96 resultados para Axial Symmetry
We show that integrability of the BCS model extends beyond Richardson's model (where all Cooper pair scatterings have equal coupling) to that of the Russian doll BCS model for which the couplings have a particular phase dependence that breaks time-reversal symmetry. This model is shown to be integrable using the quantum inverse scattering method, and the exact solution is obtained by means of the algebraic Bethe ansatz. The inverse problem of expressing local operators in terms of the global operators of the monodromy matrix is solved. This result is used to find a determinant formulation of a correlation function for fluctuations in the Cooper pair occupation numbers. These results are used to undertake exact numerical analysis for small systems at half-filling.
Introduction: Osteogenic effects of therapeutic fluoride have been reported; however, the impact of exposure to low level water fluoridation on bone density is not clear. We investigated the effect of long-term exposure to fluoridated water from growth to young adulthood on bone mineral density (BMD). Methods: BMD was measured in 24 healthy women from Regina (fluoride 0.1 mg/L) and 33 from Saskatoon (fluoride 1.0 mg/L), with no differences between groups for height, weight, lifestyle or dietary factors. Results: Saskatoon women had significantly higher mean BMD at total anterior-posterior lumbar spine (APS) and estimated volumetric L3 (VLS), with no difference at total body (TB) or proximal femur (PF). Conclusion: Exposure to water fluoridation during the growing years may have a power impact on axial spine bone density in young women.
An integrable eight-state supersymmetric U model is proposed, which is a fermion model with correlated single-particle and pair hoppings as well as uncorrelated triple-particle hopping. It has a gl(3/1) supersymmetry and contains one symmetry-preserving free parameter. The model is solved and the Bethe ansatz equations are obtained. [S0163-1829(98)00616-X].
The low temperature electronic spectrum of Cu(II) doped Cs2ZrCl6 is reported. It is found that Cu(II) is incorporated as the square planar copper tetrachloride ion, CuCl42-, which substitutes at the Zr(IV) site in the Cs2ZrCl6 lattice. There is a complete absence of axial coordination. The optical spectrum shows vibronic structure with peak widths as small as 8 cm(-1), far narrower than previously seen for this ion. The energy of the observed transitions and the Franck-Condon intensity pattern suggest that there is a substantial relaxation of the host lattice about the impurity ion. The relative intensity of the magnetic dipole component of the bands appears to be considerably greater than for pure copper(II) compounds containing the CuCl42- ion. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
A new model for correlated electrons is presented which is integrable in one-dimension. The symmetry algebra of the model is the Lie superalgebra gl(2\1) which depends on a continuous free parameter. This symmetry algebra contains the eta pairing algebra as a subalgebra which is used to show that the model exhibits Off-Diagonal Long-Range Order in any number of dimensions.
The irregular vibronic structure in the S-1<--S-0 resonant two-photon ionization (R2PI) spectrum of supersonically cooled triptycene is a result of a classic Exe Jahn-Teller effect [A. Furlan et al., J. Chem. Phys. 96, 7306 (1992)]. This is well characterized and can be used as an effective probe of intramolecular perturbations. Here we examine the S-1<--S-0 R2PI spectrum of 9-hydroxytriptycene and the fluorescence from various excited state vibronic levels. In this system the pseudorotation of the Jahn-Teller vibration is strongly coupled to the torsional motion of the bridgehead hydroxy group. This torsional motion results in a tunneling splitting in both the ground and excited states. The population of the upper level in the ground electronic state results in additional vibronic transitions becoming symmetry allowed in the R2PI spectrum that are forbidden in the bare triptycene molecule. The assignment of the R2PI and fluorescence spectra allows the potential energy surfaces of these vibrational modes to be accurately quantified. The full C-3v vibronic point group must be used to interpret the spectra. The time scale of the internal rotation of the-OH group and the butterfly flapping of the Jahn-Teller pseudorotation are of similar magnitude. The tunneling between the nine minima on the three dimensional potential energy surface is such that the Jahn-Teller pseudorotation occurs in concert with the-OH internal rotation. The Berry phase that is acquired during this motion is discussed. The simple physical picture emerges of the angle between two of the three benzene moieties opening in three equivalent ways in the S-1 electronic state. This geometry follows the position of the hydroxy group, which preferentially orients itself to point between these two rings. (C) 1998 American Institute of Physics. [S0021-9606(98)02348-4].
