110 resultados para value-chain integrator
Every day trillions of dollars circulate the globe in a digital data space and new forms of property and ownership emerge. Massive corporate entities with a global reach are formed and disappear with breathtaking speed, making and breaking personal fortunes the size of which defy imagination. Fictitious commodities abound. The genomes of entire nations have become corporately owned. Relationships have become the overt basis of economic wealth and political power. Hypercapitalism explores the problems of understanding this emergent form of global political economic organization by focusing on the internal relations between language, new media networks, and social perceptions of value. Taking an historical approach informed by Marx, Phil Graham draws upon writings in political economy, media studies, sociolinguistics, anthropology, and critical social science to understand the development, roots, and trajectory of the global system in which every possible aspect of human existence, including imagined futures, has become a commodity form.
The gamma-radiolysis of poly(tetrafluoroethylene-co-perfuoromethyl vinyl ether) (TFE/PMVE) was investigated using solid state F-19 and C-13 NMR spectroscopy. Chain scission products identified in the polymer were saturated chain ends -CF2CF3 (G = 1.0), methyl ether end groups -CF2OCF3 (G = 0.9), acid end groups -CF2COOH (G = 0.5), and a small amount of terminal unsaturation -CF=CF2 (G = 0.2). A mechanism for the formation of these scission products was proposed and the G value for main chain scission, G(S), was determined to be 1.4. Cross-linking of TFE/PMVE was found to proceed via a Y-linking mechanism. The G value for cross-linking, G(X), was determined to be 0.9. A maximum of 0.2 mol % cross-links were formed under the experimental conditions.
A study of the gamma-radiolysis of the commercial polymers U-polymer, UP (Unitake) and polycarbonate, PC, (Aldrich) has been undertaken using ESR spectroscopy. The G-value of radical formation at 77 K has been found to be 0.31 +/- 0.01 for UP and 0.5 +/- 0.02 for PC. By using thermal annealing and spectral subtraction, the paramagnetic species formed on irradiation has been assigned. The effect of radiation on the chemical structure of UP and PC has been investigated at ambient temperature and at 423 K. The NMR results show that a new phenol type chain end is formed in the polymers on exposure to gamma-radiation. The G-value of formation of the new phenol ends was estimated to be 0.7 for PC (423 K) and 0.4 for UP (300 K). (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
A gas product analysis has been conducted on gamma-irradiated samples of poly(lactic acid) (PLA) and poly(glycolic acid) (PGA) by means of gas chromatography. The major volatile products have been identified to be CO, CO2, CH4 and C2H6 for PLA, and CO and CO2 for PGA. In addition, the yield of evolved gases for PLA has been found to be 1.81 for CO2, 0.98 for CO, 0.026 for CH4 and 0.012 for C2H6; and that for PGA to be 1.70 for CO2 and 0.42 for CO. The new chain ends formed due to gamma-induced bond cleavage in PLA have been assigned to CH3-CH2-CO-O- and CH3-CH2-O-CO-, and the G values for formation of these chain ends were found to be 1.9 and 0.6, respectively. The G value for chain scission reported previously of 2.3 is comparable with that for the formation of the propanoic acid end group. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science Limited.
The hydroxymethylbilane synthase (HMBS) mRNAs from 44 control individuals and 30 patients suffering from acute intermittent porphyria (AIP), were screened for length differences by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and any abnormalities were characterized by direct sequencing. Examination of the mRNAs extracted from the peripheral blood lymphocytes of the samples revealed varying degrees of alternative splicing, involving the removal of exons 3 and 12. Approximately 10-50% of the mRNA molecules were affected, despite the absence of genomic splice site mutations or any major deviance from consensus splice sequence values. The preliminary data obtained from this study suggest that this event is a normal occurrence in peripheral blood lymphocytes, and may not be associated with the molecular pathology responsible for AIP. (C) 1998 Academic Press Limited.
