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This paper describes a hybrid numerical method of an inverse approach to the design of compact magnetic resonance imaging magnets. The problem is formulated as a field synthesis and the desired current density on the surface of a cylinder is first calculated by solving a Fredholm equation of the first, kind. Nonlinear optimization methods are then invoked to fit practical magnet coils to the desired current density. The field calculations are performed using a semi-analytical method. The emphasis of this work is on the optimal design of short MRI magnets. Details of the hybrid numerical model are presented, and the model is used to investigate compact, symmetric MRI magnets as well as asymmetric magnets. The results highlight that the method can be used to obtain a compact MRI magnet structure and a very homogeneous magnetic field over the central imaging volume in clinical systems of approximately 1 m in length, significantly shorter than current designs. Viable asymmetric magnet designs, in which the edge of the homogeneous region is very close to one end of the magnet system are also presented. Unshielded designs are the focus of this work. This method is flexible and may be applied to magnets of other geometries. (C) 2000 American Association of Physicists in Medicine. [S0094-2405(00)00303-5].
Engineering This investigation examined the rheological (viscosity and yield stress) and material property (density) characteristics of the thickened meal-time and videofluorscopy fluids provided by 10 major metropolitan hospitals. Differences in the thickness of thickened fluids were considered as a source of variability and potential hazard for inter-hospital transfers of dysphagic patients. The results indicated considerable differences in the viscosity, density, and yield stress of both meal-time and videofluoroscopy fluids. In theory, the results suggest that dysphagic patients transferred between hospitals could be placed on inappropriate levels of fluid thickness because of inherent differences in the rheology and material property characteristics of the fluids provided by different hospitals. Slowed improvement or medical complications are potential worst-case scenarios for dysphagic patients if the difference between the thick fluids offered by 2 hospitals are extreme. The investigation outlines the most appropriate way to assess the rheological and material property characteristics of thickened fluids. In addition, it suggests a plan of quality improvement to reduce the variability of the thickness of fluids offered at different hospitals.
Objectives: To determine the relationship between pediatric assessment scores and ratings by parents and teachers regarding the amount of assistance required to complete basic activities of daily living; and to examine the relationship among scores for three commonly used pediatric assessments. Design: Prospective correlational study. 205 children with developmental disabilities. The children ranged in age from 11 to 87 mo and included 72 females and 133 males of diverse socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds. The children were evaluated by using the Battelle Developmental Inventory Screening Test, Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, Functional Independence Measure for Children (WeeFIM(TM) instrument), and the Amount of Assistance Questionnaire, Results: The test-retest reliability coefficients for items on the Amount of Assistance Questionnaire were found to range from 0.82 to 0.97. Correlations among subscale scores and amount of assistance ratings were highest for the WeeFIM instrument and Battelle Developmental Inventory Screening Test. The highest correlation was between WeeFIM total rating and total amount of assistance rating (r = 0.91). Conclusion: Total WeeFIM instrument ratings and severity of disability were the best predictors of amount of assistance ratings provided by parents and teachers.
A diagnosis is given for the lecithasterid genus Hysterolecithoides Yamaguti, 1934, which is now found to have two to six (possibly seven) vitelline masses. The species H. frontilatus (Manter, 1969) is returned to the genus, having been considered a member of the bunocotylid genus Neotheletrum by recent authors. It is redescribed from Siganus nebulosus, Moreton Bay, and S. doliatus, Lizard Island, Great Barrier Reef and New Caledonia, with emphasis on the presence of Juel's organ, a uterine seminal receptacle and the blind sac associated with the genital atrium. It differs from its congeners in the trajectory of the pars prostatica which recurves dorsally to the sinus-sac. Oligolecithoides Shen, 1982 is synonymised with Hysterolecithoides and O. trilobatus Shen, 1982 is synomised with H. epinepheli Yamaguti, 1934. Machidatrema Leon-Regagnon, 1998 is diagnosed, and found to be close to Hysterolecithoides, but differs in the lack of a blind-sac projecting from the dorsal genital atrium, by its tandem testes, the coiling of the uterus between the testes and the ovary, and the ventral excretory pore. M. leonae n. sp. is described from Siganus fuscescens, S. lineatus, S. doliatus, S. corallinus, S. vulpinus and Scarus globiceps at Heron Island, Queensland. It differs from its closest congener, M. akeh, in the muscular and tegumental flap over the genital pore and details of the terminal genitalia. M. chilostoma (Machida, 1980) and M. kyphosi (Yamaguti, 1970) are redescribed from Kyphosus vaigiensis from Heron Island. Neotheletrum Gibson & Bray, 1979 is diagnosed: it differs from Hysterolecithoides in its confluent excretory arms, blind seminal receptacle (no Juel's organ) and uniformly tripartite vitellarium. A cladistic analysis suggests that M. chilostoma and M. kyphosi are not best accommodated in Machidatrema, that Machidatrema (sensu stricto) is monophyletic and that Hysterolecithoides is paraphyletic. Hysterolecithoides and Machidatrema are considered hysterolecithine lecithasterids, whilst Neotheletrum is retained as an opisthadenine bunocotylid.
