75 resultados para Flavaad, Th.


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We have observed previously that Ca2+ pump-mediated Ca2+ efflux is elevated in cultured aortic smooth muscle cells from spontaneously hypertensive rats compared to those from Wistar-Kyoto rat controls. The objective of this work was to determine if these strains differ in mRNA levels for the PMCA1 isoform of the plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase and the SERCA2 isoform of the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase. mRNA levels were compared in cultured aortic smooth muscle cells from 10-week-old male rats. PMCA1 and SERCA2 mRNA levels were elevated in SHR compared to WKY. Angiotensin II increased the level of PMCA1 and SERCA2 mRNA in both strains. These studies provide further evidence for alterered Ca2+ homeostasis in hypertension at the level of Ca2+ transporting ATPases in the spontaneously hypertensive rat model. These data are also consistent with the hypothesis that the expression of these two Ca2+ pumps may be linked. (C) 1997 Academic Press


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The status of all of the putative member genera of the subfamily Aephnidiogeninae is reconsidered, based mainly on the morphology of the terminal genitalia, Aephnidiogenes Nicoll, 1915 is the only genus retained in the Aaephnidiogeninae. Aephnidiogenes major Yamaguti, 1934 from Diagramma labiosum from the southern Great Barrier Reef is redescribed with particular reference to the terminal genitalia, and is shown to lack a true cirrussac, a condition considered to be diagnostic of the Aephnidiogeninae. Holorchis Stossich, 1901 is placed in the subfamily Lepidapedinae. Holorchis pycnoporus Stossich, 1901 from Pagellus acarne from off Spanish Sahara and from Diplodus vulgaris from off Italy and H. legendrei Dollfus, 1946 from Sparodon durbanensis and D. sargus from off eastern Cape Province, South Africa and from Pagellus erythrinus from the Adriatic Sea and Italy are studied and illustrated. The terminal genitalia of H. pycnoporus are found to be enigmatic, but those of H. legendrei are found to fit clearly into the 'Lepidapedon-like' pattern. A new genus Austroholorchis is erected in the Lepidapedinae, with A. sprenti (Gibson, 1987) n. comb. as the type-species. Its diagnostic features are its ani, infundibuliform oral sucker and the position of the ovary at about mid-level of the uterus. A. sprenti is illustrated, its hosts in Queensland waters being Sillago maculata, S, analis and S. ciliata. A, levis n. sp. is described from Sillago bassensis from south-western Western Australia. The genus Pseudaephnidiogenes Yamaguti, 1971 is placed in the Lepidapedinae. P. rhabdosargi (Prudhoe, 1956) from Rhabdosargus sarba from off Natal, South Africa is illustrated and the terminal genitalia of P. rhabdosargi from R. sarba and from R. holubi from off eastern Cape Province and Pseudaephnidiogenes vossi Bray, 1985 from Caffrogobius nudiceps from off eastern Cape Province, South Africa are illustrated. The genus Pseudoholorchis Yamaguti, 1958 is placed in the subfamily Lepocreadiinae. The terminal genitalia of P. pulcher (Manter, 1954) from Latridopsis ciliaris from New Zealand are illustrated, The genus Neolepocreadium Thomas, 1960 is placed in the Lepocreadiidae.


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The genus Intusatrium Durio & Manter, 1968 is redefined based on a re-examination of paratypes of the type-species, I. robustum Durio & Manter, 1968, and is considered monotypic with characteristic terminal genitalia: internal seminal vesicle elongate tubular, with rather thick wall, divided by slight change in wall thickness into longer proximal and shorter distal region; pars prostatica subcylindrical; ejaculatory duct relatively short, with wrinkled/wall. The genus Postlepidapedon Zdzitowiecki, 1993 is redefined and Intusatrium secundum Durio & Manter, 1968 is attributed to it as a new combination. Postlepidapedon secundum n. comb. is redescribed from a paratype and new material from Choerodon graphicus. P. spissum n. sp. from Choerodon venustus, C. cyanodus, C. fasciatus and C. schoenleinii is recognised on the basis of its thick-walled internal seminal vesicle. I! uberis n. sp. from Choerodon schoenleinii and C. venustus is distinguished by the shape and contents of the cirrus-sac with narrow, convoluted internal seminal vesicle, large vesicular pars prostatica and short, muscular ejaculatory duct. A new genus, Gibsonivermis, erected for Intusatrium berryi Gibson, 1987, is characterised by the elongate narrow cirrus-sac and a uroproct. G. berryi n. comb. is redescribed from Sillago ciliata, S. maculata and Sillago sp.