Crystals of recombinant importin alpha, the nuclear-import receptor, have been obtained at two different pH conditions by vapour diffusion using sodium citrate as precipitant and dithiothreitol as an additive. At pH 4-5, the crystals have the symmetry of the trigonal space group P3(1)21 or P3(2)21 (a = b = 78.0, c = 255.8 Angstrom, gamma = 120 degrees); at pH 6-7, the crystals have the symmetry of the orthorhombic space group P2(1)2(1)2(1) (a = 78.5, b = 89.7, c = 100.5 Angstrom). In both cases, there is probably one molecule of importin ct in the asymmetric unit. At least one of the crystal forms diffracts to a resolution higher than 3 Angstrom using the laboratory X-ray source; the crystals are suitable for crystal structure determination.
Matthiessen's ratio (distance from centre of lens to retina: lens radius) was measured in developing black bream, Acanthopagrus butcheri (Sparidae, Teleostei). The value decreased over the first 10 days post-hatch from 3.6 to 2.3 along the nasal and from four to 2.6 along temporal axis. Coincidentally, there was a decrease in the focal ratio of the lens (focal length:lens radius). Morphologically, the accommodatory retractor lentis muscle appeared to become functional between 10-12 days post-hatch. The results suggest that a higher focal ratio compensates for the relatively high Matthiessen's ratio brought about by constraints of small eye size during early development. Combined with differences in axial length, this provides a means for larval fish to focus images from different distances prior to the ability to accommodate. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Background: Mammalian purple acid phosphatases are highly conserved binuclear metal-containing enzymes produced by osteoclasts, the cells that resorb bone. The enzyme is a target for drug design because there is strong evidence that it is involved in bone resorption. Results: The 1.55 Angstrom resolution structure of pig purple acid phosphatase has been solved by multiple isomorphous replacement. The enzyme comprises two sandwiched beta sheets flanked by or-helical segments. The molecule shows internal symmetry, with the metal ions bound at the interface between the two halves. Conclusions: Despite less than 15% sequence identity, the protein fold resembles that of the catalytic domain of plant purple acid phosphatase and some serine/threonine protein phosphatases. The active-site regions of the mammalian and plant purple acid phosphatases differ significantly, however. The internal symmetry suggests that the binuclear centre evolved as a result of the combination of mononuclear ancestors. The structure of the mammalian enzyme provides a basis for antiosteoporotic drug design.
An extension of the supersymmetric U model for correlated electrons is given and integrability is established by demonstrating that the model can he constructed through the quantum inverse scattering method using an R-matrix without the difference property. Some general symmetry properties of the model are discussed and from the Bethe ansatz solution an expression for the energies is presented.
Recent structural studies of proteins mediating membrane fusion reveal intriguing similarities between diverse viral and mammalian systems. Particularly striking is the close similarity between the transmembrane envelope glycoproteins from the retrovirus HTLV-1 and the filovirus Ebola. These similarities suggest similar mechanisms of membrane fusion. The model that fits most currently available data suggests fusion activation in viral systems is driven by a symmetrical conformational change triggered by an activation event such as receptor binding or a pH change. The mammalian vesicle fusion mediated by the SNARE protein complex most likely occurs by a similar mechanism but without symmetry constraints.
We extend the results of spin ladder models associated with the Lie algebras su(2(n)) to the case of the orthogonal and symplectic algebras o(2(n)), sp(2(n)) where n is the number of legs for the system. Two classes of models are found whose symmetry, either orthogonal or symplectic, has an explicit n dependence. Integrability of these models is shown for an arbitrary coupling of XX-type rung interactions and applied magnetic field term.