Smooth muscle cultures can calcify under certain circumstances. As a model system these cultures therefore provide information on why calcification occurs in atherosclerotic plaques. Whether all smooth muscle cells (under certain conditions), or only specific populations, can produce this mineralization has not been resolved. Demer's group has cloned calcifying vascular cells from subcultured bovine aorta and studied them in detail. They have speculated on whether the cells are smooth muscle which have altered in phenotype, or whether they are derived from a stem cell population within the artery wall. The article argues that while the normal process of smooth muscle phenotypic modulation seen in arterial repair could account for the observations, this view may be two simplistic considering the complex nature of the artery wall. Certainly there is evidence for heterogeneity of smooth muscle cells in the artery wall and recent evidence suggests that stem cells can circulate in the blood and repopulate tissues. Further studies are required to resolve the important question as to the origin of cells which produce mineralization in atheroma.
1. The spatial and temporal distribution of eggs laid by herbivorous insects is a crucial component of herbivore population stability, as it influences overall mortality within the population. Thus an ecologist studying populations of an endangered butterfly can do little to increase its numbers through habitat management without knowledge of its egg-laying patterns across individual host-plants under different habitat management regimes. At the other end of the spectrum, a knowledge of egg-laying behaviour can do much to control pest outbreaks by disrupting egg distributions that lead to rapid population growth. 2. The distribution of egg batches of the processionary caterpillar Ochrogaster lunifer on acacia trees was monitored in 21 habitats during 2 years in coastal Australia. The presence of egg batches on acacias was affected by host-tree 'quality' (tree size and foliar chemistry that led to increased caterpillar survival) and host-tree 'apparency' (the amount of vegetation surrounding host-trees). 3. In open homogeneous habitats, more egg batches were laid on high-quality trees, increasing potential population growth. In diverse mixed-species habitats, more egg batches were laid on low-quality highly apparent trees, reducing population growth and so reducing the potential for unstable population dynamics. The aggregation of batches on small apparent trees in diverse habitats led to outbreaks on these trees year after year, even when population levels were low, while site-wide outbreaks were rare. 4. These results predict that diverse habitats with mixed plant species should increase insect aggregation and increase population stability. In contrast, in open disturbed habitats or in regular plantations, where egg batches are more evenly distributed across high-quality hosts, populations should be more unstable, with site-wide outbreaks and extinctions being more common. 5. Mixed planting should be used on habitat regeneration sites to increase the population stability of immigrating or reintroduced insect species. Mixed planting also increases the diversity of resources, leading to higher herbivore species richness. With regard to the conservation of single species, different practices of habitat management will need to be employed depending on whether a project is concerned with methods of rapidly increasing the abundance of an endangered insect or concerned with the maintenance of a stable, established insect population that is perhaps endemic to an area. Suggestions for habitat management in these different cases are discussed. 6. Finally, intercropping can be highly effective in reducing pest outbreaks, although the economic gains of reduced pest attack may be outweighed by reduced crop yields in mixed-crop systems.
