166 resultados para strong field d5


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We study the absorption and dispersion properties of a weak probe field monitoring a two-level atom driven by a trichromatic field. We calculate the steady-state linear susceptibility and find that the system can produce a number of multilevel coherence effects predicted for atoms composed of three and more energy levels. Although the atom has only one transition channel, the multilevel effects are possible because there are multichannel transitions between dressed states induced by the driving field. In particular, we show that the system can exhibit multiple electromagnetically induced transparency and can also produce a strong amplification at the central frequency which is not attributed to population inversion in both the atomic bare states and in the dressed atomic states. Moreover, we show that the absorption and dispersion of the probe field is sensitive to the initial relative phase of the components of the driving field. In addition, we show that the group velocity of the probe field can be controlled by changing the initial relative phases or frequencies of the driving fields and can also be varied from subluminal to superluminal. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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Coherent Ge(Si)/Si(001) quantum dot islands grown by solid source molecular beam epitaxy at a growth temperature of 700degreesC were investigated using transmission electron microscopy working at 300 kV. The [001] zone-axis bright-field diffraction contrast images of the islands show strong periodicity with the change of the TEM sample substrate thickness and the period is equal to the effective extinction distance of the transmitted beam. Simulated images based on finite element models of the displacement field and using multi-beam dynamical diffraction theory show a high degree of agreement. Studies for a range of electron energies show the power of the technique for investigating composition segregation in quantum dot islands. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Spin precession due to Rashba spin-orbit coupling in a two-dimension electron gas is the basis for the spin field effect transistor, in which the overall perfect spin-polarized current modulation could be acquired. There is a prerequisite, however, that a strong transverse confinement potential should be imposed on the electron gas or the width of the confined quantum well must be narrow. We propose relieving this rather strict limitation by applying an external magnetic field perpendicular to the plane of the electron gas because the effect of the magnetic field on the conductance of the system is equivalent to the enhancement of the lateral confining potential. Our results show that the applied magnetic field has little effect on the spin precession length or period although in this case Rashba spin-orbit coupling could lead to a Zeeman-type spin splitting of the energy band.


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Aim Cardiovascular disease (CVD) rates are substantially higher among patients with Type 2 diabetes than in the general population. The objective of this study was to identify the determinants of carotid intima media thickness (IMT) in patients with Type 2 diabetes. Methods We measured the thickness of the intima media layer of the carotid artery, a strong predictor of the risk of future vascular events, in 397 Type 2 diabetic patients drawn from the Fenofibrate Intervention and Event Lowering in Diabetes study, prior to treatment allocation. Results The mean IMT was 0.78 mm [interquartile range (IQR) 0.23 mm], and the maximum IMT was 1.17 mm (IQR 0.36 mm). By multivariate analysis, age, sex, duration of diabetes, triglycerides, and total cholesterol were independently correlated with IMT, as was urine albumin-creatinine ratio (ACR) (P < 0.001). The effect of ACR on IMT was further examined by tertile. Clinically significant differences in IMT were associated with ACR > 0.65 mg/mmol, approximately one-fifth the standard clinical threshold for microalbuminuria (P < 0.01). Long-term diabetes, independent of other parameters, was associated with a 50% increase in age-related thickening. Conclusions IMT in people with Type 2 diabetes is independently and continuously related to urine albumin levels and to the duration of diabetes. These results support previous data linking urine albumin measurements within the normal range with increased ischaemic cardiac mortality in the setting of Type 2 diabetes, and strongly suggest that urine albumin levels within this range should trigger a formal evaluation for CVD.


