38 resultados para Adult sex ratio
Research with adults has shown a preference for average-weight female figures with waist-to-hip ratios (WHR) of 0.7, and average weight male figures with waist-to-hip ratios of 0.9. This study investigated the development of preferences for WHR sizes as well as preferences for specific body weights. Five-hundred eleven children ranging in age from 6 to 17 were presented with drawings of 12 male and 12 female silhouettes varying in weight and WHR and asked to select one they thought looked the nicest or most attractive. The youngest children showed preferences for the underweight figures, changing to consistent preferences for the average weight figures in the teenage years. The developmental curves for waist-to-hip ratio preferences were linear, changing gradually over time to become more adult-like. Potential developmental models for the development of preferences for specific body shapes are considered in relation to these data.
Sex- and age-class-specific survival probabilities of a southern Great Barrier Reef green sea turtle population were estimated using a capture - mark - recapture (CMR) study and a Cormack - Jolly - Seber (CJS) modelling approach. The CMR history profiles for 954 individual turtles tagged over a 9-year period ( 1984 - 1992) were classified into three age classes ( adult, subadult, juvenile) based on somatic growth and reproductive traits. Reduced-parameter CJS models, accounting for constant survival and time-specific recapture, fitted best for all age classes. There were no significant sex-specific differences in either survival or recapture probabilities for any age class. Mean annual adult survival was estimated at 0.9482 (95% CI: 0.92 - 0.98) and was significantly higher than survival for either subadults or juveniles. Mean annual subadult survival was 0.8474 ( 95% CI: 0.79 - 0.91), which was not significantly different from mean annual juvenile survival estimated at 0.8804 ( 95% CI: 0.84 - 0.93). The time-specific adult recapture probabilities were a function of sampling effort but this was not the case for either juveniles or subadults. The sampling effort effect was accounted for explicitly in the estimation of adult survival and recapture probabilities. These are the first comprehensive sex- and age-class-specific survival and recapture probability estimates for a green sea turtle population derived from a long-term CMR program.
The biphasic (pelagobenthic) life cycle is found throughout the animal kingdom, and includes gametogenesis, embryogenesis, and metamorphosis. From a tangled web of hypotheses on the origin and evolution of the metazoan pelagobenthic life cycle, current opinion appears to favor a simple, larval-like holopelagic ancestor that independently settled multiple times to incorporate a benthic phase into the life cycle. This hypothesis derives originally from Haeckel's (1874) Gastraea theory of ontogeny recapitulating phylogeny, in which the gastrula is viewed as the recapitulation of a gastracan ancestor that evolved via selection on a simple, planktonic hollow ball of cells to develop the capacity to feed. Here, we propose an equally plausible hypothesis that the origin of the metazoan pelagobenthic life cycle was a direct consequence of sexual reproduction in a likely holobenthic ancestor. In doing so, we take into account new insights from poriferan development and from molecular phylogenies. In this scenario, the gastrula does not represent a recapitulation, but simply an embryological stage that is an outcome of sexual reproduction. The embryo can itself be considered as the precursor to a biphasic lifestyle, with the embryo representing one phase and the adult another phase. This hypothesis is more parsimonious because it precludes the need for multiple, independent origins of the benthic form. It is then reasonable to consider that multilayered, ciliated embryos ultimately released into the water column are subject to natural selection for dispersal/longevity/feeding that sets them on the evolutionary trajectory towards the crown metazoan planktonic larvae. These new insights from poriferan development thus clearly support the intercalation hypothesis of bilaterian larval evolution, which we now believe should be extended to discussions of the origin of biphasy in the metazoan last common ancestor.
Background: Plasma triglyceride concentration is known to be a significant risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD). Previous studies have found that the level of triglycerides is strongly influenced by genetic factors. Methods: To identify quantitative trait loci influencing triglycerides, we conducted a genome-wide linkage scan on data from 485 Australian adult dizygotic twin pairs. Prior to linkage analysis, triglyceride values were adjusted for the effects of covariates including age, sex, time since last meal, time of blood collection (CT) and time to plasma separation. Results: The heritability estimate for ln(triglyceride) adjusted for all above fixed effects was 0.49. The highest multipoint LOD score observed was 2.94 (genome-wide p=0.049) on chromosome 7 (at 65cM). This 7p region contains several candidate genes. Two other regions with suggestive multipoint LOD scores were also identified on chromosome 4 (LOD score=2.26 at 62cM) and chromosome X (LOD score=2.01 at 81cM). Conclusions: The linkage peaks found represent newly identified regions for more detailed study, in particular the significant linkage observed on chromosome 7p13. \ (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Reduction in levels of sex hormones at menopause in women is associated with two common, major outcomes, the accumulation of white adipose tissue, and the progressive loss of bone because of excess osteoclastic bone resorption exceeding osteoblastic bone formation. Current antiresorptive therapies can reduce osteoclastic activity but have only limited capacity to stimulate osteoblastic bone formation and restore lost skeletal mass. Likewise, the availability of effective pharmacological weight loss treatments is currently limited. Here we demonstrate that conditional deletion of hypothalamic neuropeptide Y2 receptors can prevent ongoing bone loss in sex hormone-deficient adult male and female mice. This benefit is attributable solely to activation of an anabolic osteoblastic bone formation response that counterbalances persistent elevation of bone resorption, suggesting the Y2-mediated anabolic pathway to be independent of sex hormones. Furthermore, the increase in fat mass that typically occurs after ovariectomy is prevented by germ line deletion of Y2 receptors, whereas in male mice body weight and fat mass were consistently lower than wild-type regardless of sex hormone status. Therefore, this study indicates a role for Y2 receptors in the accumulation of adipose tissue in the hypogonadal state and demonstrates that hypothalamic Y2 receptors constitutively restrain osteoblastic activity even in the absence of sex hormones. The increase in bone formation after release of this tonic inhibition suggests a promising new avenue for osteoporosis treatment.