A sensitive, specific polymerase chain reaction-based assay was developed for the detection of the causal agent of ratoon stunting disease of sugarcane, Clavibacter xyli subsp. xyli. This assay uses oligonucleotide primers derived from the internal transcribed spacer region between the 16S and 23S rRNA genes of the bacterial rRNA operon. The assay is specific for C. xyli subsp. xyli and does not produce an amplification product from the template of the closely related bacterium C. xyli subsp. cynodontis, nor from other bacterial species. The assay was successfully applied to the detection of C. xyli subsp. xyli in fibrovascular fluid extracted from sugarcane and was sensitive to approximately 22 cells per PCR assay. A multiplex PCR test was also developed which identified and differentiated C. xyli subsp. xyli and C. xyli subsp. cynodontis in a single PCR assay.
Previously we described activating mutations of h beta(c), the common signaling subunit of the receptors for the hematopoietic and inflammatory cytokines, GM-CSF, IL-3, and IL-5. The activated mutant, h beta(c)FI Delta, is able to confer growth factor-independent proliferation on the murine myeloid cell line FDC-P1, and on primary committed myeloid progenitors. We have used this activating mutation to study the effects of chronic cytokine receptor stimulation. Transgenic mice were produced carrying the h beta(c)FI Delta cDNA linked to the constitutive promoter derived from the phosphoglycerate kinase gene, PGK-1. Transgene expression was demonstrated in several tissues and functional activity of the mutant receptor was confirmed in hematopoietic tissues by the presence of granulocyte macrophage and macrophage colony-forming cells (CFU-GM and CFU-M) in the absence of added cytokines. All transgenic mice display a myeloproliferative disorder characterized by splenomegaly, erythrocytosis, and granulocytic and megakaryocytic hyperplasia. This disorder resembles the human disease polycythemia vera, suggesting that activating mutations in h beta(c) may play a role in the pathogenesis of this myeloproliferative disorder. In addition, these transgenic mice develop a sporadic, progressive neurological disease and display bilateral, symmetrical foci of necrosis in the white matter of brain stem associated with an accumulation of macrophages. Thus, chronic h beta(c) activation has the potential to contribute to pathological events in the central nervous system.
Female reproductive tissues of the ornamental tobacco amass high levels of serine proteinase inhibitors (PIs) for protection against pests and pathogens. These PIs are produced from a precursor protein composed of six repeats each with a protease reactive site. Here we show that proteolytic processing of the precursor generates five single-chain PIs and a remarkable two-chain inhibitor formed by disulfide-bond Linkage of Nand C-terminal peptide fragments. Surprisingly, PI precursors adopt this circular structure regardless of the number of inhibitor domains, suggesting this bracelet-like conformation is characteristic of the widespread potato inhibitor II (Pot II) protein family.
Using a new version of the density-matrix renormalization group we determine the phase diagram of a model of an antiferromagnetic Heisenberg spin chain where the spins interact with quantum phonons. A quantum phase transition from a gapless spin-fluid state to a gapped dimerized phase occurs at a nonzero value of the spin-phonon coupling. The transition is in the same universality class as that of a frustrated spin chain, to which the model maps in the diabatic limit. We argue that realistic modeling of known spin-Peierls materials should include the effects of quantum phonons.
Quality measurement and benchmarking in aged cave presents several challenges. A model which addresses this by linking four dimensions of outcomes has been developed - the Clinical Value Compass (CVC). A CVC was developed for stroke rehabilitation and measured across four sites. The CVC teas well accepted by the treatment teams and proved practical to measure. The results revealed differences in practices and client groups that led to a closer analysis of process and subsequent changes in these processes. Remeasuring of the CVC is required to demonstrate improved outcomes arising from these process changes.
