29 resultados para tilting pad bearings
This study tested the hypotheses that skeletal muscle mitochondrial ATP production rate (MAPR) is impaired in patients with peripheral arterial disease (PAD) and that it relates positively to their walking performances. Seven untrained patients, eight exercise-trained patients and 11 healthy controls completed a maximal walking test and had muscle sampled from the gastrocnemius medialis muscle. Muscle was analysed for its MAPR in the presence of pyruvate, palmitoyl-L-carnitine or both, as well as citrate synthase (CS) activity. MAPRs were not different between untrained PAD and controls. In contrast, MAPRs (pyruvate) were significantly higher in trained PAD vs. controls. MAPR (pyruvate combinations) was also significantly higher in trained than untrained PAD muscle. MAPR and CS activity were highly correlated with walking performance in patients, but not in controls. These data do not support the hypothesis that isolated mitochondria are functionally impaired in PAD and demonstrate that the muscle mitochondrial capacity to oxidize carbohydrate is positively related to walking performance in these patients.
Objective: To develop a physical activity directory (PAD) for Brisbane people over the age of 50 years for distribution by two methods (given or requested), and to determine its effectiveness in raising awareness and encouraging older people to participate in local physical activity options. Methods: Baseline demographic data and stage of change was collected from 224 participants who received the directory. Participants were interviewed by telephone six weeks later to determine their use of the directory on a number of dimensions. Results: Most participants interviewed at follow-up remembered reading the directory. Participants who requested the directory were significantly more likely than those who were given it to: be contemplators, read the directory, plan to ring a number, plan to attend a class, and to share the directory with others. Participants who were contemplators were significantly more likely to have participated in physical activity of their own and rang a number from the directory. The directory increased over half the participants' awareness of local physical activity options, yet only 7% reported ringing a number and 15% reported doing their own physical activity. Conclusions: The directory was more effective in raising awareness about physical activity options than encouraging people to participate in physical activity, and participants with short-term plans to be more active were more likely to have used the directory. Implications: The directory, even when linked with other services, raises awareness about physical activity options, but has minimal short-term influence on participation.
Peripheral arterial disease (PAD) is an obstructive condition where the flow of blood through peripheral arteries is impeded. During periods of increased oxygen demand (e.g. during exercise), peripheral limb ischaemia occurs, resulting in the sensation of muscle pain termed 'claudication'. As a result of claudication, subjects' ability to exercise is greatly reduced affecting their quality of life. Although many treatment options for patients with PAD exist, exercise training is an effective and low-cost means of improving functional ability and quality of life. Currently, there are limited specific recommendations to assist the exercise prescription and programming of these individuals. This review summarises data from 28 exercise training studies conducted in patients with PAD and formulates recommendations based on their results. Exercise training for patients with PAD should involve three training sessions per week comprising 45 minutes of intermittent treadmill walking in a supervised environment for a time period of 20 weeks or more. Encouragement and direction is given to further research aimed at investigating the effectiveness of training programmes in these patients.
Objective: To investigate the effect of standing with assistance of the tilt table on ventilatory parameters and arterial blood gases in intensive care patients. Design: Consecutive sample. Setting: Tertiary referral hospital. Participants: Fifteen adult patients who had been intubated and mechanically ventilated for more than 5 days (3 subjects successfully weaned, 12 subjects being weaned). Intervention: Passive tilting to 70degrees from the horizontal for 5 minutes using a tilt table. Main Outcome Measures: Minute ventilation (VE), tidal volume (VT), respiratory rate, and arterial partial pressure of oxygen (Pao(2)) and carbon dioxide (Paco(2)). Results: Standing in the tilted position for 5 minutes produced significant increases in VE (P
Purpose. The ability to sense the position of limb segments is a highly specialised proprioceptive function important for control of movement. Abnormal knee proprioception has been found in association with several musculoskeletal pathologies but whether nociceptive Stimulation can produce these proprioceptive changes is unclear. This study evaluated the effect of experimentally induced knee pain on knee joint position sense (JPS) in healthy individuals. Study design. Repeated measures, within-subject design. Methods. Knee JPS was tested in 16 individuals with no history of knee pathology under three experimental conditions: baseline control, a distraction task and knee pain induced by injection of hypertonic saline into the infrapatellar fat pad. Knee JPS was measured using active ipsilateral limb matching responses at 20degrees and 60degrees flexion whilst non-weightbearing (NWB) and 20degrees flexion single leg stance. During the tasks, the subjective perception of distraction and severity of pain were measured using 11-point numerical rating scales. Results. Knee JPS was not altered by acute knee pain in any of the positions tested. The distraction task resulted in poorer concentration, greater JPS absolute errors at 20degrees NWB, and greater variability in errors during the WB tests. There were no significant correlations between levels of pain and changes in JPS errors. Changes in JPS with pain and distraction were inversely related to baseline knee JPS variable error in all test positions (r = -0.56 to -0.91) but less related to baseline absolute error. Conclusion. Knee JPS is reduced by an attention-demanding task