383 resultados para animal attribute view
Goal-directed, coordinated movements in humans emerge from a variety of constraints that range from 'high-level' cognitive strategies based oil perception of the task to 'low-level' neuromuscular-skeletal factors such as differential contributions to coordination from flexor and extensor muscles. There has been a tendency in the literature to dichotomize these sources of constraint, favouring one or the other rather than recognizing and understanding their mutual interplay. In this experiment, subjects were required to coordinate rhythmic flexion and extension movements with an auditory metronome, the rate of which was systematically increased. When subjects started in extension on the beat of the metronome, there was a small tendency to switch to flexion at higher rates, but not vice versa. When subjects: were asked to contact a physical stop, the location of which was either coincident with or counterphase to the auditor) stimulus, two effects occurred. When haptic contact was coincident with sound, coordination was stabilized for both flexion and extension. When haptic contact was counterphase to the metronome, coordination was actually destabilized, with transitions occurring from both extension to flexion on the beat and from flexion to extension on the beat. These results reveal the complementary nature of strategic and neuromuscular factors in sensorimotor coordination. They also suggest the presence of a multimodal neural integration process-which is parametrizable by rate and context - in which intentional movement, touch and sound are bound into a single, coherent unit.
The aim of this study is to determine whether subpopulations of smooth muscle cells (SMC). as distinguished by variations in contractile and cytoskeletal proteins, appear in the neointima at different times after vascular injury, and/or whether subpopulations develop during serial passaging of these cells. Rat aortae and rabbit carotid arteries were injured with a 2F Fogarty balloon catheter and cultures established from the resulting neointima and the media 2, 6, 12, 16 and 24 weeks later. Cultures were examined at passages 1-5 and subpopulations of SMC categorised by intensity of staining for each protein by immunohistochemistry. Two populations of SMC with different staining intensities ('+ +', '+') were observed for each of the following proteins: alpha -SM actin, SM-myosin, desmin and vimentin. Populations without these proteins were also found. Changes in the percentages of cells expressing these proteins were transitory, indicating that the populations were not limited to a particular tissue (neointima or media), time after injury or passage number. One exception was found in rabbit cultures where the number of desmin-expressing cells quickly decreased with both time after injury and time in culture. Subpopulations of SMC were found at all times after injury in the media and neointima of rat and rabbit arteries, and after multiple passage of these cells. There was no pattern of development of one population suggesting that either no subpopulation has a proliferative or migratory advantage over others, or that only one population exists: that is capable of diverse phenotypic changes. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
An outbreak of acute liver failure occurred at a dialysis center in Caruaru, Brazil (8 degrees 17 'S, 35 degrees 58 'W), 134 km from Recife, the state capital of Pernambuco. At the clinic, 116 (89%) of 131 patients experienced visual disturbances, nausea, and vomiting after routine hemodialysis treatment on 13-20 February 1996. Subsequently, 100 patients developed acute liver failure, and of these 76 died. As of December 1996, 52 of the deaths could be attributed to a common syndrome now called Caruaru syndrome. Examination of phytoplankton from the dialysis clinic's water source, analyses of the clinic's water treatment system, plus serum and liver tissue of clinic patients led to the identification of two groups of cyanobacterial toxins, the hepatotoxic cyclic peptide microcystins and the hepatotoxic alkaloid cylindrospermopsin. Comparison of victims' symptoms and pathology using animal studies of these two cyanotoxins leads us to conclude that the major contributing factor to death of the dialyses patients was intravenous exposure to microcystins, specifically microcystin-YR, -LR, and -AR. From liver concentrations and exposure volumes, it was estimated that 19.5 mug/L microcystin was in the water used for dialysis treatments. This is 19.5 times the level set as a guideline for safe drinking water supplies by the World. Health Organization.