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Piggery pond sludge (PPS) was applied, as-collected (Wet PPS) and following stockpiling for 12 months ( Stockpiled PPS), to a sandy Sodosol and clay Vertosol at sites on the Darling Downs of Queensland. Laboratory measures of N availability were carried out on unamended and PPS-amended soils to investigate their value in estimating supplementary N needs of crops in Australia's northern grains region. Cumulative net N mineralised from the long-term ( 30 weeks) leached aerobic incubation was described by a first-order single exponential model. The mineralisation rate constant (0.057/week) was not significantly different between Control and PPS treatments or across soil types, when the amounts of initial mineral N applied in PPS treatments were excluded. Potentially mineralisable N (N-o) was significantly increased by the application of Wet PPS, and increased with increasing rate of application. Application of Wet PPS significantly increased the total amount of inorganic N leached compared with the Control treatments. Mineral N applied in Wet PPS contributed as much to the total mineral N status of the soil as did that which mineralised over time from organic N. Rates of CO2 evolution during 30 weeks of aerobic leached incubation indicated that the Stockpiled PPS was more stabilised (19-28% of applied organic C mineralised) than the Wet PPS (35-58% of applied organic C mineralised), due to higher lignin content in the former. Net nitrate-N produced following 12 weeks of aerobic non-leached incubation was highly correlated with net nitrate-N leached during 12 weeks of aerobic incubation (R-2 = 0.96), although it was


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We report the cloning and characterization in tobacco and Arabidopsis of a Vigna radiata L. (mung bean) promoter that controls the expression of VR-ACS1, an auxin-inducible ACC synthase gene. The VR-ACS1 promoter exhibits a very unusual behavior when studied in plants different from its original host, mung bean. GUS and luciferase in situ assays of transgenic plants containing VR-ACS1 promoter fusions show strong constitutive reporter gene expression throughout tobacco and Arabidopsis development. In vitro quantitative analyses show that transgenic plants harboring VR-ACS1 promoter-reporter constructs have on average 4-6 fold higher protein and activity levels of both reporter genes than plants transformed with comparable CaMV 35S promoter fusions. Similar transcript levels are present in VR-ACS1 and CaMV 35S promoter lines, suggesting that the high levels of gene product observed for the VR-ACS1 promoter are the combined result of transcriptional and translational activation. All tested deletion constructs retaining the core promoter region can drive strong constitutive promoter activity in transgenic plants. This is in contrast to mung bean, where expression of the native VR-ACS1 gene is almost undetectable in plants grown under normal conditions, but is rapidly and highly induced by a variety of stimuli. The constitutive behavior of the VR-ACS1 promoter in heterologous hosts is surprising, suggesting that the control mechanisms active in mung bean are impaired in tobacco and Arabidopsis. The 'aberrant' behavior of the VR-ACS1 promoter is further emphasized by its failure to respond to auxin and cycloheximide in heterologous hosts. VR-ACS1 promoter regulatory mechanisms seem to be different from all previously characterized auxin-inducible promoters.


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In modern magnetic resonance imaging, both patients and health care workers are exposed to strong. non-uniform static magnetic fields inside and outside of the scanner. In which body movement may be able to induce electric currents in tissues which could be potentially harmful. This paper presents theoretical investigations into the spatial distribution of induced E-fields in a tissue-equivalent human model when moving at various positions around the magnet. The numerical calculations are based on an efficient. quasi-static, finite-difference scheme. Three-dimensional field profiles from an actively shielded 4 T magnet system are used and the body model projected through the field profile with normalized velocity. The simulation shows that it is possible to induce E-fields/currents near the level of physiological significance under some circumstances and provides insight into the spatial characteristics of the induced fields. The methodology presented herein can be extrapolated to very high field strengths for the evaluation of the effects of motion at a variety of field strengths and velocities. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Optical Bloch equations are widely used for describing dynamics in a system consisting molecules, electromagnetic waves, and a thermal bath. We analyze applicability of these equations to a single molecule imbedded in a solid matrix. Classical Bloch equations and the limits of their applicability are derived from more general master equations. Simple and intuitively appealing picture based on stochastic Bloch equations shows that at low temperatures, contrary to common believes, a strong driving field can not only suppress but can also increase decay rates of Rabi oscillations. A physical system where predicted effects can be observed experimentally is suggested. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We review the role of strong electronic correlations in quasi-two-dimensional organic charge transfer salts such as (BEDT-TTF)(2)X, (BETS)(2)Y, and beta'-[Pd(dmit)(2)](2)Z. We begin by defining minimal models for these materials. It is necessary to identify two classes of material: the first class is strongly dimerized and is described by a half-filled Hubbard model; the second class is not strongly dimerized and is described by a quarter-filled extended Hubbard model. We argue that these models capture the essential physics of these materials. We explore the phase diagram of the half-filled quasi-two-dimensional organic charge transfer salts, focusing on the metallic and superconducting phases. We review work showing that the metallic phase, which has both Fermi liquid and 'bad metal' regimes, is described both quantitatively and qualitatively by dynamical mean field theory (DMFT). The phenomenology of the superconducting state is still a matter of contention. We critically review the experimental situation, focusing on the key experimental results that may distinguish between rival theories of superconductivity, particularly probes of the pairing symmetry and measurements of the superfluid stiffness. We then discuss some strongly correlated theories of superconductivity, in particular the resonating valence bond (RVB) theory of superconductivity. We conclude by discussing some of the major challenges currently facing the field. These include parameterizing minimal models, the evidence for a pseudogap from nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) experiments, superconductors with low critical temperatures and extremely small superfluid stiffnesses, the possible spin- liquid states in kappa-(ET)(2)Cu-2(CN)(3) and beta'-[Pd(dmit)(2)](2)Z, and the need for high quality large single crystals.