but not by experimentally induced pain. (C) 2004 Orthopaedic Research Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Angiography is usually performed as the preoperative road map for those requiring revascularization for lower extremity peripheral arterial disease (PAD). The alternative investigations are ultrasound, 3-D magnetic resonance angiography (3-D MRA) and computed tomography angiography. This pilot study aimed to assess whether 3-D MRA could replace the gold standard angiography in preoperative planning. Eight patients considered for aortoiliac or infrainguinal arterial bypass surgery were recruited. All underwent both imaging modalities within 7 days. A vascular surgeon and a radiologist each reported on the images from both the 3-D MRA and the angiography, with blinding to patient details and each others reports. Comparisons were made between the reports for the angiographic and the 3-D MRA images, and between the reports of the vascular surgeon and the radiologist. Compared to the gold standard angiogram, 3-D MRA had a sensitivity of 77% and specificity of 94% in detecting occlusion, and a sensitivity of 72% and specificity of 90% in differentiating high grade (> 50%) versus low grade (< 50%) stenoses. There was an overall concordance of 78% between the two investigations with a range of 62% in the peroneal artery to 94% in the aorta. 3-D MRA showed flow in 23% of cases where conventional angiography showed no flow. In the present pilot study, 3-D MRA had reasonable concordance with the gold standard angiography, depending on the level of the lesion. At times it showed vessel flow where occlusion was shown on conventional angiogram. 3-D MRA in peripheral vascular disease is challenging the gold standard, but is inconsistent at present.
Various exercises are used to retrain the abdominal muscles in the management of low back pain and other musculoskeletal disorders. However. few studies have directly investigated the activity of all the abdominal muscles or the recruitment of regions of the abdominal muscles during these manoeuvres. This study examined the activity of different regions of transversus abdominis (TrA), obliquus internus (OI) and externus abdominis (OE), and rectus abdominis (RA), and movement of lumbar spine, pelvis and abdomen during inward movement of the lower abdominal wall, abdominal bracing, pelvic tilting, and inward movement of the lower and upper abdominal wall. Inward movement of the lower abdominal wall in supine produced greater activity of TrA compared to OI. OE and RA. During posterior pelvic tilting. middle OI was most active and with abdominal bracing. OE was predominately recruited. Regions of TrA were recruited differentially and in inverse relationship between lumbopelvic motion and TrA electromyography (EMG) was found. This study indicates that inward movement of the abdominal wall in supine produces the most independent activity of TrA relative to the other abdominal muscle, recruitment varies between regions of TrA, and observation of abdominal and lumbopelvic motion may assist in evalation of exercise performance. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Aims: To measure accurately the direct costs of managing urinary and faecal incontinence in the sub-acute care setting. Materials and Methods: Prospective observational study was undertaken in two sub-acute care units in a metropolitan hospital. A consecutive series of 29 consecutive patients with urinary and/or faecal incontinence, who were in-patients in a geriatric rehabilitation or subacute neurologic unit underwent routine timed voiding protocol, as per usual care. Face-to-face bedside recordings of all incontinence care, with detailed cost analysis, were undertaken. Results: A total of 3,621 occasions of continence care were costed. The median time per 24 hr spent caring for incontinence per patient was 109 min (interquartile range 88-140). Isolated urinary incontinence episodes occurred in 28 patients (96.5%), mixed urinary/faecal incontinence episodes observed in 79.3%, and episodes of pure faecal incontinence were seen in 62%. The median costs of incontinence care in the sub-acute setting was $49AU per 24 hr, the major share ($41) spent on staff wages. The incontinence tasks of toileting assistance, pad changes, bed changes and catheter care were spread evenly across the three 8 hr shifts of duty. Conclusions: As our population demographics include an increasingly greater portion of the elderly, for whom long term institutional care is becoming relatively more scarce, provision of care in the sub-acute unit that may allow rehabilitation and return to home warrants scrutiny. This is the first study that delineates the costs of managing urinary and faecal incontinence in the sub-acute care setting. Such costs are substantial and place a heavy burden upon night-time carets. (C) 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Patients with low back pain (LBP) often present with impaired proprioception of the lumbopelvic region. For this reason, proprioception training usually forms part of the rehabilitation protocols. New exercise equipment that produces whole body, low frequency vibration (WBV) has been developed to improve muscle function, and reportedly improves proprioception. The aim of this pilot study was to investigate whether weightbearing exercise given in conjunction with WBV would affect lumbosacral position sense in healthy individuals. For this purpose, twenty-five young individuals with no LBP were assigned randomly to an experimental or control group. The experimental group received WBV for five minutes while holding a static, semi-squat position. The control group adopted the same weightbearing position for equal time but received no vibration. A two-dimensional motion analysis system measured the repositioning accuracy of pelvic tilting in standing. The experimental (WBV) group demonstrated a significant improvement in repositioning accuracy over time (mean 0.78 degrees) representing 39% improvement. It was concluded that WBV may induce improvements in lumbosacral repositioning accuracy when combined with a weightbearing exercise. Future studies with WBV should focus on evaluating its effects with different types of exercise, the exercise time needed for optimal outcomes, and the effects on proprioception deficits in LBP patients.