There is overwhelming evidence for the existence of substantial genetic influences on individual differences in general and specific cognitive abilities, especially in adults. The actual localization and identification of genes underlying variation in cognitive abilities and intelligence has only just started, however. Successes are currently limited to neurological mutations with rather severe cognitive effects. The current approaches to trace genes responsible for variation in the normal ranges of cognitive ability consist of large scale linkage and association studies. These are hampered by the usual problems of low statistical power to detect quantitative trait loci (QTLs) of small effect. One strategy to boost the power of genomic searches is to employ endophenotypes of cognition derived from the booming field of cognitive neuroscience This special issue of Behavior Genetics reports on one of the first genome-wide association studies for general IQ. A second paper summarizes candidate genes for cognition, based on animal studies. A series of papers then introduces two additional levels of analysis in the ldquoblack boxrdquo between genes and cognitive ability: (1) behavioral measures of information-processing speed (inspection time, reaction time, rapid naming) and working memory capacity (performance on on single or dual tasks of verbal and spatio-visual working memory), and (2) electrophyiosological derived measures of brain function (e.g., event-related potentials). The obvious way to assess the reliability and validity of these endophenotypes and their usefulness in the search for cognitive ability genes is through the examination of their genetic architecture in twin family studies. Papers in this special issue show that much of the association between intelligence and speed-of-information processing/brain function is due to a common gene or set of genes, and thereby demonstrate the usefulness of considering these measures in gene-hunting studies for IQ.
1. Recent findings have suggested a significant involvement of the immune system in the control of pain. Immune cells contain opioid peptides that are released within inflamed tissue and act at opioid receptors on peripheral sensory nerve endings. It is also apparent that different types of lymphocytes contain P-endorphin, memory T cells containing more beta -endorphin than naive cells. 2. These findings highlight an integral link between immune cell migration and inflammatory pain, The present review highlights immune system involvement in the site-directed control of inflammatory pain. 3. Full-length mRNA transcripts for opioid precursor proteins are expressed in immune cells. Increased expression of pro-opiomelanocortin mRNA and beta -endorphin has been demonstrated in stimulated lymphocytes and lymphocytes from animals with inflammation. 4. Cytokines and corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) release opioids from immune cells, Potent peripheral analgesia due to direct injection of CRF can be blocked by antagonists to CRF, antibodies to opioid peptides, antisense to CRF and opioid receptor-specific antagonists. The release of opioid peptides from lymphocytes is calcium dependent and opioid receptor specific. Furthermore, endogenous sources of opioid peptides produce potent analgesia when implanted into the spinal cord. 5. Activated immune cells migrate directly to inflamed tissue using cell adhesion molecules to adhere to the epithelial surface of the vasculature in inflamed tissue. Lymphocytes that have been activated can express opioid peptides, Memory type T cells that contain opioid peptides are present within inflamed tissue; naive cells are not present in inflamed tissue and do not contain opioid peptides, Inhibiting the migration of memory type T cells into inflamed tissue by blocking selectins results in reduced numbers of beta -endorphin containing cells, a reduced quantity of beta -endorphin in inflamed paws and reduced stress- and CRF-induced peripheral analgesia. 6. Immunosuppression is associated with increased pain in patients. Moreover, immunosuppression results in decreased lymphocyte numbers as well as decreased analgesia in animal models.
Primary olfactory neurons are located in the olfactory neuroepithelium lining the nasal cavity. Their axons converge and form glomeruli with the dendrites of second-order neurons in the olfactory bulb. The molecular basis of primary olfactory axon guidance, targeting and subsequent arborisation is largely unknown. In this study we examined the spatio-temporal expression of the Eph receptor EphB2 and its ligands, ephrin-B1 and ephrin-B2, during development of the rat primary olfactory system. Unlike in other regions of the nervous system where receptor and ligand expression patterns are usually non-overlapping, EphB2, ephrin-B1 and ephrin-B2 were all expressed by primary and second-order olfactory neurons. In the embryonic animal we found that these three proteins had distinct and different expression patterns. EphB2 was first expressed at E18.5 by the perikarya of primary olfactory neurons. In contrast, ephrin-B1 was expressed from E13.5 and was localised to the axons of these cells up to E18.5 but was then restricted to the perikarya. Ephrin-B2, however, was expressed by olfactory ensheathing cells. EphB2, ephrin-B1 and ephrin-B2 were also expressed in the prenatal olfactory bulb and were restricted to the perikarya of mitral cells. In the post-natal olfactory bulb there was a shift in the localisation of both EphB2 and ephrin-B1 to the dendritic arborisations of mitral cells. The dynamic and tightly regulated spatio-temporal expression patterns of EphB2, ephrin-B1 and ephrin-B2 by specific olfactory cell populations suggest that these molecules have the potential to regulate important developmental events in the olfactory system. