51 resultados para Endocytosis And Cellular Digestion


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Background: Increased levels of tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-alpha and oxidative stress have been implicated as factors contributing to hepatic injury in fatty liver diseases. As steatosis is associated with an accelerated progression of fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C (HCV), we hypothesized that the messenger (m)RNA expression of genes involved with the production of reactive oxygen species, inflammation and cellular injury would be increased in liver tissue from subjects with steatosis and chronic HCV. Methods: Real-time polymerase chain reaction was performed to determine relative mRNA expression levels of collagen I, TNF-alpha, cytochrome P450 2E1 (CYP 2E1), transforming growth factor-beta1 and CD14 in liver biopsies from 38 patients with chronic HCV. The mRNA expression levels were compared between subjects with and without steatosis, fibrosis, and inflammation. Results: Multivariate analysis demonstrated that collagen I mRNA expression was increased by 199% in steatosis (P = 0.02), 85% in moderate to severe fibrosis (P = 0.02) and 157% in inflammation (P = 0.03). Livers of patients with steatosis also had an increase in TNF-alpha mRNA expression by 50% (P = 0.03) and CYP 2E1 expression by 37% (P = 0.04) compared with non-steatotic livers. Tumor necrosis factor-alpha protein was localized to Kupffer cells, bile ducts and portal inflammatory cells by immunohistochemistry. Conclusion: Increased expression of TNF-alpha may be involved in the pathogenesis of liver injury and progression of fibrosis in individuals who have steatosis in association with chronic HCV. (C) 2003 Blackwell Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.


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Sulfate plays an essential role during growth, development, bone/cartilage formation, and cellular metabolism. In this study, we have isolated the human sulfate anion transporter cDNA (hsat-1; SCL26A1) and gene (SAT1), determined its protein function in Xenopus oocytes and characterized SAT1 promoter activity in mammalian renal cell lines. hsat-1 encodes a protein of 75 kDa, with 12 putative transmembrane domains, that induces sulfate, chloride, and oxalate transport in Xenopus oocytes. hsat-1 mRNA is expressed most abundantly in the kidney and liver, with lower levels in the pancreas, testis, brain, small intestine, colon, and lung. The SAT1 gene is comprised of four exons stretching 6 kb in length, with an alternative splice site formed from an optional exon. SAT1 5' flanking region led to promoter activity in renal OK and LLC-PK1 cells. Using SAT1 5' flanking region truncations, the first 135 bp was shown to be sufficient for basal promoter activity. Mutation of the activator protein-1 (AP-1) site at position 252 in the SAT1 promoter led to loss of transcriptional activity, suggesting its requirement for SAT1 basal expression. This study represents the first functional characterization of the human SAT1 gene and protein encoded by the anion transporter hsat-1.


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Sulfate (SO42-) is required for bone/cartilage formation and cellular metabolism. sat-1 is a SO42- anion transporter expressed on basolateral membranes of renal proximal tubules, and is suggested to play an important role in maintaining SO42- homeostasis. As a first step towards studying its tissue-specific expression, hormonal regulation, and in preparation for the generation of knockout mice, we have cloned and characterized the mouse sat-1 cDNA (msat-1), gene (sat1; Slc26a1) and promoter region. msat-1 encodes a 704 amino acid protein (75.4 kDa) with 12 putative transmembrane domains that induce SO42- (also oxalate and chloride) transport in Xenopus oocytes. msat-1 mRNA was expressed in kidney, liver, cecum, calvaria, brain, heart, and skeletal muscle. Two distinct transcripts were expressed in kidney and liver due to alternative utilization of the first intron, corresponding to an internal portion of the 5'-untranslated region. The Sa1 gene (similar to6 kb) consists of 4 exons. Its promoter is similar to52% G+C rich and contains a number of well-characterized cis-acting elements, including sequences resembling hormone responsive elements T3REs and VDREs. We demonstrate that Sat1 promoter driven basal transcription in OK cells was stimulated by tri-iodothyronine. Site-directed mutagenesis identified an imperfect T3RE at -454-bp in the Sat1 promoter to be responsible for this activity. This study represents the first characterization of the structure and regulation of the Sat1 gene encoding a SO42-/chloride/oxalate anion transporter.