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1. The spatial heterogeneity of predator populations is an important component of ecological theories pertaining to predator-prey dynamics. Most studies within agricultural fields show spatial correlation (positive or negative) between mean predator numbers and prey abundance across a whole field over time but generally ignore the within-field spatial dimension. We used explicit spatial mapping to determine if generalist predators aggregated within a soybean field, the size of these aggregations and if predator aggregation was associated with pest aggregation, plant damage and predation rate. 2. The study was conducted at Gatton in the Lockyer Valley, 90 km west of Brisbane, Australia. Intensive sampling grids were used to investigate within-field spatial patterns. The first row of each grid was located in a lucerne field (10 m from interface) and the remaining rows were in an adjacent soybean field. At each point on the grid the abundance of foliage-dwelling and ground-dwelling pests and predators was measured, predation rates [using sentinel Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner) egg cards] and plant damage were estimated. Eight grids were sampled across two summer cropping seasons (2000/01, 2001/02). 3. Predators exhibited strong spatial patterning with regions of high and low abundance and activity within what are considered to be uniform soybean fields. Ground-dwelling and foliage-dwelling predators were often aggregated in patches approximately 40 m across. 4. Lycosidae (wolf spiders) displayed aggregation and were consistently more abundant within the lucerne, with a decreasing trap catch with distance from the lucrene/soybean interface. This trend was consistent between subsequent grids in a single field and between fields. 5. The large amount of spatial variability in within-field arthropod abundance (pests and predators) and activity (egg predation and plant damage) indicates that whole field averages were misleading. This result has serious implications for sampling of arthropod abundance and pest management decision-making based on scouting data. 6. There was a great deal of temporal change in the significant spatial patterns observed within a field at each sampling time point during a single season. Predator and pest aggregations observed in these fields were generally not stable for the entire season. 7. Predator aggregation did not correlate consistently with pest aggregation, plant damage or predation rate. Spatial patterns in predator abundance were not associated consistently with any single parameter measured. The most consistent positive association was between foliage-dwelling predators and pests (significant in four of seven grids). Inferring associations between predators and prey based on an intensive one-off sampling grid is difficult, due to the temporal variability in the abundance of each group. 8. Synthesis and applications. This study demonstrated that generalist predator populations are rarely distributed randomly and field edges and adjacent crops can have an influence on within-field predator abundance. This must be considered when estimating arthropod (pest and predator) abundance from a set of samples taken at random locations within a field.


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In modern magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), both patients and radiologists are exposed to strong, nonuniform static magnetic fields inside or outside of the scanner, in which the body movement may be able to induce electric currents in tissues which could be possibly harmful. This paper presents theoretical investigations into the spatial distribution of induced E-fields in the human model when moving at various positions around the magnet. The numerical calculations are based on an efficient, quasistatic, finite-difference scheme and an anatomically realistic, full-body, male model. 3D field profiles from an actively-shielded 4 T magnet system are used and the body model projected through the field profile with normalized velocity. The simulation shows that it is possible to induce E-fields/currents near the level of physiological significance under some circumstances and provides insight into the spatial characteristics of the induced fields. The results are easy to extrapolate to very high field strengths for the safety evaluation at a variety of field strengths and motion velocities.


