44 resultados para Fisiologia fetal
This is the protocol for a review and there is no abstract. The objectives are as follows: To evaluate the effectiveness and risks of fetal scalp lactate sampling in the assessment of fetal wellbeing during labour, compared with no testing or alternative additional testing (pH, fetal pulse oximetry, etc) for women exhibiting a non-reassuring cardiotocograph trace. A secondary objective of the review is to determine whether effectiveness and risks of intrapartum fetal scalp lactate sampling is influenced by the following: stage of labour; gestation less than 37 completed weeks, greater than or equal to 37 completed weeks; additional tests performed to confirm the presence or absence of fetal acidemia during labour.
A complex set of axonal guidance mechanisms are utilized by axons to locate and innervate their targets. In the developing mouse forebrain, we previously described several midline glial populations as well as various guidance molecules that regulate the formation of the corpus callosum. Since agenesis of the corpus callosum is associated with over 50 different human congenital syndromes, we wanted to investigate whether these same mechanisms also operate during human callosal development. Here we analyze midline glial and commissural development in human fetal brains ranging from 13 to 20 weeks of gestation using both diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging and immunohistochemistry. Through our combined radiological and histological studies, we demonstrate the morphological development of multiple forebrain commissures/decussations, including the corpus callosum, anterior commissure, hippocampal commissure, and the optic chiasm. Histological analyses demonstrated that all the midline glial populations previously described in mouse, as well as structures analogous to the subcallosal sling and cingulate pioneering axons, that mediate callosal axon guidance in mouse, are also present during human brain development. Finally, by Northern blot analysis, we have identified that molecules involved in mouse callosal development, including Slit, Robo, Netrin1, DCC, Nfia, Emx1, and GAP-43, are all expressed in human fetal brain. These data suggest that similar mechanisms and molecules required for midline commissure formation operate during both mouse and human brain development. Thus, the mouse is an excellent model system for studying normal and pathological commissural formation in human brain development. (c) 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Brain anatomy is characterized by dramatic growth from the end of the second trimester through the neonatal stage. The characterization of normal axonal growth of the white matter tracts has not been well-documented to date and could provide important clues to understanding the extensive inhomogeneity of white matter injuries in cerebral palsy (CP) patients. However, anatomical studies of human brain development during this period are surprisingly scarce and histology-based atlases have become available only recently. Diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging (DTMRI) can reveal detailed anatomy of white matter. We acquired diffusion tensor images (DTI) of postmortem fetal brain samples and in vivo neonates and children. Neural structures were annotated in two-dimensional (2D) slices, segmented, measured, and reconstructed three-dimensionally (3D). The growth status of various white matter tracts was evaluated on cross-sections at 19-20 gestational weeks, and compared with 0-month-old neonates and 5- to 6-year-old children. Limbic, commissural, association, and projection white matter tracts and gray matter structures were illustrated in 3D and quantitatively characterized to assess their dynamic changes. The overall pattern of the time courses for the development of different white matter is that limbic fibers develop first and association fibers last and commissural and projection fibers are forming from anterior to posterior part of the brain. The resultant DTNIRI-based 3D human brain data will be a valuable resource for human brain developmental study and will provide reference standards for diagnostic radiology of premature newborns. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
The MFG test is a family-based association test that detects genetic effects contributing to disease in offspring, including offspring allelic effects, maternal allelic effects and MFG incompatibility effects. Like many other family-based association tests, it assumes that the offspring survival and the offspring-parent genotypes are conditionally independent provided the offspring is affected. However, when the putative disease-increasing locus can affect another competing phenotype, for example, offspring viability, the conditional independence assumption fails and these tests could lead to incorrect conclusions regarding the role of the gene in disease. We propose the v-MFG test to adjust for the genetic effects on one phenotype, e.g., viability, when testing the effects of that locus on another phenotype, e.g., disease. Using genotype data from nuclear families containing parents and at least one affected offspring, the v-MFG test models the distribution of family genotypes conditional on offspring phenotypes. It simultaneously estimates genetic effects on two phenotypes, viability and disease. Simulations show that the v-MFG test produces accurate genetic effect estimates on disease as well as on viability under several different scenarios. It generates accurate type-I error rates and provides adequate power with moderate sample sizes to detect genetic effects on disease risk when viability is reduced. We demonstrate the v-MFG test with HLA-DRB1 data from study participants with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and their parents, we show that the v-MFG test successfully detects an MFG incompatibility effect on RA while simultaneously adjusting for a possible viability loss.
Objective To assess the effect of glucose control on the rate of growth of fetuses in women with pregestational diabetes mellitus (Types 1 and 2). Methods All pregestational diabetic women booked at Mater Mothers’ Hospital, Brisbane, Australia, between 1 January 1994 and 31 December 2002, were included. Pregnancies with congenital fetal anomalies, multiple pregnancies, and pregnancies terminated prior to 20 weeks’ gestation were excluded. Dating scans were performed before 14 weeks’ gestation and serial scans were performed at 18, 24, 28, 32 and 36 weeks. Fetal parameters, including biparietal diameter, femur length and abdominal circumference, were recorded. The daily growth rates for biparietal diameter, femur length, and fetal abdominal area were calculated and compared with those in a low-risk (non-diabetic) population. The growth rates in fetuses of women with satisfactory diabetic control (HbA1c
In a twin sample where duration of gestation can be controlled, a specific example of the fetal origins hypothesis concerning association between low birth weight and early age at menopause is explored. The hypothesis is based on the physiologically plausible path from intrauterine growth retardation and reduced numbers of primary follicles to an earlier menopause. The sample comprised 323 Australian female twin pairs where both co-twins had reached menopause naturally and reported on their weight at birth. Regression analysis showed no linear association between the two variables (P = 0.371, r(2) = 0.0009). Intra-pair differences in age at menopause were investigated in the context of relative birth weight of co-twins. In 265 pairs an intra-pair birth a eight difference was reported. In monozygotic (MZ) pairs (n = 168) this allowed for control of genetic effects as well as gestation duration. No significant differences dependent on birth weight relative to co-twin were found for age at natural menopause in either MZ or dizygotic (DZ) twin pairs, even in pairs whose birth weights differed markedly. There was some indication that twins with premature ovarian failure were heavier at birth than twins with normal or later menopausal age. We conclude that the hypothesis that lower birth weight is associated with earlier menopause is not supported by our data.