneuronal cells, and this study implies that Slit3 has potentially unique functions not shared by other Slit proteins.
Aims Previous studies suggest that estimated creatinine clearance, the conventional measure of renal function, does not adequately reflect charges in renal drug handling in some patients, including the immunosuppressed. The aim of this study was to develop and validate a cocktail of markers. to be given in a single administration, capable of detecting alterations in the renal elimination pathways of glomerular filtration, tubular secretion and tubular reabsorption. Methods Healthy male subjects (n = 12) received intravenously infused 2500 mg sinistrin (glomerular filtration) and 440 mg p-aminohippuric acid (PAH; anion secretion), and orally administered 100 mg fluconazole (reabsorption) and 15 mg rac-pindolol (cation secretion). The potential interaction between these markers was investigated in a pharmacokinetic study where markers (M) or fluconazole (F) were administered alone or together (M + F). Validated analytical methods were used to measure plasma and urine concentrations in order to quantify the renal handling of each marker. Plasma protein binding of fluconazole was measured by ultrafiltration. All subjects had an estimated creatinine clearance within the normal range. The renal clearance of each marker (Mean +/- s.d.) was calculated as the ratio of the amount excreted in urine and thearea-under-the-concentration-time curve. Statistical comparisons were made using a paired t-test and 95% confidence intervals were reported. Results The renal clearances of sinistrin (M: 119 +/- 31 ml min(-1); M + F: 130 +/- 40 ml min(-1); P = 0.32), PAH (M: 469 +/- 145 ml min(-1); M + F: 467 +/- 146 ml min(-1); P = 0.95), R-pindolol (M: 204 +/- 41 ml min(-1); M + F: 190 +/- 41 ml min(-1); P = 0.39; n = 11), S-pindolol (M: 225 +/- 55 ml min(-1); M + F: 209 +/- 60 ml min(-1); P = 0.27; n = 11) and fluconazole (F: 14.9 +/-3.8 ml min(-1); M + F: 13.6 +/- 3.4 ml min(-1); P = 0.16) were similar when the markers or fluconazole were administered alone (M or F) or as a cocktail (M + F). Conclusions This study found no interaction between markers and fluconazole in healthy male subjects, suggesting that a single administration of this cocktail of markers of different renal processes call be used to simultaneously investigate pathways of renal drug elimination.
The effects of the mode of exposure of second instar Colorado potato beetles to Beauveria bassiana on conidia acquisition and resulting mortality were investigated in laboratory studies. Larvae sprayed directly with a B, bassiana condial suspension, larvae exposed to B, bassiana-treated foliage, and larvae both sprayed and exposed to treated foliage experienced 76, 34, and 77% mortality, respectively. The total number of conidia and the proportion of germinating conidia were measured over time for four sections of the insect body: the ventral surface of the head (consisting mostly of ventral mouth parts), the ventral abdominal surface, the dorsal abdominal surface, and the legs. From observations at 24 and 36 h posttreatment, mean totals of 161.1 conidia per insect were found on sprayed larvae, 256.1 conidia on larvae exposed only to treated foliage, and 408.3 conidia on larvae both sprayed and exposed to treated foliage, On sprayed larvae, the majority of conidia were found on the dorsal abdominal surface, whereas conidia were predominantly found in the ventral abdominal surface and mouth parts on larvae exposed to treated foliage, Between 24 and 36 h postinoculation the percentage of conidia germinating on sprayed larvae increased slightly from 80 to 84%), On the treated foliage, the percentage of germinated conidia on larvae increased from 35% at 24 h to 50% at 36 h posttreatment, Conidia germination on sprayed larvae on treated foliage was 65% at 24 h and 75% at 36 h posttreatment, It is likely that the gradual acquisition of conidia derived from the continuous exposure to B. bassiana inoculum on the foliar surface was responsible for the increase in germination over time on larvae exposed to treated foliage, The density and germination of conidia were observed 0, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20, and 24 h after being sprayed with or dipped in conidia suspensions or exposing insects to contaminated foliage, Conidia germinated twice as fast on sprayed insects as with any other treatment within the first 12 h, This faster germination may be due to the pressure of the sprayer enhancing conidial lodging on cuticular surfaces. (C) 2001 Academic Press.
Paget disease of bone (PDB) is characterized by increased osteoclast activity and localized abnormal bone remodeling. PDB has a significant genetic component, with evidence of linkage to chromosomes 6p21.3 (PDB1) and 18q21-22 (PDB2) in some pedigrees. There is evidence of genetic heterogeneity, with other pedigrees showing negative linkage to these regions. TNFRSF11A, a gene that is essential for osteoclast formation and that encodes receptor activator of nuclear factor-kappa B (RANK), has been mapped to the PDB2 region. TNFRSF11A mutations that segregate in pedigrees with either familial expansile osteolysis or familial PDB have been identified; however, linkage studies and mutation screening have excluded the involvement of RANK in the majority of patients with PDB. We have excluded linkage, both to PDB1 and to PDB2, in a large multigenerational pedigree with multiple family members affected by PDB. We have conducted a genomewide scan of this pedigree, followed by fine mapping and multipoint analysis in regions of interest. The peak two-point LOD scores from the genomewide scan were 2.75, at D7S507, and 1.76, at D18S70. Multipoint and haplotype analysis of markers flanking D7S507 did not support linkage to this region. Haplotype analysis of markers flanking D18S70 demonstrated a haplotype segregating with PDB in a large subpedigree. This subpedigree had a significantly lower age at diagnosis than the rest of the pedigree (51.2 +/- 8.5 vs. 64.2 +/- 9.7 years; P = .0012). Linkage analysis of this subpedigree demonstrated a peak two-point LOD score of 4.23, at marker D18S1390 (theta = 0), and a peak multipoint LOD score of 4.71, at marker D18S70. Our data are consistent with genetic heterogeneity within the pedigree and indicate that 18q23 harbors a novel susceptibility gene for PDB.
Mechanisms and diversity of resistance to sorghum midge, Stenodiplosis sorghicola in Sorghum bicolor
Sorghum midge, Stenodiplosis sorghicola (Coquillett) is the most important pest of grain sorghum worldwide, and plant resistance is an important component for the control of this pest. To identify sorghum genotypes with diverse mechanisms of resistance to sorghum midge, we studied oviposition, larval survival, and midge damage in 27 sorghum midge-resistant genotypes, and a susceptible check under greenhouse conditions. Observations were also recorded on floral characteristics and compensation in grain mass. Of the 28 sorghum genotypes tested, 19 showed high levels of antixenosis to oviposition as a component of resistance, and had
Diseases and insect pests are major causes of low yields of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Latin America and Africa. Anthracnose, angular leaf spot and common bacterial blight are widespread foliar diseases of common bean that also infect pods and seeds. One thousand and eighty-two accessions from a common bean core collection from the primary centres of origin were investigated for reaction to these three diseases. Angular leaf spot and common bacterial blight were evaluated in the field at Santander de Quilichao, Colombia, and anthracnose was evaluated in a screenhouse in Popayan, Colombia. By using the 15-group level from a hierarchical clustering procedure, it was found that 7 groups were formed with mainly Andean common bean accessions (Andean gene pool), 7 groups with mainly Middle American accessions (Middle American gene pool), while 1 group contained mixed accessions. Consistent with the theory of co-evolution, it was generally observed that accessions from the Andean gene pool were resistant to Middle American pathogen isolates causing anthracnoxe, while the Middle American accessions were resistant to pathogen isolates from the Andes. Different combinations of resistance patterns were found, and breeders can use this information to select a specific group of accessions on the basis of their need.