62 resultados para job order production
Background and aims-The colons of patients with pneumatosis cystoides coli produce excessive H-2. Exposure to alkyl halides could explain this. Six consecutive patients who had pneumatosis cystoides coli while taking chloral hydrate (1-5+ g/day) are reported. Patients 2 and 3 were investigated after they had ceased chloral hydrate treatment. One produced methane, the other did not. (Pneumatosis cystoides coli patients are non-methanogenic according to the literature.) Both had overnight fasting breath H-2 of less than 10 ppm. A literature review disclosed just one patient who was using chloral at the time of diagnosed pneumatosis cystoides coli, but an epidemic of the disease in workers exposed to trichloroethylene. Methods-(i) In vitro experiments with human faeces: chloral or closely related alkyl halides were added to anaerobic faecal cultures derived from four methane-producing and three non-methanogenic human subjects. H-2 and CH4 gases were measured. (ii) In vivo animal experiment: chloral hydrate was added to drinking water of four Wistar rats, and faecal HI compared with control rats. Results-Alkyl halides increased H-2 up to 900 times in methanogenic and 10 times in non-methanogenic faecal cultures. The K-i of chloral was 0.2 mM. Methanogenesis was inhibited in concert with the increase in net H-2. In the rat experiment, chloral hydrate increased H-2 10 times, but did not cause pneumatosis. Conclusions-Chloral and trichloroethylene are alkyl halides chemically similar to chloroform, a potent inhibitor of H-2 consumption by methanogens and acetogens. These bacteria are the most important H-2-consuming species in the colon. It is postulated that exposure to these alkyl halides increases net H-2 production, which sets the scene for counterperfusion supersaturation and the formation of gas cysts. In recent times, very low prescribing rates for chloral have caused primary pneumatosis cystoides to become extremely rare. As with primary pneumatosis, secondary pneumatosis cystoides, which occurs if there is small bowel bacterial overgrowth distal to a proximally located gut obstruction, is predicted by counterperfusion supersaturation. Inherent unsaturation due to metabolism of O-2 is a safety factor, which could explain why gas bubbles do not form more often in tissue with high H-2 tension.
Fed-batch culture can offer significant improvement in recombinant protein production compared to batch culture in the baculovirus expression vector system (BEVS), as shown by Nguyen et al. (1993) and Bedard et al. (1994) among others. However, a thorough analysis of fed-batch culture to determine its limits in improving recombinant protein production over batch culture has yet to be performed. In this work, this issue is addressed by the optimisation of single-addition fed-batch culture. This type of fed-batch culture involves the manual addition of a multi-component nutrient feed to batch culture before infection with the baculovirus. The nutrient feed consists of yeastolate ultrafiltrate, lipids, amino acids, vitamins, trace elements, and glucose, which were added to batch cultures of Spodoptera frugiperda (Sf9) cells before infection with a recombinant Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus (Ac-NPV) expressing beta-galactosidase (beta-Gal). The fed-batch production of beta-Gal was optimised using response surface methods (RSM). The optimisation was performed in two stages, starting with a screening procedure to determine the most important variables and ending with a central-composite experiment to obtain a response surface model of volumetric beta-Gal production. The predicted optimum volumetric yield of beta-Gal in fed-batch culture was 2.4-fold that of the best yields in batch culture. This result was confirmed by a statistical analysis of the best fed-batch and batch data (with average beta-Gal yields of 1.2 and 0.5 g/L, respectively) obtained from this laboratory. The response surface model generated can be used to design a more economical fed-batch operation, in which nutrient feed volumes are minimised while maintaining acceptable improvements in beta-Gal yield. