266 resultados para Dopamine Transporter Gene


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inorganic sulfate is required for numerous functions in mammalian physiology, and its circulating levels are proposed to be maintained by the Na+-SO42- cotransporter, (NaSi-1). To determine the role of NaSi-1 in sulfate homeostasis and the physiological consequences in its absence, we have generated a mouse lacking a functional NaSi-1 gene, Nas1. Serum sulfate concentration was reduced by >75% in Nas1(-/-) mice when compared with Nas1(+/+) mice. Nas1(-/-) mice exhibit increased urinary sulfate excretion, reduced renal and intestinal Na+-SO42- cotransport, and a general growth retardation. Nas1(-/-) mouse body weight was reduced by >20% when compared with Nas1(+/+) and Nas1(+/-) littermates at 2 weeks of age and remained so throughout adulthood. Nas1(-/-) females had a lowered fertility, with a 60% reduction in litter size. Spontaneous clonic seizures were observed in Nas1(-/-) mice from 8 months of age. These data demonstrate NaSi-1 is essential for maintaining sulfate homeostasis, and its expression is necessary for a wide range of physiological functions.


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The dopamine D4 receptor gene contains a polymorphic sequence consisting of a variable number of 48-base-pair (bp) repeats, and there have been a number of reports that this polymorphism is associated with variation in novelty seeking or in substance abuse and addictive behaviors. In this study we have assessed the linkage and association of DRD4 genotype with novelty seeking, alcohol use, and smoking in a sample of 377 dizygotic twin pairs and 15 single twins recruited from the Australian Twin Registry (ATR). We found no evidence of linkage or association of the DRD4 locus with any of the phenotypes. We made use of repeated measures for some phenotypes to increase power by multivariate genetic analysis, but allelic effects were still non-significant. Specifically, it has been suggested that the DRD4 7-repeat allele is associated with increased novelty seeking in males but we found no evidence for this, despite considerable power to do so. We conclude that DRD4 variation does not have an effect on use of alcohol and the problems that arise from it, on smoking, or on novelty seeking behavior. (C) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.


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Several linkage studies across multiple population groups provide convergent support for a susceptibility locus for schizophrenia - and, more recently, for bipolar disorder - on chromosome 6q13-q26. We genotyped 192 European-ancestry and African American (AA) pedigrees with schizophrenia from samples that previously showed linkage evidence to 6q13-q26, focusing on the MOXD1-STX7-TRARs gene cluster at 6q23.2, which contains a number of prime candidate genes for schizophrenia. Thirty-one screening single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were selected, providing a minimum coverage of at least 1 SNP/20 kb. The association observed with rs4305745 (P = .0014) within the TRAR4 (trace amine receptor 4) gene remained significant after correction for multiple testing. Evidence for association was proportionally stronger in the smaller AA sample. We performed database searches and sequenced genomic DNA in a 30-proband subsample to obtain a high-density map of 23 SNPs spanning 21.6 kb of this gene. Single-SNP analyses and also haplotype analyses revealed that rs4305745 and/or two other polymorphisms in perfect linkage disequilibrium (LD) with rs4305745 appear to be the most likely variants underlying the association of the TRAR4 region with schizophrenia. Comparative genomic analyses further revealed that rs4305745 and/or the associated polymorphisms in complete LD with rs4305745 could potentially affect gene expression. Moreover, RT-PCR studies of various human tissues, including brain, confirm that TRAR4 is preferentially expressed in those brain regions that have been implicated in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. These data provide strong preliminary evidence that TRAR4 is a candidate gene for schizophrenia; replication is currently being attempted in additional clinical samples.


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Recent investigations have implicated the medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) in modulation of subcortical pathways that contribute to the generation of behavioural, autonomic and endocrine responses to stress. However, little is known of the mechanisms involved. One of the key neurotransmitters involved in mPFC function is dopamine, and we therefore aimed, in this investigation, to examine the role of mPFC dopamine in response to stress in Wistar rats. In this regard, we infused dopamine antagonists SCH23390 or sulpiride into the mPFC via retrodialysis. We then examined changes in numbers of cells expressing the c-fos immediate-early gene protein product, Fos, in subcortical neuronal populations associated with regulation of hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis stress responses in response to either of two stressors; systemic injection of interleukin-1beta, or air puff. The D-1 antagonist, SCH23390, and the D-2 antagonist, sulpiride, both attenuated expression of Fos in the medial parvocellular hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus (mpPVN) corticotropin-releasing factor cells at the apex of the HPA axis, as well as in most extra-hypothalamic brain regions examined in response to interleukin-1beta. By contrast, SCH23390 failed to affect Fos expression in response to air puff in any brain region examined, while sulpiride resulted in an attenuation of the air puff-induced response in only the mpPVN and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis. These results indicate that the mPFC differentially processes the response to different stressors and that the two types of dopamine receptor may have different roles.


