92 resultados para Flame spread
The Western European house mouse, Mus domesticus, includes many distinct Robertsonian (Rb) chromosomal races. Two competing hypotheses may explain the distribution of Rb translocations found in different populations: they may have arisen independently multiple times or they may have arisen once and been spread through long distance dispersal. We investigated the origin of the Rb 5.15 translocation using 6 microsatellite loci linked to the centromeres of chromosomes 5 and 15 in 84 individuals from 3 Rb populations and 4 neighboring standard-karyotype populations. Microsatellite variation on the 5.15 metacentric chromosomes was significantly reduced relative to the amount of variation found on acrocentric chromosomes 5 and 15, suggesting that linked microsatellite loci can track specific mutational events. Phylogenetic analyses resulted in trees which are consistent with multiple origins of the 5.15 metacentric found in the three Rb populations. These results suggest that cytologically indistinguishable mutations have arisen independently in natural populations of house mice.
Numerical experiments using a finite difference method were carried out to determine the motion of axisymmetric Taylor vortices for narrow-gap Taylor vortex flow. When a pressure gradient is imposed on the flow the vortices are observed to move with an axial speed of 1.16 +/- 0.005 times the mean axial flow velocity. The method of Brenner was used to calculate the long-time axial spread of material in the flow. For flows where there is no pressure gradient, the axial dispersion scales with the square root of the molecular diffusion, in agreement with the results of Rosen-bluth et al. for high Peclet number dispersion in spatially periodic flows with a roll structure. When a pressure gradient is imposed the dispersion increases by an amount approximately equal to 6.5 x 10(-4) (W) over bar(2)d(2)/D-m, where (W) over bar is the average axial velocity in the annulus, analogous to Taylor dispersion for laminar flow in an empty tube.
Recent studies suggest Helicobacter pylori is spread by faecal-oral or oral-oral transmission. Gastroenterologists who are exposed to gastric secretions and saliva have a high prevalence of H. pylori infection. Venous blood was obtained from 92 dentists, 40 dental nurses, 33 fifth year and 30 first year dental students. An ELISA assay was used to detect H. pylori IgG antibodies. Results were compared with an age and sex matched normal population. The prevalence of H. pylori infection in dentists, dental nurses, fifth year dental students and first year dental students were 23 per cent, 18 per cent, 18 per cent and 16 per cent, respectively. There were no significant differences when compared with the normal population controls. The prevalence of H. pylori antibody was not significantly increased with years of practice or patient contact time in dentists and dental nurses. Helicobacter pylori infection is uncommon in dental professionals working in the oral cavity.
A sensitive near-resonant four-wave mixing technique based on two-photon parametric four-wave mixing has been developed. Seeded parametric four-wave mixing requires only a single laser as an additional phase matched seeder field is generated via parametric four-wave mixing of the pump beam in a high gain cell. The seeder field travels collinearly with the pump beam providing efficient nondegenerate four-wave mixing in a second medium. This simple arrangement facilitates the detection of complex molecular spectra by simply scanning the pump laser. Seeded parametric four-wave mixing is demonstrated in both a low pressure cell and an air/acetylene flame with detection of the two-photon C (2) Pi(upsilon'=0)<--X (2) Pi(upsilon =0) spectrum of nitric oxide. From the cell data a detection limit of 10(12) molecules/cm(3) is established. A theoretical model of seeded parametric four-wave mixing is developed from existing parametric four-wave mixing theory. The addition of the seeder field significantly modifies the parametric four-wave mixing behaviour such that in the small signal regime, the signal intensity can readily be made to scale as the cube of the laser pump power while the density dependence follows a more familiar square law dependence, In general, we find excellent agreement between theory and experiment. Limitations to the process result from an ac Stark shift of the two-photon resonance in the high pressure seeder cell caused by the generation of a strong seeder field, as well as a reduction in phase matching efficiency due to the presence of certain buffer species. Various optimizations are suggested which should overcome these limitations, providing even greater detection sensitivity. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics, [S0021-9606(98)01014-9].