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Bothriocephalus acheilognathi was collected from 13 of 38 carp (Cyprinus carpio), 2 of 4 mosquito fish (Gambusia holbrooki), and 2 of 12 western carp gudgeon (Hypseleotris klunzingeri) in waterways of the Australian Capital Territory and New South Wales. This is the first record of this parasite in Australia, and its presence in H. klunzingeri is a new host record. B. acheilognathi presumably arrived in Australia with its introduced fish hosts and has since crossed into native fishes, This cestode may infect other native fish species, a potential that is significant given the high pathogenicity associated with infection in other known hosts.


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Six Burkholderia solanacearum (formerly Pseudomonas solanacearum) genomic DNA fragments were isolated, using RAPD techniques and cloning, from the three genetically diverse strains: ACH092 (Biovar 4), ACH0158 (Biovar 2) and ACH0171 (Biovar 3) (1). One of these cloned fragments was selected because it was present constantly in all bacterial strains analysed. The remaining five clones were selected because Southern hybridisation revealed that each showed partial or complete specificity towards the strain of origin. A seventh genomic fragment showing a strain-specific distribution in Southern hybridisations was obtained by differential restriction, hybridisation and cloning of genomic DNA. Each of these clones was sequenced and primers to amplify the insert were designed. When DNA from the strain of origin was used as template, PCR amplification for each of these fragments yielded a single band on gel analysis. One pair of primers amplified the species-constant fragment of 281 bp from DNA of all B. solanacearum strains investigated, from DNA of the closely related bacterium which causes ''blood disease'' of banana (BDB) and in P. syzigii. The sensitivity of detection of B. solanacearum using these ubiquitous primers was between 1.3 and 20 bacterial cells. The feasibility and reliability of a PCR approach to detection and identification of B. solanacearum was tested in diverse strains of the bacterium in several countries and laboratories.


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The digenean originally designated Lepidapedon (Lepidapedon) ostorhinchi is redescribed from its type-host, Oplegnathus woodwardi [= Ostorhinchus conwaii], from the waters off Western Australia. The discovery of a uroproct indicates that the generic designation is wrong and the worm should be Paralepidapedon ostorhinchi (Korotaeva, 1974) n. comb. It is distinct from its nearest relative, P. hoplognathi (Yamaguti, 1938), in having: a prominent post-oral ring; a distinct oesophagus; short anterior diverticula on the caeca; a long external seminal vesicle, ensheathed in a membrane bound gland-cell mass; and less anteriorly extensive vitellarium.


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The following lepocreadiid species are described from Cheilodactylidae from south-western Australia. Cliveus peroni n. g., n. sp, from Nemadactylus valenciennesi is characterised by its attenuated forebody and C. acaenodera n. sp. from Dactylophora nigricans by its attenuated forebody, the pattern of forebody spination and the large cirrus-sac. Jericho chojeri n. g., n. sp. from N. valenciennesi has a large infundibuliform oral sucker and paired ani. Rugocavum n. g. is distinguished by the possession of a blind, wrinkled glandular pit on the postero-ventral surface of the forebody. R. nemadactyli n. sp. from N. valenciennesi has its vitelline field restricted to the hindbody, whereas in R. morwong n. sp, from N. valenciennesi the vitelline field reaches into the forebody. Paraneocreadium australiense Kruse, 1978 from N. valenciennesi is redescribed and its coiled internal seminal vesicle and lobed gonads are considered distinctive features. Scaphatrema nemadactyli (Kurochkin & Korotaeva, 1972) n. g., n. comb. from N. valenciennesi has a wrinkled, boat-shaped body, a 'Lepidapedon-like' cirrus-sac and multiple testes; it was originally placed in the genus Multitestis, but these characters suggest that a new genus should be erected for it within the subfamily Lepidapedinae.