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This study aims to provide some new understanding of the air-water flow properties in high-velocity water jets discharging past an abrupt drop. Such a setup has been little studied to date despite the relevance to bottom outlets. Downstream of the step brink, the free-jet entrains air at both upper and lower air-water interfaces, as well as along the sides. An air-water shear layer develops at the lower nappe interface. At the lower nappe, the velocity redistribution was successfully modelled and the velocity field was found to be similar to that in two-dimensional wake flow. The results highlighted further two distinct flow regions. Close to the brink (Wex < 5000), the flow was dominated by momentum transfer. Further downstream (Wex > 5000), a strong competition between air bubble diffusion and momentum exchanges took place.


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Age is a critical determinant of an adult female mosquito's ability to transmit a range of human pathogens. Despite its central importance, relatively few methods exist with which to accurately determine chronological age of field-caught mosquitoes. This fact is a major constraint on our ability to fully understand the relative importance of vector longevity to disease transmission in different ecological contexts. It also limits our ability to evaluate novel disease control strategies that specifically target mosquito longevity. We report the development of a transcriptional profiling approach to determine age of adult female Aedes aegypti under field conditions. We demonstrate that this approach surpasses current cuticular hydrocarbon methods for both accuracy of predicted age as well as the upper limits at which age can be reliably predicted. The method is based on genes that display age-dependent expression in a range of dipteran insects and, as such, is likely to be broadly applicable to other disease vectors.


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The aim of this study was to examine the reliability and validity of field tests for assessing physical function in mid-aged and young-old people (55–70 y). Tests were selected that required minimal space and equipment and could be implemented in multiple field settings such as a general practitioner's office. Nineteen participants completed 2 field and 1 laboratory testing sessions. Intra-class correlations showed good reliability for the tests of upper body strength (lift and reach, R= .66), lower body strength (sit to stand, R= .80) and functional capacity (Canadian Step Test, R= .92), but not for leg power (single timed chair rise, R= .28). There was also good reliability for the balance test during 3 stances: parallel (94.7% agreement), semi-tandem (73.7%), and tandem (52.6%). Comparison of field test results with objective laboratory measures found good validity for the sit to stand (cf 1RM leg press, Pearson r= .68, p< .05), and for the step test (cf PWC140, r= −.60, p< .001), but not for the lift and reach (cf 1RM bench press, r= .43, p> .05), balance (r= −.13, −.18, .23) and rate of force development tests (r= −.28). It was concluded that the lower body strength and cardiovascular function tests were appropriate for use in field settings with mid-aged and young-old adults.


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Background and Purpose: What drives some athletes to achieve at the highest level whilst other athletes fail to achieve their physical potential? Why does the ‘fire’ burn so brightly for some elite athletes and not for others? A good understanding of an athlete’s motivation is critical to a coach designing an appropriate motivational climate to realize an athlete’s physical talent. This paper examines the motivational processes of elite athletes within the framework of three major social-cognitive theories of motivation. Method: Participants were five male and five female elite track and field athletes from Australia who had finished in the top ten at either the Olympic Games and/or the World Championships in the last six years. Qualitative data were collected using semi-structured interviews. Results and Discussion: Inductive analyses revealed several major themes associated with the motivational processes of elite athletes: (a) they were highly driven by personal goals and achievement, (b) they had strong self-belief, and (c) track and field was central to their lives. The findings are discussed in light of recent social-cognitive theories of motivation, namely, self-determination theory, the hierarchical model of motivation, and achievement goal theory. Self-determined forms of motivation characterised the elite athletes in this study and, consistent with social-cognitive theories of motivation, it is suggested that goal accomplishment enhances perceptions of competence and consequently promotes self-determined forms of motivation.