We have grown surfactant-templated silicate films at the air-water interface using n-alkyltrimethylammonium bromide and chloride in an acid synthesis with tetraethyl orthosilicate as the silicate source. The films have been grown with and without added salt (sodium chloride, sodium bromide) and with n-alkyl chain lengths from 12 to 18, the growth process being monitored by X-ray reflectometry. Glassy, hexagonal, and lamellar structures have been produced in ways that are predictable from the pure surfactant-water phase diagrams. The synthesis appears to proceed initially through an induction period characterized by the accumulation of silica-coated spherical micelles near the surface. All syntheses, except those involving C(12)TACl, show a sudden transformation of the spherical micellar phase to a hexagonal phase. This occurs when the gradually increasing ionic strength and/or changing ethanol concentration is sufficient to change the position of boundaries within the phase diagram. A possible mechanism for this to occur may be to induce a sphere to rod transition in the micellar structure. This transformation, as predicted from the surfactant-water phase diagram, can be induced by addition of salts and is slower for chloride than bromide counteranions. The hexagonal materials change in cell dimension as the chain length is changed in a way consistent with theoretical model predictions. All the materials have sufficiently flexible silica frameworks that phase interconversion is observed both from glassy to hexagonal and from hexagonal, to lamellar and vice versa in those surfactant systems where multiple phases are found to exist.
The measurement of organic carbon in soils has traditionally used dichromate oxidation procedures including the Wakley and Black and the Heanes methods. The measurement of carbon in soils by high temperature combustion is now widely used providing a rapid automated procedure without the use of toxic chemicals. This procedure however measures total carbon thus requiring some means of correction for soil samples containing carbonate and charcoal forms of carbon. This paper examines the effects of known additions of charcoal to a range of soil types on the results obtained by the Walkley and Black, Heanes and combustion methods. The results show, that while the charcoal carbon does not react under Walkley and Black conditions, some proportion does so with the Heanes method. A comparison of six Australian Soil and Plant Analysis Council reference soil samples by the three methods showed good agreement between the Heanes method, the combustion method and only slightly lower recoveries by the Walkley and Black procedure. Carbonate carbon will cause an overestimation of soil organic carbon by the combustion method thus requiring a separate determination of carbonate carbon to be applied as a correction. This work shows that a suitable acid pre-treatment of alkaline soils in the sample boats followed by a drying step eliminates the carbonate carbon prior to combustion and the need for an additional measurement. The measurement of carbon in soils by high temperature combustion in an oxygen atmosphere has been shown to be a rapid and reliable method capable of producing results in good agreement with one of the established dichromate oxidation procedures.
Cultured melanoma cells release soluble factors that influence immune responses. Screening of a cDNA library with anti-sera from a melanoma patient identified an immunoreactive plaque, which encoded heavy-chain ferritin (H-ferritin), Previous studies have drawn attention to the immunosuppressive effects of this molecule and prompted further studies on its biochemical and functional properties in human melanoma, These studies demonstrated, firstly, that H-ferritin appeared to be secreted by melanoma cells, as shown by immunoprecipitation of a 21.5 kDa band from supernatants. It was also detected in extracts of melanoma cells by Western blotting as 43 and 64 kDa dimers and trimers of the 21.5 kDa fraction. Secondly, flow-cytometric analysis of H- and light-chain ferritin (L-ferritin) expression on melanoma showed a wide variation in L-ferritin expression and consequently of the ratio of H- to L-ferritin expression. Suppression of mitogenic responses of lymphocytes to anti-CD3 showed a correlation with the ratio of H- to L-ferritin in the supernatants and was specific for H-ferritin, as shown by inhibition studies with a monoclonal antibody (MAb) against H-ferritin, Similar results were obtained with H- and L-ferritin from other sources. Suppression of mitogenic responses of lymphocytes to anti-CD3 by H-ferritin was inhibited using a MAb against IL-IO, which suggested that the immunosuppressive effect of H-ferritin was mediated by IL-IO, Assays of cytokine production from anti-CD3-stimulated lymphocytes showed that H-ferritin markedly increased production of IL-10 and IFN-gamma and had only slight effects on IL-2 and IL-4 production, Our results suggest that melanoma cells may be a major source of H-ferritin and that production of the latter may account for some of the immunosuppressive effects of melanoma, (C) 2001 Wiley-Liss. Inc.