63 resultados para Galice, Province de
(U–Th)/He dating of goethite, when combined with quantification of diffusive 4He loss by the 4He/3He methodology, provides reliable corrected ages for minerals precipitated in weathering profiles. We have combined (U–Th)/He dating of supergene goethite with 40Ar/39Ar dating of supergene manganese oxides to study the weathering history and landscape evolution in the Hamersley Province, northwestern Australia. Incremental heating 40Ar/39Ar analysis of 187 grains of Mn oxides from 65 samples (44 hand specimens) collected from weathering profiles at seven field sites across the Hamersley Province yield precipitation ages ranging from 63.4 ± 0.9 to 1.5 ± 0.2 Ma. These results, combined with previous results of 40Ar/39Ar dating of Mn oxides (Vasconcelos, 1998 Vasconcelos, P.V., 1998. Unpub. report, pp. 1–278.Vasconcelos, 1998 and Cochrane, 2003), reveal a protracted and episodic history of weathering and landscape evolution, which was already ongoing in Late Cretaceous and spans the Palaeogene and Neogene. Seventy-three grains of goethite from 39 samples extracted from 21 hand specimens, collected from the same field sites where the Mn oxides originated, were dated by the (U–Th)/He method. Internally consistent (U–Th)/He ages, which range from 84.3 ± 12.2 to 3.3 ± 0.5 Ma, have been obtained for most samples when corrections are applied for 10% helium diffusive loss. The geochronological results obtained show remarkable similarity in the distribution of ages associated with supergene mineral precipitation. The widespread occurrence of iron oxides such as goethite in soils and weathering profiles and the successful application of (U–Th)/He dating of goethite offers great opportunities for extracting the wealth of palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental information recorded by these profiles on the surface of terrestrial planets such as Earth and Mars.
A local cultural practice that may enhance sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and HIV transmission is vaginal douching and vaginal substance use. These activities also have potential implications for the acceptability of HIV-prevention strategies such as the use of condoms and vaginal microbicides. We aimed to establish the prevalence, determinants and reasons for these practices among sex workers in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. A structured questionnaire was administered to 150 sex workers, who were being screened for a vaginal microbicide-effectiveness trial in the province. The questionnaire sought information on the frequency, reasons for and nature of vaginal douching and vaginal substance use and was drawn up on the basis of findings from a pilot study. Seventy per cent (95% CI: 62.0-77.2%) of the sex workers were HIV positive and on average they had five sexual partners per day. Vaginal douching and vaginal substance use were common among the sex workers. Vaginal douching was reported by 97% (n = 146) of the respondents and 94% reported vaginal substance use for 'dry sex'. A combination of traditional remedies, patent medicines, antiseptics and household detergents was used to clean and make the vagina dry and tight. The primary reasons reported for dry sex were to increase men's sexual pleasure (53%) and to attract clients and generate more money (20%). Sixty-five per cent of the women reported the practice of douching mainly for hygienic purposes and 13% for the prevention and treatment of sexually transmitted infections. Douching and dry-sex practices may increase women's risk of HIV and STI infection, and may have implications for the acceptability and development of HIV-prevention barrier methods such as microbicides and the use of condoms. These barrier methods may enhance or reduce sexual pleasure for men and women who engage in the practice of vaginal douching and vaginal substance use for 'dry sex'.
1. Dwarf stands of the mangrove Rhizophora mangle L. are extensive in the Caribbean. We fertilized dwarf trees in Almirante Bay, Bocas del Toro Province, north-eastern Panama with nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) to determine (1) if growth limitations are due to nutrient deficiency; and (2) what morphological and/or physiological factors underlie nutrient limitations to growth. 2. Shoot growth was 10-fold when fertilized with P and twofold with N fertilization, indicating that stunted growth of these mangroves is partially due to nutrient deficiency. 3. Growth enhancements caused by N or P enrichment could not be attributed to increases in photosynthesis on a leaf area basis, although photosynthetic nutrient-use efficiency was improved. The most dramatic effect was on stem hydraulic conductance, which was increased sixfold by P and 2.5-fold with N enrichment. Fertilization with P enhanced leaf and stem P concentrations and reduced C : N ratio, but did not alter leaf damage by herbivores. 4. Our findings indicate that addition of N and P significantly alter tree growth and internal nutrient dynamics of mangroves at Bocas del Toro, but also that the magnitude, pattern and mechanisms of change will be differentially affected by each nutrient.
