73 resultados para Chest asymmetry
When English-learning children begin using words the majority of their early utterances (around 80%) are nouns. Compared to nouns, there is a paucity of verbs or non-verb relational words, such as 'up' meaning 'pick me up'. The primary explanations to account for these differences in use either argue in support of a 'cognitive account', which claims that verbs entail more cognitive complexity than nouns, or they provide evidence challenging this account. In this paper I propose an additional explanation for children's noun/verb asymmetry. Presenting a 'multi-modal account' of word-learning based on children's gesture and word combinations, I show that at the one-word stage English-learning children use gestures to express verb-like elements which leaves their words free to express noun-like elements.
The quantitative description of the quantum entanglement between a qubit and its environment is considered. Specifically, for the ground state of the spin-boson model, the entropy of entanglement of the spin is calculated as a function of α, the strength of the ohmic coupling to the environment, and ɛ, the level asymmetry. This is done by a numerical renormalization group treatment of the related anisotropic Kondo model. For ɛ=0, the entanglement increases monotonically with α, until it becomes maximal for α→1-. For fixed ɛ>0, the entanglement is a maximum as a function of α for a value, α=αM
The resonance fluorescence of a two-level atom driven by a coherent laser field and damped by a finite bandwidth squeezed vacuum is analysed. We extend the Yeoman and Barnett technique to a non-zero detuning of the driving field from the atomic resonance and discuss the role of squeezing bandwidth and the detuning in the level shifts, widths and intensities of the spectral lines. The approach is valid for arbitrary values of the Rabi frequency and detuning but for the squeezing bandwidths larger than the natural linewidth in order to satisfy the Markoff approximation. The narrowing of the spectral lines is interpreted in terms of the quadrature-noise spectrum. We find that, depending on the Rabi frequency, detuning and the squeezing phase, different factors contribute to the line narrowing. For a strong resonant driving field there is no squeezing in the emitted field and the fluorescence spectrum exactly reveals the noise spectrum. In this case the narrowing of the spectral lines arises from the noise reduction in the input squeezed vacuum. For a weak or detuned driving field the fluorescence exhibits a large squeezing and, as a consequence, the spectral lines have narrowed linewidths. Moreover, the fluorescence spectrum can be asymmetric about the central frequency despite the symmetrical distribution of the noise. The asymmetry arises from the absorption of photons by the squeezed vacuum which reduces the spontaneous emission. For an appropriate choice of the detuning some of the spectral lines can vanish despite that there is no population trapping. Again this process can be interpreted as arising from the absorption of photons by the squeezed vacuum. When the absorption is large it may compensate the spontaneous emission resulting in the vanishing of the fluorescence lines.
Researchers have recently reported the effects of age, sex, ear asymmetry, and subject's activity status on transient evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAEs). The present study aimed to expand upon such reports by describing the characteristics of TEOAE spectra obtained from a cohort of 607 two-month-old infants in community child health clinics. Results indicated significant sex, ear and activity state effects on the signal:noise ratio, response. whole wave and band reproducibility values. These findings suggest the need for TEOAE normative data to be expressed as a function of sex, ear, and activity state of infants. These characteristics of TEOAE spectra may shape future investigations into appropriate pass-fail criteria for two-month-old infants.
The phospholipids in plasma membranes of erythrocytes, as well as platelets, lymphocytes and other cells are asymmetrically distributed, with sphingomyelin and phosphatidylcholine residing predominantly in the outer leaflet of the bilayer, and phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylethanolamine in the inner leaflet. It is known that Ca2+ can disrupt the phospholipid asymmetry by activation of a protein known as phospholipid scramblase, which affects bidirectional phospholipid movement in a largely non-selective manner. As Ca2+ also inhibits aminophospholipid translocase, whose Mg2+-ATPase activity is responsible for active translocation of aminophospholipids from the outer to the inner leaflet, it is important to accurately determine the sensitivity of scramblase to intracellular free Ca2+. In the present study we have utilized the favourable K-d, of Mag-fura-2 for calcium in the high micromolar range to determine free Ca2+ levels associated with lipid scrambling in resealed human red cell ghosts. The Ca2+ sensitivity was measured in parallel to the translocation of a fluorescent-labelled lipid incorporated into the ghost bilayer. The phospholipid scrambling was found to be half-maximally activated at 63-88 mu M free intracellular Ca2+. The wider applicability of the method and the physiological implications of the calcium sensitivity determined is discussed.