A mathematical model was developed to estimate HIV incidence in NSW prisons. Data included: duration of imprisonment; number of inmates using each needle; lower and higher number of shared injections per IDU per week; proportion of IDUs using bleach; efficacy of bleach; HIV prevalence and probability of infection. HIV prevalence in IDUs in prison was estimated to have risen from 0.8 to 5.7% (12.2%) over 180 weeks when using lower (and higher) values for frequency of shared injections. The estimated minimum (and maximum) number of IDU inmates infected with HIV in NSW prisons was 38 (and 152) in 1993 according to the model. These figures require confirmation by seroincidence studies. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The purpose of this study was to examine whether methadone maintenance treatment reduces injecting risk behaviour land therefore transmission of blood-borne viral infections) among prisoners in New South Wales (NSW), using comparison of retrospective reports of drug use in prisons for people who received standard drug treatment, time-limited methadone treatment and methadone maintenance treatment, The setting for the study was the NSW prison system. One hundred and eighty-five injecting drug users who had been recently released from NSW prisons were recruited in 1993, Self-reported drug use and injecting risk behaviour were compared in inmates who received standard drug treatment (counselling), time-limited methadone treatment and methadone maintenance treatment. HIV status was determined by serology, Intervention comprised high and low dose methadone treatment and counselling. The groups were similar in terms of most basic demographic characteristics but subjects who had been maintained on methadone reported a significantly lower prevalence of heroin injection, syringe sharing and scored lower on an HIV Risk-taking Behavioural Scale than subjects who received standard drug treatment and time-limited methadone treatment, This study suggests that methadone treatment is associated with reduced injecting risk behaviour in prison with adequate (greater than 60 mg) dose and duration in treatment. These treatment conditions are known to increase effectiveness in community-based methadone programmes. Prospective studies are required to evaluate the effectiveness of methadone programmes in the prevention of HIV and other blood-borne viral infections among IDU prisoners.
Liver samples from rabbits killed by RHDV, collected from five States in Australia in 1996 and 1997 were analysed by RT-PCR. A 398 bp fragment of the capsid protein (VP60) gene was amplified by PCR and directly sequenced. The alignment of the nucleotide and amino acid sequences and their comparison with the original strain of the virus released in Australia indicated genetic changes after two years have been small with 98.2% to 100% identity. The constructed phylogenetic tree suggests slight differences in nucleotide substitutions in various States but there is no clear evidence of clustering of sequences according to their geographic origin. In practical terms, sequencing of viral RNA provides a means of testing the efficacy of further releases and subsequent spread of the virus if such a strategy is employed as a means of enhancing RHD as a biological control of the wild rabbit in Australia.
Syringe cleaning guidelines for injecting drug users (IDUs) were revised in 1993. This paper examines efforts by IDUs in NSW prisons to adopt the revised guidelines in 1994. Consecutive inmates (229) nearing release were visited and asked to call a toll free number for an interview once released. Respondents (102) did not differ from non-respondents (127). Many respondents (64%) reported ever injecting and many of these reported injecting (58%), sharing (48%) and syringe cleaning (46%) when last in prison. Some (23%) respondents reported adopting the revised syringe cleaning guidelines. Tattooing (38%) was reported more often than sexual activity in prison (4%). A new methodology for prison research was found to be feasible in this study. The potential for HIV to spread in prison still poses major public health challenges.
Giles and Goss (1980) have suggested that, if a futures market provides a forward pricing function, then it is an efficient market. In this article a simple test for whether the Australian Wool Futures market is efficient is proposed. The test is based on applying cointegration techniques to test the Law of One Price over a three, six, nine, and twelve month spread of futures prices. We found that the futures market is efficient for up to a six-month spread, but no further into the future. Because futures market prices can be used to predict spot prices up to six months in advance, woolgrowers can use the futures price to assess when they market their clip, but not for longer-term production planning decisions. (C) 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
This study used allozyme and mitochondrial DNA variation to examine genetic structure in the Oxleyan Pygmy Perch Nannoperca oxleyana. This small-bodied freshwater fish has a very restricted distribution occurring only in some small coastal streams in south-east Queensland and northern New South Wales. It was expected that subpopulations may contain little genetic variation and be highly differentiated from one another. The results, based on allozyme and mitochondrial DNA control region variation were in agreement with these expectations. Allozyme variation was very low overall, with only one locus showing variation at most sites. The high differentiation was because a different locus tended to be polymorphic at each site. Mitochondrial variation within sites was also low, but some sites had unique haplotypes. The patterns of similarity among mitochondrial DNA haplotypes were not as expected from geographical proximity alone. In particular, although some northern sites had unique haplotypes, four sites spread along 200 km of coastline were remarkably similar, sharing the same common haplotype at similar frequencies. We suggest that these four streams may have had a confluence relatively recently, possibly when sea levels were lower, 8000-10 000 BP.
OBJECTIVE To describe heterogeneity of HIV prevalence among pregnant women in Hlabisa health district, South Africa and to correlate this with proximity of homestead to roads. METHODS HIV prevalence measured through anonymous surveillance among pregnant women and stratified by local village clinic. Polygons were created around each clinic, assuming women attend the clinic nearest their home. A geographical information system (GIS) calculated the mean distance from homesteads in each clinic catchment to nearest primary (1 degrees) and to nearest primary or secondary (2 degrees) road. RESULTS We found marked HIV heterogeneity by clinic catchment (range 19-31% (P < 0.001). A polygon plot demonstrated lower HIV prevalence in catchments remote from 1 degrees roads. Mean distance from homesteads to nearest 1 degrees or 2 degrees road varied by clinic catchment from 1623 to 7569 m. The mean distance from homesteads to a 1 degrees or 2 degrees road for each clinic catchment was strongly correlated with HIV prevalence (r = 0.66; P = 0.002). CONCLUSIONS The substantial HIV heterogeneity in this district is closely correlated with proximity to a 1 degrees or 2 degrees road. GIS is a powerful tool to demonstrate and to start to analyse this observation. Further research is needed to better understand this relationship both at ecological and individual levels, and to develop interventions to reduce the spread of HIV infection.