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Primary olfactory neurons that express the same odorant receptor are distributed mosaically throughout the olfactory neuroepithelium lining the nasal cavity, yet their axons converge and form discrete glomeruli in the olfactory bulb. We previously proposed that cell surface carbohydrates mediate the sorting out and selective fasciculation of primary olfactory axons en route to glomeruli. If this were the case, then axons that terminate in the same glomerulus would express the same complement of cell surface carbohydrates. In this study, we examined the expression of a novel carbohydrate (NOC-3) on neural cell adhesion molecule in the adult rat olfactory system. NOC-3 was expressed by a subset of neurons distributed throughout the olfactory neuroepithelium. The axons of these neurons entered the nerve fiber layer and terminated in a subset of glomeruli. It is interesting to note that we identified three unusually large glomeruli in the lateral, ventrolateral, and ventromedial olfactory bulb that were innervated by axons expressing NOC-3. NOC-3-expressing axons sorted out and fasciculated into discrete fascicles prior to entering these glomeruli. Each of these glomeruli was in a topographically fixed position in the olfactory bulbs of the same animal as well as in different animals, and their lengths were approximately 10% of the total length of the bulb. They could be identified reliably by both their topographical position and their unique morphology. These results reveal that axons expressing the same cell surface carbohydrates consistently target the same topographically fixed glomeruli, which supports a role for these molecules in axon navigation in the primary olfactory nerve pathway. J. Comp. Neurol. 436: 497-507, 2001. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Hypovitaminosis D is a candidate risk-modifying factor for a diverse range of disorders apart from rickets and osteoporosis. Based on epidemiology, and on in vitro and animal experiment, vitamin D has been linked to multiple sclerosis, certain cancers (prostate, breast and colorectal), insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and schizophrenia. I hypothesise that low pre- and perinatal vitamin D levels imprint on the functional characteristics of various tissues throughout the body, leaving the affected individual at increased risk of developing a range of adult-onset disorders. The hypothesis draws from recent advances in our understanding of the early origin of adult disease and proposes a 'critical window' during which vitamin D levels may have a persisting impact on adult health outcomes. Methods to test the hypothesis are outlined. If correct, the hypothesis has important implications for public health. Careful attention to maternal vitamin D status could translate into diverse improvements in health outcomes for the following generation. (C) 2001 Harcourt Publishers Ltd.
A telephone survey was conducted in Melbourne and Brisbane to obtain a profile of milk consumption in Australia and determine consumers' attitudes regarding UHT milk. It was anticipated that this survey would reveal the reasons for the low level of UHT milk consumption in Australia. Pasteurised milk was the main milk type used by more than 80% of respondents. For UHT milk this figure was much lower (approximately 10%), even though two thirds of respondents had tried UHT milk. Factors that were found to influence UHT milk consumption included existing milk consumption habits, consumer perception, flavour and price. The majority of non-users of UHT milk stated habit of using other milk type as their main reason for not using UHT milk. Other reasons included poor nutritional value, poor flavour and not real/pure milk, indicating a negative consumer perception of the product. The flavour of UHT milk was identified as a problem, with nearly half of UHT milk users considering it to be worse than the flavour of pasteurised milk. However, a small proportion of UHT milk users preferred the flavour of UHT milk, with the majority of them stating that it was creamier, richer and/or stronger than the flavour of pasteurised milk. Prior to post-farmgate deregulation, price was shown to discourage consumers from using UHT milk. At the time of the survey, post-farmgate prices in Victoria were deregulated resulting in UHT milk being priced below that of pasteurised milk in some instances. This was believed to contribute to a significantly higher market share of the product in Melbourne than in Brisbane.
