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The Biostatistics Collaboration of Australia (BCA) was formed in response to a shortage of statisticians seeking careers in the medical and health professions. The Collaboration has been successful in developing postgraduate courses (Graduate Certificate, Graduate Diploma and Masters) offered by a consortium of seven Australian Universities. These courses are available through a distance learning medium. The BCA was successful in securing funding from the Federal government to launch these courses, which commenced in March 2001. Two traineeships by the NSW Department of Health have also been awarded and a third is currently advertised. There has been close collaboration with governments, the pharmaceutical industry and research organisations to ensure that course content reflects practical problems and addresses industry needs. A second objective of the BCA is to provide ongoing workshops for practising biostatisticians to enhance professional development. These workshops serve to ring together biostatisticians from both within Australia and the Asia-Pacific region, providing a forum for discussion of current statistical thinking. (author abstract)
This article describes a new test method for the assessment of the severity of environmental stress cracking of biomedical polyurethanes in a manner that minimizes the degree of subjectivity involved. The effect of applied strain and acetone pre-treatment on degradation of Pellethane 2363 80A and Pellethane 2363 55D polyurethanes under in vitro and in vivo conditions is studied. The results are presented using a magnification-weighted image rating system that allows the semi-quantitative rating of degradation based on distribution and severity of surface damage. Devices for applying controlled strain to both flat sheet and tubing samples are described. The new rating system consistently discriminated between. the effects of acetone pre-treatments, strain and exposure times in both in vitro and in vivo experiments. As expected, P80A underwent considerable stress cracking compared with P55D. P80A produced similar stress crack ratings in both in vivo and in vitro experiments, however P55D performed worse under in vitro conditions compared with in vivo. This result indicated that care must be taken when interpreting in vitro results in the absence of in vivo data. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
New Zealand is generally thought to have been physically isolated from the rest of the world for over 60 million years. But physical isolation may not mean biotic isolation, at least on the time scale of millions of years. Are New Zealand's present complement of plants the direct descendants of what originally rafted from Gondwana? Or has there been total extinction of this initial flora with replacement through long-distance dispersal (a complete biotic turnover)? These are two possible extremes which have come under recent discussion. Can the fossil record be used to decide the relative importance of the two endpoints, or is it simply too incomplete and too dependent on factors of chance? This paper suggests two approaches to the problem-the use of statistics to apply levels of confidence to first appearances in the fossil record and the analysis of trends based on the entire palynorecord. Statistics can suggest that the first appearance of a taxon was after New Zealand broke away from Gondwana-as long as the first appearance in the record was not due to an increase in biomass from an initially rare state. Two observations can be drawn from the overall palynorecord that are independent of changes in biomass: (1) The first appearance of palynotaxa common to both Australia and New Zealand is decidedly non-random. Most taxa occur first in Australia. This suggests a bias in air or water transport from west to east. (2) The percentage of endemic palynospecies in New Zealand shows no simple correlation with the time New Zealand drifted into isolation. The conifer macrorecord also hints at complete turnover since the Cretaceous.
During the Middle Jurassic, the regional environment of Curio Bay, southeast South Island, New Zealand, was a fluvial plain marginal to volcanic uplands. Intermittent flashy, poorly-confined flood events buried successive conifer forests. With the termination of each flood, soils developed and vegetation was reestablished. In most cases, this developed into coniferous forest. In approximately 40 m of vertical section, 10 fossil forest horizons can be distinguished, highlighting a type of fluvial architecture which is poorly documented. Flood-basin material is minimal, but a short-Lived floodbasin lake is inferred to have developed within the interval of study. Paleocurrent indicators suggest enclosure of the basin on more than one side. Sedimentation style suggests a relatively dry (less than humid but not arid) climate with seasonal rainfall. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
A new method to extract MOSFET's threshold voltage VT by measurement of the gate-to-substrate capacitance C-gb of the transistor is presented. Unlike existing extraction methods based on I-V data, the measurement of C-gb does not require de drain current to now between drain and source thus eliminating the effects of source and drain series resistance R-S/D, and at the same time, retains a symmetrical potential profile across the channel. Experimental and simulation results on devices with different sizes are presented to justify the proposed method.
