33 resultados para maternally-mediated genotype effect


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Relationships between cadmium (Cd) body burden, kidney function and coumarin metabolism were investigated using two groups of 197 and 200 healthy Thais with men and women in nearly equal numbers. A mean age of one group was 30.5 years and it was 39.3 years for the other group. Of 397, 20 subjects (5%) excreted urine Cd between 1.4 mug/g and 3.8 mug/g creatinine and these subjects faced 10-15% increase in the probability of having abnormal urinary excretion of N-acetyl-beta-D-glucosaminidase (NAG-uria). The prevalence of NAG-uria varied with Cd body burden in a dose-dependent manner (chi(2) = 22, P < 0.008). Also NAG-nuria was one of the three kidney effect markers tested that showed the greatest strength of correlation with urine Cd in both men and women (r = 0.48 P < 0.001). In addition, urine Cd excretion of men and women showed a positive correlation (r = 0.46 to 0.54. P < 0.001) with urine 7-hydroxycoumarin (7-OHC) excretion which was used as a marker of liver cytochrome P450 2A6 (CYP2A6) enzyme activity. Urinary CA excretion accounted for 25% of the total variation in urine 7-OHC excretion (P < 0.001). These data suggest that Cd may increase the expression of CYP2A6 in liver, resulting in enhanced coumarin metabolism in subjects with high Cd body burden. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Research on group criticism has demonstrated that criticisms are received less defensively when made by an ingroup member than when made by an outsider (the intergroup sensitivity effect). Three experiments tested the extent to which this effect is driven by social identity concerns or by judgments of how experienced the source of the criticism is. In Experiments I and 2, Australians who criticized Australia (ingroup critics) were met with less defensiveness than were foreigners who criticized Australia (outgroup critics), regardless of the amount of experience the foreigner had with Australia. Furthermore, the effects of speaker type on evaluations were mediated by perceptions of the extent to which the criticisms were intended to be constructive but not by perceptions of experience. Finally, Experiment 3 indicated that although experience does not help outgroup critics, a lack of experience can hurt ingroup critics. Recommendations are provided as to how people can reduce defensiveness when making group criticisms.


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Immunizing pregnant women with a malaria vaccine is one approach to protecting the mother and her offspring from malaria infection. However, specific maternal Abs generated in response to vaccination and transferred to the fetus may interfere with the infant's ability to respond to the same vaccine. Using a murine model of malaria, we examined the effect of maternal 19-kDa C-terminal region of merozoite surface protein-1 (MSP1(19)) and Plasmodium yoelii Abs on the pups' ability to respond to immunization with MSP1(19). Maternal MSPI,g-specific Abs but not A yoelii-specific Abs inhibited Ab production following MSP1(19) immunization in 2-wk-old pups. This inhibition was correlated with the amount of maternal MSP1(19) Ab present in the pup at the time of immunization and was due to fewer specific B cells. Passively acquired Ab most likely inhibited the development of an Ab response by blocking access to critical B cell epitopes. If a neonate's ability to respond to MSP1(19) vaccination depends on the level of maternal Abs present at the time of vaccination, it may be necessary to delay immunization until Abs specific for the vaccinating Ag have decreased.


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Despite the typically low population densities and animal-mediated pollination of tropical forest trees, outcrossing and long-distance pollen dispersal are the norm. We reviewed the genetic literature on mating systems and pollen dispersal for neotropical trees to identify the ecological and phylogenetic correlates. The 36 studies surveyed found >90% outcrossed mating for 45 hermaphroditic or monoecious species. Self-fertilization rates varied inversely with population density and showed phylogenetic and geographic trends. The few direct measures of pollen flow (N = 11 studies) suggest that pollen dispersal is widespread among low-density tropical trees, ranging from a mean of 200 m to over 19 km for species pollinated by small insects or bats. Future research needs to examine (1) the effect of inbreeding depression on observed outcrossing rates, (2) pollen dispersal in a wide range of pollination syndromes and ecological classes, (3) and the range of variation of mating system expression at different hierarchical levels, including individual, seasonal, population, ecological, landscape and range wide.


