47 resultados para Flowering Tops


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Cliff-nesting pale-winged starlings (Onychognathus nabouroup) gather on the cliff tops to perform Group Displays which include both aggressive and courtship elements: Hopping, Wing Stretching, Wing Drooping, Wing Flicking, Staring, Head Forward Threat and Butterfly Fluttering. These displays occur throughout the year, most frequently in the late afternoon. We suggest that this behaviour may be important in pair formation, and in establishing dominance relationships between birds breeding at the same site.


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Aggregations of Frankliniella schultzei males were observed on the corollas of Hibiscus rosasinensis and Gossypium hirsutum flowers in southeast Queensland. Aggregations were seen only on the upper surfaces of corollas but may have occurred on other flower parts, which were hidden from view. Conspecific females entered aggregations and a small proportion of them mated [18% (n = 163), H. rosasinensis; 30% (n = 181), G. hirsutum]. Most females (87 and 72%, respectively) that did not mate in aggregations walked to other flower parts. Behavior was difficult to observe on these parts, but mating was sometimes observed there. The number of females that landed within aggregations on the upper surfaces of both H. rosasinensis and G. hirsutum corollas was highly correlated with the number of males (r = 0.88, r = 0.93, respectively; P < 0.001). Significantly more mating pairs were observed in high-density aggregations (mean +/- SE, 1.10 +/- 0.22 and 4.44 +/- 0.48, respectively) than in low-density aggregations (0.37 +/- 0.11 and 1.67 +/- 0.29, respectively) (P < 0.05) on flowers of both species. More F. schultzei females were attracted to sticky traps baited with live conspecific males set among flowering Ipomoea indica (mean +/- SE, 8.83 +/- 0.32) and G. hirsutum (10.90 +/- 0.79) plants than to control traps (0.10 +/- 0.05 and 0.70 +/- 0.25, respectively)( P < 0.05), presumably in response to male-produced pheromones. Significantly more females were attracted to traps with high male densities than to traps with low densities. We found no statistical evidence that aggregation size influenced mating success (proportion males that mated). Mating success, however, should be evaluated with respect to mating on all flower parts and not just the upper surfaces of corollas. The results of this study constitute the first behavioral evidence for an attractant sex pheromone in thrips.


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Mangroves are often described as a group of plants with common features and common origins based mostly on their broad distributional patterns, together with an erroneous view of comparable abilities in long-distance dispersal. However, whilst mangroves have common needs to adapt to rigorous environmental constraints associated with regular seawater inundation, individual taxa have developed different strategies and characteristics. Since mangroves are a genetically diverse group of mostly flowering plants, they may also have evolved at quite different geological periods, dispersed at different rates from different locations and developed different adaptive strategies. Current distributions of individual taxa show numerous instances of unusual extant distribution which demonstrate finite dispersal limitations, especially across open water. Our preliminary assessment of broad distribution and discontinuities reveals important patterns. Discontinuities, in the absence of current dispersal barriers, may be explained by persistent past barriers. As we learn more about discontinuities, we are beginning to appreciate their immense implications and what they might tell us about past geological conditions and how these might have influenced the distribution and evolution of mangroves. In this article, we describe emerging patterns in genetic relationships and distributions based on both current knowledge and preliminary results of our studies of molecular and morphometric characteristics of Rhizophora species in the Indo West Pacific region.


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The snap-trap leaves of the aquatic waterwheel plant (Aldrovanda) resemble those of Venus' flytrap (Dionaea), its distribution and habit are reminiscent of bladderworts (Utricularia), but it shares many reproductive characters with sundews (Drosera). Moreover, Aldrovanda has never been included in molecular phylogenetic studies, so it has been unclear whether snap-traps evolved only once or more than once among angiosperms. Using sequences from nuclear 18S and plastid rbcL, atpB, and matK genes, we show that Aldrovanda is sister to Dionaea, and this pair is sister to Drosera. Our results indicate that snap-traps are derived from flypaper-traps and have a common ancestry among flowering plants, despite the fact that this mechanism is used by both a terrestrial species and an aquatic one. Genetic and fossil evidence for the close relationship between these unique and threatened organisms indicate that carnivory evolved from a common ancestor within this caryophyllid clade at least 65 million years ago.


