149 resultados para ETHANOL FUEL-CELL
This article represents the proceedings of a symposium at the 2000 ISBRA Meeting in Yokohama, Japan. The chairs were Izuru Matusmoto and Peter A. Wilce. The presentations were (1) GABA receptor subunit expression in the human alcoholic brain, by Tracey Buckley and Peter Dodd; (2) NMDAR gene expression during ethanol addiction, by Jorg Puzke, Rainer Spanagel, Walther Zieglgansberger, and Gerald Wolf; (3) Differentially expressed gene in the nucleus accumbens from ethanol-administered rat, by Shuangying Leng; (4) Expression of a novel gene in the alcoholic brain, by Peter A. Wilce; and (5) Investigations of haplotypes of the dopamine Da-receptor gene in alcoholics, by Hans Rommelspacher, Ulrich Finckh, and Lutz G. Schmidt.
Adaptive changes that occur after chronic exposure to ethanol are an important component in the development of physical dependence. We have focused our research on ethanol-induced changes in the expression of several genes that may be important in adaptation. In this article, we describe adaptive changes at the level of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor, in the protein expression and activity of the Egr transcription factors, and in the expression of a novel gene of unknown function. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) is the leading cause of mental retardation in western society. We investigated possible changes in glutamate receptor levels in neonatal animals following ethanol exposure using radioligand binding and western blot analysis. We used a vapor chamber to administer ethanol to neonatal Wistar rats 3 h a day from postnatal day (PND) 4-9. A separation control group was separated from their mothers for the same time and duration as the vapor treatment, while a normal control group was left to develop normally. Daily ethanol administrations resulted in decreased brain weight and body weight, as well as microencephaly (decreased brain:body weight ratio). Neither the affinity nor maximum binding of [H-3]MK-801 (dizoclipine maleate) in the cortex of PND10 rats differed between treatment groups. Western blot analysis also failed to reveal any changes in NMDAR1, NMDAR2A, or NMDAR2B receptor levels. In contrast, the AMPA receptor subunit GluR1 was greatly reduced in vapor-treated pups compared with control pups, as revealed by western blot analysis. A similar reduction was found in westerns with an antibody recognizing the GluR2 and 4 subunits. These results indicate that ethanol reduces AMPA rather than NMDA receptors in the developing neocortex, possibly by blocking NMDA receptors during development. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
This article represents the proceedings of a symposium at the 2002 joint RSA/ISBRA Conference in San Francisco, California. The organizer was Paula L. Hoffman and the co-chairs were Paula L. Hoffman and Michael Miles. The presentations were (1) Introduction and overview of the use of DNA microarrays, by Michael Miles; (2) DNA microarray analysis of gene expression in brains of P and NP rats, by Howard J. Edenberg; (3) Gene expression patterns in brain regions of AA and ANA rats, by Wolfgang Sommer; (4) Patterns of gene expression in brains of selected lines of mice that differ in ethanol tolerance, by Boris Tabakoff; (5) Gene expression profiling related to initial sensitivity and tolerance in gamma-protein kinase C mutants, by Jeanne Wehner; and (6) Gene expression patterns in human alcoholic brain: from microarrays to protein profiles, by Joanne Lewohl.
Aims: Previous immunohistochemical studies have shown that the post-translational formation of aldehyde-protein adducts may be an important process in the aetiology of alcohol-induced muscle disease. However, other studies have shown that in a variety of tissues, alcohol induces the formation of various other adduct species, including hybrid acetaldehyde-malondialdehyde-protein adducts and adducts with free radicals themselves, e.g. hydroxyethyl radical (HER)-protein adducts. Furthermore, acetaldehyde-protein adducts may be formed in reducing or non-reducing environments resulting in distinct molecular entities, each with unique features of stability and immunogenicity. Some in vitro studies have also suggested that unreduced adducts may be converted to reduced adducts in situ. Our objective was to test the hypothesis that in muscle a variety of different adduct species are formed after acute alcohol exposure and that unreduced adducts predominate. Methods: Rabbit polyclonal antibodies were raised against unreduced and reduced aldehydes and the HER-protein adducts. These were used to assay different adduct species in soleus (type I fibre-predominant) and plantaris (type II fibre-predominant) muscles and liver in four groups of rats administered acutely with either [A] saline (control); [B] cyanamide (an aldehyde dehydrogenase inhibitor); [C] ethanol; [D] cyanamide+ethanol. Results: Amounts of unreduced acetaldehyde and malondialdehyde adducts were increased in both muscles of alcohol-dosed rats. However there was no increase in the amounts of reduced acetaldehyde adducts, as detected by both the rabbit polyclonal antibody and the RT1.1 mouse monoclonal antibody. Furthermore, there was no detectable increase in malondialdehyde-acetaldehyde and HER-protein adducts. Similar results were obtained in the liver. Conclusions: Adducts formed in skeletal muscle and liver of rats exposed acutely to ethanol are mainly unreduced acetaldehyde and malondialdehyde species.
