29 resultados para non-conscious cognitive processing (NCCP) time.


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The present research investigated the separate and interactive effects of the minor tranquilliser, temazepam, and a low dose of alcohol on the amplitude and latency of P300 and on reaction time. Twenty-four participants completed four drug treatments in a repeated measures design. The four drug treatments, organised as a fully repeated 2 x 2 design, included a placebo condition, an alcohol only condition, a temazepam only condition, and an alcohol and temazepam combined condition. Event-related potentials were recorded from midline sites Fz, Cz, and Pz within an oddball paradigm. The results indicated that temazepam, with or without the presence of alcohol, reduced P300 amplitude. Alcohol, on the other hand, with or without the presence of temazepam, affected processing speed and stimulus evaluation as indexed by reaction time and P300 latency. At the low dose levels used in this experiment alcohol and temazepam appear not to interact, which suggests that they affect different aspects of processing in the central nervous system. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Information processing speed, as measured by elementary cognitive tasks, is correlated with higher order cognitive ability so that increased speed relates to improved cognitive performance. The question of whether the genetic variation in Inspection Time (IT) and Choice Reaction Time (CRT) is associated with IQ through a unitary factor was addressed in this multivariate genetic study of IT, CRT, and IQ subtest scores. The sample included 184 MZ and 206 DZ twin pairs with a mean age of 16.2 years (range 15-18 years). They were administered a visual (pi-figure) IT task, a two-choice RT task, five computerized subtests of the Multidimensional Aptitude Battery, and the digit symbol substitution subtest from the WAIS-R. The data supported a factor model comprising a general, three group (verbal ability, visuospatial ability, broad speediness), and specific genetic factor structure, a shared environmental factor influencing all tests but IT, plus unique environmental factors that were largely specific to individual measures. The general genetic factor displayed factor loadings ranging between 0.35 and 0.66 for the IQ subtests, with IT and CRT loadings of -0.47 and -0.24, respectively. Results indicate that a unitary factor is insufficient to describe the entire relationship between cognitive speed measures and all IQ subtests, with independent genetic effects explaining further covariation between processing speed (especially CRT) and Digit Symbol.


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To investigate the effects of different management strategies for non-localized prostate cancer on men's quality of life and cognitive functioning. Men with prostate cancer were randomly assigned to one of four treatment arms: leuprorelin, goserelin, cyproterone acetate (CPA), or close clinical monitoring. In a repeated-measures design, men were assessed before treatment (baseline) and after 6 and 12 months of treatment. A community comparison group of men of the same age with no prostate cancer participated for the same length of time. The men were recruited from public and private urology departments from university teaching hospitals. All those with prostate cancer who were eligible for hormonal therapy had no symptoms requiring immediate therapy. In all, 82 patients were randomized and 62 completed the 1-year study, and of the 20 community participants, 15 completed the study. The main outcome measures were obtained from questionnaires on emotional distress, existential satisfaction, physical function and symptoms, social and role function, subjective cognitive function, and sexual function, combined with standard neuropsychological tests of memory, attention, and executive functions. Sexual dysfunction increased for patients on androgen-suppressing therapies, and emotional distress increased in those assigned to CPA or close clinical monitoring. Compared with before treatment there was evidence of an adverse effect of leuprorelin, goserelin, and CPA on cognitive function. In deciding the timing of androgen suppression therapy for prostate cancer, consideration should be given to potential adverse effects on quality of life and cognitive function.


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This study investigates the effects of morningness-eveningness orientation and time-of-day on persuasion. In an attitude change paradigm, 120 female participants read a persuasive message that consisted of six counter-attitudinal arguments (anti-voluntary euthanasia) either in the morning (8:30 a.m.) or in the evening (7:00 p.m.). Attitude change was assessed by measuring attitudes towards the target issue before and after exposure to the message. Message processing was assessed by thought-listing and message recall tasks. Self-reported mood and arousal were monitored throughout. Participants were classified into M- and E-types according to their scores on the Horne and Ostberg (1976) MEQ questionnaire. When tested at their respective optimal time-of-day (i.e., morning for M-types/evening for E-types), M- and E-types reported higher energetic arousal, greater agreement with the message, greater message-congruent thinking, and a propensity for superior message recall compared to M- and E-types tested at their nonoptimal time-of-day (i.e., evening for M-types/morning for E-types). The attitude change in those tested at their optimal time-of-day was mediated by the level of message-congruent thinking. Results are interpreted in terms of the Elaboration Likelihood Model of persuasion. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Vector error-correction models (VECMs) have become increasingly important in their application to financial markets. Standard full-order VECM models assume non-zero entries in all their coefficient matrices. However, applications of VECM models to financial market data have revealed that zero entries are often a necessary part of efficient modelling. In such cases, the use of full-order VECM models may lead to incorrect inferences. Specifically, if indirect causality or Granger non-causality exists among the variables, the use of over-parameterised full-order VECM models may weaken the power of statistical inference. In this paper, it is argued that the zero–non-zero (ZNZ) patterned VECM is a more straightforward and effective means of testing for both indirect causality and Granger non-causality. For a ZNZ patterned VECM framework for time series of integrated order two, we provide a new algorithm to select cointegrating and loading vectors that can contain zero entries. Two case studies are used to demonstrate the usefulness of the algorithm in tests of purchasing power parity and a three-variable system involving the stock market.