OBJECTIVE: To compare the HIV/AIDS epidemics in Australia and sub-Saharan Africa, to outline reasons for differences, and to consider implications for the Asia and Pacific region. METHODS: Comparison of key indicators of the epidemic in Australia, and Africa viewed largely through the experience of the Hlabisa health district, South Africa. RESULTS: To the end of 1997, for all Australia, the estimated cumulative number of HIV infections was approximately 19,000, whereas in Hlabisa 31,000 infections are estimated to have occurred. Compared with the low and declining incidence of HIV in Australia (<1%), estimated incidence in Hlabisa rose to 10% in 1997. In all, 94% of Australian infections have been amongst men; in Hlabisa equal numbers of males and females are infected. Consequently, whereas 3000 children were perinatally exposed to HIV in Hlabisa in 1998 alone, 160 Australian children have been exposed this way. In Australia, HIV-related disease is characterised by opportunistic infection whereas in Hlabisa tuberculosis and wasting dominate. Surveys among gay men in Sydney and Melbourne indicate >80% of HIV infected people receive antiretroviral therapy whereas in Hlabisa these drugs are not available. IMPLICATIONS: It seems possible that Asia and the Pacific will experience a similar HIV/AIDS epidemic to that in Africa. Levels of HIV are already high in parts of Asia, and social conditions in parts of the region might be considered ripe for the spread of HIV. As Australia strengthens economic and political ties within the region, so should more be done to help Pacific and Asian neighbours to prevent and respond to the HIV epidemic.
Phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH) is the enzyme that converts phenylalanine to tyrosine as a rate-limiting step in phenylalanine catabolism and protein and neurotransmitter biosynthesis. Over 300 mutations have been identified in the gene encoding PAH that result in a deficient enzyme activity and lead to the disorders hyperphenylalaninaemia and phenylketonuria. The determination of the crystal structure of PAH now allows the determination of the structural basis of mutations resulting in PAH deficiency. We present an analysis of the structural basis of 120 mutations with a 'classified' biochemical phenotype and/or available in vitro expression data. We find that the mutations can be grouped into five structural categories, based on the distinct expected structural and functional effects of the mutations in each category. Missense mutations and small amino acid deletions are found in three categories:'active site mutations', 'dimer interface mutations', and 'domain structure mutations'. Nonsense mutations and splicing mutations form the category of 'proteins with truncations and large deletions'. The final category, 'fusion proteins', is caused by frameshift mutations. We show that the structural information helps formulate some rules that will help predict the likely effects of unclassified and newly discovered mutations: proteins with truncations and large deletions, fusion proteins and active site mutations generally cause severe phenotypes; domain structure mutations and dimer interface mutations spread over a range of phenotypes, but domain structure mutations in the catalytic domain are more likely to be severe than domain structure mutations in the regulatory domain or dimer interface mutations.
Perforin (pfp) and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) together in C57BL/6 (B6) and BALB/c mouse strains provided optimal protection in 3 separate tumor models controlled by innate immunity. Using experimental (B6, RM-1 prostate carcinoma) and spontaneous (BALB/c, DA3 mammary carcinoma) models of metastatic cancer, mice deficient in both pfp and IFN-gamma were significantly less proficient than pfp- or IFN-gamma -deficient mice in preventing metastasis of tumor cells to the lung. Pfp and IFN-gamma -deficient mice were as susceptible as mice depleted of natural killer (NK) cells in both tumor metastasis models, and IFN-gamma appeared to play an early role in protection from metastasis, Previous experiments in a model of fibrosarcoma induced by the chemical carcinogen methylcholanthrene indicated an important role for NK1.1(+) T cells, Herein, both pfp and IFN-gamma played critical and independent roles in providing the host with protection equivalent to that mediated by NK1.1+ T cells, Further analysis demonstrated that IFN-gamma, but not pfp, controlled the growth rate of sarcomas arising in these mice. Thus, this is the first study to demonstrate that host IFN-gamma, and direct cytotoxicity mediated by cytotoxic lymphocytes expressing pfp independently contribute antitumor effector functions that together control the initiation, growth, and spread of tumors in mice, (C) 2001 by The American Society of Hematology.
The story of the spread of the European rabbit across Australia, and of the two viruses used to control it, is an interesting way to look at some of the issues associated with biological control. What can be learned from the way this system developed, and what has been learned, or not learned, from the mistakes made? Here, we look at these events and examine what insights can be gained from this history.