We measured the effects of ethanol on glutamate receptor levels in the hippocampus of neonatal Wistar rats using a vapor chamber model. Two control groups were used; a normal suckle group and a maternal separation group. Levels of NMDA receptors were not significantly altered in ethanol-treated animals compared to the normal suckle control group, as shown by [H-3]MK-801 binding and Western blot analysis. However, MK-801 binding and NR1 subunit immunoreactivity were greatly reduced in the hippocampus of separation control animals. Neither ethanol treatment nor maternal separation altered levels of GluR1 or GluR2(4). These results have serious implications for the importance of maternal contact for normal brain development.
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are nuclear hormone receptors involved in various metabolic diseases. In the liver, PPARα is involved in alcohol metabolism and may lead to the development of alcoholic fatty liver and other alcohol mediated liver injuries. PPARβ modulation by ethanol induces abnormal myelin production by oligodendrocytes. PPARα and PPARβ are PPAR isoforms expressed in the human breast cell lines. Epidemiological studies show a positive correlation between alcohol intake and breast cancer risk, however, the molecular mechanisms involved are unclear. We hypothesized that ethanol would affect the expression and transactivation of human PPAR isoforms in estrogen receptor (ER) positive and ER negative breast cancer cells. Using real time RT-PCR we looked at the transcription of PPAR isoforms in the presence of increasing concentrations of ethanol and saw isoform and time dependent specific effects. Gene reporter assays enabled us to ascertain the effects of ethanol on ligand-mediated activation of human PPARα and PPARβ at concentrations equivalent to both moderate and chronic alcohol consumption. Ethanol differentially blocked the ligand-mediated activation of both PPARα and PPARβ. Since PPARα and PPARβ are involved in the differentiation and proliferation of breast cancer cells, PPARs may be a possible mechanism involved in the effect of ethanol in breast cancer.
Inorganic metal oxide materials are generally poor proton conductors as conductivities are lower than 10-5-10-6 S.cm-1. However, by functionalising Silica, Zirconia or Titania, proton conduction increases by up to 5 orders of magnitude. Hence, functionalised nanomaterials are becoming very competitive against conventional electrolyte materials such as Nafion. In this work, sol-gel processes are employed to produce silica phosphate, zirconia phosphate and titania phosphate functionalised nanoparticles. Furthermore, conductivities at hydrate conditions are investigated, and nanoparticle formation and functionalisation effects on proton conductivity are discussed. Results show conductivities up to 10-1 S.cm-1 (95% RH). Proton conduction increases with the functionalisation content, however heat treatment of nanoparticles locks the functionality in the crystal phase, thus inhibiting proton conduction. Controlling the mesopore phase allows for high proton conduction at hydrated conditions, clearly indicating facilitated ion transport through the pore channels.
Commercially available proton exchange membranes such as Nafion do not meet the requirements for high power density direct methanol fuel cells, partly due to their high methanol permeability. The aim of this work is to develop a new class of high-proton conductivity membranes, with thermal and mechanical stability similar to Nafion and reduced methanol permeability. Nanocomposite membranes were produced by the in-situ sol-gel synthesis of silicon dioxide particles in preformed Nafion membranes. Microstructural modification of Nafion membranes with silica nanoparticles was shown in this work to reduce methanol crossover from 7.48x10-6 cm2s^-1 for pure Nafion® to 2.86 x10-6 cm2s^-1 for nanocomposite nafion membranes (Methanol 50% (v/v) solution, 75 degrees C). Best results were achieved with a silica composition of 2.6% (w/w). We propose that silica inhibits the conduction of methanol through Nafion by blocking sites necessary for methanol diffusion through the polymer electrolyte membrane. Effects of surface chemistry, nanoparticle formation and interactions with Nafion matrix are further addressed.
Wolbachia pipientis is an obligate intracellular endosymbiont of a range of arthropod species. The microbe is best known for its manipulations of host reproduction that include inducing cytoplasmic incompatibility, parthenogenesis, feminization, and male-killing. Like other vertically transmitted intracellular symbionts, Wolbachiarsquos replication rate must not outpace that of its host cells if it is to remain benign. The mosquito Aedes albopictus is naturally infected both singly and doubly with different strains of Wolbachia pipientis. During diapause in mosquito eggs, no host cell division is believed to occur. Further development is triggered only by subsequent exposure of the egg to water. This study uses diapause in Wolbachia-infected Aedes albopictus eggs to determine whether symbiont replication slows or stops when host cell division ceases or whether it continues at a low but constant rate. We have shown that Wolbachia densities in eggs are greatest during embryonation and then decline throughout diapause, suggesting that Wolbachia replication is dependent on host cell replication.