70 resultados para sample correlation
When surveyed, many individuals without psychosis report a range of beliefs and experiences that are shared by patients with psychosis. This study aimed to examine quasi-psychotic beliefs and experiences in a sample of well Australians. 303 individuals were recruited from a defined catchment area as part of the Brisbane Psychosis Study. All subjects were screened with a modified SCAN in order to exclude psychoses. The Peters Delusional Inventory (PDI 40 items), items from the Chapmans' Psychosis Proneness Scale (PPS), the Communication Awareness Scale (CAS: a measure of awareness of thought disorder), items related to perceptions and beliefs from various schizotypy questionnaires and the Social Desirability (SD) items from the EPQ were administered. There was a significant negative correlation between age and total score on the PDI. There were significant positive correlations between the PDI, the PPS, the CAS and the items related to perception. There were no significant gender differences on any of the scores apart from SD (females had higher scores). Those with a positive family history of mental illness other than schizophrenia (n = 118) scored significantly higher on the PDI and scores related to perception, however they were no different on SD or the Psychosis Proneness items. There were no group differences on any of these items when those with a positive family history of schizophrenia (n = 27) were compared to the rest of the group. Well individuals who endorse delusional beliefs also tend to endorse items related to abnormal perceptions and awareness of thought disorder. The results of the study support the concept of a 'continuum of beliefs and experiences' in the general community that should inform our neurocognitive models of the symptoms of psychosis. The Stanley Foundation supported this project.
This study reports on a sample of normal Australian elderly who were assessed for naming ability using the Boston Naming Test (BNT). The study aimed to examine and compare the changes in naming ability, using both longitudinal and cross-sectional analysis, and determine the relationships between naming ability and age, educational level, visual acuity and gender and cultural relevance. Contradictory findings were produced regarding age and were dependent on the research design. Longitudinal analysis showed no age-related change in naming ability in subjects over a four-period. In contrast, cross-sectional analysis showed a weak but significant correlation between age and naming ability. Educational level, visual acuity and gender were unrelated to changes in naming ability over time, and unrelated to naming ability across the cohort of elderly. The Australian elderly performed better on the modified Australian version of the BNT than on the original American version. Thus, clinicians need to be cautious when interpreting the results of the BNT for elderly and for populations outside North America. The results of this study also indicate a need for further longitudinal research of a greater duration to establish age-related decline in naming ability.
The Fornax Spectroscopic Survey will use the Two degree Field spectrograph (2dF) of the Angle-Australian Telescope to obtain spectra for a complete sample of all 14000 objects with 16.5 less than or equal to b(j) less than or equal to 19.7 in a 12 square degree area centred on the Fornax Cluster. The aims of this project include the study of dwarf galaxies in the cluster (both known low surface brightness objects and putative normal surface brightness dwarfs) and a comparison sample of background field galaxies. We will also measure quasars and other active galaxies, any previously unrecognised compact galaxies and a large sample of Galactic stars. By selecting all objects-both stars and galaxies-independent of morphology, we cover a much larger range of surface brightness and scale size than previous surveys. In this paper we first describe the design of the survey. Our targets are selected from UK Schmidt Telescope sky survey plates digitised by the Automated Plate Measuring (APM) facility. We then describe the photometric and astrometric calibration of these data and show that the APM astrometry is accurate enough for use with the 2dF. We also describe a general approach to object identification using cross-correlations which allows us to identify and classify both stellar and galaxy spectra. We present results from the first 2dF field. Redshift distributions and velocity structures are shown for all observed objects in the direction of Fornax, including Galactic stars? galaxies in and around the Fornax Cluster, and for the background galaxy population. The velocity data for the stars show the contributions from the different Galactic components, plus a small tail to high velocities. We find no galaxies in the foreground to the cluster in our 2dF field. The Fornax Cluster is clearly defined kinematically. The mean velocity from the 26 cluster members having reliable redshifts is 1560 +/- 80 km s(-1). They show a velocity dispersion of 380 +/- 50 km s(-1). Large-scale structure can be traced behind the cluster to a redshift beyond z = 0.3. Background compact galaxies and low surface brightness galaxies are found to follow the general galaxy distribution.
Bosonized q-vertex operators related to the four-dimensional evaluation modules of the quantum affine superalgebra U-q[sl((2) over cap\1)] are constructed for arbitrary level k=alpha, where alpha not equal 0,-1 is a complex parameter appearing in the four-dimensional evaluation representations. They are intertwiners among the level-alpha highest weight Fock-Wakimoto modules. Screen currents which commute with the action of U-q[sl((2) over cap/1)] up to total differences are presented. Integral formulas for N-point functions of type I and type II q-vertex operators are proposed. (C) 2000 American Institute of Physics. [S0022-2488(00)00608-3].
