538 resultados para Cardiovascular System.
Background. Postoperative cognitive dysfunction (POCD) after coronary artery bypass graft surgery is a common complication for which, despite many clinical investigations, no definitive etiology has been found. The current use of both high and low-dose fentanyl as anesthetic techniques allowed us to investigate the effect of fentanyl on the incidence of POCD. Methods. Three hundred fifty patients scheduled to undergo elective coronary artery bypass graft surgery were randomized to receive either high-dose fentanyl (50 mu g/kg) or low-dose fentanyl (10 mu g/kg) as the basis of the anesthetic. All patients underwent neuropsychological testing before surgery and at 1 week, 3 months, and 12 months after surgery. Results. One hundred sixty-eight patients in the low-dose group and 158 patients in the high-dose group were included in the final analysis. Neuropsychological testing was performed on 88%, 93%, and 92% of patients at 1 week, 3 months, and 12 months, respectively. There was no difference between group mean scores at any of the three testing times. Analysis of individual patients by the 20% rule did not detect any differences between groups. The one SD rule, which has fewer false-positive results, detected significantly more patients with POCD in the low-dose group than in the high-dose group at 1 week (23.6% vs. 13.7%; P = 0.03) but not at the other testing times. Patients with POCD spent an average of 1.2 days longer in the hospital than those without POCD (P = 0.021). Conclusions: High-dose fentanyl is not associated with a difference in the incidence of POCD at 3 or 12 months after surgery. Low-dose fentanyl leads to shorter postoperative ventilation times and may be associated with a greater incidence of POCD 1 week after surgery. Early POCD is associated with an increased duration of stay in the hospital.
There are proposals for the implementation of beta(2)-adrenoceptor agonists for the management of muscle wasting diseases. The idea has been initiated by studies in animal models which show that beta(2)-adrenoceptor agonists cause hypertrophy of skeletal muscle. Their use in clinical practice will also need an understanding of possible effects of activation of human heart beta(2)-adrenoceptors. Consequences could include an increased probability of arrhythmias in susceptible patients.
Brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) levels are simple and objective measures of cardiac function. These measurements can be used to diagnose heart failure, including diastolic dysfunction, and using them has been shown to save money in the emergency department setting. The high negative predictive value of BNP tests is particularly helpful for ruling out heart failure. Treatment with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin-II receptor blockers, spironolactone, and diuretics reduces BNP levels, suggesting that BNP testing may have a role in monitoring patients with heart failure. However, patients with treated chronic stable heart failure may have levels in the normal range (i.e., BNP less than 100 pg per mL and N-terminal proBNP less than 125 pg per mL in patients younger than 75 years). Increases in BNP levels may be caused by intrinsic cardiac dysfunction or may be secondary to other causes such as pulmonary or renal diseases (e.g., chronic hypoxia). BNP tests are correlated with other measures of cardiac status such as New York Heart Association classification. BNP level is a strong predictor of risk of death and cardiovascular events in patients previously diagnosed with heart failure or cardiac dysfunction.
A 52-year-old male with idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome (HES) was transferred to our institution following the development of acute respiratory failure and shock. He had previously undergone tricuspid valve replacement with bioprosthetic valves on two occasions: the initial surgery for severe native tricuspid valve stenosis and the redo surgery for severe prosthetic valve stenosis and regurgitation. Conventional imaging assessment using transoesophageal echocardiography was suboptimal and comprehensive assessment of prosthetic valve function was aided by the use of intracardiac echocardiography (ICE). ICE provided high quality 2D imaging of the prosthesis demonstrating thrombus-like material coating the inner surfaces of the prosthetic valve stents effectively forming a tunnel-like obstruction. Unusual hemodynamics secondary to severe tricuspid stenosis were demonstrated by CW Doppler with intermittent signal fusion resulting from blunted respiratory variation in the markedly elevated right atrial pressure relative to right ventricular pressure. Successful balloon valvuloplasty was performed with ICE proving highly valuable in guiding balloon position as well as monitoring the efficacy of the subsequent inflations.
The economical and environmental effects of mass reduction through Al and Mg primary alloys substitutions for cast iron and steel in automotive components are discussed using MF. Ashby's penalty functions method The viability of Mg alloy substitutions for existing Al alloy cast components is also considered. The cost analysis shows that direct, equal-volume, Al alloy substitutions for cast iron and steel are the most feasible in terms of the CAFE liability, followed by substitutions involving flat panels of prescribed stiffness. When the creation of CO2 associated to the production of Al and Mg is considered, the potential gasoline savings over the lifespan of the car compensate for the intrinsic environmental burden of Al in all applications, while electrolytic Mg substitutions for cast iron and steel are feasible for equal volume and panels only. Magnesium produced by the Pidgeon thermal process appears to be too primary energy intensive to be competitive in structural applications. Magnesium substitutions for existing Al alloy beams and panels are generally unviable. The current higher recycling efficiency of Al casting alloys confers Al a significant advantage over Mg alloys.
Vascular endothelial growth factor-B (VEGF-B) is closely related to VEGF-A, an effector of blood vessel growth during development and disease and a strong candidate for angiogenic therapies. To further study the in vivo function of VEGF-B, we have generated Vegfb knockout mice (Vegfb(-/-)). Unlike Vegfa knockout mice, which die during embryogenesis, Vegfb(-/-) mice are healthy and fertile. Despite appearing overtly normal, Vegfb(-/-) hearts are reduced in size and display vascular dysfunction after coronary occlusion and impaired recovery from experimentally induced myocardial ischemia. These findings reveal a role for VEGF-B in the development or function of coronary vasculature and suggest potential clinical use in therapeutic angiogenesis. The full text of this article is available at http://www.circresaha.org.