Background: Tobacco will soon be the biggest cause of death worldwide, with the greatest burden being borne by low and middle-income countries where 8/10 smokers now live. Objective: This study aimed to quantify the direct burden of smoking for cardiovascular diseases (CVD) by calculating the population attributable fractions (PAF) for fatal ischaemic heart disease (IHD) and stroke (haemorrhagic and ischaemic) for all 38 countries in the World Health Organization Western Pacific and South East Asian regions. Design and subjects: Sex-specific prevalence of smoking was obtained from existing data. Estimates of the hazard ratio (HR) for IHD and stroke with smoking as an independent risk factor were obtained from the,600 000 adult subjects in the Asia Pacific Cohort Studies Collaboration (APCSC). HR estimates and prevalence were then used to calculate sex-specific PAF for IHD and stroke by country. Results: The prevalence of smoking in the 33 countries, for which relevant data could be obtained, ranged from 28-82% in males and from 1-65% in females. The fraction of IHD attributable to smoking ranged from 13-33% in males and from < 1-28% in females. The percentage of haemorrhagic stroke attributable to smoking ranged from 4-12% in males and from < 1-9% in females. Corresponding figures for ischaemic stroke were 11-27% in males and < 1-22% in females. Conclusions: Up to 30% of some cardiovascular fatalities can be attributed to smoking. This is likely an underestimate of the current burden of smoking on CVD, given that the smoking epidemic has developed further since many of the studies were conducted.
Background: Recent work has demonstrated that the lifetime suicide risk for patients with DSM IV Major Depression cannot mathematically approximate the accepted figure of 15%. Gender and age significantly affect both the prevalence of major depression and suicide risk, Methods: Gender and age stratified calculations were made on the entire population of the USA in 1994 using a mathematical algorithm. Sex specific corrections for under-reporting were incorporated into the design. Results: The lifetime suicide risks for men and women were 7% and 1%, respectively. The combined risk was 3.4%. The male:female ratio for suicide risk in major depression was 10:1 for youths under 25, and 5.6:1 for adults. Conclusions: Suicide in major depression is predominantly a male problem, although complacency towards female sufferers is to be avoided. Diagnosis of major depression is of limited help in predicting suicide risk compared to case specific factors. The male experience of depression that leads to suicide is often not identified as a legitimate medical complaint by either sufferers or professionals. Increasing help-accessing by males is a priority. Clinical implications: Patients with a history of hospitalisation; comorbidity, especially for substance abuse; and who are male, require greater vigilance for suicide risk. It may be that for males che threshold for diagnosing and treating major depression needs to be lowered. Limitations: This research is based on a mathematical algorithm to approximate a life-long longitudinal study that identifies community cases of depression. Our findings therefore rely on the validity of the statistics used. Extrapolation is limited to populations with an actual suicide rate of 17/100,000 or less and a lifetime prevalence of major depression of 17% or more. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Adult patients with hematologic malignancies along with HIV infected patients were prospectively studied to determine the performance of urine D-arabinitol/L-arabinitol (DA/LA) ratio in diagnosing invasive candidiasis. Ten evaluable febrile neutropenic patients had proven invasive candidiasis and elevated DA/LA ratios were found in 5. Invasive candidiasis with normal DA/LA ratios was most frequently due to Candida krusei infection. This Candida species is a non-producer of arabinitol. Only 4 of 81 febrile neutropenic patients given either antifungal prophylaxis or empiric antifungal treatment had elevated DA/LA ratios. Only 1 of 15 HIV positive patients with either oropharyngeal or esophageal candidiasis had elevated DA/LA ratios. Widespread use of fluconazole prophylaxis in bone marrow transplantation patients at the study hospital has led to an increased prevalence of C. krusei infection. This is the likely reason for the low sensitivity of the test in proven and suspected invasive Candida infections reported here. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.