BACKGROUND. Prostate secretory granules (PSG) represent the basic secretory unit of the prostate gland, containing many of its exocrine proteases. Recent analysis of intraluminal corpora amylacea, a proposed by-product of PSG secretion, detected sulfated glycosaminoglycans (GAG) possibly keratan sulfate (KS),indicating a secretory mechanism for GAG in the human prostate surface epithelial cell. METHODS. Immunostains using anti-KS and anti-prostate-specific antigen (PSA) were evaluated on 10 sequential radical prostatectomy specimens, three of which had received neoadjuvant antiandrogen therapy. Extracts of normal secretory tissue as well as a sample composed almost entirely of prostatic stroma were subjected to Western blot analysis, using the same antibody panel. RESULTS. Keratan sulfate secretion from the normal prostate epithelial cell has been confirmed and correlates, as does PSA, with the presence of cytoplasmic PSG. No such correlation exists in most adenocarcinomas or in benign epithelium after androgen ablation. Western blot analyses confirmed tissue immunostains and demonstrated a secretory proteoglycan of 70-95 kDa. CONCLUSIONS. Recognition of PSG heralds a novel secretory mechanism within the human prostate gland that is linked to the secretion of KS. The role of KS in normal prostate secretion remains unknown, although it appears downregulated in neoplastic and androgen-ablated cells. (C) 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Rates of cell size increase are an important measure of success during the baculovirus infection process. Batch and fed batch cultures sustain large fluctuations in osmolarity that can affect the measured cell volume if this parameter is not considered during the sizing protocol. Where osmolarity differences between the sizing diluent and the culture broth exist, biased measurements of size are obtained as a result of the cell osmometer response. Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) cells are highly sensitive to volume change when subjected to a change in osmolarity. Use of the modified protocol with culture supernatants for sample dilution prior to sizing removed the observed error during measurement.
Background The aim of this study was to study ecological correlations between age-adjusted all-cause mortality rates in Australian statistical divisions and (1) the proportion of residents that self-identify as Indigenous, (2) remoteness, and (3) socio-economic deprivation. Methods All-cause mortality rates for 57 statistical divisions were calculated and directly standardized to the 1997 Australian population in 5-year age groups using Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data. The proportion of residents who self-identified as Indigenous was obtained from the 1996 Census. Remoteness was measured using ARIA (Accessibility and Remoteness Index for Australia) values. Socioeconomic deprivation was measured using SEIFA (Socio-Economic index for Australia) values from the ABS. Results Age-standardized all-cause mortality varies twofold from 5.7 to 11.3 per 1000 across Australian statistical divisions. Strongest correlation was between Indigenous status and mortality (r = 0.69, p < 0.001). correlation between remoteness and mortality was modest (r = 0.39, p = 0.002) as was correlation between socio-economic deprivation and mortality (r = -0.42, p = 0.001). Excluding the three divisions with the highest mortality, a multiple regression model using the logarithm of the adjusted mortality rate as the dependent variable showed that the partial correlation (and hence proportion of the variance explained) for Indigenous status was 0.03 (9 per cent; p = 0.03), for SEIFA score was -0.17 (3 per cent; p = 0.22); and for remoteness was -0.22 (5 per cent; p = 0.13). Collectively, the three variables studied explain 13 per cent of the variability in mortality. Conclusions Ecological correlation exists between all-cause mortality, Indigenous status, remoteness and disadvantage across Australia. The strongest correlation is with indigenous status, and correlation with all three characteristics is weak when the three statistical divisions with the highest mortality rates are excluded. intervention targeted at these three statistical divisions could reduce much of the variability in mortality in Australia.