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Inorganic sulfate is essential for numerous functions in mammalian physiology. In the present study, we characterized the functional properties of the rat Na+-sulfate cotransporter NaS2 (rNaS2), determined its tissue distribution, and identified its gene (slc13a4) structure. Expression of rNaS2 protein in Xenopus oocytes led to a Na+-dependent transport of sulfate that was inhibited by phosphate, thiosulfate, tungstate, selenate, oxalate, and molybdate, but not by citrate, succinate, or DIDS. Transport kinetics of rNaS2 determined a K-M for sulfate of 1.26 mM. Na+ kinetics determined a Hill coefficient of n=3.0 +/- 0.7, suggesting a Na+:SO42- stoichiometry of 3:1. rNaS2 mRNA was highly expressed in placenta, with lower levels found in the brain and liver. slc13a4 maps to rat chromosome 4 and contains 17 exons, spanning over 46 kb in length. This gene produces two alternatively spliced transcripts, of which the transcript lacking exon 2 is the most abundant form. Its 5' flanking region contains CAAT- and GC-box motifs and a number of putative transcription factor binding sites, including GATA-1, SP1, and AP-2 consensus sequences. This is the first study to characterize rNaS2 transport kinetics, define its tissue distribution, and resolve its gene (slc13a4) structure and 5' flanking region.


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In the present study, NaSi-l sulphate transporter knock-out (Nas1-/-) mice, an animal model of hyposulphataernia, were examined for spatial memory and learning in a Morris water maze, and for olfactory function in a cookie test. The Nas1-/- mice displayed significantly (P < 0.05) increased latencies to find an escape platform in the reversal teaming trials at 2 days but not 1 day after the last acquisition trial in a Morris water maze test. suggesting that Nas1-/- mice may have proactive memory interference. While the wild-type (Ncis1+/+) mice showed a significant (P < 0.02) decrease in time to locate a hidden food reward over four trials after overnight fasting, Nas1-/- mice did not change their performance, resulting in significantly (P < 0.05) higher latencies when compared to their Nas1+/+ littermates. There were no significant differences between Nas1-/- and Nas1+/+ mice in the cookie test after moderate food deprivation. In addition, both Nas1-/- and Nas1+/+ mice displayed similar escape latencies in the acquisition phase of the Morris water maze test, suggesting that learning, motivation, vision and motor skills required for the task may not be affected in Nas1-/- mice. This is the first study to demonstrate an impairment in memory and olfactory performance in the hyposulphataemic Nas1-/- mouse. (c) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Sulfate plays an essential role in human growth and development. Here, we characterized the functional properties of the human Na+-sulfate cotransporter (hNaS2), determined its tissue distribution, and identified its gene (SLC13A4) structure. Expression of hNaS2 protein in Xenopus oocytes led to a Na+-dependent transport of sulfate that was inhibited by thiosulfate, phosphate, molybdate. selenate and tungstate, but not by oxalate, citrate, succinate, phenol red or DIDS. Transport kinetics of hNaS2 determined a K, for sulfate of 0.38 mM, suggestive of a high affinity sulfate transporter. Na+ kinetics determined a Hill coefficient of 1.6 +/- 0.6, suggesting a Na: SO42- stoichiometry of 2:1. hNaS2 mRNA was highly expressed in placenta and testis, with intermediate levels in brain and lower levels found in the heart, thymus, and liver. The SLC13A4 gene contains 16 exons, spanning over 47 kb in length. Its 5'-flanking region contains CAAT- and GC-box motifs, and a number of putative transcription factor binding sites, including GATA-1, AP-1, and AP-2 consensus sequences. This is the first study to characterize hNaS2 transport kinetics, define its tissue distribution, and resolve its gene (SLC13A4) structure and 5' flanking region. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The mesocorticolimbic system is the reward centre of the brain and the major target for drugs of abuse including alcohol. Neuroadaptive changes in this region are thought to underlie the process of tolerance and dependence. Recently, several research groups have searched for alcohol-responsive genes using high-throughput microarrays and well-characterized human post-mortem material. Comparison of data from these studies of cortical regions highlights the differences in experimental approach and selection of cases. However, alcohol-responsive gene sets associated with transcription, oxidative stress and energy production were common to these studies. In marked contrast, alcohol-responsive genes in the nucleus accumbens and the ventral tegmental area are primarily associated with changes in neurotransmission and signal transduction. These data support the concept that, within cortical regions, changes in gene expression are associated with alcoholism-related pathology. In the dopaminergic tract of the mesocorticolimbic system, alcohol-responsive gene sets suggest long-term neuroplastic changes in synaptic transmission.