Pulverised New Zealand coal samples have been tested from an initial temperature of 40 degreesC and reacted adiabatisally in an oven with oxygen to provide a full temperature history of auto-oxidation up to the self-sustained process of combustion. This procedure produces a self-heating rate index, R-70, calculated as the ratio of the time taken to reach 70 degreesC (degreesC/h). The R-70 index is a measure of the coal's propensity to spontaneous combustion. R-70 values for New Zealand coals are much higher than any previously published results. They show a rank dependence, whereby subbituminous coals have the highest propensity to spontaneous combustion (14.91-17.23 degreesC/h). A lignite sample has an R-70 value of 7.76 degreesC/h, and high-volatile bituminous B coals have R-70 values of 0.31-2.23 degreesC/h. Samples stored for 2 years show the same rank trend. The nature of this trend is most likely a function of the internal surface area of the coal that governs the available sites for oxidation. Calculating the Suggate rank; for any New Zealand coal can be used to rare its propensity to spontaneous combustion. Resin bodies in the subbituminous coal show no propensity to spontaneous combustion. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Hereditary hemochromatosis (HHC) is an inherited disorder of iron metabolism affecting approximately 1 in 200-300 individuals of Northern European descent. Over time, the continued deposition of iron in parenchymal cells of many organs can eventually lead to diabetes mellitus, cardiomyopathy, and hepatic cirrhosis, the last of which is frequently followed by hepatocellular carcinoma. Although the complications of HHC can be devastating, its clinical management is simple and effective if the disease is identified early in its progression. The recent elucidation of the HFE gene has provided insight into the pathogenesis of HHC and provided a means for the early identification of individuals in whom HHC may develop. Two mutations have been implicated in HHC: C282Y and H63D, The former occurs in a homozygous state seen in 75-100% of patients with HHC. The high correlation of HFE to HHC has caused it to be considered as a candidate gene for population-based genetic testing for diagnosis and detection of predisposition to HHC. In addition, mechanisms of iron transport and metabolism are unfolding and are providing clues to the enigma of iron homeostasis and the pathophysiology of iron overload, (C) 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc.
Isolates of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) were obtained from domestic poultry in New Zealand in 1997 and 1998. An in-vivo pathogenicity study carried out in specific pathogen free (SPF) chickens demonstrated the low virulence of one of the virus isolates. The nucleotide sequences of the hypervariable region of the VP2 gene of two isolates were determined and compared with published sequences of strains from other countries. The deduced amino acid sequence of the two New Zealand IBDV isolates showed 100% identity with each other, suggesting that little genetic drift had occurred. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the New Zealand isolates were more closely related to two attenuated IBDV strains (Cu1 and PBG98) than to classical (STC and 52/70), very virulent (DV86), variant (variant E) or Australian (002-73) strains. The results support the hypothesis that an attenuated strain of the virus was inadvertently introduced into the NZ poultry population in 1993.
Increased nitrogen loading has been implicated in eutrophication occurrences worldwide. Much of this loading is attributable to the growing human population along the world's coastlines. A significant component of this nitrogen input is from sewage effluent, and delineation of the distribution and biological impact of sewage-derived nitrogen is becoming increasingly important. Here, we show a technique that identifies the source, extent and fate of biologically available sewage nitrogen in coastal marine ecosystem. This method is based on the uptake of sewage nitrogen by marine plants and subsequent analysis of the sewage signature (elevated delta N-15) in plant tissues. Spatial analysis is used to create maps of delta N-15 and establish coefficient of variation estimates of the mapped values. We show elevated delta N-15 levels in marine plants near sewage outfalls in Moreton Bay, Australia, a semi-enclosed bay receiving multiple sewage inputs. These maps of sewage nitrogen distribution are being used to direct nutrient reduction strategies in the region and will assist in monitoring the effectiveness of environmental protection measures. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
A novel alphavirus was isolated from the louse Lepidophthirus macrorhini, collected from southern elephant seals, Mirounga leonina, on Macquarie Island, Australia. The virus displayed classic alphavirus ultrastructure and appeared to be serologically different from known Australasian alphaviruses. Nearly all Macquarie Island elephant seals tested had neutralizing antibodies against the virus, but no virus-associated pathology has been identified, Antarctic Division personnel who have worked extensively with elephant seals showed no serological evidence of exposure to the virus. Sequence analysis illustrated that the southern elephant seal (SES) virus segregates,vith the Semliki Forest group of Australasian alphaviruses. Phylogenetic analysis of known alphaviruses suggests that alphaviruses might be grouped according to their enzootic vertebrate host class, The SES virus represents the first arbovirus of marine mammals and illustrates that alphaviruses can inhabit Antarctica and that alphaviruses can be transmitted by lice.