We measure the spectral properties of a representative sub-sample of 187 quasars, drawn from the Parkes Half-Jansky, Flat-radio-spectrum Sample (PHFS). Quasars with a wide range of rest-frame optical/UV continuum slopes are included in the analysis: their colours range over 2 < B-K < 7. We present composite spectra of red and blue sub-samples of the PHFS quasars. and tabulate their emission line properties. The median Hbeta and [0 111] emission line equivalent widths of the red quasar sub-sample are a factor of ten weaker than those of the blue quasar sub-sample. No significant differences are seen between the equivalent width distributions of the C IV, C III] and Mg 11 lines. Both the colours and the emission line equivalent widths of the red quasars can be explained by the addition of a featureless red synchrotron continuum component to an otherwise normal blue quasar spectrum. The red synchrotron component must have a spectrum at least as red as a power-law of the form F-nu proportional to nu(-2.8). The relative strengths of the blue and red components span two orders of magnitude at rest-frame 500 nm. The blue component is weaker relative to the red component in low optical luminosity sources. This suggests that the fraction of accretion energy going into optical emission from the jet is greater in low luminosity quasars. This correlation between colour and luminosity may be of use in cosmological distance scale work. This synchrotron model does not, however, fit similar to10% of the quasars, which have both red colours and high equivalent width emission lines. We hypothesise that these red, strong-lined quasars have intrinsically weak Big Blue Bumps. There is no discontinuity in spectral properties between the BL Lac objects in our sample and the other quasars. BL Lac objects appear to be the red, low equivalent width tail of a continuous distribution. The synchrotron emission component only dominates the spectrum at longer wavelengths, so existing BL Lac surveys will be biased against high redshift objects. This will affect measurements of BL Lac evolution. The blue PHFS quasars have significantly higher equivalent width C IV, Hbeta and [0 111] emission than a matched sample of optically selected QSOs.
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (FMRI) analysis methods can be quite generally divided into hypothesis-driven and data-driven approaches. The former are utilised in the majority of FMRI studies, where a specific haemodynamic response is modelled utilising knowledge of event timing during the scan, and is tested against the data using a t test or a correlation analysis. These approaches often lack the flexibility to account for variability in haemodynamic response across subjects and brain regions which is of specific interest in high-temporal resolution event-related studies. Current data-driven approaches attempt to identify components of interest in the data, but currently do not utilise any physiological information for the discrimination of these components. Here we present a hypothesis-driven approach that is an extension of Friman's maximum correlation modelling method (Neurolmage 16, 454-464, 2002) specifically focused on discriminating the temporal characteristics of event-related haemodynamic activity. Test analyses, on both simulated and real event-related FMRI data, will be presented.
A two-component survival mixture model is proposed to analyse a set of ischaemic stroke-specific mortality data. The survival experience of stroke patients after index stroke may be described by a subpopulation of patients in the acute condition and another subpopulation of patients in the chronic phase. To adjust for the inherent correlation of observations due to random hospital effects, a mixture model of two survival functions with random effects is formulated. Assuming a Weibull hazard in both components, an EM algorithm is developed for the estimation of fixed effect parameters and variance components. A simulation study is conducted to assess the performance of the two-component survival mixture model estimators. Simulation results confirm the applicability of the proposed model in a small sample setting. Copyright (C) 2004 John Wiley Sons, Ltd.
The epsilon4 allele of apolipoprotem E (APOE), and the plasma levels of APOE, amyloid beta-protein precursor, arnyloid beta1-40 (Abeta40) and homocysteine, (Hcy) have all been correlated with the presence of dementia. Mutations in the methylnetetrahydrofolate reductase enzyme (MTHFR) have been associated with elevated levels of Hcy. This study explored the association of these factors with cognition and depression in community dwelling older men. Two hundred and ninety-nine men, mean age 78.9 years (SD 2.8), were studied in this cross-sectional survey. Mean plasma Hcy was 13.5 (SD 5.3) mumol/L. The MTHFR genotype had no obvious impact on Hey levels. Ln Hcy and Ln Abeta40 were both inversely correlated with calculated glomerular filtration rate (cGFR), r = -0.41 (p < 0.001) and r = -0.28 (p < 0.001), respectively. There was a positive correlation between Ln Hey and Ln Abeta40, r = 0.19 (p < 0.001), which remained significant after adjusting for cGFR, with a doubling of Hcy associated with a 24% increase of Abeta40. The e4 allele was associated with increased depressive symptoms as measured by the Geriatric Depression Scale-15, Odds ratio (OR) = 2.59 (95% CI 1.06-6.34) and poorer performance on the Clock Drawing Test, OR = 2.32 (95% CI: 1.25-4.29). There was a positive association between Abeta40 and Hcy, even after adjustment for cGFR in this sample of well, community dwelling older men. This association may help elucidate the link between elevated levels of Hey and Alzheimer's disease.
We calculate the density profiles and density correlation functions of the one-dimensional Bose gas in a harmonic trap, using the exact finite-temperature solutions for the uniform case, and applying a local density approximation. The results are valid for a trapping potential that is slowly varying relative to a correlation length. They allow a direct experimental test of the transition from the weak-coupling Gross-Pitaevskii regime to the strong-coupling, fermionic Tonks-Girardeau regime. We also calculate the average two-particle correlation which characterizes the bulk properties of the sample, and find that it can be well approximated by the value of the local pair correlation in the trap center.