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The helminth fauna from 124 water-rats, Hydromys chrysogaster, collected from 33 localities in Queensland was analysed. A total of 45 species of helminths was found, comprising 2 acanthocephalans, 2 cestodes, 13 nematodes and 28 trematodes. The helminth community of the water-rats in the region north of latitude 18 degrees (far north) was different from that of water-rats south of 18 degrees (central); Sorensen's Index 45.8% similarity, whereas Holmes and Podesta's Index gave 32.1% similarity. Comparisons with data from water-rats from southern and Tasmanian regions showed that they were different from each other and from both Queensland regions. The helminth communities were characterised by high diversity, dominated by trematodes in the central and Tasmanian regions, but with nematodes becoming more prominent in the far northern and southern regions. No core or secondary species were found in the Queensland helminth communities, the southern community was suggestive of a bimodal distribution and the Tasmanian had two core species. A checklist of helminth species occurring in water-rats from eastern Australia is provided.


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Notopronocephalus peekayi gen, et sp, n. is described from the intestine of Elseya latisternum Gray, 1867, E. dentata (Gray, 1863) and Emydura signata Ahl, 1932 from rivers in Queensland. The new genus is distinguished by the absence of ventral glands, simple (neither diverticulate nor sinuous) caeca terminating at the anterior margin of the testes, excretory arms not uniting in forebody, single ovary, two opposite testes close to the posterior end of the body, intracaecal genital pore, vitelline follicles anterior to the testes, cirrus-sac orientated obliquely and not divided into two portions, and the uterus intracaecal. This is the first pronocephalid to be described from an Australian freshwater turtle and the first from the family Chelidae.


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In this paper we present the composite Euler method for the strong solution of stochastic differential equations driven by d-dimensional Wiener processes. This method is a combination of the semi-implicit Euler method and the implicit Euler method. At each step either the semi-implicit Euler method or the implicit Euler method is used in order to obtain better stability properties. We give criteria for selecting the semi-implicit Euler method or the implicit Euler method. For the linear test equation, the convergence properties of the composite Euler method depend on the criteria for selecting the methods. Numerical results suggest that the convergence properties of the composite Euler method applied to nonlinear SDEs is the same as those applied to linear equations. The stability properties of the composite Euler method are shown to be far superior to those of the Euler methods, and numerical results show that the composite Euler method is a very promising method. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effect of controlled In3+ substitution on to the B-site in the perovskite oxygen ion conductor La0.9Sr0.1Ga0.8Mg0.2O2.85 (LSGM) has been examined with a view to exploring the influence on oxygen ion conductivity. In combination with the electrical conductivity study, detailed microstructural analysis was used to verify the location of the substituting cation and to determine the nature of secondary phase formation. The indium species clearly substituted for Ga3+ on the B-site of the lattice and the electrical conductivity showed a gradual decrease as the In+3 content increased. The interpretation of this data was complicated by the formation of the secondary phases LaInO3 and LaSrGaO4. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A recent study by Brook ef al. empirically tested the performance of population viability analysis (PVA) using data from 21 populations across a wide range of species. The study concluded that PVAs are good at predicting the future dynamics of populations. We suggest that this conclusion is a result of a bias in the studies that Brook et al, included in their analyses, We present arguments that PVAs can only be accurate at predicting extinction probabilities if data are extensive and reliable, and if the distribution of vital rates between individuals and years can be assumed stationary in the future, or if any changes can be accurately predicted. In particular, we note th at although catastrophes are likely to have precipitated many extinctions, estimates of the probability of catastrophes are unreliable.