The spermatozoa of Crotaphytus bicinctores and Gambelia wislizenii (Crotaphytidae), and Anolis carolinensis (Polychrotidae) exhibit the squamate autapomorphies of a single perforatorium extending anteriorly from the apical tip of the paracrystalline subacrosomal cone, the presence of an epinuclear electron-lucent region, and extension of the fibrous sheath into the midpiece. Crotaphytid sperm differ from those of polychrotids in several respects, including: the structure of the perforatorium, the size of the epinuclear electron-lucent region, aspects of the acrosome complex, the arrangement and structure of intermitochondrial dense bodies, and in the distance the fibrous sheath extends into the midpiece. The sperm of C. bicinctores, G. wislizenii, and A. carolinensis are most similar to those of the agamids and phrynosomatids examined to date. No spermatozoal autapomorphies for Crotaphytidae or Polychrotidae were found. The condition of having the intermitochondrial dense bodies arranged in regular incomplete rings is tentatively defined as a synapomorphy of Iguania (although modified in Chamaeleonidae). Spermatozoal ultrastructure offers no characters that justify the separation of Iguanidae (sensu late) into several separate families. (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Generally employment has been studied in terms of changes in the types of goods and services that the economy is purchasing. Far less attention has been given to the occupational aggregates that go into producing these goods and services. The few studies that did investigate this area found that the mix of tabour inputs appear to have been changing over time in a systematic pattern. The increasing prevalence of white-collar, information workers gave rise to the assertion that many societies had entered a post-industrial information age. Deals first of aff with some issues of measurement in the context of the Australian labour force, then looks at trends in various occupational groups using a non-standard four-sector classification of the labour force. Finally suggests an application in relation to the link between education and training and its ability to reduce structural unemployment.
A grazing trial to study the effect of stocking rate on animal production and botanical composition of Gallon panic (Panicum maximum) and Estrella grass (Cynodon nlemfuensis) was conducted in the central region of the Paraguayan Chaco between 1992 and 1998. The experiment included 6 stocking rates (0.5, 0.8. 1.1, 1.4. 1.7 and 2.0 AU/ha) on individual 4-ha paddocks. The pasture treatments were continuously grazed by yearling steers. replaced annually, over a 4-year grazing period. No fertiliser was used. Botanical composition was recorded annually in autumn from 1992 to 1998 while animal production data were recorded monthly from 1992 to 1996. Relationships between animal productivity and stocking rates were determined by regression analysis. Gallon panic produced greater liveweight gains per head than Estrella grass at low and intermediate stocking rates. However, the slope of the linear relationship between liveweight gain per head and stocking rate increased each year in Gallon panic indicating that the productivity of this grass progressively declined at higher stocking rates over the period of observation. Estrella grass showed less sensitivity to stocking rate but was affected severely by periods of low rainfall.
Background: The immune response to Porphyromonas gingivalis in the mouse abscess model is known to be dependent upon CD4 T-cell activation and the regulatory role of cytokines. The role of interleukin-10 (IL-10) in this mouse model was examined in vivo. Methods: One-week-old, female BALB/c mice were divided into 4 groups. Groups 1 and 2 were given intraperitoneal (ip) injections of phosphate buffered saline (PBS) weekly for 5 weeks. Group 3 was given an ip injection of rat immunoglobulin. Group 4 was injected with rat anti-IL-10 antibodies. At week 6, group 1 was sham-immunized with PBS, and groups 2, 3, and 4 were injected with P gingivalis lipopolysaccharide (Pg-LPS) weekly for 2 weeks. One week after the final immunization, delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) was assessed by footpad swelling to Pg-LPS. The level of serum antibodies to Pg-LPS and IFN-gamma (IFN-gamma) was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Dorsal abscess formation induced by the injection of viable P gingivalis was examined daily for 30 days. Results: The footpad swelling of the anti-IL-10-treated group (group 4) was significantly higher than that of groups 1 to 3. Similarly, the serum IFN-gamma level in group 4 was much higher than that of the other experimental groups. There was no significant difference in serum IgG antibodies to Pg-LPS in any of the experimental groups. However, the level of IgM antibodies in group 4 mice was significantly lower than that in groups 2 and 3. In addition, serum IgG1 was suppressed in group 4 mice, while IgG2a antibodies were raised. However, there was no difference observed between the levels of IgG2b and IgG3 antibodies in any group of mice. The lesions in sham-immunized mice (group 1) persisted for 30 days, and those in group 2 and 3 were undetected by day 18 and 20, respectively. In sharp contrast, lesions in group 4 had healed completely by day 13. Conclusions: This study has shown that IL-10 depletion in vivo in P gingivalis LPS-induced immune response in mice led to an elevated DTH response, an increase in serum IFN-gamma levels, and raised levels of IgG and IgG2a antibodies. Treatment with anti-IL-10 antibodies resulted in suppressed IgG I and IgM responses and a more rapid healing of abscesses than in non-IL-10-depleted mice. These results suggest that IL-10 depletion in Pg-LPS-induced immune response in mice may lead to a Th1-like immune response and provide strong protection against a subsequent challenge with live P gingivalis in an abscess model.