In this study, we examined qualitative and quantitative measures involving the head and face in a sample of patients and well controls drawn from the Brisbane Psychosis Study. Patients with psychosis (n=310) and age and sex-matched controls (n=303) were drawn from a defined catchment area. Features assessed involved hair whorls (position, number, and direction), eyes (epicanthus), supraorbital ridge, ears (low set, protrusion, hypoplasia, ear lobe attachment, asymmetry, helix width), and mouth (palate height and shape, palate ridges, furrowed and bifid tongue). Quantitative measures related to skull size (circumference, width and length) selected facial heights and depths. The impact of selected risk factors (place and season of birth, fathers' occupation at time of birth, selfreported pregnancy and birth complications, family history) were examined in the entire group, while the association between age of onset and dysmorphology was assessed within the patient group. Significant group (cases versus controls) differences included: patients had smaller skull bases, smaller facial heights, larger facial depths, lower set and protruding ears, different palate shape and fewer palate ridges. In the entire sample significant associations included: (a) those with positive family history of mental illness bad smaller head circumference, cranial length and facial heights; (b) pregnancy and birth complications was associated with smaller facial beights: (c) larger head circumference was associated with higher ranked fathers' occupations at birth. Within the patient group, age of onset was significantly lower in those with more qualitative anomalies or with larger facial heights. The group differences were not due to outliers or distinct subgroups, suggesting that the factors responsible for the differences may be subtle and widely dispersed in the patient group. The Stanley Foundation supported this project.
Bright coloration and complex visual displays are frequent and well described in many lizard families. Reflectance spectrometry which extends into the ultraviolet (UV) allows measurement of such coloration independent of our visual system. We examined the role of colour in signalling and mate choice in the agamid lizard Ctenophorus ornatus. We found that throat reflectance strongly contrasted against the granite background of the lizards' habitat. The throat may act as a signal via the head-bobbing and push-up displays of C. ornatus. Dorsal coloration provided camouflage against the granite background, particularly in females. C. ornatus was sexually dichromatic for all traits examined including throat UV reflectance which is beyond human visual perception. Female throats were highly variable in spectral reflectance and males preferred females with higher throat chroma between 370 and 400 nm. However, female throat UV chroma is strongly correlated to both throat brightness and chest UV chroma and males may choose females on a combination of these colour variables. There was no evidence that female throat or chest coloration was an indicator of female quality. However, female brightness significantly predicted a female's laying date and, thus, may signal receptivity. One function of visual display in this species appears to be intersexual signalling, resulting in male choice of females.
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate a diagnostic algorithm for pulmonary tuberculosis based on smear microscopy and objective response to trial of antibiotics. SETTING: Adult medical wards, Hlabisa Hospital, South Africa, 1996-1997. METHODS: Adults with chronic chest symptoms and abnormal chest X-ray had sputum examined for Ziehl-Neelsen stained acid-fast bacilli by light microscopy. Those with negative smears were treated with amoxycillin for 5 days and assessed. Those who had not improved were treated with erythromycin for 5 days and reassessed. Response was compared with mycobacterial culture. RESULTS: Of 280 suspects who completed the diagnostic pathway, 160 (57%) had a positive smear, 46 (17%) responded to amoxycillin, 34 (12%) responded to erythromycin and 40 (14%) were treated as smear-negative tuberculosis. The sensitivity (89%) and specificity (84%) of the full algorithm for culture-positive tuberculosis were high. However, 11 patients (positive predictive value [PPV] 95%) were incorrectly diagnosed with tuberculosis, and 24 cases of tuberculosis (negative predictive value [NPV] 70%) were not identified. NPV improved to 75% when anaemia was included as a predictor. Algorithm performance was independent of human immunodeficiency virus status. CONCLUSION: Sputum smear microscopy plus trial of antibiotic algorithm among a selected group of tuberculosis suspects may increase diagnostic accuracy in district hospitals in developing countries.
