46 resultados para Brazilian macro-economy
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Why do governments offload major instruments such as monetary policy to an independent central bank? This article answers this question in relation to the Australian case, a case which reflects wider global developments. The article challenges the methodology of quantitative approaches to explaining central bank independence and instead argues that a model of 'embedded statism' is the most fruitful explanatory approach.
We propose a model for permeation in oxide coated gas barrier films. The model accounts for diffusion through the amorphous oxide lattice, nano-defects within the lattice, and macro-defects. The presence of nano-defects indicate the oxide layer is more similar to a nano-porous solid (such as zeolite) than silica glass with respect to permeation properties. This explains why the permeability of oxide coated polymers is much greater, and the activation energy of permeation much lower, than values expected for polymers coated with glass. We have used the model to interpret permeability and activation energies measured for the inert gases (He, Ne and Ar) in evaporated SiOx films of varying thickness (13-70 nm) coated on a polymer substrate. Atomic force and scanning electron microscopy were used to study the structure of the oxide layer. Although no defects could be detected by microscopy, the permeation data indicate that macro-defects (>1 nm), nano-defects (0.3-0.4 nm) and the lattice interstices (<0.3 nm) all contribute to the total permeation. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
An operational space map is an efficient tool to compare a large number of operational strategies to find an optimal choice of setpoints based on a multicriterion. Typically, such a multicriterion includes a weighted sum of cost of operation and effluent quality. Due to the relative high cost of aeration such a definition of optimality result in a relatively high fraction of the effluent total nitrogen in the form of ammonium. Such a strategy may however introduce a risk into operation because a low degree of ammonium removal leads to a low amount of nitrifiers. This in turn leads to a reduced ability to reject event disturbances, such as large variations in the ammonium load, drop in temperature, the presence of toxic/inhibitory compounds in the influent etc. Hedging is a risk minimisation tool, with the aim to "reduce one's risk of loss on a bet or speculation by compensating transactions on the other side" (The Concise Oxford Dictionary (1995)). In wastewater treatment plant operation hedging can be applied by choosing a higher level of ammonium removal to increase the amount of nitrifiers. This is a sensible way to introduce disturbance rejection ability into the multi criterion. In practice, this is done by deciding upon an internal effluent ammonium criterion. In some countries such as Germany, a separate criterion already applies to the level of ammonium in the effluent. However, in most countries the effluent criterion applies to total nitrogen only. In these cases, an internal effluent ammonium criterion should be selected in order to secure proper disturbance rejection ability.