A method is presented for including path propagation effects into models of radiofrequency resonators for use in magnetic resonance imaging. The method is based on the use of Helmholtz retarded potentials and extends our previous work on current density models of resonators based on novel inverse finite Hilbert transform solutions to the requisite integral equations. Radiofrequency phase retardation effects are most pronounced at high field strengths (frequencies) as are static field perturbations due to the magnetic materials in the resonators themselves. Both of these effects are investigated and a novel resonator structure presented for use in magnetic resonance microscopy.
In the first of three experiments, 11 participants generated pronation and supination movements of the forearm, in time with an auditory metronome. The metronome frequency was increased in eight steps (0.25 Hz) from a base frequency of 1.75 Hz. On alternating trials, participants were required to coordinate either maximum pronation or maximum supination with each beat of the metronome. In each block of trials, the axis of rotation was either coincident with the long axis of the forearm, above this axis, or below this axis. The stability of the pronate-on-the-beat pattern, as indexed by the number of pattern changes, and the time of onset of pattern change, was greatest when the axis of rotation of the movement was below the long axis of the forearm. In contrast, the stability of the supinate-on-the-beat pattern was greatest when the axis of rotation of the movement was above the long axis of the forearm. In a second experiment, we examined how changes in the position of the axis of rotation alter the activation patterns of muscles that contribute to pronation and supination of the forearm. Variations in the relative dominance of the pronation and supination phases of the movement cycle across conditions were accounted for primarily by changes in the activation profile of flexor carpi radialis (FCR) and extensor carpi radialis longus (ECR). In the Final experiment we examined how these constraints impact upon the stability of bimanual coordination. Thirty-two participants were assigned at random to one of four conditions, each of which combined an axis of rotation configuration (bottom or top) for each limb. The participants generated both inphase (both limbs pronating simultaneously, and supinating simultaneously) and antiphase (left limb pronating and right limb supinating simultaneously, and vice versa) patterns of coordination. When the position of the axis of rotation was equivalent for the left and the right limb, transitions from antiphase to inphase patterns of coordination were Frequently observed. In marked contrast, when the position of the axis of rotation for the left and right limb was contradistinct, transitions From inphase to antiphase patterns of coordination occurred. The results demonstrated that when movements are performed in an appropriate mechanical context, inphase patterns of coordination are less stable than antiphase patterns.
Inhibitors of proteolytic enzymes (proteases) are emerging as prospective treatments for diseases such as AIDS and viral infections, cancers, inflammatory disorders, and Alzheimer's disease. Generic approaches to the design of protease inhibitors are limited by the unpredictability of interactions between, and structural changes to, inhibitor and protease during binding. A computer analysis of superimposed crystal structures for 266 small molecule inhibitors bound to 48 proteases (16 aspartic, 17 serine, 8 cysteine, and 7 metallo) provides the first conclusive proof that inhibitors, including substrate analogues, commonly bind in an extended beta-strand conformation at the active sites of all these proteases. Representative superimposed structures are shown for (a) multiple inhibitors bound to a protease of each class, (b) single inhibitors each bound to multiple proteases, and (c) conformationally constrained inhibitors bound to proteases. Thus inhibitor/substrate conformation, rather than sequence/composition alone, influences protease recognition, and this has profound implications for inhibitor design. This conclusion is supported by NMR, CD, and binding studies for HIV-1 protease inhibitors/ substrates which, when preorganized in an extended conformation, have significantly higher protease affinity. Recognition is dependent upon conformational equilibria since helical and turn peptide conformations are not processed by proteases. Conformational selection explains the resistance of folded/structured regions of proteins to proteolytic degradation, the susceptibility of denatured proteins to processing, and the higher affinity of conformationally constrained 'extended' inhibitors/substrates for proteases. Other approaches to extended inhibitor conformations should similarly lead to high-affinity binding to a protease.
The concept of rainfall erosivity is extended to the estimation of catchment sediment yield and its variation over time. Five different formulations of rainfall erosivity indices, using annual, monthly and daily rainfall data, are proposed and tested on two catchments in the humid tropics of Australia. Rainfall erosivity indices, using simple power functions of annual and daily rainfall amounts, were found to be adequate in describing the interannual and seasonal variation of catchment sediment yield. The parameter values of these rainfall erosivity indices for catchment sediment yield are broadly similar to those for rainfall erosivity models in relation to the R-factor in the Universal Soil Loss Equation.
