514 resultados para Computer Software
In this paper, we propose an algorithm for partitioning parameterized orthogonal polygons into rectangles. The algorithm is based on the plane-sweep technique and can be used for partitioning polygons which contain holes. The input to the algorithm consists of the contour of a parameterized polygon to be partitioned and the constraints for those parameters which reside in the contour. The algorithm uses horizontal cuts only and generates a minimum number of rectangles whose union is the original orthogonal polygon. The proposed algorithm can be used as the basis to build corner stitching data structure for parameterized VLSI layouts and has been implemented in Java programming language. Copyright © 2010 ACM, Inc.
The paper provides evidence that spatial indexing structures offer faster resolution of Formal Concept Analysis queries than B-Tree/Hash methods. We show that many Formal Concept Analysis operations, computing the contingent and extent sizes as well as listing the matching objects, enjoy improved performance with the use of spatial indexing structures such as the RD-Tree. Speed improvements can vary up to eighty times faster depending on the data and query. The motivation for our study is the application of Formal Concept Analysis to Semantic File Systems. In such applications millions of formal objects must be dealt with. It has been found that spatial indexing also provides an effective indexing technique for more general purpose applications requiring scalability in Formal Concept Analysis systems. The coverage and benchmarking are presented with general applications in mind.
The verification of information flow properties of security devices is difficult because it involves the analysis of schematic diagrams, artwork, embedded software, etc. In addition, a typical security device has many modes, partial information flow, and needs to be fault tolerant. We propose a new approach to the verification of such devices based upon checking abstract information flow properties expressed as graphs. This approach has been implemented in software, and successfully used to find possible paths of information flow through security devices.
Most face recognition systems only work well under quite constrained environments. In particular, the illumination conditions, facial expressions and head pose must be tightly controlled for good recognition performance. In 2004, we proposed a new face recognition algorithm, Adaptive Principal Component Analysis (APCA) [4], which performs well against both lighting variation and expression change. But like other eigenface-derived face recognition algorithms, APCA only performs well with frontal face images. The work presented in this paper is an extension of our previous work to also accommodate variations in head pose. Following the approach of Cootes et al, we develop a face model and a rotation model which can be used to interpret facial features and synthesize realistic frontal face images when given a single novel face image. We use a Viola-Jones based face detector to detect the face in real-time and thus solve the initialization problem for our Active Appearance Model search. Experiments show that our approach can achieve good recognition rates on face images across a wide range of head poses. Indeed recognition rates are improved by up to a factor of 5 compared to standard PCA.