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Phylogenetic relationships among 75 species of Lentibulariaceae, representing the three recognized genera, were assessed by cladistic analysis of DNA sequences from the plastid rps16 intron and the trnL-F region. Sequence data from the two loci were analyzed both separately and in combination. Consensus trees from all analyses are congruent, and parsimony jackknife results demonstrate strong support for relationships both between and within each of the three demonstrably monophyletic genera. The genus Pinguicula is sister to a Genlisea-Utricularia clade, the phylogenetic structure within this clade closely follows Taylor's recent sectional delimitations based on morphology. Three principal clades are shown within Utricularia, with the basal sections Polypoinpholyx and Pleiochasia together forming the sister lineage of the remaining Utricularia species. Of the fundamental morphological specializations, the stoloniferous growth form apparently arose independently within Genlisea and Utricularia three times, and within Utricularia itself, perhaps more than once. The epiphytic habit has evolved independently at least three times, in Pinguicula, in Utricularia section Phyllaria, and within the two sections Orchidioides and Iperua (in the latter as bromeliad tank-epiphytes). The suspended aquatic habit may have evolved independently within sections Utricularia and Vesiculina. Biogeographic optimization on the phylogeny demonstrates patterns commonly associated with the boreotropics hypothesis and limits the spatial origin of Lentibulariaceae to temperate Eurasia or tropical America.


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Molecular evolution has been considered to be essentially a stochastic process, little influenced by the pace of phenotypic change. This assumption was challenged by a study that demonstrated an association between rates of morphological and molecular change estimated for total-evidence phylogenies, a finding that led some researchers to challenge molecular date estimates of major evolutionary radiations. Here we show that Omland's (1997) result is probably due to methodological bias, particularly phylogenetic nonindependence, rather than being indicative of an underlying evolutionary phenomenon. We apply three new methods specifically designed to overcome phylogenetic bias to 13 published phylogenetic datasets for vertebrate taxa, each of which includes both morphological characters and DNA sequence data. We find no evidence of an association between rates of molecular and morphological rates of change.


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Hypersensitivity to external stimuli, progressing in some animals to manic behaviour, occurred in a cattle herd that grazed a crop of field peas (Pisum sativum var arvense) in the pre-flowering stage. Haematological and biochemical analyses eliminated hypomagnesaemia and ketosis as diagnoses. Other than two steers euthanased due to injuries sustained during manic episodes, all affected animals survived, recovering over 3 days when moved to alternative pasture. No necropsies were conducted. No microbial pathogens or endophytes were found on or in the plants. A previously reported incident in Victoria in 1987 in cattle grazing peas appeared to be of a similar nature. Environmental factors leading to these incidents were not clearly identified.