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Echinacea preparations are widely used herbal remedies for the prevention and treatment of colds. In this study we have investigated the metabolism by human liver microsomes of the alkylamide components from an Echinacea preparation as well as that of pure synthetic alkylamides. No significant degradation of alkylamides was evident in cytosolic fractions. Time and NADPH-dependent degradation of alkylamides was observed in microsomal fractions suggesting they are metabolised by cytochrome P450 (P450) enzymes in human liver. There was a difference in the susceptibility of 2-ene and 2,4-diene pure synthetic alkylamides to microsomal degradation with (2E)-N-isobutylundeca-2-ene-8,10-diynamide (1) metabolised to only a tenth the extent of (2E,4E,8Z,IOZ)-N-isobutyldodeca-2,4,8,10-tetracnamide (3) under identical incubation conditions. Markedly less degradation of 3 was evident in the mixture of alkylamides present in an ethanolic Echinacea extract, suggesting that metabolism by liver P450s was dependent both on their chemistry and the combination present in the incubation. Co-incubation of 1 with 3 at equimolar concentrations resulted in a significant decrease in the metabolism of 3 by liver microsomes. This inhibition by 1, which has a terminal alkyne moiety, was found to be time- and concentration-dependent, and due to a mechanism-based inactivation of the P450s. Alkylamide metabolites were detected and found to be the predicted epoxidation, hydroxylation and dealkylation products. These findings suggest that Echinacea may effect the P450-mediated metabolism of other concurrently ingested pharmaceuticals. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In budding yeast, partitioning of the cytoplasm during cytokinesis can proceed via a pathway dependent on the contractile actomyosin ring, as in other eukaryotes, or alternatively via a septum deposition pathway dependent on an SH3 domain protein, Hof1/Cyk2 (the yeast PSTPIP1 ortholog). In dividing yeast cells, Hof1 forms a ring at the bud neck distinct from the actomyosin ring, and this zone is active in septum deposition. We previously showed the yeast Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASP)-interacting protein (WIP) ortholog, verprolin/Vrp1/End5, interacts with Hof1 and facilitates Hof1 recruitment to the bud neck. A Vrp1 fragment unable to interact with yeast WASP (Las17/Bee1), localize to the actin cytoskeleton or function in polarization of the cortical actin cytoskeleton nevertheless retains function in Hof1 recruitment and cytokinesis. Here, we show the ability of this Vrp1 fragment to bind the Hof1 SH3 domain via its Hof one trap (HOT) domain is critical for cytokinesis. The Vrp1 HOT domain consists of three tandem proline-rich motifs flanked by serines. Unexpectedly, the Hof 1 SH3 domain itself is not required for cytokinesis and indeed appears to negatively regulate cytokinesis. The Vrp1 HOT domain promotes cytokinesis by binding to the Hof 1 SH3 domain and counteracting its inhibitory effect.


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1 The effect of 5-HT and related indolealkylamines on heteromeric recombinant NMDA receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes was investigated using the two-electrode voltage-clamp recording technique. 2 In the absence of external Mg2+ ions, 5-HT inhibited NMDA receptor-mediated currents in a concentration-dependent manner. The inhibitory effect of 5-HT was independent of the NR1a and NR2 subunit combination. 3 The inhibition of glutamate-evoked currents by 5-HT was use- and voltage-dependent. The voltage sensitivity of inhibition for NR1a+NR2 subunit combinations by 5-HT was similar, exhibiting an e-fold change per similar to20 mV, indicating that 5-HT binds to a site deep within the membrane electric field. 4 The inhibition of the open NMDA receptor by external Mg2+ and 5-HT was not additive, suggesting competition between Mg2+ and 5-HT for a binding site in the NMDA receptor channel. The concentration-dependence curves for 5-HT and 5-methoxytryptamine (5-MeOT) inhibition of NMDA receptor-mediated currents are shifted to the right in the presence of external Mg2+. 5 The related indolealkylamines inhibited glutamate-evoked currents with the following order of inhibitory potency: 5-MeOT = 5-methyltryptamine > tryptamine > 7-methyltryptamine > 5-HTmuch greater than tryptophan melatonin. 6 Taken together, these data suggest that 5-HT and related compounds can attenuate glutamate-mediated excitatory synaptic responses and may provide a basis for drug treatment of excitoxic neurodegeneration.


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The effect of three osmolytes, trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO), betaine and proline, on the interaction of muscle glycogen phosphorylase b with allosteric inhibitor FAD has been examined. In the absence of osmolyte, the interaction is described by a single intrinsic dissociation constant (17.8 muM) for two equivalent and independent binding sites on the dimeric enzyme. However, the addition of osmolytes gives rise to sigmoidal dependencies of fractional enzyme-site saturation upon free inhibitor concentration. The source of this cooperativity has been shown by difference sedimentation velocity to be an osmolyte-mediated isomerization of phosphorylase b to a smaller dimeric state with decreased affinity for FAD. These results thus have substantiated a previous inference that the tendency for osmolyte-enhanced self-association of dimeric glycogen phosphorylase b in the presence of AMP was being countered by the corresponding effect of molecular crowding on an isomerization of dimer to a smaller, nonassociating state. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. Inc. All rights reserved.


