149 resultados para Chemical processes.
Chemical engineering education is challenged around the world by demands and rapid changes encompassing a wide range of technical and social drivers. Graduates must be prepared for practice in increasingly diverse workplace environments in which generic or transferable attributes such as communication and teamwork together with technical excellence are mandated by prospective employers and society at large. If academe is to successfully deliver on these graduate attributes, effective curriculum design needs to include appropriate educational processes as well as course content. Conventional teacher centred approaches, stand-alone courses and retro-fitted remedial modules have not delivered the desired outcomes. Development of the broader spectrum of attributes is more likely when students are engaged with realistic and relevant experiences that demand the integration and practice of these attributes in contexts that the students find meaningful. This paper describes and evaluates The University of Queensland's Project Centred Curriculum in Chemical Engineering (PCC), a programme-wide approach to meeting these requirements. PCC strategically integrates project-based learning with more traditional instruction. Data collected shows improved levels of student attainment of generic skills with institutional and nationally benchmarked indicators showing significant increases in student perceptions of teaching quality, and overall satisfaction with the undergraduate experience. Endorsements from Australian academic, professional and industry bodies also support the approach as more effectively aligning engineering education with professional practice requirements.
Significant advances have been made in the last decade to quantify the process of wet granulation. The attributes of product granules from the granulation process are controlled by a combination of three groups of processes occurring in the granulator: (1) wetting and nucleation, (2) growth and consolidation and (3) breakage and attrition. For the first two of these processes, the key controlling dimensionless groups are defined and regime maps are presented and validated with data from tumbling and mixer granulators. Granulation is an example of particle design. For quantitative analysis, both careful characterisation of the feed formulation and knowledge of operating parameters are required. A key thesis of this paper is that the design, scaleup and operation of granulation processes can now be considered as quantitative engineering rather than a black art. Résumé
Carbonate sediments are dynamic three-dimensional environments where the surface layers are constantly moving and mixing due to the energy of the water column. It is also an environment of dynamic biological, chemical and physical interaction and modification. The biological community can actively influence changes to sediment characteristics and associated biochemistry. Bioturbation resulting from macrofaunal activity disrupts sediment structure and biochemical arrangements and reduces the critical shear forces required to move sediment particles, adding to the dynamic and complex physical and biogeochemical nature of the sediment. Laboratory studies using both planner optodes and glass needle microsensors were used to measure abiotic sediment characteristics such as the depth distribution and concentrations of PAR. The biochemical nature of coral reef sediment were also investigated, specifically the quantification and the distribution of dissolved oxygen within coarse and fine-grained sediments under regimes of light and darkness. Results highlighted the significant contribution microalgal productivity and bioturbation has on distribution of dissolved oxygen in the upper sediment layers. On the reef flat a shallow water lander system was employed to measure concentrations of O2, pH, S, Ca and temperature over periods of 24 to 48 hours in coarse and fine-grained sediments. Similarities between laboratory and in situ results where evident, however the in situ environment was more dynamic and the distribution and concentrations of dissolved oxygen were more complex and correlated to irradiance, temperature and biological activity. Microsensor technology provides us with the opportunity to study, at very high resolutions, the upper irradiated; photosynthetically active regions of aquatic sediments along with anoxic processes deeper in sub-euphotic regions of the sediments.
Weakly branched silica films formed by the two-step sol-gel process allow for the formation of high selectivity membranes for gas separation. 29Si NMR and gas permeation showed that reduced crosslinking leads to He/CH4 selectivity improvement from 300 to 1000. Applied in membrane reactor for cyclohexane conversion to benzene, conversions were achieved at 14 fold higher than a conventional reactor at 250°C. Hydrothermal stability studies showed that carbon templating of silica is required for hydrothermally stable membranes. From our work it was shown that with correct application of chemistry, practical membrane systems can be built to suit gas separation (e. g. hydrogen fuel) and reactor systems.
This paper addresses the problem of ensuring compliance of business processes, implemented within and across organisational boundaries, with the constraints stated in related business contracts. In order to deal with the complexity of this problem we propose two solutions that allow for a systematic and increasingly automated support for addressing two specific compliance issues. One solution provides a set of guidelines for progressively transforming contract conditions into business processes that are consistent with contract conditions thus avoiding violation of the rules in contract. Another solution compares rules in business contracts and rules in business processes to check for possible inconsistencies. Both approaches rely on a computer interpretable representation of contract conditions that embodies contract semantics. This semantics is described in terms of a logic based formalism allowing for the description of obligations, prohibitions, permissions and violations conditions in contracts. This semantics was based on an analysis of typical building blocks of many commercial, financial and government contracts. The study proved that our contract formalism provides a good foundation for describing key types of conditions in contracts, and has also given several insights into valuable transformation techniques and formalisms needed to establish better alignment between these two, traditionally separate areas of research and endeavour. The study also revealed a number of new areas of research, some of which we intend to address in near future.
Rectangular dropshafts, commonly used in sewers and storm water systems, are characterised by significant flow aeration. New detailed air-water flow measurements were conducted in a near-full-scale dropshaft at large discharges. In the shaft pool and outflow channel, the results demonstrated the complexity of different competitive air entrainment mechanisms. Bubble size measurements showed a broad range of entrained bubble sizes. Analysis of streamwise distributions of bubbles suggested further some clustering process in the bubbly flow although, in the outflow channel, bubble chords were in average smaller than in the shaft pool. A robust hydrophone was tested to measure bubble acoustic spectra and to assess its field application potential. The acoustic results characterised accurately the order of magnitude of entrained bubble sizes, but the transformation from acoustic frequencies to bubble radii did not predict correctly the probability distribution functions of bubble sizes.
The Equilibrium Flux Method [1] is a kinetic theory based finite volume method for calculating the flow of a compressible ideal gas. It is shown here that, in effect, the method solves the Euler equations with added pseudo-dissipative terms and that it is a natural upwinding scheme. The method can be easily modified so that the flow of a chemically reacting gas mixture can be calculated. Results from the method for a one-dimensional non-equilibrium reacting flow are shown to agree well with a conventional continuum solution. Results are also presented for the calculation of a plane two-dimensional flow, at hypersonic speed, of a dissociating gas around a blunt-nosed body.