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A sample of recombinant inbred lines (RILs) was derived from a bi-parental cross between Lemont and BK88-BR6, which contrasted in maintenance of leaf water potential (LWP) and expression of osmotic adjustment (OA). Genotypic variation for LWP and OA, and their associations with yield determination under water deficit, was studied in a series of five field experiments. Genotypic variation in the maintenance of high LWP was consistent across water deficit experiments. In the determination of genotypic variation in the maintenance of LWP, rate of water deficit was not an important factor influencing ranking, but degree of water deficit, and phenological development stage were important, particularly around heading. Genotypic variation in expression of OA was also observed under water deficits during both vegetative and flowering stages but ranking was inconsistent across experiments. This was in part because of large experimental errors associated with its measurement, but also because the expression of OA was associated with extent of decline of LWP. The relationship between OA and LWP was demonstrated when data were combined across experiments for vegetative and flowering stages. Under water-limited conditions around flowering, grain yield reduction was mainly due to a increased spikelet sterility. Variation in OA was not related to grain yield nor yield components. There were however, negative phenotypic and genetic correlations between LWP and percentage spikelet sterility measured at flowering stage on panicles at the same development stage during a water deficit treatment. This suggests that traits contributing to the maintenance of high LWP minimized the effects of water deficit on spikelet sterility and consequently grain yield. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Responses of rice genotypes to drought stress may be different when characteristics of the drought stress environments differ. The performance of 128 genotypes was examined under irrigation and four different types of drought stress, to determine genotypic consistency in yield and factors determining yields under different drought stress conditions. The different drought conditions were mild drought during grain filling, short and severe drought at flowering, prolonged severe drought during the reproductive to grain filling, and prolonged mild drought during vegetative and grain filling. Genotypic grain yield under mild stress conditions was associated with yield under irrigated conditions, indicating the importance of potential yield in environments where the yield reduction was less than 50%. However, yields under irrigated conditions differed over time and locations. Under prolonged or severe drought conditions, flowering time was an important determinant of grain yield. Earlier flowering genotypes escaped the severe stress and had higher grain yields indicating large genotype by environment (G x E) interactions which have implications for plant breeding even for mild stress. It is suggested that variations in flowering time, potential yields and drought patterns need to be considered for development of drought-resistant cultivars using specific physiological traits. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Drought frequently reduces grain yield of rainfed lowland rice. A series of experiments were conducted in drought-prone northeast Thailand to study the magnitude and consistency of yield responses of diverse, rainfed lowland rice genotypes to drought stress environments and to examine ways to identify genotypes that confer drought resistance. One hundred and twenty-eight genotypes were grown under non-stress and four different types of drought stress conditions. The relationship of genotypic variation in yield under drought conditions to genetic yield potential, flowering time and flowering delay, and to a drought response index (DRI) that removed the effect of potential yield and flowering time on yield under stress was examined. Drought stress that developed prior to flowering generally delayed the time of flowering of genotypes, and the delay in flowering was negatively associated with grain yield, fertile panicle percentage and filled grain percentage. Genotypes with a longer delay in flowering time had extracted more water during the early drought period, and as a consequence, had higher water deficits. They were consistently associated with a larger yield reduction under drought and in one experiment with a smaller DRI. Genotypes, however, responded differently to the different drought stress conditions and there was no consistency in the DRI estimates for the different genotypes across the drought stress experiments. The results indicate that with the use of irrigated-control and drought test environments, genotypes with drought resistance can be identified by using DRI or delay in flowering. However, selections will differ depending on the type of drought condition. The inconsistency of the estimates in DRI and flowering delay across different drought conditions reflects the nature of the large genotype-by-environment interactions observed for grain yield under various types of drought in rainfed lowland conditions. (C), 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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A series of experiments were conducted in drought-prone northeast Thailand to examine the magnitude of yield responses of diverse genotypes to drought stress environments and to identify traits that may confer drought resistance to rainfed lowland rice. One hundred and twenty eight genotypes were grown under non-stress and four different types of drought stress conditions. Under severe drought conditions, the maintenance of PWP of genotypes played a significant role in determining final grain yield. Because of their smaller plant size (lower total dry matter at anthesis) genotypes that extracted less soil water during the early stages of the drought period, tended to maintain higher PWP and had a higher fertile panicle percentage, filled grain percentage and final grain yield than other genotypes. PWP was correlated with delay in flowering (r = -0.387) indicating that the latter could be used as a measure of water potential under stress. Genotypes with well-developed root systems extracted water too rapidly and experienced severe water stress at flowering. RPR which showed smaller coefficient of variation was more useful than root mass density in identifying genotypes with large root system. Under less severe and prolonged drought conditions, genotypes that could achieve higher plant dry matter at anthesis were desirable. They had less delay in flowering, higher grain yield and higher drought response index, indicating the importance of ability to grow during the prolonged stress period. Other shoot characters (osmotic potential, leaf temperature, leaf rolling, leaf death) had little effect on grain yield under different drought conditions. This was associated with a lack of genetic variation and difficulty in estimating trait values precisely. Under mild stress conditions (yield loss less than 50%), there was no significant relationship between the measured drought characters and grain yield. Under these mild drought conditions, yield is determined more by yield potential and phenotype than by drought resistant mechanisms per se. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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This paper reports on the fate of nitrogen (N) in a first ratoon sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) crop in the wet tropics of Queensland when urea was either surface applied or drilled into the soil 3-4 days after harvesting the plant cane. Ammonia volatilization was measured with a micrometeorological method, and fertilizer N recovery in plants and soil, to a depth of 140 cm, was determined by mass balance in macroplots with N labelled urea 166 and 334 days after fertilizer application. The bulk of the fertilizer and soil N uptake by the sugarcane occurred between fertilizing and the first sampling on day 166. Nitrogen use efficiency measured as the recovery of labelled N in the plant was very low. At the time of the final sampling (day 334), the efficiencies for the surface and subsurface treatments were 18.9% and 28.8%, respectively. The tops, leaves, stalks and roots in the subsurface treatment contained significantly more fertilizer N than the corresponding parts in the surface treatment. The total recoveries of fertilizer N for the plant-trash-soil system on day 334 indicate significant losses of N in both treatments ( 59.1% and 45.6% of the applied N in the surface and subsurface treatments, respectively). Drilling the urea into the soil instead of applying it to the trash surface reduced ammonia loss from 37.3% to 5.5% of the applied N. Subtracting the data for ammonia loss from total loss suggests that losses by leaching and denitrification combined increased from 21.8% and 40.1% of the applied N as a result of the change in method of application. While the treatment resulted in increased denitrification and/or leaching loss, total N loss was reduced from 59.1% to 45.6%, ( a saving of 13.5% of the applied N), which resulted in an extra 9.9% of the applied N being assimilated by the crop.