Great potential has recently been demonstrated for the application of transient evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAEs) in screening the hearing of school-aged children. The present study aimed to describe the range of TEOAE values obtained from a large cohort of 6-year-old children in school settings. Results indicated significant sex and ear asymmetry effects on signal-to-noise ratio, response, whole wave reproducibility, band reproducibility and noise levels. A prior history of ear infections was also shown to influence response level, whole wave reproducibility and band reproducibility. The sex, ear and history specific normative data tables derived may contribute to future improvements in the accuracy of hearing screening for 6-year-old school children.
Lymphedema is an accumulation of lymph fluid in the limb resulting from an insufficiency of the lymphatic system. It is commonly associated with surgical or radiotherapy treatment for breast cancer. As with many progressively debilitating disorders, the effectiveness of treatment is significantly improved by earlier intervention. Multiple frequency bioelectrical impedance analysis (MFBIA) previously was shown to provide accurate relative measures of lymphedema in the upper limb in patients after treatment for breast cancer, This presentation reports progress to date on a three-year prospective study to evaluate the efficacy of MFBIA to predict the early onset of lymphedema in breast cancer patients following treatment. Bioelectrical impedance measurements of each upper limb were recorded in a group of healthy control subjects (n = 50) to determine the ratio of extracellular limb-fluid volumes. From this population, the expected normal range of asymmetry (99.7% confidence) between the limbs was determined, Patients undergoing surgery to treat breast cancer were recruited into the study, and MFBIA measurements were recorded presurgery, at one month and three months after surgery, and then at two-month intervals for up to 24 months postsurgery, When patients had an MFBIA measure outside the 99.7% range of the control group, they were referred to their physician for clinical assessment. Results to date: Over 100 patients were recruited into the study over the past two years; at present, 19 have developed lymphedema and, of these, 12 are receiving treatment. In each of these 19 cases, MFBIA predicted the onset of the condition up to four months before it could be clinically diagnosed. The false-negative rate currently is zero, The study will continue to monitor patients over the remaining year to accurately ascertain estimates of specificity and sensitivity of the procedure.
Female choice has rarely been documented in reptiles. In this study we examined the variation, condition-dependence and female preference for a range of male morphological and colour traits in the agamid lizard, Ctenophorus ornatus. Colour traits were measured with reflectance spectrophotometry which allows the accurate quantification of colour traits independent of the human visual system. All the colour traits varied greatly in brightness but only the throat showed high variation in the spectral shape. For the morphological traits, chest patch size showed the highest amount of variation and was also condition-dependent. Males with a larger chest patch also had a patch which was a darker black. Female mate choice trials were conducted on male chest patch size and body size, which is the trait females have preferred in other lizard species. Females showed no preference, measured as spatial association, for larger males or males with bigger chest patches. In post-hoc tests females did not prefer males with brighter throats or darker chests, Our findings suggest that females show no spatial discrimination between males on the basis of a range of traits most expected to influence female choice.