Objective. Differentiated dendritic cells (DC) and other antigen-presenting cells are characterized by the nuclear location of RelB, a member of the nuclear factor kappa B/Rel family. To characterize and enumerate differentiated DC in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) peripheral blood (PB), synovial fluid (SF), and synovial tissue (ST), the expression and location of RelB were examined. Methods. RelB protein expression and cellular location were determined in RA PB, SF, and ST by flow cytometry and immunohistochemical analysis of purified cells or formalin-fixed tissue. DNA-binding activity of RelB was determined by electrophoretic: mobility shift-Western immunoblotting assays. Results. Circulating RA PBDC resembled normal immature PBDC in that they did not express intracellular RelB protein. In RA ST serial sections, cells containing nuclear RelB (nRelB) were enriched in perivascular regions. A mean +/- SD of 84 +/- 10% of these cells were DC. The remaining nRelB+,HLA-DR+ cells comprised B cells and macrophages. Only 3% of sorted SFDC contained nRelB, However, RelB present in the nucleus of these SFDC was capable of binding DNA, and therefore capable of transcriptional activity. Conclusion. Circulating DC precursors differentiate and express RelB after entry into rheumatoid ST. Differentiated DC can thus be identified by immunohistochemistry in formalin-fixed ST. Signals for DC maturation may differ between RA ST and SF, resulting in nuclear location of RelB predominantly in ST. This is likely to have functional consequences for the DC in these sites.
Concern about the neurotoxicity of lead, particularly in infants and young children, has led to a revision of blood lead levels which are considered to involve an acceptable level of human exposure. Drinking water guidelines have also been reviewed in order to reduce this source of population exposure to lead. In the last 20 years, guidelines have been reduced from 100 to 50 to 10 mu g/litre. Lead in tap water used to be a major public health problem in Glasgow because of the high prevalence of houses with lead service pipes, the low pH of the public water supply and the resulting high levels of lead in water used for public consumption. Following two separate programmes of water treatment, involving the addition of lime and, a decade later, lime supplemented with orthophosphate, it is considered that maximal measures have been taken to reduce lead exposure by chemical treatment of the water supply. Any residual problem of public exposure would require large scale replacement of lead service pipes. In anticipation of the more stringent limits for lead in drinking water, we set out to measure current lead exposure From tap water in the population of Glasgow served by the Loch Katrine water supply. to compare the current situation with 12 years previously and to assess the public health implications of different limits. The study was based on mothers of young children since maternal blood lead concentrations and the domestic water that mothers use to prepare bottle feeds are the principal sources of foetal and infant lead exposure. An estimated 17% of mothers lived in households with tap water lead concentrations of 10 mu g/litre (the WHO guideline) or above in 1993 compared with 49% in 1981. Mean maternal blood lead concentrations fell by 69% in 12 years. For a given water lead concentration, maternal blood lead concentrations were 67% lower. The mean maternal blood lead concentration was 3.7 mu g/litre in the population at large, compared with 3.3 mu g/litre in households with negligible or absent tap water lead. Nevertheless, between 63% and 76% of cases of mothers with blood lead concentrations of 10 mu g/dl or above were attributable to tap water lead. The study found that maternal blood lead concentrations were well within limits currently considered safe for human health. About 15% of infants may be exposed via bottle feeds to tap water lead concentrations that exceed the WHO guideline of 10 mu g/litre. In the context of the health and social problems which affect the well-being and development of infants and children in Glasgow, however, current levels of lend exposure are considered to present a relatively minor health problem. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The phenomenon of agricultural land degradation in the Philippine uplands has been regarded by scientists and policy-makers as a major environmental and rural development problem. Numerous conservation farming projects have been implemented in the past two decades to address this problem, apparently with little success. Most of these projects have espoused the currently fashionable principles of community-based sustainable development. This paper examines case histories of three completed upland conservation projects. The aim is to compare the rhetoric of project documents and evaluations with the reality of on-going land management practices as seen from the perspective of the land managers themselves. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.