Passive tilting increases ventilation in healthy subjects; however, controversy surrounds the proposed mechanism. This study is aimed to evaluate the possible mechanism for changes to ventilation following passive head-up tilt (HUT) and active standing by comparison of a range of ventilatory, metabolic and mechanical parameters. Ventilatory parameters (V (T), V (E), V (E)/VO2, V (E)/VCO2, f and PetCO(2)), functional residual capacity (FRC), respiratory mechanics with impulse oscillometry; oxygen consumption (VO2) and carbon dioxide production (VCO2) were measured in 20 healthy male subjects whilst supine, following HUT to 70 degrees and unsupported standing. Data were analysed using a linear mixed model. HUT to 70 degrees from supine increased minute ventilation (V (E)) (P < 0.001), tidal volume (V (T)) (P=0.001), ventilatory equivalent for O-2 (V (E)/VO2) (P=0.020) and the ventilatory equivalent for CO2 (V (E)/VCO2) (P < 0.001) with no change in f (P=0.488). HUT also increased FRC (P < 0.001) and respiratory system reactance (X5Hz) (P < 0.001) with reduced respiratory system resistance (R5Hz) (P=0.004) and end-tidal carbon dioxide (PetCO(2)) (P < 0.001) compared to supine. Standing increased V (E) (P < 0.001), V (T) (P < 0.001) and V (E)/VCO2 (P=0.020) with no change in respiratory rate (f) (P=0.065), V (E)/VO2 (P=0.543). Similar changes in FRC (P < 0.001), R5Hz (P=0.013), X5Hz (P < 0.001) and PetCO(2) (P < 0.001) compared to HUT were found. In contrast to HUT, standing increased VO2 (P=0.002) and VCO2 (P=0.048). The greater increase in V (E) in standing compared to HUT appears to be related to increased VO2 and VCO2 associated with increased muscle activity in the unsupported standing position. This has implications for exercise prescription and rehabilitation of critically ill patients who have reduced cardiovascular and respiratory reserve.
Background The 2001 Australian census revealed that adults aged 65 years and over constituted 12.6% of the population, up from 12.1% in 1996. It is projected that this figure will rise to 21% or 5.1 million Australians by 2031. In 1998, 6% (134 000) of adults in Australia aged 65 years and over were residing in nursing homes or hostels and this number is also expected to rise. As skin ages, there is a decreased turnover and replacement of epidermal skin cells, a thinning subcutaneous fat layer and a reduced production of protective oils. These changes can affect the normal functions of the skin such as its role as a barrier to irritants and pathogens, temperature and water regulation. Generally, placement in a long-term care facility indicates an inability of the older person to perform all of the activities of daily living such as skin care. Therefore, skin care management protocols should be available to reduce the likelihood of skin irritation and breakdown and ultimately promote comfort of the older person. Objectives The objective of this review was to determine the best available evidence for the effectiveness and safety of topical skin care regimens for older adults residing in long-term aged care facilities. The primary outcome was the incidence of adverse skin conditions with patient satisfaction considered as a secondary outcome. Search strategy A literature search was performed using the following databases: PubMed (NLM) (1966–4/2003), Embase (1966–4/2003), CINAHL (1966–4/2003), Current Contents (1993–4/2003), Cochrane Library (1966–2/2003), Web of Science (1995–12/2002), Science Citation Index Expanded and ProceedingsFirst (1993–12/2002). Health Technology Assessment websites were also searched. No language restrictions were applied. Selection criteria Systematic reviews of randomised controlled trials, randomised and non-randomised controlled trials evaluating any non-medical intervention or program that aimed to maintain or improve the integrity of skin in older adults were considered for inclusion. Participants were 65 years of age or over and residing in an aged care facility, hospital or long-term care in the community. Studies were excluded if they evaluated pressure-relieving techniques for the prevention of skin breakdown. Data collection and analysis Two independent reviewers assessed study eligibility for inclusion. Study design and quality were tabulated and relative risks, odds ratios, mean differences and associated 95% confidence intervals were calculated from individual comparative studies containing count data. Results The resulting evidence of the effectiveness of topical skin care interventions was variable and dependent upon the skin condition outcome being assessed. The strongest evidence for maintenance