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The family of lemnacae colloquially known as duckweed contains the world's smallest species of flowering plants (macrophytes). Aquatic and free-floating, their most striking qualities are a capacity for explosive reproduction and an almost complete lack of fibrous material. They are widely used for reducing chemical loading in facultative sewage lagoons, but their greatest potential lies in their ability to produce large quantities of protein rich biomass, suitable for feeding to a wide range of animals, including fish, poultry and cattle. Despite these qualities there are numerous impediments to these plants being incorporated into western farming systems. Large genetically determined variations in growth in response to nutrients and climate, apparent anti-nutritional factors, concerns about sequestration of heavy metals and possible transference of pathogens raise questions about the safety and usefulness of these plants. A clear understanding of how to address and overcome these impediments needs to be developed before duckweed is widely accepted for nutrient reclamation and as a source of animal feed.


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Numerous hypotheses have been proposed to explain latitudinal gradients in species richness, but all are subject to ongoing debate. Here we examine Rohde's (1978, 1992) hypothesis, which proposes that climatic conditions at low latitudes lead to elevated rates of speciation. This hypothesis predicts that rates of molecular evolution should increase towards lower latitudes, but this prediction has never been tested. We discuss potential links between rates of molecular evolution and latitudinal diversity gradients, and present the first test of latitudinal variation in rates of molecular evolution. Using 45 phylogenetically independent, latitudinally separated pairs of bird species and higher taxa, we compare rates of evolution of two mitochondrial genes and DNA-DNA hybridization distances. We find no support for an effect of latitude on rate of molecular evolution. This result casts doubt on the generality of a key component of Rohde's hypothesis linking climate and speciation.


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Recent laboratory studies have demonstrated that Prunus necrotic ringspot virus (PNRSV) (family Bromoviridae) can be readily transmitted when thrips and virus-bearing pollen are placed together on to test plants. For this transmission mechanism to result in stonefruit tree infection in the field, PNRSV-bearing pollen must be deposited onto surfaces of stonefruit trees on which thrips also occur. In a previous paper, we demonstrated that almost all pollen in a PNRSV-infected Japanese plum orchard in southeastern Queensland was deposited onto flowers, whereas few grains occurred on leaves and none on stems. Here, we present results of our investigation of thrips species composition, distribution and abundance on stonefruit trees in the same study area as our previous pollen deposition study. We collected a total of 2010 adult thrips from 13 orchards during the 1989, 1991 and 1992 flowering seasons of which all but 14 were in the suborder Terebrantia. Most (97.4%) terebrantian thrips were of three species, Thrips imaginis, Thrips australis and Thrips tabaci. Thrips tabaci as well as species mixtures that included T imaginis, T australis and T tabaci have been shown to transmit PNRSV via infected pollen in laboratory tests. Adult thrips were frequently collected from flowers but rarely from leaves and never from stems. Large and significant differences in numbers of T imaginis, T australis and T tabaci adults in flowers occurred among orchards and between seasons. No factor was conclusively related to thrips numbers but flowers of late-flowering stonefruit varieties tended to hold more thrips than those of early-flowering varieties. Our results indicate that the common thrips species present on stonefruit trees in the Granite Belt are also ones previously shown to transmit PNRSV via infected pollen in the laboratory and that these thrips are concentrated in stonefruit flowers where most stonefruit pollen is deposited. These results contribute to mounting circumstantial evidence that stonefruit flowers may be inoculated with PNRSV via an interaction of thrips with virus-bearing pollen and that this transmission mechanism may be an important cause of new tree infections in the field.