This study uses a molecular-dating approach to test hypotheses about the biogeography of Nothofagus. The molecular modelling suggests that the present-day subgenera and species date from a radiation that most likely commenced between 55 and 40 Myr ago. This rules out the possibility of a reconciled all-vicariance hypothesis for the biogeography of extant Nothofagus. However, the molecular dates for divergences between Australasian and South American taxa are consistent with the rifting of Australia and South America from Antarctica. The molecular dates further suggest a dispersal of subgenera Lophozonia and Fuscospora between Australia and New Zealand after the onset of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current and west wind drift. It appears likely that the New Caledonian lineage of subgenus Brassospora diverged from the New Guinean lineage elsewhere, prior to colonizing New Caledonia. The molecular approach strongly supports fossil-based estimates that Nothofagus diverged from the rest of Fagales more than 84 Myr ago. However, the mid-Cenozoic estimate for the diversification of the four extant subgenera conflicts with the palynological interpretation because pollen fossils, attributed to all four extant subgenera, were widespread across the Weddellian province of Gondwana about 71 Myr ago. The discrepancy between the pollen and molecular dates exists even when confidence intervals from several sources of error are taken into account. In contrast, the molecular age estimates are consistent with macrofossil dates. The incongruence between pollen fossils and molecular dates could be resolved if the early pollen types represent extinct lineages, with similar types later evolving independently in the extant lineages.
A study of Burkitt's lymphoma (BL) in Papua New Guinea for the years 1958-87 revealed four instances of familiar BL. Incident cases occurred within 1 year of each other in the four families. Personal follow-up was possible for three of these families whose pedigrees showed that two or more siblings were affected. There was no significant variation of the incidence of BL by year of diagnosis or month of onset. There was significant variation in annual average incidence of BL between the three provinces studied, with the highest incidence in the Nuku and Lumi census districts (of the West Sepik Province). This is the first report of familial BL outside Africa.
The status of all of the putative member genera of the subfamily Aephnidiogeninae is reconsidered, based mainly on the morphology of the terminal genitalia, Aephnidiogenes Nicoll, 1915 is the only genus retained in the Aaephnidiogeninae. Aephnidiogenes major Yamaguti, 1934 from Diagramma labiosum from the southern Great Barrier Reef is redescribed with particular reference to the terminal genitalia, and is shown to lack a true cirrussac, a condition considered to be diagnostic of the Aephnidiogeninae. Holorchis Stossich, 1901 is placed in the subfamily Lepidapedinae. Holorchis pycnoporus Stossich, 1901 from Pagellus acarne from off Spanish Sahara and from Diplodus vulgaris from off Italy and H. legendrei Dollfus, 1946 from Sparodon durbanensis and D. sargus from off eastern Cape Province, South Africa and from Pagellus erythrinus from the Adriatic Sea and Italy are studied and illustrated. The terminal genitalia of H. pycnoporus are found to be enigmatic, but those of H. legendrei are found to fit clearly into the 'Lepidapedon-like' pattern. A new genus Austroholorchis is erected in the Lepidapedinae, with A. sprenti (Gibson, 1987) n. comb. as the type-species. Its diagnostic features are its ani, infundibuliform oral sucker and the position of the ovary at about mid-level of the uterus. A. sprenti is illustrated, its hosts in Queensland waters being Sillago maculata, S, analis and S. ciliata. A, levis n. sp. is described from Sillago bassensis from south-western Western Australia. The genus Pseudaephnidiogenes Yamaguti, 1971 is placed in the Lepidapedinae. P. rhabdosargi (Prudhoe, 1956) from Rhabdosargus sarba from off Natal, South Africa is illustrated and the terminal genitalia of P. rhabdosargi from R. sarba and from R. holubi from off eastern Cape Province and Pseudaephnidiogenes vossi Bray, 1985 from Caffrogobius nudiceps from off eastern Cape Province, South Africa are illustrated. The genus Pseudoholorchis Yamaguti, 1958 is placed in the subfamily Lepocreadiinae. The terminal genitalia of P. pulcher (Manter, 1954) from Latridopsis ciliaris from New Zealand are illustrated, The genus Neolepocreadium Thomas, 1960 is placed in the Lepocreadiidae.
