83 resultados para toxic myopathy


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The abundance and community composition of the endofauna in 2 species of sponge, Haliclona sp. 1 and Haliclona sp. 2 (phylum Porifera: order Haplosclerida), were examined at different sites on the slope at Heron Island Reef, in the southern Great Barrier Reef, on 2 separate occasions. Both species of Haliclona Occupy Similar habitats on the reef slope and are often found living adjacent to each other, but the major groups of secondary metabolites and the gross external morphology in the 2 species of sponge are different. The 2 species of sponge supported significantly different endofaunal communities, with Haliclona sp. 2 Supporting 3 to 4 times more individuals than Haliclona sp. 1. Fewer demersal zooplankton (copepods), nematodes and some peracarid crustaceans were found in Haliclona sp. I compared with Haliclona sp. 2. There were also differences in the numbers of spionid, nereidid and syllid. polychaetes living in the 2 species of sponge. The only taxon that was more abundant in Haliclona sp. 1 than Haliclona sp. 2 was the spionid Polydorella prolifera, and this difference was only evident on 1. of the 2 occasions. The amount of free space (pores, channels, cavities) for a given weight of sponge was only 19% greater in Haliclona sp. 2 than in Haliclona sp. 1, suggesting other factors, such as the differences in the allelochemicals, may have a role in determining the numbers and types of animals living in these 2 species of sponge.


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Trophodynamics of blooms of the toxic marine cyanobacterium Lyngkya majuscula were investigated to determine dietary specificity in two putative grazers: the opisthobranch molluscs, Stylocheilus striatus and Bursatella leachii. S. striatus is associated with L. majuscula blooms and is known to sequester L. majuscula metabolites. The dietary specificity and toxicodynamics of B. leachii in relation to L. majuscula is less well documented. In this study we found diet history had no significant effect upon dietary selectivity of S. striatus when offered a range of plant species. However, L. majuscula chemotype may alter S. striatus' selectivity for this cyanobacterium. Daily biomass increases between small and large size groups of both species were recorded in no-choice consumption trials using L. majuscula. Both S. striatus and B. leachii preferentially consumed L. majuscula containing lyngbyatoxin-a. Increase in mass over a 10-day period in B. leachii (915%) was significantly greater than S. striatus (150%), yet S. striatus consumed greater quantities of L. majuscula (g day(-1)) and thus had a lower conversion efficiency (0.038) than B. leachii (0.081) based on sea hare weight per gram of L. majuscula consumed day(-1). Our findings suggest that growth rates and conversion efficiencies may be influenced by sea hare maximum growth potential, acquisition of secondary metabolites or diet type. (C) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In Australia, metal-contaminated sites, including those with elevated levels of copper (Cu), are frequently revegetated with endemic plants. Little is known about the responses of Australian plants to excess Cu. Acacia holosericea, Eucalyptus crebra, Eucalyptus camaldulensis, and Melaleuca leucadendra were grown in solution culture with six Cu treatments (0.1 to 40 mu M). While A. holosericea was the most tolerant to excess Cu, all of the species tested were sensitive to excess Cu when compared with exotic tree and agricultural species. The critical external concentrations for toxicity were < 0.7 mu M for all species tested. There was little differentiation between shoot-tissue Cu concentrations in normal versus treated plants, thus, the derivation of critical shoot concentrations was possible only for the most tolerant species, A. holosericea. Critical root Cu concentrations were approximately 210 mu g g(-1) (A. holosericea), 150 mu g g(-1) (E. crebra), 25 mu g g(-1) (E. camaldulensis), and 165 mu g g(-1) (M. leucadendra). These results provide the first comprehensive combination of growth responses, critical concentrations, and toxicity symptoms for three important Australian genera for use in the management of Cu-contaminated sites.