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Classical cadherin adhesion molecules are fundamental determinants of tissue organization in both health and disease. Recent advances in understanding the molecular and cellular basis of cadherin function have revealed that these adhesion molecules serve as molecular couplers, linking cell surface adhesion and recognition to both the actin cytoskeleton and cell signalling pathways. We will review some of these developments. to provide an overview of progress in this rapidly-developing area of cell and developmental biology.


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Sulfate (SO42-) is an important anion regulating many metabolic and cellular processes. Maintenance Of SO42- homeostasis occurs in the renal proximal tubule via membrane transport proteins. Two SO42- transporters that have been characterized and implicated in regulating serum SO42- levels are: NaSi- 1, a Na+-SO4 (2-) cotransporter located at the brush border membrane and Sat-1, a SO4 (2-) -anion exchanger located on the basolateral membranes of proximal tubular cells. Unlike Sat-1, for which very few studies have looked at regulation of its expression, NaSi- 1 has been shown to be regulated by various hormones and dietary conditions in vivo. To study this further, NaSj- I (SLC13A1) and Sat- I (SLC26A1) gene structures were determined and recent studies have characterized their respective gene promoters. This review presents the current understanding of the transcriptional regulation of NaSj- I and Sat- 1, and describes possible pathogenetic implications which arise as a consequence of altered SO(4)(2-)homeostasis. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We have investigated the targeting of caveolin to lipid bodies in adipocytes that express high levels of caveolins and contain well-developed lipid droplets. We observed that the lipid droplets isolated from adipocytes of caveolin-1 knock out mice contained dramatically reduced levels of cholesterol, indicating that caveolin is required for maintaining the cholesterol content of this organelle. Analysis of caveolin distribution by cell fractionation and fluorescent light microscopy in 3T3-L1 adipocytes indicated that addition of cholesterol rapidly stimulated translocation of caveolin to lipid droplets. The cholesterol-induced trafficking of caveolins to lipid droplets was shown to be dynamin- and protein kinase C (PKC)-dependent and modulated by src tyrosine kinase activation, suggesting a role for caveolar endocytosis in this novel trafficking pathway. Consistent with this, caveolae budding was stimulated by cholesterol addition. The present data identify lipid droplets as potential target organelles for caveolar endocytosis and demonstrate a role for caveolin-1 in the maintenance of free cholesterol levels in adipocyte lipid droplets.


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Objective:. There is evidence from in vitro studies that fatty acids can inhibit glucose uptake in liver. However, it is uncertain whether this happens in vivo when the liver is exposed to high levels of glucose and insulin, in combination with fatty acids, after a mixed meal. This study determined the effects of a combination of fatty acids and insulin on glucokinase (GK) activity and glycolysis in primary rat hepatocytes. Methods: Hepatocytes were cultured with 15 mM glucose and 2 or 10 nM insulin in combination with the fatty acids palmitate, oleate, linoleate, eicosapentaenoic acid, or docosahexaenoic acid. Total GK activity and the proportion of GK in the,active, unbound state were measured to determine the effect of fatty acid on the activity and cellular localization of GK. Glucose phosphorylation and glycolysis were measured in intact cells. Lactate and pyruvate synthesis and the accumulation of ketone bodies were also estimated. Results: Palmitate and eicosapentaenoic acid lowered total GK activity in the presence of 2 nM insulin, but not with 10 nM insulin. In contrast, oleate, linoleate, and docosahexaenoic acid did not alter GK activity. None of the fatty acids tested inhibited glucose phosphorylation or glycolysis in intact rat hepatocytes. In addition, GK activity was unaffected by insulin concentration. Conclusion: Some fatty acids can act to inhibit GK activity in primary hepatocytes. However, there was no,evidence that this decrease in GK activity impaired glucose phosphorylation or glycolysis. Glucose and high concentrations of insulin, which promote glucose uptake, appear to counteract any inhibitory action of fatty acids. Therefore, the presence of fatty acids in a normal mixed meal is likely to have little effect on the capacity of the liver to take up, phosphorylate, and oxidize glucose. (C) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Aim: Dipalmitoylphosphatidycholine (DPPC) is the characteristic and main constituent of surfactant. Adsorption of surfactant to epithelial surfaces may be important in the masking of receptors. The aims of the study were to (i) compare the quantity of free DPPC in the airways and gastric aspirates of children with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GORD) to those without and (ii) describe the association between free DPPC levels with airway cellular profile and capsaicin cough sensitivity. Methods: Children aged < 14 years were defined as 'coughers' if a history of cough in association with their GORD symptoms was elicited before gastric aspirates and nonbronchoscopic bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) were obtained during elective flexible upper gastrointestinal endoscopy. GORD was defined as histological presence of reflux oesophagitis. Spirometry and capsaicin cough-sensitivity test was carried out in children aged > 6 years before the endoscopy. Results: Median age of the 68 children was 9 years (interquartile range (IQR) 7.2). Median DPPC level in BAL of children with cough (72.7 mu g/mL) was similar to noncoughers (88.5). There was also no significant difference in DPPC levels in both BAL and gastric aspirates of children classified according to presence of GORD. There was no correlation between DPPC levels and cellular counts or capsaicin cough-sensitivity outcome measures. Conclusion: We conclude that free DPPC levels in the airways and gastric aspirate is not influenced by presence of cough or GORD defined by histological presence of reflux oesophagitis. Whether quantification of adsorbed surfactant differs in these groups remain unknown. Free DPPC is unlikely to have a role in masking of airway receptors.


