24 resultados para protein glutamine gamma glutamyltransferase 2


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protein modulation of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor ( nAChR) channels in rat intrinsic cardiac ganglia was examined using dialyzed whole-cell and excised membrane patch-recording configurations. Cell dialysis with GTP gamma S increased the agonist affinity of nAChRs, resulting in a potentiation of nicotine-evoked whole-cell currents at low concentrations. ACh- and nicotine-evoked current amplitudes were increased approximately twofold in the presence of GTP gamma S. In inside-out membrane patches, the open probability (NPo) of nAChR-mediated unitary currents was reversibly increased fourfold after bath application of 0.2mM GTP gamma S relative to control but was unchanged in the presence of GDP gamma S. The modulation of nAChR-mediated whole- cell currents was agonist specific; currents evoked by the cholinergic agonists ACh, nicotine, and 1,1-dimethyl-4-phenylpiperazinium iodide, but not cytisine or choline, were potentiated in the presence of GTP gamma S. The direct interaction between G-protein subunits and nAChRs was examined by bath application of either G(o)alpha or G beta gamma subunits to inside-out membrane patches and in glutathione S-transferase pull-down and coimmunoprecipitation experiments. Bath application of 50 nM G beta gamma increased the open probability of ACh- activated single-channel currents fivefold, whereas G(o)alpha( 50 nM) produced no significant increase in NPo. Neuronal nAChR subunits alpha 3-alpha 5 and alpha 2 exhibited a positive interaction with G(o)alpha and G beta gamma, whereas beta 4 and alpha 7 failed to interact with either of the G-protein subunits. These results provide evidence for a direct interaction between nAChR and G-protein subunits, underlying the increased open probability of ACh-activated single-channel currents and potentiation of nAChR-mediated whole-cell currents in parasympathetic neurons of rat intrinsic cardiac ganglia.


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The green fluorescent protein (avGFP), its variants, and the closely related GFP-like proteins are characterized structurally by a cyclic tri-peptide chromophore located centrally within a conserved beta-can fold. Traditionally, these GFP family members have been isolated from the Cnidaria although recently, distantly related GFP-like proteins from the Bilateria, a sister group of the Cnidaria have been described, although no representative structure from this phylum has been reported to date. We have determined to 2.1 angstrom resolution the crystal structure of copGFP, a representative GFP-like protein from a copepod, a member of the Bilateria. The structure of copGFP revealed that, despite sharing only 19% sequence identity with GFP, the tri-peptide chromophore (Gly57-Tyr58-Gly59) of copGFP adopted a cis coplanar conformation within the conserved beta-can fold. However, the immediate environment surrounding the chromophore of copGFP was markedly atypical when compared to other members of the GFP-superfamily, with a large network of bulky residues observed to surround the chromophore. Arg87 and Glu222 (GFP numbering 96 and 222), the only two residues conserved between copGFP, GFP and GFP-like proteins are involved in autocatalytic genesis of the chromophore. Accordingly, the copGFP structure provides an alternative platform for the development of a new suite of fluorescent protein tools. Moreover, the structure suggests that the autocatalytic genesis of the chromophore is remarkably tolerant to a high degree of sequence and structural variation within the beta-can fold of the GFP superfamily. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd . All rights reserved.


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A single-tube RT-PCR technique generated a 387 bp or 300 bp cDNA amplicon covering the F-0 cleavage site or the carboxyl (C)-terminus of the HN gene, respectively, of Newcastle disease virus (NDV) strain 1-2. Sequence analysis was used to deduce the amino acid sequences of the cleavage site of F protein and the C-terminus of HN protein, which were then compared with sequences for other NDV strains. The cleavage site of NDV strain 1-2 had a sequence Motif of (112)RKQGRLIG(119), consistent with an avirulent phenotype. Nucleotide sequencing and deduction of amino acids at the C-terminus of HN revealed that strain 1-2 had a 7-amino-acid extension (VEILKDGVREARSSR). This differs from the virulent viruses that caused outbreaks of Newcastle disease in Australia in the 1930s and 1990s, which have HN extensions of 0 and 9 amino acids, respectively. Amino acid sequence analyses of the F and HN genes of strain 1-2 confirmed its avirulent nature and its Australian origin.


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The effects of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) and pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP27 and PACAP38) on isolated parasympathetic neurons of rat intracardiac and submandibular ganglia were examined under voltage clamp using whole-cell patch-clamp recording techniques. VIP and PACAP (less than or equal to 10 nm) selectively and reversibly increased the affinity of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor channels (nAChRs) for their agonists resulting in a potentiation of acetylcholine (ACh)-evoked whole-cell currents at low agonist concentrations. VIP-induced potentiation was observed with either ACh or nicotine as the cholinergic agonist. The VIP- but not the PACAP-induced potentiation of ACh-evoked currents was inhibited by [Ac-Tyr(1), D-Phe(2)]-GRF 1-29, amide (100 nm), a selective antagonist of VPAC(1) and VPAC(2) receptors; whereas the PACAP38- but not the VIP-induced potentiation was inhibited by 100 nm PACAP6-38, a PAC(1) and VPAC(2) receptor antagonist. The signal transduction pathway mediating VIP- and PACAP-induced potentiation of nicotinic ACh-evoked currents involves a pertussis toxin (PTX)-sensitive G-protein. Intracellular application of 200 mu m GTP gamma S or GDP beta S inhibited VIP-induced potentiation of ACh-evoked whole-cell currents. GTP gamma S alone potentiated ACh- and nicotine-evoked currents and the magnitude of these currents was not further increased by VIP or PACAP. The G-protein subtype modulating the neuronal nAChRs was examined by intracellular dialysis with antibodies directed against alpha(o), alpha(i-1,2), alpha(i-3) or beta G-protein subunits. Only the anti-G alpha(o) and anti-G beta antibodies significantly inhibited the effect of VIP and PACAP on ACh-evoked currents. The potentiation of ACh-evoked currents by VIP and PACAP may be mediated by a membrane-delimited signal transduction cascade involving the PTX-sensitive G(o) protein.


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Alcoholism results in changes in the human brain which reinforce the cycle of craving and dependency, and these changes are manifest in the pattern of expression of mRNA and proteins in key cells and brain areas. Long-term alcohol abuse also results in damage to selected regions of the cortex. We have used cDNA microarrays to show that less than 1% of mRNA transcripts differ signifi cantly between cases and controls in the susceptible area and that the expression profi le of a subset of these transcripts is suffi cient to distinguish alcohol abusers from controls. In addition, we have utilized a 2D gel proteomics based approach to determine the identity of proteins in the superior frontal cortex (SFC) of the human brain that show differential expression in controls and long term alcohol abusers. Overall, 182 proteins differed by the criterion of > 2-fold between case and control samples. Of these, 139 showed signifi cantly lower expression in alcoholics, 35 showed signifi cantly higher expression, and 8 were new or had disappeared. To date 63 proteins have been identifi ed. The expression of one family of proteins, the synucleins, has been further characterized using Real Time PCR and Western Blotting. The expression of alpha-synuclein mRNA was signifi cantly lower in the SFC of alcoholics compared with the same area in controls (P = 0.01) whereas no such difference in expression was found in the motor cortex. The expression of beta- and gamma- synuclein were not signifi cantly different between alcoholics and controls. In contrast, the pattern of alphasynuclein protein expression differs from that of the corresponding RNA transcript. Because of the key role of synaptic proteins in the pathogenesis of alcoholism, we are developing 2-D DIGE based techniques to quantify expression changes in synaptosomes prepared from the SFC of controls and alcoholics.