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Subcycling algorithms which employ multiple timesteps have been previously proposed for explicit direct integration of first- and second-order systems of equations arising in finite element analysis, as well as for integration using explicit/implicit partitions of a model. The author has recently extended this work to implicit/implicit multi-timestep partitions of both first- and second-order systems. In this paper, improved algorithms for multi-timestep implicit integration are introduced, that overcome some weaknesses of those proposed previously. In particular, in the second-order case, improved stability is obtained. Some of the energy conservation properties of the Newmark family of algorithms are shown to be preserved in the new multi-timestep extensions of the Newmark method. In the first-order case, the generalized trapezoidal rule is extended to multiple timesteps, in a simple way that permits an implicit/implicit partition. Explicit special cases of the present algorithms exist. These are compared to algorithms proposed previously. (C) 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Subtropical grasslands are low in organic matter digestibility (OMD) (0.60) and nitrogen (N) (15 g/kg) for much of the year and this limits cattle production which is characterized by low calving rates and low weaning weights. Production has been based on Bos taurus British breeds of cattle but this is changing and now many breeding herds comprise B, indicus cows and their crosses. This change has increased some aspects of production, but low calving rates persist. A 4-year study was undertaken with a view to improve calving rates and weaner output by supplementing cows grazing either native or improved pastures with a high protein oilseed meal (cottonseed meal; CSM) on four sites. These sites were subdivided into a total of 36 paddocks to allow for two replications in a 3 breeds X 3 supplementation rates X 2 pastures factorial design. Selected cows (no. = 216) from Hereford (H), Brahman (B) and Brahman X Hereford (BH) breed types were set to graze either native pastures (0.45 to 0.62 OMD, 8 to 15 g N per kg; low quality) or improved pastures (0.47 to 0.67 OA ID, 10 to 22 g N per kg; medium quality). Cows were given either 0, 750 or 1500 g/day of CSM for 130 days from calving until 4 weeks into a 12- to 13-week mating period. The CSM was given as two meals per week. Live weight at mating of cows on the low quality pasture was increased (P < 0.01) over those not supplemented by feeding either 750 g CSM per day (H and B cows) or 1500 g CSM per day tall cows). There was no significant effect of supplementation on the mating weights of B cows grazing the medium quality sites. Calving rate of B cows was not increased by their supplementation on either low (4-year mean 58.3 %) or medium quality pastures (66.8%) but did tend to be higher in H cows when supplemented at 1500 g CSM per day on the low (66.7 v. 78.0 (s.e. 6.09) %; P < 0.1) and medium quality pastures (70.5 v. 93.5 (s.e. 4.72) %). An increased calving rate (65.8 (s.e. 6.6) % to 83.2 (s.e. 5.82) % in supplemented BH cows grazing low quality pastures approached significance (P < 0.1) when given CSM at 1500 g/day but there was no increased trend in calving rate when this breed type was supplemented on medium quality pastures. Weaning weights of calves from and B and BH cows were increased (P < 0.05) by supplementation of their darns at 750 g/day and for calves weaned from H cows supplemented at 1500 g/day of CSM. Supplementation at 1500 g/day on low quality pastures increased weaner output per cow mated by 120% for H, by 65% for BH cows and by 50% for B cows. Weaner output was increased by 34 and 40%, respectively, for B and H cows when supplemented at 750 g/day and grazing medium quality pastures but there teas no significant effect of supplementation on output from BH cows. Responses in many parameters differed between years. These results were interpreted as a response to the protein in the oilseed meal supplement by B, taurus and B. taurus X B. indicus cross cows grazing on the subtropical pastures. The study also highlighted that responses to the meal differed between breed types, between the quality of the grazed pasture and between the years of supplementation.
Aspergillus foetidus ACR I 3996 (=FRR 3558) and three strains of Aspergillus niger ACM 4992 (=ATCC 9142), ACM 4993 (=ATCC 10577), ACM 4994 (=ATCC 12846) were compared for the production of citric acid from pineapple peel in solid-state fermentation. A. niger ACM 4992 produced the highest amount of citric acid, with a yield of 19.4 g of citric acid per 100 g of dry fermented pineapple waste under optimum conditions, representing a yield of 0.74 g citric acid/g sugar consumed. Optimal conditions were 65% (w/w) initial moisture content, 3% (v/w) methanol, 30 degrees C, an unadjusted initial pH of 3.4, a particle size of 2 mm and 5 ppm Fe2+. Citric acid production was best in flasks, with lower yields being obtained in tray and rotating drum bioreactors.