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Three distinct isolates of Candida albicans were used to establish systemic and oral infections in inbred mice that are genetically resistant or susceptible to tissue damage. Patterns of infection differed significantly between both yeasts and mouse strains. Systemic infection conferred significant protection against re-challenge with the homologous, but not the heterologous yeast; however, the protective effect was more evident in the tissue-susceptible CBA/CaH mice than in the resistant BALB/c strain. In contrast, oral infection induced protection against both homologous and heterologous oral challenge, although this was significant only in the CBA/CaH mice. CBA/CaH mice produced antibodies of both IgG1 and IgG2a subclasses, whereas BALB/c mice produced predominantly IgG1. Western blotting demonstrated considerable differences between epitopes recognised by serum antibodies from mice of both strains after immunisation with each of the three yeasts. Thus, different strains of yeast show considerable specificity in antibody responses elicited by either systemic or oral infection. (c) 2005 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.


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1. Some of the most damaging invasive plants are dispersed by frugivores and this is an area of emerging importance in weed management. It highlights the need for practical information on how frugivores affect weed population dynamics and spread, how frugivore populations are affected by weeds and what management recommendations are available. 2. Fruit traits influence frugivore choice. Fruit size, the presence of an inedible peel, defensive chemistry, crop size and phenology may all be useful traits for consideration in screening and eradication programmes. By considering the effect of these traits on the probability, quality and quantity of seed dispersal, it may be possible to rank invasive species by their desirability to frugivores. Fruit traits can also be manipulated with biocontrol agents. 3. Functional groups of frugivores can be assembled according to broad species groupings, and further refined according to size, gape size, pre- and post-ingestion processing techniques and movement patterns, to predict dispersal and establishment patterns for plant introductions. 4. Landscape fragmentation can increase frugivore dispersal of invasives, as many invasive plants and dispersers readily use disturbed matrix environments and fragment edges. Dispersal to particular landscape features, such as perches and edges, can be manipulated to function as seed sinks if control measures are concentrated in these areas. 5.Where invasive plants comprise part of the diet of native frugivores, there may be a conservation conflict between control of the invasive and maintaining populations of the native frugivore, especially where other threats such as habitat destruction have reduced populations of native fruit species. 6. Synthesis and applications. Development of functional groups of frugivore-dispersed invasive plants and dispersers will enable us to develop predictions for novel dispersal interactions at both population and community scales. Increasingly sophisticated mechanistic seed dispersal models combined with spatially explicit simulations show much promise for providing weed managers with the information they need to develop strategies for surveying, eradicating and managing plant invasions. Possible conservation conflicts mean that understanding the nature of the invasive plant-frugivore interaction is essential for determining appropriate management.


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Retrocyclin-1, a 0-defensin, protects target cells from human immunodeficiency virus, type 1 (HIV-1) by preventing viral entry. To delineate its mechanism, we conducted fusion assays between susceptible target cells and effector cells that expressed HIV-1 Env. Retrocyclin-1 (4 mu M) completely blocked fusion mediated by HIV-1 Envs that used CXCR4 or CCR5 but had little effect on cell fusion mediated by HIV-2 and simian immunodeficiency virus Envs. Retrocyclin-1 inhibited HIV-1 Env-mediated fusion without impairing the lateral mobility of CD4, and it inhibited the fusion of CD4-deficient cells with cells bearing CD4-independent HIV-1 Env. Thus, it could act without cross-linking membrane proteins or inhibiting gp120-CD4 interactions. Retrocyclin-1 acted late in the HIV-1 Env fusion cascade but prior to 6-helix bundle formation. Surface plasmon resonance experiments revealed that retrocyclin bound the ectodomain of gp41 with high affinity in a glycan-independent manner and that it bound selectively to the gp41 C-terminal heptad repeat. Native-PAGE, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, and CD spectroscopic analyses all revealed that retrocyclin-1 prevented 6-helix bundle formation. This mode of action, although novel for an innate effector molecule, resembles the mechanism of peptidic entry inhibitors based on portions of the gp41 sequence.


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Research on the effect of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) on both mood and memory indicates that oestrogen may enhance verbal memory in younger mid-aged women. This study examined the effect of HRT on everyday memory, while accounting for mood changes, in women between ages 40 and 60. A within-subjects comparison of 17 women, showed that mood, everyday memory, working memory, and delayed verbal memory improved after 3 months of HRT use. The improvement in memory was not mediated by mood, but changes in mood were moderated by exercise habits. The results suggest that verbal memory in particular may be enhanced by HRT in this age group, and everyday memory is an important construct to consider in future research.