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High-precision Th-230-U-238 ages for a stalagmite from Newdegate Cave in southern Tasmania, Australia define a rare record of precipitation between 100 and 155 ka before the present. The fastest stalagmite growth occurred between 129.2 +/- 1.6 and 122.1 +/- 2.0 ka (similar to 61.5 mm/ka), coinciding with a time of prolific coral growth from Western Australia (128-122 ka). This is the first high-resolution continental record in the Southern Hemisphere that can be compared and correlated with the marine record. Such correlation shows that in southern Australia the onset of full interglacial sea level and the initiation of highest precipitation on land were synchronous. The stalagmite growth rate between 129.2 and 142.2 ka (similar to 5.9 mm/ka) was lower than that between 142.2 and 154.5 ka (similar to 18.7 mm/ka), implying drier conditions during the Penultimate Deglaciation, despite rising temperature and sea level. This asymmetrical precipitation pattern is caused by latitudinal movement of subtropical highs and an associated Westerly circulation, in response to a changing Equator-to-Pole temperature gradient. Both marine and continental records in Australia strongly suggest that the insolation maximum between 126 and 128 ka at 65 degreesN was directly responsible for the maintenance of full Last Interglacial conditions, although the triggers that initiated Penultimate Deglaciation (at similar to 142 ka) remain unsolved. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objective-To compare the accuracy and feasibility of harmonic power Doppler and digitally subtracted colour coded grey scale imaging for the assessment of perfusion defect severity by single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) in an unselected group of patients. Design-Cohort study. Setting-Regional cardiothoracic unit. Patients-49 patients (mean (SD) age 61 (11) years; 27 women, 22 men) with known or suspected coronary artery disease were studied with simultaneous myocardial contrast echo (MCE) and SPECT after standard dipyridamole stress. Main outcome measures-Regional myocardial perfusion by SPECT, performed with Tc-99m tetrafosmin, scored qualitatively and also quantitated as per cent maximum activity. Results-Normal perfusion was identified by SPECT in 225 of 270 segments (83%). Contrast echo images were interpretable in 92% of patients. The proportion of normal MCE by grey scale, subtracted, and power Doppler techniques were respectively 76%, 74%, and 88% (p < 0.05) at > 80% of maximum counts, compared with 65%, 69%, and 61% at < 60% of maximum counts. For each technique, specificity was lowest in the lateral wail, although power Doppler was the least affected. Grey scale and subtraction techniques were least accurate in the septal wall, but power Doppler showed particular problems in the apex. On a per patient analysis, the sensitivity was 67%, 75%, and 83% for detection of coronary artery disease using grey scale, colour coded, and power Doppler, respectively, with a significant difference between power Doppler and grey scale only (p < 0.05). Specificity was also the highest for power Doppler, at 55%, but not significantly different from subtracted colour coded images. Conclusions-Myocardial contrast echo using harmonic power Doppler has greater accuracy than with grey scale imaging and digital subtraction. However, power Doppler appears to be less sensitive for mild perfusion defects.


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Concerns have been raised about the reproducibility of brachial artery reactivity (BAR), because subjective decisions regarding the location of interfaces may influence the measurement of very small changes in lumen diameter. We studied 120 consecutive patients with BAR to address if an automated technique could be applied, and if experience influenced reproducibility between two observers, one experienced and one inexperienced. Digital cineloops were measured automatically, using software that measures the leading edge of the endothelium and tracks this in sequential frames and also manually, where a set of three point-to-point measurements were averaged. There was a high correlation between automated and manual techniques for both observers, although less variability was present with expert readers. The limits of agreement overall for interobserver concordance were 0.13 +/-0.65 mm for the manual and 0.03 +/-0.74 mm for the automated measurement. For intraobserver concordance, the limits of agreement were -0.07 +/-0.38 mm for observer 1 and -0.16 +/-0.55 mm for observer 2. We concluded that BAR measurements were highly concordant between observers, although more concordant using the automated method, and that experience does affect concordance. Care must be taken to ensure that the same segments are measured between observers and serially.