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Quantum information theory, applied to optical interferometry, yields a 1/n scaling of phase uncertainty Delta phi independent of the applied phase shift phi, where n is the number of photons in the interferometer. This 1/n scaling is achieved provided that the output state is subjected to an optimal phase measurement. We establish this scaling law for both passive (linear) and active (nonlinear) interferometers and identify the coefficient of proportionality. Whereas a highly nonclassical state is required to achieve optimal scaling for passive interferometry, a classical input state yields a 1/n scaling of phase uncertainty for active interferometry.


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Using the method of quantum trajectories we show that a known pure state can be optimally monitored through time when subject to a sequence of discrete measurements. By modifying the way that we extract information from the measurement apparatus we can minimize the average algorithmic information of the measurement record, without changing the unconditional evolution of the measured system. We define an optimal measurement scheme as one which has the lowest average algorithmic information allowed. We also show how it is possible to extract information about system operator averages from the measurement records and their probabilities. The optimal measurement scheme, in the limit of weak coupling, determines the statistics of the variance of the measured variable directly. We discuss the relevance of such measurements for recent experiments in quantum optics.


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Forkhead-associated (FHA) domains are modular protein–protein interaction domains of ~130 amino acids present in numerous signalling proteins. FHA-domain-dependent protein interactions are regulated by phosphorylation of target proteins and FHA domains may be multifunctional phosphopeptide-recognition modules. FHA domains of the budding yeast cell-cycle checkpoint protein kinases Dun1p and Rad53p have been crystallized. Crystals of the Dun1-FHA domain exhibit the symmetry of the space group P6122 or P6522, with unit-cell parameters a = b = 127.3, c = 386.3 Å; diffraction data have been collected to 3.1 Å resolution on a synchrotron source. Crystals of the N-terminal FHA domain (FHA1) of Rad53p diffract to 4.0 Å resolution on a laboratory X-ray source and have Laue-group symmetry 4/mmm, with unit-cell parameters a = b = 61.7, c = 104.3 Å.


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The extended X-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy (EXAFS) of (ND4)(2)[CU(D2O)(6)](SO4)(2) at 5, 14,100, 200, and 298 K is reported. This indicates that the Cu-O bond lengths of the Cu(D2O)(6)(2+) ion do not change significantly within this temperature range, which contrasts with EPR results and X-ray and neutron diffraction experiments, which imply that two of the Cu-(D2O) bonds converge in length as the temperature is raised. The EXAFS measurements thus confirm that the bond distances yielded by the diffraction experiments refer to the average positions of ligands involved in a dynamic equilibrium in which the directions of the long and intermediate bonds of the Jahn-Teller distorted Cu(D2O)(6)(2+) ion are interchanged in the crystal lattice. Analysis of the displacement parameters is consistent with this interpretation, as are the wave functions calculated using a model involving Jahn-Teller vibronic coupling and the influence of lattice strain interactions.


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Shock-tunnel experiments have been performed to measure the effect on skin-friction drag in a supersonic combustor of flow disturbances induced by hydrogen fuel injection transverse to the airstream. Constant-area, circular cross section combustors of lengths varying up to 0.52 m were employed. The experiments were done at a stagnation enthalpy of 7.2 MJ . kg(-1) and a Mach number of 4.3, with a boundary layer that was turbulent downstream of the 0.14-m station in the combustors. Combustor skin-friction drag was measured by a method based on the stress wave force balance, the method being validated by agreement between fuel-off skin-friction drag measurements and predictions using existing skin-friction theories. When fuel was injected, it was found that the drag remained at fuel-off values. Thus, the streamwise vortices and other flow disturbances induced by the fuel injection, mixing, and combustion, which are expected to be present in a scramjet combustor, did not influence the skin-friction drag of the combustors.


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The structures of mixed Langmuir (floating) monolayers and Langmuir-Blodgett (LB) films of a phenanthroline-porphyrin with cadmium arachidate (PhenPor + CdAr) have been investigated by synchrotron X-ray grazing incidence diffraction (GIXD) and specular X-ray reflectivity (SXR). GIXD measurements of the floating monolayers showed only one peak, arising from the CdAr domains in the films, at a scattering angle of 21.5 degrees. This is consistent with a hexagonal structure (alpha = 4.77 Angstrom). The correlation length in these domains is 250 Angstrom. GMD measurements of the LB films, however, show two sets of diffraction features: one arises from CdAr domains with a rectangular in-plane structure (alpha = 7.44 Angstrom and b = 4.90 Angstrom) and a correlation length of 85 Angstrom; the other is from porphyrin domains with an oblique in-plane structure (alpha (p) 15.2 Angstrom, b(p) = 8.86 Angstrom, and gamma (p) = 80 degrees) and a correlation length of 105 Angstrom. These dimensions are consistent with the surface pressure-area isotherm measurements and indicate that the two components are immiscible. The thickness of the bilayer is 57 Angstrom, and there is no correlation between the bilayers. Introduction of a trigger compound does not alter the structure of the films but slightly increases the bilayer thickness. The SXR measurements of the floating monolayers also support the suggested immiscibility of the two components in the films.


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Concerns have been raised about the reproducibility of brachial artery reactivity (BAR), because subjective decisions regarding the location of interfaces may influence the measurement of very small changes in lumen diameter. We studied 120 consecutive patients with BAR to address if an automated technique could be applied, and if experience influenced reproducibility between two observers, one experienced and one inexperienced. Digital cineloops were measured automatically, using software that measures the leading edge of the endothelium and tracks this in sequential frames and also manually, where a set of three point-to-point measurements were averaged. There was a high correlation between automated and manual techniques for both observers, although less variability was present with expert readers. The limits of agreement overall for interobserver concordance were 0.13 +/-0.65 mm for the manual and 0.03 +/-0.74 mm for the automated measurement. For intraobserver concordance, the limits of agreement were -0.07 +/-0.38 mm for observer 1 and -0.16 +/-0.55 mm for observer 2. We concluded that BAR measurements were highly concordant between observers, although more concordant using the automated method, and that experience does affect concordance. Care must be taken to ensure that the same segments are measured between observers and serially.


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t Disulfide-bond (Dsb) proteins are a family of redox proteins containing a Cys-X-X-Cys motif. They are essential for disulfide-bond exchange in the bacterial periplasm and are necessary for the correct folding and function of many secreted proteins. CcmG (DsbE) is a reducing Dsb protein required for cytochrome c maturation. Crystals of Bradyrhizobium japonicum CcmG have been obtained that diffract X-rays to 1.14 Angstrom resolution. The crystals are orthorhombic, space group P2(1)2(1)2(1), with unit-cell parameters a = 35.1, b = 48.2, c = 90.2 Angstrom. Selenomethionine CcmG was expressed without using a methionine auxotroph or methionine-pathway inhibition and was purified without reducing agents.