The conventional convection-dispersion (also called axial dispersion) model is widely used to interrelate hepatic availability (F) and clearance (Cl) with the morphology and physiology of the liver and to predict effects such as changes in liver blood flow on F and Cl. An extended form of the convection-dispersion model has been developed to adequately describe the outflow concentration-time profiles for vascular markers at both short and long times after bolus injections into perfused livers. The model, based on flux concentration and a convolution of catheters and large vessels, assumes that solute elimination in hepatocytes follows either fast distribution into or radial diffusion in hepatocytes. The model includes a secondary vascular compartment, postulated to be interconnecting sinusoids. Analysis of the mean hepatic transit time (MTT) and normalized variance (CV2) of solutes with extraction showed that the discrepancy between the predictions of MTT and CV2 for the extended and conventional models are essentially identical irrespective of the magnitude of rate constants representing permeability, volume, and clearance parameters, providing that there is significant hepatic extraction. In conclusion, the application of a newly developed extended convection-dispersion model has shown that the unweighted conventional convection-dispersion model can be used to describe the disposition of extracted solutes and, in particular, to estimate hepatic availability and clearance in booth experimental and clinical situations.
The presumptive tonic muscles fibres of Cottoperca gobio, Champsocephalus esox, Harpagifer bispinis, Eleginops maclovinus, Patagonothen tessellata, P. cornucola and Paranotothenia magellanica stained weakly or were unstained for glycogen, lipid, succinic dehydrogenase (SDHase) and myosin ATPase (mATPase) activity. Slow, intermediate and fast twitch muscle fibres, distinguished on the basis of the pH stability of their mATPases, showed intense, moderate and low staining activity for SDHase, respectively. Slow fibres were the major component of the pectoral fin adductor profundis muscle. The proportion of different muscle fibre types varied from the proximal to distal end of the muscle, but showed relatively little variation between species. The myotomes contained a lateral superficial strip of red muscle composed of presumptive tonic, slow twitch and intermediate fibres, thickening to a major wedge at the horizontal septum. All species also had characteristic secondary dorsal and ventral wedges of red muscle. The relative abundance and localization of muscle fibre types in the red muscle varied between species and with body size in the protandric hermaphrodite E. maclovinus. The frequency distribution of diameters for fast twitch muscle fibres, the major component of deep white muscle, was determined in fish of a range of body sizes. The absence of fibres <20 mu m diameter was used as a criterion for the cessation of muscle fibre recruitment. Fibre recruitment had stopped in P, tessellata of 13.8 cm L-T and E, maclovinus of 32.8 cm L-T, equivalent to 49 and 36.5% of their recorded maximum sizes respectively. As a result in 20-cm P. tessellata, the maximum fibre diameter was 300 mu m and 36% of fibres were in excess of 200 mu m The unusually large maximum fibre diameter, the general arrangement of the red muscle layer and the extreme pH lability of the mATPase of fast twitch fibres are all common characters of the sub-Antarctic and Antarctic Notothenioids, including Cottoperca gobio, the suggested sister group to the Notothenidae. (C) 2000 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles.
Residence time distribution studies of gas through a rotating drum bioreactor for solid-state fermentation were performed using carbon monoxide as a tracer gas. The exit concentration as a function of time differed considerably from profiles expected for plug flow, plug flow with axial dispersion, and continuous stirred tank reactor (CSTR) models. The data were then fitted by least-squares analysis to mathematical models describing a central plug flow region surrounded by either one dead region (a three-parameter model) or two dead regions (a five-parameter model). Model parameters were the dispersion coefficient in the central plug flow region, the volumes of the dead regions, and the exchange rates between the different regions. The superficial velocity of the gas through the reactor has a large effect on parameter values. Increased superficial velocity tends to decrease dead region volumes, interregion transfer rates, and axial dispersion. The significant deviation from CSTR, plug flow, and plug flow with axial dispersion of the residence time distribution of gas within small-scale reactors can lead to underestimation of the calculation of mass and heat transfer coefficients and hence has implications for reactor design and scaleup. (C) 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.