of skin condition in incontinent patients found that disposable bodyworn incontinence protection reduced the odds of deterioration of skin condition compared with non-disposable bodyworns. The best evidence for non-pressure relieving topical skin care interventions on pressure sore formation found the no-rinse cleanser Clinisan to be more effective than soap and water at maintaining healthy skin (no ulcers) in elderly incontinent patients in long-term care. The quality of studies examining the effectiveness of topical skin care interventions on the incidence of skin tears was very poor and inconclusive. Topical skin care for prevention of dermatitis found that Sudocrem could reduce the redness of skin compared with zinc cream if applied regularly after each pad change, but not the number of lesions. Topical skin care on dry skin found the Bag Bath/Travel Bath no-rinse skin care cleanser to be more effective at preventing overall skin dryness and most specifically flaking and scaling when compared with the traditional soap and water washing method in residents of a long-term care facility. Information on the safety of topical skin care interventions is lacking. Therefore, because of the lack of evidence, no recommendation on the safety on any intervention included in this review can be made.
The associations of volumetric (vBMD) and areal (aBMD) bone mineral density measures with prevalent cardiovascular disease (CVD) and subclinical peripheral arterial disease (PAD) were investigated in a cohort of older men and women enrolled in the Health, Aging, and Body Composition Study. Participants were 3,075 well-functioning white and black men and women (42% black, 51% women), aged 68-80 years. Total hip, femoral neck, and trochanter aBMD were measured using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry. Quantitative computed tomography was used to evaluate spine trabecular, integral, and cortical vBMD measures in a subgroup (n = 1,489). Logistic regression was performed to examine associations of BMD measures with CVD and PAD. The prevalence of CVD (defined by coronary heart disease, PAD, cerebrovascular disease, or congestive heart failure) was 29.8%. Among participants without CVD, 10% had subclinical PAD (defined as ankle-arm index < 0.9). Spine vBMD measures were inversely associated with CVD in men (odds ratio of integral [ORintegral] = 1.34, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.10-1.63; ORtrabecular = 1.25, 95% CI 1.02-1.53; ORcortical = 1.36, 95% CI 1.11-1.65). In women, for each standard deviation decrease in integral vBMD, cortical vBMD, or trochanter aBMD, the odds of CVD were significantly increased by 28%, 27%, and 22%, respectively. Total hip aBMD was associated with subclinical PAD in men (OR = 1.39, 95% CI 1.03-1.84) but not in women. All associations were independent of age and shared risk factors between BMD and CVD and were not influenced by inflammatory cytokines (interleukin-6 and tumor necrosis factors-alpha). In conclusion, our results provide further evidence for an inverse association between BMD and CVD in men and women. Future research should investigate common pathophysiological links for osteoporosis and CVD.
Sliding and rolling are two outstanding deformation modes in granular media. The first one induces frictional dissipation whereas the latter one involves deformation with negligible resistance. Using numerical simulations on two-dimensional shear cells, we investigate the effect of the grain rotation on the energy dissipation and the strength of granular materials under quasistatic shear deformation. Rolling and sliding are quantified in terms of the so-called Cosserat rotations. The observed spontaneous formation of vorticity cells and clusters of rotating bearings may provide an explanation for the long standing heat flow paradox of earthquake dynamics.
In this paper we propose a fast adaptive Importance Sampling method for the efficient simulation of buffer overflow probabilities in queueing networks. The method comprises three stages. First we estimate the minimum Cross-Entropy tilting parameter for a small buffer level; next, we use this as a starting value for the estimation of the optimal tilting parameter for the actual (large) buffer level; finally, the tilting parameter just found is used to estimate the overflow probability of interest. We recognize three distinct properties of the method which together explain why the method works well; we conjecture that they hold for quite general queueing networks. Numerical results support this conjecture and demonstrate the high efficiency of the proposed algorithm.