This paper describes the kinematics and muscle activity associated with the standard sit-up, as a first step in the investigation of complex motor coordination. Eight normal human subjects lay on a force table and performed at least 15 sit-ups, with the arms across the chest and the legs straight and unconstrained. Several subjects also performed sit-ups with an additional weight added to the head. Support surface forces were recorded to calculate the location of the center of pressure and center of gravity; conventional motion analysis was used to measure segmental positions; and surface EMG was recorded from eight muscles. While the sit-up consists of two serial components, 'trunk curling' and 'footward pelvic rotation', it can be further subdivided into five phases, based on the kinematics. Phases I and II comprise trunk curling. Phase I consists of neck and upper trunk flexion, and phase II consists of lumbar trunk lifting. Phase II corresponds to the point of peak muscle contraction and maximum postural instability, the 'critical point' of the sit-up. Phases III-V comprise footward pelvic rotation. Phase III begins with pelvic rotation towards the feet. phase W with leg lowering, and phase V with contact between the legs and the support surface. The overall pattern of muscle activity was complex with times of EMG onset, peak activity, offset, and duration differing for different muscles. This complex pattern changed qualitatively from one phase to the next, suggesting that the roles of different muscles and, as a consequence, the overall form of coordination, change during the sit-up. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Lateral biases in visual perception have been demonstrated in normal individuals and in patients with unilateral brain lesions. It has been suggested that the absence of structural and functional asymmetries in schizophrenia could be due to a failure in lateralisation that may be most pronounced in those patients whose illness onset is at an early age. Here we examined lateral biases in patients with schizophrenia of an early onset (N = 21) and a late onset.(N = 19), and their respective age-matched control groups, using the greyscales task, a sensitive measure of asymmetries in visual processing. The stimuli consisted of two rectangles, one above the other, shaded in opposite directions and matched overall for darkness. Participants judged which of the two rectangles looked darker overall. Previous studies using this task in healthy participants have reported a reliable bias, such that the rectangle with the darker end on the left is selected preferentially. Whereas the late-onset patients in this study exhibited a perceptual bias of similar direction and magnitude to that of controls, this was not the case for the early-onset patients, who exhibited significantly less bias than their control group. The reduced perceptual bias seen in the early-onset group, but not the late-onset group, suggests an attenuation of right hemisphere mechanisms dedicated to processing vistiospatial information. The attenuated perceptual asymmetry in the early-onset group only may be consistent with the view that (i) an earlier illness onset reflects a greater loss of hemispheric differentiation and (ii) reduced functional asymmetries in the early-onset group are a manifestation of a failure to allocate functions to one or the other hemisphere.
This paper describes algorithms that can identify patterns of brain structure and function associated with Alzheimer's disease, schizophrenia, normal aging, and abnormal brain development based on imaging data collected in large human populations. Extraordinary information can be discovered with these techniques: dynamic brain maps reveal how the brain grows in childhood, how it changes in disease, and how it responds to medication. Genetic brain maps can reveal genetic influences on brain structure, shedding light on the nature-nurture debate, and the mechanisms underlying inherited neurobehavioral disorders. Recently, we created time-lapse movies of brain structure for a variety of diseases. These identify complex, shifting patterns of brain structural deficits, revealing where, and at what rate, the path of brain deterioration in illness deviates from normal. Statistical criteria can then identify situations in which these changes are abnormally accelerated, or when medication or other interventions slow them. In this paper, we focus on describing our approaches to map structural changes in the cortex. These methods have already been used to reveal the profile of brain anomalies in studies of dementia, epilepsy, depression, childhood and adult-onset schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder, fetal alcohol syndrome, Tourette syndrome, Williams syndrome, and in methamphetamine abusers. Specifically, we describe an image analysis pipeline known as cortical pattern matching that helps compare and pool cortical data over time and across subjects. Statistics are then defined to identify brain structural differences between groups, including localized alterations in cortical thickness, gray matter density (GMD), and asymmetries in cortical organization. Subtle features, not seen in individual brain scans, often emerge when population-based brain data are averaged in this way. Illustrative examples are presented to show the profound effects of development and various diseases on the human cortex. Dynamically spreading waves of gray matter loss are tracked in dementia and schizophrenia, and these sequences are related to normally occurring changes in healthy subjects of various ages. (C) 2004 Published by Elsevier Inc.
We outline a scheme to accomplish measurements of a solid state double well system (DWS) with both one and two electrons in nonlocalized bases. We show that, for a single particle, measuring the local charge distribution at the midpoint of a DWS using a SET as a sensitive electrometer amounts to performing a projective measurement in the parity (symmetric/antisymmetric) eigenbasis. For two-electrons in a DWS, a similar configuration of SET results in close-to-projective measurement in the singlet/triplet basis. We analyze the sensitivity of the scheme to asymmetry in the SET position for some experimentally relevant parameter, and show that it is experimentally realizable.