The present study examined the effects of work control and job demands on employee adjustment and work performance using a multidimensional measure of work control (assessing levels of task control, decision control and work scheduling control). It was proposed that the negative effects of job demands and employee adjustment would be moderated by high levels of task control. It was also proposed that there would be evidence of main effects of both job demands and work control (particularly task-related levels of control) on employee adjustment. To test these predictions, a study of 135 university employees holding administrative positions was undertaken. Methodological improvements over previous research included the use of both self-reported adjustment measures and supervisor ratings of work performance as outcome variables, and the assessment of the predictor and outcome measures at different points in time (self-reported adjustment was assessed at both Times 1 and 2). The results revealed some support for the proposal that the effects of job demands would be buffered by high levels of task control, but not more peripheral aspects of work control. There were also significant main effects of task control on job satisfaction.
Since February 1996 we have prospectively assessed residual adrenal autonomy by the fludrocortisone suppression test (FST) in 23 patients 3 months after unilateral adrenalectomy for Conn syndrome and in 45 patients after a longer interval. In regard to blood pressure, 36 (53%) patients were cured of hypertension and the remaining 32 (47%) patients had improved hypertension control at the time of their latest postoperative clinical assessment. In regard to the outcome of surgery, patients who achieved normal suppressibility of aldosterone were regarded as cured, and those who had greater suppressibility after surgery were considered improved. Time since surgery for the whole group averaged 26 months. By these biochemical criteria, 42 patients (62%) were cured by surgery, and the rest improved; 16 (76%) of 21 women were cured, and 26 (55%) of 47 men. The women (mean +/- SD age 47 +/- 11 years) were significantly (p < 0.05) younger than the men (52 +/- 9 Sears). Preoperative aldosterone levels before and after FST were similar in the cured and improved groups and fell significantly (p < 0.01) in both groups following surgery. After surgical reduction of autonomous aldosterone production, mean plasma renin activity levels increased sixfold in the cured group and threefold in the improved group. Surgical mortality in this group of 68 patients with Conn syndrome was zero.
A new model for correlated electrons is presented which is integrable in one-dimension. The symmetry algebra of the model is the Lie superalgebra gl(2\1) which depends on a continuous free parameter. This symmetry algebra contains the eta pairing algebra as a subalgebra which is used to show that the model exhibits Off-Diagonal Long-Range Order in any number of dimensions.
Two basic representations of principal-agent relationships, the 'state-space' and 'parameterized distribution' formulations, have emerged. Although the state-space formulation appears more natural, analytical studies using this formulation have had limited success. This paper develops a state-space formulation of the moral-hazard problem using a general representation of production under uncertainty. A closed-form solution for the agency-cost problem is derived. Comparative-static results are deduced. Next we solve the principal's problem of selecting the optimal output given the agency-cost function. The analysis is applied to the problem of point-source pollution control. (C) 1998 Published by Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
We present finite element simulations of temperature gradient driven rock alteration and mineralization in fluid saturated porous rock masses. In particular, we explore the significance of production/annihilation terms in the mass balance equations and the dependence of the spatial patterns of rock alteration upon the ratio of the roll over time of large scale convection cells to the relaxation time of the chemical reactions. Special concepts such as the gradient reaction criterion or rock alteration index (RAI) are discussed in light of the present, more general theory. In order to validate the finite element simulation, we derive an analytical solution for the rock alteration index of a benchmark problem on a two-dimensional rectangular domain. Since the geometry and boundary conditions of the benchmark problem can be easily and exactly modelled, the analytical solution is also useful for validating other numerical methods, such as the finite difference method and the boundary element method, when they are used to dear with this kind of problem. Finally, the potential of the theory is illustrated by means of finite element studies related to coupled flow problems in materially homogeneous and inhomogeneous porous rock masses. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science S.A. All rights reserved.
The truncation errors associated with finite difference solutions of the advection-dispersion equation with first-order reaction are formulated from a Taylor analysis. The error expressions are based on a general form of the corresponding difference equation and a temporally and spatially weighted parametric approach is used for differentiating among the various finite difference schemes. The numerical truncation errors are defined using Peclet and Courant numbers and a new Sink/Source dimensionless number. It is shown that all of the finite difference schemes suffer from truncation errors. Tn particular it is shown that the Crank-Nicolson approximation scheme does not have second order accuracy for this case. The effects of these truncation errors on the solution of an advection-dispersion equation with a first order reaction term are demonstrated by comparison with an analytical solution. The results show that these errors are not negligible and that correcting the finite difference scheme for them results in a more accurate solution. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.