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This study examined the role of global processing speed in mediating age increases in auditory memory span in 5- to 13-year-olds. Children were tested on measures of memory span, processing speed, single-word speech rate, phonological sensitivity, and vocabulary. Structural equation modeling supported a model in which age-associated increases in processing speed predicted the availability of long-term memory phonological representations for redintegration processes. The availability of long-term phonological representations, in turn, explained variance in memory span. Maximum speech rate did not predict independent variance in memory span. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Attentional bias to fear-relevant animals was assessed in 69 participants not preselected on self-reported anxiety with the use of a dot probe task showing pictures of snakes, spiders, mushrooms, and flowers. Probes that replaced the fear-relevant stimuli (snakes and spiders) were found faster than probes that replaced the non-fear-relevant stimuli, indicating an attentional bias in the entire sample. The bias was not correlated with self-reported state or trait anxiety or with general fearfulness. Participants reporting higher levels of spider fear showed an enhanced bias to spiders, but the bias remained significant in low scorers. The bias to snake pictures was not related to snake fear and was significant in high and low scorers. These results indicate preferential processing of fear-relevant stimuli in an unselected sample.


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Time period analysis was used in an international sample of clients ( N = 106) to demonstrate that cognitive - behavioral therapy (CBT) for panic disorder is associated with specific changes in both negative and positive cognitions during the treatment period. In the first 6 weeks of the treatment phase, working alliance failed to predict changes in panic severity, whereas changes in panic self-efficacy and catastrophic misinterpretation of bodily sensations predicted rapid symptom relief. In the last 6 weeks of treatment, higher doses of CBT were associated with further changes in positive and negative cognitions. The findings can be interpreted as suggesting that the role of the working alliance in CBT for panic disorder is to facilitate cognitive change.


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Background: This study extended that of Kwon and Oei [Kwon, S.M., Oei, T.P.S., 2003. Cognitive change processes in a group cognitive behavior therapy of depression. J. Behav. Ther. Exp. Psychiatry, 3, 73-85], which outlined a number of testable models based on Beck's cognitive theory of depression. Specifically, the current study tested the following four competing models: the causal, consequential, fully and partially interactive cognitive models in patients with major depressive disorder. Methods: A total of 168 clinically depressed outpatients were recruited into a 12-week group cognitive behaviour therapy program. Data was collected at three time points: baseline, mid- and at termination of therapy using the ATQ DAS and BD1. The data were analysed with Amos 4.01 (Arbuckle, J.L., 1999. Amos 4.1. Smallwaters, Chicago.) structural equation modelling. Results: Results indicated that dysfunctional attitudes, negative automatic thoughts and symptoms of depression reduced significantly during treatment. Both the causal and consequential models equally provided an adequate fit to the data. The fully interactive model provided the best fit. However, after removing non-significant pathways, it was found that reduced depressive symptom contributed to reduced depressogenic automatic thoughts and dysfunctional attitudes, not the reverse. Conclusion: These findings did not fully support Beck's cognitive theory of depression that cognitions are primary in the reduction of depressed mood. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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A fundamental question about the perception of time is whether the neural mechanisms underlying temporal judgements are universal and centralized in the brain or modality specific and distributed []. Time perception has traditionally been thought to be entirely dissociated from spatial vision. Here we show that the apparent duration of a dynamic stimulus can be manipulated in a local region of visual space by adapting to oscillatory motion or flicker. This implicates spatially localized temporal mechanisms in duration perception. We do not see concomitant changes in the time of onset or offset of the test patterns, demonstrating a direct local effect on duration perception rather than an indirect effect on the time course of neural processing. The effects of adaptation on duration perception can also be dissociated from motion or flicker perception per se. Although 20 Hz adaptation reduces both the apparent temporal frequency and duration of a 10 Hz test stimulus, 5 Hz adaptation increases apparent temporal frequency but has little effect on duration perception. We conclude that there is a peripheral, spatially localized, essentially visual component involved in sensing the duration of visual events.


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In this paper, we propose features extracted from the heart rate variability (HRV) based on the first and second conditional moments of time-frequency distribution (TFD) as an additional guide for seizure detection in newborn. The features of HRV in the low frequency band (LF: 0-0.07 Hz), mid frequency band (MF: 0.07-0.15 Hz), and high frequency band (HF: 0.15-0.6 Hz) have been obtained by means of the time-frequency analysis using the modified-B distribution (MBD). Results of ongoing time-frequency research are presented. Based on our preliminary results, the first conditional moment of HRV which is also known as the mean/central frequency in the LF band and the second conditional moment of HRV which is also known as the variance/instantaneous bandwidth (IB) in the HF band can be used as a good feature to discriminate the newborn seizure from the non-seizure