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Long-term alcohol abuse by human subjects leads to selective brain damage that is restricted in extent and variable in severity. Within the cerebral cortex, neuronal loss is most marked in the superior frontal cortex and relatively mild in motor cortex. Cirrhotic alcoholics and subjects with alcohol-related Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome show more severe and more extensive damage than do uncomplicated cases. Accumulating evidence suggests that the likelihood of developing alcohol dependency is associated with one or more genetic markers. In previous work we showed that GABAA receptor functionality, and the subunit isoform expression that underlies this, differed in region- and disease-specific ways between alcoholics and controls. By contrast, glutamate receptor (NMDA, KA, AMPA) differences were muted or absent. Here we asked if genotype differentiated the form, pharmacology, or expression of glutamate and GABA receptors in pathologically vulnerable and spared cortical regions, with a view to determining whether such subject factors might influence the severity of alcohol-induced brain damage. Cerebrocortical tissue was obtained at autopsy under informed, written consent from uncomplicated and alcoholic-cirrhotic Caucasian (predominantly Anglo-Celtic) cases, together with matched controls and cases with cirrhosis of non-alcoholic origin. All subjects had pathological confirmation of liver and brain diagnosis; none had been polydrug abusers. Samples were processed for synaptic membrane receptor binding, mRNA analysis by quantitative RT-PCR, and protein analysis by Western blot. Genotyping was performed by PCR methods, in the main using published primers. Several genetic markers differentiated between our alcoholic and control subjects, including the GABAA receptor 2 subunit (GABB2) gene ( 2 (3) 10.329, P 0.01), the dopamine D2 receptor B1 (DRD2B) allele ( 2 (3) 10.109, P 0.01) and a subset of the alcohol dehydrogenase-3 (ADH3) alleles ( 2 (2) 4.730, P 0.05). Although neither the type-2 glutamate transporter (EAAT2) nor the serotonin transporter (5HTT) genes were significantly associated with alcoholism, only EAAT2 heterozygotes showed a significant association between ADH3 genotype and alcoholism ( 2 (3) 7.475, P 0.05). Other interactions between genotypes were also observed. DRD2A, DRD2B, GABB2, EAAT2 and 5HTT genotypes did not divide alcoholic cases and controls on NMDA receptor parameters, although in combined subjects there was a significant DRD2B X Area Interaction with glutamateNMDA receptor efficacy (F(1,57) 4.67; P 0.05), measured as the extent of glutamate-enhanced MK801 binding. In contrast, there was a significant Case-group X ADH3 X Area Interaction with glutamateNMDA receptor efficacy (F(3,57) 2.97; P 0.05). When GABAA receptor subunit isoform expression was examined, significant Case-group X Genotype X Area X Isoform interactions were found for EAAT2 with subunit mRNA (F(1,37) 4.22; P0.05), for GABB2 with isoform protein (F(1,37) 5.69; P 0.05), and for DRD2B with isoform protein (F(2,34)5.69; P0.05). The results suggest that subjects’ genetic makeup may modulate the effectiveness of amino acid-mediated transmission in different cortical regions, and thereby influence neuronal vulnerability to excitotoxicity.


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Chronic alcoholism leads to localized brain damage, which is prominent in superior frontal cortex but mild in motor cortex. The likelihood of developing alcohol dependence is associated with genetic markers. GABA-A receptor expression differs between alcoholics and controls, whereas glutamate receptor differences are muted. We determined whether genotype differentiated the localized expression of glutamate N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) and GABA-A receptors to influence the severity of alcohol-induced brain damage. Cerebral cortex tissue was obtained at autopsy from alcoholics without disease comorbid with alcoholics, alcoholics with cirrhosis, and matched controls. DRD2A, DRD2B, GABRB2, SLC1A2, and 5HTT genotypes did not divide alcoholic cases and controls on NMDA receptor parameters. In contrast, a specific alcohol dehydrogenase (ADHIC) genotype interacted significantly with NMDA efficacy and affinity in a region-specific manner SLC1A2 (glutamate transporter-2) genotype interacted significantly with local GABAA receptor b subunit mRNA expression, and ADHIC, DRD2B, SLC1A2, and APOE genotypes with b subunit isoform protein expression. In the latter instance, possession of the alcoholism- associated allele altered b isoform protein expression patterns toward a less-efficacious form of the GABA-A receptor in the pathologically vulnerable region. GABRB2 and GRIN2B (NMDA receptor 2B subunit} Genotypes were associated with significant regional difference in the pattern of b subunit protein isoform expression, but this was not influenced by alcoholism status. Genotype may modulate amino acid transmission locally so as to mediate neuronal vulnerability. This has implications for the effectiveness of pharmacological interventions aimed at ameliorating brain damage and, possibly, dependence.