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The APTX gene, mutated in patients with the neurological disorder ataxia with oculomotor apraxia type 1 (AOA1), encodes a novel protein aprataxin. We describe here, the interaction and interdependence between aprataxin and several nucleolar proteins, including nucleolin, nucleophosmin and upstream binding factor-1 (UBF-1), involved in ribosomal RNA (rRNA) synthesis and cellular stress signalling. Interaction between aprataxin and nucleolin occurred through their respective N-terminal regions. In AOA1 cells lacking aprataxin, the stability of nucleolin was significantly reduced. On the other hand, down-regulation of nucleolin by RNA interference did not affect aprataxin protein levels but abolished its nucleolar localization suggesting that the interaction with nucleolin is involved in its nucleolar targeting. GFP-aprataxin fusion protein co-localized with nucleolin, nucleophosmin and UBF-1 in nucleoli and inhibition of ribosomal DNA transcription altered the distribution of aprataxin in the nucleolus, suggesting that the nature of the nucleolar localization of aprataxin is also dependent on ongoing rRNA synthesis. In vivo rRNA synthesis analysis showed only a minor decrease in AOA1 cells when compared with controls cells. These results demonstrate a cross-dependence between aprataxin and nucleolin in the nucleolus and while aprataxin does not appear to be directly involved in rRNA synthesis its nucleolar localization is dependent on this synthesis.


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Experimental and theoretical studies have shown the importance of stochastic processes in genetic regulatory networks and cellular processes. Cellular networks and genetic circuits often involve small numbers of key proteins such as transcriptional factors and signaling proteins. In recent years stochastic models have been used successfully for studying noise in biological pathways, and stochastic modelling of biological systems has become a very important research field in computational biology. One of the challenge problems in this field is the reduction of the huge computing time in stochastic simulations. Based on the system of the mitogen-activated protein kinase cascade that is activated by epidermal growth factor, this work give a parallel implementation by using OpenMP and parallelism across the simulation. Special attention is paid to the independence of the generated random numbers in parallel computing, that is a key criterion for the success of stochastic simulations. Numerical results indicate that parallel computers can be used as an efficient tool for simulating the dynamics of large-scale genetic regulatory networks and cellular processes


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Genome sizes of six different Wolbachia strains from insect and nematode hosts have been determined by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis of purified DNA both before and after digestion with rare-cutting restriction endonucleases. Enzymes SmaI, ApaI, AscI, and FseI cleaved the studied Wolbachia strains at a small number of sites and were used for the determination of the genome sizes of wMelPop, wMel, and wMelCS (each 1.36 Mb), wRi (1.66 Mb), wBma (1.1 Mb), and wDim (0.95 Mb). The Wolbachia genomes studied were all much smaller than the genomes of free-living bacteria such as Escherichia coli (4.7 Mb), as is typical for obligate intracellular bacteria. There was considerable genome size variability among Wolbachia strains, especially between the more parasitic A group Wolbachia infections of insects and the mutualistic C and D group infections of nematodes. The studies described here found no evidence for extrachromosomal plasmid DNA in any of the strains examined. They also indicated that the Wolbachia genome is circular.


