21 resultados para prison camps
A mathematical model was developed to estimate HIV incidence in NSW prisons. Data included: duration of imprisonment; number of inmates using each needle; lower and higher number of shared injections per IDU per week; proportion of IDUs using bleach; efficacy of bleach; HIV prevalence and probability of infection. HIV prevalence in IDUs in prison was estimated to have risen from 0.8 to 5.7% (12.2%) over 180 weeks when using lower (and higher) values for frequency of shared injections. The estimated minimum (and maximum) number of IDU inmates infected with HIV in NSW prisons was 38 (and 152) in 1993 according to the model. These figures require confirmation by seroincidence studies. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
The purpose of this study was to examine whether methadone maintenance treatment reduces injecting risk behaviour land therefore transmission of blood-borne viral infections) among prisoners in New South Wales (NSW), using comparison of retrospective reports of drug use in prisons for people who received standard drug treatment, time-limited methadone treatment and methadone maintenance treatment, The setting for the study was the NSW prison system. One hundred and eighty-five injecting drug users who had been recently released from NSW prisons were recruited in 1993, Self-reported drug use and injecting risk behaviour were compared in inmates who received standard drug treatment (counselling), time-limited methadone treatment and methadone maintenance treatment. HIV status was determined by serology, Intervention comprised high and low dose methadone treatment and counselling. The groups were similar in terms of most basic demographic characteristics but subjects who had been maintained on methadone reported a significantly lower prevalence of heroin injection, syringe sharing and scored lower on an HIV Risk-taking Behavioural Scale than subjects who received standard drug treatment and time-limited methadone treatment, This study suggests that methadone treatment is associated with reduced injecting risk behaviour in prison with adequate (greater than 60 mg) dose and duration in treatment. These treatment conditions are known to increase effectiveness in community-based methadone programmes. Prospective studies are required to evaluate the effectiveness of methadone programmes in the prevention of HIV and other blood-borne viral infections among IDU prisoners.
Syringe cleaning guidelines for injecting drug users (IDUs) were revised in 1993. This paper examines efforts by IDUs in NSW prisons to adopt the revised guidelines in 1994. Consecutive inmates (229) nearing release were visited and asked to call a toll free number for an interview once released. Respondents (102) did not differ from non-respondents (127). Many respondents (64%) reported ever injecting and many of these reported injecting (58%), sharing (48%) and syringe cleaning (46%) when last in prison. Some (23%) respondents reported adopting the revised syringe cleaning guidelines. Tattooing (38%) was reported more often than sexual activity in prison (4%). A new methodology for prison research was found to be feasible in this study. The potential for HIV to spread in prison still poses major public health challenges.
Although vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) is thought to be a prolactin releasing factor, in vivo studies on sheep suggest that it is inactive in this species. Recent studies, based primarily on the rat, suggest that the related pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP) is also a hypophysiotrophic factor but again in sheep, this peptide has no in vivo effects on hormone secretion despite being a potent activator of adenylate cyclase in vitro. This lack of response to either peptide in vivo in sheep could be due to the low concentration of peptide that reaches the pituitary gland following peripheral injection. In the present study we therefore adopted an alternative approach of evaluating in vitro effects of these peptides on GH, FSH, LH or prolactin secretion from dispersed sheep pituitary cells. In a time-course study, PACAP (1 mu mol/l) increased GH concentrations in the culture medium between 1 and 4 h and again at 12 h but had no effect in the 6 and 24 h incubations. Prolactin, LH and FSH were not affected by PACAP. The response to various concentrations of PACAP (1 nmol/l-1 mu mol/l) were then evaluated using a 3 h incubation. Again prolactin and LH were not affected by PACAP and there was a small increase in GH concentrations but only at high concentrations of PACAP (0.1 and 1 mu mol/l; P<0.05), PACAP also stimulated FSH secretion in cells from some animals although this effect was small, The GH response to PACAP was inhibited by PACAP(6-38), a putative PACAP antagonist; but not by (N-Ac-Tyr(1), D-Arg(2))-GHRH(1-29)-NH2, a GH-releasing hormone (GHRH) antagonist. The cAMP antagonist Rp-cAMPS was unable to block the GH response to PACAP suggesting that cAMP does not mediate the secretory response to this peptide. At incubation times from 1-24 h, VIP (1 mu mol/l) had no effects on prolactin, LH or GH secretion and, in a further experiment based on a 3 h incubation, concentrations of VIP from 1 nmol/l-1 mu mol/l were again without effect on prolactin concentrations. Interactions between PACAP and gonadotrophin releasing hormone (GnRH), GHRH and dopamine were also investigated. PACAP (1 nmol/l-1 mu mol/l) did not affect the gonadotrophin or prolactin responses to GnRH or dopamine respectively. However, at a high concentration (1 mu mol/l), PACAP inhibited the GH response to GHRH. In summary, these results show that PACAP causes a modest increase in FSH and GH secretion from sheep pituitary cells but only at concentrations of PACAP that are unlikely to be in the physiological range. The present study confirms that VIP is not a prolactin releasing factor in sheep.
This article discusses the ethical justification for and reviews the American evidence on the effectiveness of; treatment for alcohol and heroin dependence that is provided under legal coercion to offenders whose alcohol and drug dependence has contributed to the commission of the offence with which they have been charged or convicted. The article focuses on legally coerced treatment for drink-driving offenders and heroin-dependent property offenders. it outlines the various arguments that have been made for providing such treatment under legal coercion, namely. the over-representation of alcohol and drug dependent persons in prison populations; the contributory causal role of alcohol and other drug problems in the offences that lead to their imprisonment; the high rates of relapse to drug use and criminal involvement after incarceration; the desirability of keeping injecting heroin users out of prisons as a way of reducing the transmission of infectious diseases such as HIV and hepatitis; and the putatively greater cost-effectiveness of treatment compared with incarceration. The ethical objections to legally coerced drug treatment are briefly discussed before the evidence on the effectiveness of legally coerced treatment for alcohol and other drug dependence is reviewed. The evidence, which is primarily from the USA, gives qualified support for some forms of legally coerced drug treatment provided that these programs are well resourced, carefully implemented, and their performance is monitored to ensure that they provide a humane and effective alternative to imprisonment. Expectations about what these programs can achieve also need to be realistic.
The paper analyses seven potential restrictions to the right to vote in 63 democracies. Only two of these restrictions have given rise to a near consensus. An overwhelming majority of democracies have decided that the minimum voting age should be 18 and that the right to vote of mentally deficient people should be restricted. There is little consensus about whether the right to vote should be restrcited to citizens, about whether there should be country or electoral district residence requirements, about which electors residing abroad (if any) should retain their right to vote and about which prison inmates (if any) should have the right to vote. The paper also examines two factors that affect right to vote laws: British colonialism and level of political rights. The pattern found with respect to electoral systems, whereby former British colonies emulate their former ruler, is less systematic in the case of right to vote legislation. Finally, “strong” democracies are slightly more inclusive than “weak” ones when deciding who has the right to vote.