This paper explores the feasibility of adopting an integrated economic approach to raise farmers’ tolerance of the presence of elephants on their farming lands. Responses to this approach were sought from a sample of farmers in the areas affected by human elephant conflict in the northwestern province of Sri Lanka. Results from a contingent valuation survey of their willingness to pay for a scheme to conserve elephants are also reported. Two separate logit regression analyses were undertaken to examine the factors that influence the farmers’ responses for the payment principle question and their opinions on the integrated economic approach. Although found that the majority of the respondents expressed their willingness to pay for the proposed scheme and supported for the implementation of the integrated approach, we have insufficient data yet to determine if their support and financial contribution would be sufficient to set up this programme and also to predict its economic viability. Nevertheless, the overall finding of this study provides an improved economic assessment of the farmers’ attitudes towards the wild elephant in Sri Lanka. At the same time the study shows that, contrary to commonly held assumptions, farmers in this developing country, do support wildlife conservation.
There are two main types of data sources of income distributions in China: household survey data and grouped data. Household survey data are typically available for isolated years and individual provinces. In comparison, aggregate or grouped data are typically available more frequently and usually have national coverage. In principle, grouped data allow investigation of the change of inequality over longer, continuous periods of time, and the identification of patterns of inequality across broader regions. Nevertheless, a major limitation of grouped data is that only mean (average) income and income shares of quintile or decile groups of the population are reported. Directly using grouped data reported in this format is equivalent to assuming that all individuals in a quintile or decile group have the same income. This potentially distorts the estimate of inequality within each region. The aim of this paper is to apply an improved econometric method designed to use grouped data to study income inequality in China. A generalized beta distribution is employed to model income inequality in China at various levels and periods of time. The generalized beta distribution is more general and flexible than the lognormal distribution that has been used in past research, and also relaxes the assumption of a uniform distribution of income within quintile and decile groups of populations. The paper studies the nature and extent of inequality in rural and urban China over the period 1978 to 2002. Income inequality in the whole of China is then modeled using a mixture of province-specific distributions. The estimated results are used to study the trends in national inequality, and to discuss the empirical findings in the light of economic reforms, regional policies, and globalization of the Chinese economy.
This study conducted in 1999/2000 was designed to evaluate the efficacy of praziquantel against Schistosoma japonicum in an area with repeated chemotherapy (Area A) compared with a newly identified endemic focus (Area B) in Hunan Province, China. The population size was 2015 and 2180 in Areas A and B, respectively, of which 1129 and 1298 subjects received stool examination. A total of 230 subjects were identified by the Kato-Katz technique (4 smears per person) as being infected with S. japonicum, 124 in Area A (prevalence 11 %) and 106 in Area B (prevalence 8.2%). They were treated with a single oral dose of praziquantel (40 mg/kg) in the non-transmission season. A follow-up stool examination was made 50 days after treatment. Among the 220 cases followed, 22 were found stool-egg-positive, with an overall cure rate of 90 %, and 99 % reduction of infection intensity (eggs per gram stool). No significant difference was found in cure rates between the 2 areas (89.7% vs 90.3%). The efficacy of the drug in the area with repeated chemotherapy was not significantly different from that in the newly identified endemic focus. This study, therefore, suggests that the efficacy of praziquantel against S. japonicum has not changed in the Dongting Lake region after more than 14 years of mass chemotherapy, and there is no evidence of tolerance or resistance of S. japonicum against praziquantel.