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Objective. Differentiated dendritic cells (DC) and other antigen-presenting cells are characterized by the nuclear location of RelB, a member of the nuclear factor kappa B/Rel family. To characterize and enumerate differentiated DC in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) peripheral blood (PB), synovial fluid (SF), and synovial tissue (ST), the expression and location of RelB were examined. Methods. RelB protein expression and cellular location were determined in RA PB, SF, and ST by flow cytometry and immunohistochemical analysis of purified cells or formalin-fixed tissue. DNA-binding activity of RelB was determined by electrophoretic: mobility shift-Western immunoblotting assays. Results. Circulating RA PBDC resembled normal immature PBDC in that they did not express intracellular RelB protein. In RA ST serial sections, cells containing nuclear RelB (nRelB) were enriched in perivascular regions. A mean +/- SD of 84 +/- 10% of these cells were DC. The remaining nRelB+,HLA-DR+ cells comprised B cells and macrophages. Only 3% of sorted SFDC contained nRelB, However, RelB present in the nucleus of these SFDC was capable of binding DNA, and therefore capable of transcriptional activity. Conclusion. Circulating DC precursors differentiate and express RelB after entry into rheumatoid ST. Differentiated DC can thus be identified by immunohistochemistry in formalin-fixed ST. Signals for DC maturation may differ between RA ST and SF, resulting in nuclear location of RelB predominantly in ST. This is likely to have functional consequences for the DC in these sites.


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Sensory axons of different sensory modalities project into typical domains within insect ganglia. Tactile and gustatory axons project into a ventral layer of neuropil and proprioceptive afferents, including chordotonal axone, into an intermediate or dorsal layer. Here, we describe the central projections of sensory neurons in the first instar Drosophila larva, relating them to the projection of the same sensory afferents in the embryo and to sensory afferents of similar type in other insects. Several neurons show marked morphologic changes in their axon terminals in the transition between the embryo and larva. During a short morphogenetic period late in embryogenesis, the axon terminals of the dorsal bipolar dendrite stretch receptor change their shape and their distribution within the neuromere. In the larva, external sense organ neurons (es) project their axons into a ventral layer of neuropil. Chordotonal sensory neurons (ch) project into a slightly more dorsal region that is comparable to their projection in adults. The multiple dendrite (md) neurons show two distinctive classes of projection. One group of md neurons projects into the ventral-most neuropil region, the same region into which es neurons project. Members of this group are related by lineage to es neurons or share a requirement for expression of the same proneural gene during development. Other md neurons project into a more dorsal region. Sensory receptors projecting into dorsal neuropil possibly provide proprioceptive feedback from the periphery to central motorneurons and are candidates for future genetic and cellular analysis of simple neural circuitry. J. Comp. Neurol. 425:34-44, 2000. (C) 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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The C-type natriuretic peptide from the platypus venom (OvCNP) exists in two forms, OvCNPa and OvCNPb, whose amino acid sequences are identical. Through the use of nuclear magnetic resonance, mass spectrometry, and peptidase digestion studies, we discovered that OvCNPb incorporates a D-amino acid at position 2 in the primary structure. Peptides containing a D-amino acid have been found in lower forms of organism, but this report is the first for a D-amino acid in a biologically active peptide from a mammal. The result implies the existence of a specific isomerase in the platypus that converts an L-amino acid residue in the protein to the D-configuration. (C) 2002 Federation of European Biochemical Societies. Published by Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The innate immune system of insects consists of humoral and cellular components involved in the recognition of and responses to intruding foreign micro- or macroorganisms. Several molecules have been identified so far that recognize molecular patterns present on microorganisms, such as lipopolysaccharides, peptidoglycans and lipoteichonic acid. These molecules, acting as opsonins, trigger immune responses such as phagocytosis, nodule formation, melanization and encapsulation. Here, we investigated the role of calreticulin (CRT) present on the surface of Pieris rapae hemocytes in phagocytosis. Comparative phagocytosis assays using yeast cells showed that hemocytes from different insects exhibit significant variation in their phagocytosing potential and relative CRT involvement. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.