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The virulence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and other surface pathogens involves the coordinate expression of a wide range of virulence determinants, including type IV pili. These surface filaments are important for the colonization of host epithelial tissues and mediate bacterial attachment to, and translocation across, surfaces by a process known as twitching motility. This process is controlled in part by a complex signal transduction system whose central component, ChpA, possesses nine potential sites of phosphorylation, including six histidine-containing phosphotransfer (HPt) domains, one serine-containing phosphotransfer domain, one threonine-containing phosphotransfer domain, and one CheY-like receiver domain. Here, using site-directed mutagenesis, we show that normal twitching motility is entirely dependent on the CheY-like receiver domain and partially dependent on two of the HPt domains. Moreover, under different assay conditions, point mutations in several of the phosphotransfer domains of ChpA give rise to unusual "swarming" phenotypes, possibly reflecting more subtle perturbations in the control of P. aeruginosa motility that are not evident from the conventional twitching stab assay. Together, these results suggest that ChpA plays a central role in the complex regulation of type IV pilus-mediated motility in P. aeruginosa


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The effects of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide (VIP) and pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide (PACAP27 and PACAP38) on isolated parasympathetic neurons of rat intracardiac and submandibular ganglia were examined under voltage clamp using whole-cell patch-clamp recording techniques. VIP and PACAP (less than or equal to 10 nm) selectively and reversibly increased the affinity of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor channels (nAChRs) for their agonists resulting in a potentiation of acetylcholine (ACh)-evoked whole-cell currents at low agonist concentrations. VIP-induced potentiation was observed with either ACh or nicotine as the cholinergic agonist. The VIP- but not the PACAP-induced potentiation of ACh-evoked currents was inhibited by [Ac-Tyr(1), D-Phe(2)]-GRF 1-29, amide (100 nm), a selective antagonist of VPAC(1) and VPAC(2) receptors; whereas the PACAP38- but not the VIP-induced potentiation was inhibited by 100 nm PACAP6-38, a PAC(1) and VPAC(2) receptor antagonist. The signal transduction pathway mediating VIP- and PACAP-induced potentiation of nicotinic ACh-evoked currents involves a pertussis toxin (PTX)-sensitive G-protein. Intracellular application of 200 mu m GTP gamma S or GDP beta S inhibited VIP-induced potentiation of ACh-evoked whole-cell currents. GTP gamma S alone potentiated ACh- and nicotine-evoked currents and the magnitude of these currents was not further increased by VIP or PACAP. The G-protein subtype modulating the neuronal nAChRs was examined by intracellular dialysis with antibodies directed against alpha(o), alpha(i-1,2), alpha(i-3) or beta G-protein subunits. Only the anti-G alpha(o) and anti-G beta antibodies significantly inhibited the effect of VIP and PACAP on ACh-evoked currents. The potentiation of ACh-evoked currents by VIP and PACAP may be mediated by a membrane-delimited signal transduction cascade involving the PTX-sensitive G(o) protein.


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Chronic alcohol misuse leads to both widespread and localized damage in human cerebral cortex. The latter, as neuronal loss, is marked in superior frontal cortex (SFC) but milder in primary motor cortex (PMC) and elsewhere. Quantitative morphometry by Harper et al showed that neuronal loss is greater in alcoholics with comorbidity (Wernicke Korsakoff syndrome, liver cirrhosis). Previous work revealed a paradox: the marked differences in GABAA receptor density, pharmacology, and expression between alcoholics without cormorbidity and controls are muted or absent in cirrhotic alcoholics. This concurs with work by the Butterworth group on hepatic encephalopathy cases — most of whom had an alcoholic ætiology — who show only minor differences from controls. Glutamate receptor differences are muted in many autopsy studies, though we have evidence that NMDA site pharmacology may vary in cirrhotic alcoholics. Here we used Real-Time PCR normalized to GAPDH deltaCT to quantify NMDA NR1, NR2A and NR2B subunit expression in SFC and PMC samples obtained at autopsy from alcoholics with and without comorbid cirrhosis and matched controls. Overall subunit transcript expression was signifi cantly lower in alcoholic cirrhotics than in either of the other groups (F2,42 = 12.942, P < 0.001). The effect was most marked for the NR1 subunit; males differed from females, particularly in SFC. The data suggest that if excitotoxicity mediates neuronal loss in SFC, it may be implemented differently: passively in uncomplicated alcoholics, by altered GABAergic transmission; actively in cirrhotic alcoholics, by altered glutamatergic transmission. We also subdivided cases on a panel of genetic markers. Different genotypes interacted with NMDA and GABAA pharmacology and expression. Cirrhotic and uncomplicated alcoholics may differ pathogenically because of inherent characteristics in addition to possible neurotoxic sequelæ to the liver damage.