52 resultados para internal transcribed spacer-2
A survey of Pacific coral reef fishes for sanguinicolids revealed that two species of Lutjanidae (Lutjanus argentimaculatus, L. bohar), six species of Siganidae (Siganus corallinus, S. fuscescens, S. lineatus, S. margaritiferus, S. punctatus, S. vulpinus), seven species of Chaetodontidae (Chaetodon aureofasciatus, C. citrinellus, C. flavirostris, C. lineolatus, C. reticulatus, C. ulietensis, C. unimaculatus), three species of Scombridae (Euthynnus affinis, Scomberomorus commerson, S. munroi) and three species of Scaridae (Chlorurus microrhinos, Scarus frenatus, S. ghobban) were infected with morphologically similar sanguinicolids. These flukes have a flat elliptical body, a vestigial oral sucker, a single testis, separate genital pores and a post-ovarian uterus. However, these species clearly belong in two genera based on the position of the testis and genital pores. Sanguinicolids from Lutjanidae, Siganidae, Chaetodontidae and Scombridae belong in Cardicola Short, 1953; the testis originates anteriorly to, or at the anterior end of, the intercaecal field and does not extend posteriorly to it, the male genital pore opens laterally to the sinistral lateral nerve chord and the female pore opens near the level of the ootype ( may be anterior, lateral or posterior to it) antero-dextral to the male pore. Those from Scaridae are placed in a new genus, Braya; the testis originates near the posterior end of the intercaecal field and extends posteriorly to it, the male pore opens medially at the posterior end of the body and the female pore opens posterior to the ootype, antero-sinistral to the male pore. The second internal transcribed spacer (ITS2) of ribosomal DNA from these sanguinicolids and a known species, Cardicola forsteri Cribb, Daintith & Munday, 2000, were sequenced, aligned and analysed to test the distinctness of the putative new species. Results from morphological comparisons and molecular analyses suggest the presence of 18 putative species; 11 are described on the basis of combined morphological and molecular data and seven are not because they are characterised solely by molecular sequences or to few morphological specimens (n= one). There was usually a correlation between levels of morphological and genetic distinction in that pairs of species with the greatest genetic separation were also the least morphologically similar. The exception in this regard was the combination of Cardicola tantabiddii n. sp. from S. fuscescens from Ningaloo Reef ( Western Australia) and Cardicola sp. 2 from the same host from Heron Island ( Great Barrier Reef). These two parasite/ host/location combinations had identical ITS2 sequences but appeared to differ morphologically ( however, this could simply be due to a lack of morphological material for Cardicola sp. 2). Only one putative species ( Cardicola sp. 1) was found in more than one location; most host species harboured distinct species in each geographical location surveyed ( for example, S. corallinus from Heron and Lizard Islands) and some ( for example, S. punctatus, S. fuscescens and Chlorurus microrhinos) harboured two species at a single location. Distance analysis of ITS2 showed that nine species from siganids, three from scombrids and five from scarids formed monophyletic clades to the exclusion of sanguinicolids from the other host families. Cardicola milleri n. sp. and C. chaetodontis Yamaguti, 1970 from lutjanids and chaetodontids, respectively, were the only representatives from those families that were sequenced. Within the clade formed by sanguinicolids from Siganidae there wasa further division of species; species from the morphologically similar S. fuscescens and S. margaritiferus formed a monophyletic group to the exclusion of sanguinicolids from all other siganid species.
A sensitive, specific polymerase chain reaction-based assay was developed for the detection of the causal agent of ratoon stunting disease of sugarcane, Clavibacter xyli subsp. xyli. This assay uses oligonucleotide primers derived from the internal transcribed spacer region between the 16S and 23S rRNA genes of the bacterial rRNA operon. The assay is specific for C. xyli subsp. xyli and does not produce an amplification product from the template of the closely related bacterium C. xyli subsp. cynodontis, nor from other bacterial species. The assay was successfully applied to the detection of C. xyli subsp. xyli in fibrovascular fluid extracted from sugarcane and was sensitive to approximately 22 cells per PCR assay. A multiplex PCR test was also developed which identified and differentiated C. xyli subsp. xyli and C. xyli subsp. cynodontis in a single PCR assay.
Immature bivesiculid trematodes collected from the intestine of Thalassoma lunare (Labridae) are shown to be morphologically consistent with adults of Bivesicula claviformis from Epinephelus fasciatus (Serranidae). In addition, the immature bivesiculids have the same sequence for the second internal transcribed spacer of the ribosomal DNA. Comparison with three other species of Bivesiculidae showed differences of between 23% and 30%. These results show that bivesiculids may have three-host life-cycles in addition to the two-host life-cycles that have been demonstrated previously. The three-host life-cycle enables bivesiculids to infect large carnivorous fishes. (C) 1998 Australian Society for Parasitology. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Isolations from black stem lesions of sunflower growing in south-eastern Queensland yielded fungi putatively identified as species of Phoma. Pathogenicity assays showed that these isolates were capable of killing sunflower plants under glasshouse conditions. The isolates were compared with authentic cultures of Phoma macdonaldii and other isolates of Phoma taken from sunflower from around the world. Random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis showed that all the Australian isolates examined were very similar to the holotype culture of Phoma macdonaldii from Canada. Sequencing of the internal transcribed spacer regions also revealed the relatedness of the Australian isolates to the holotype. This is the first official record of P. macdonaldii in Australia.
The two internal transcribed spacers (ITS) of ribosomal DNA are often used as markers of populations of insects. We studied the ITS2 of the head lice and body lice of humans, to determine whether this gene is a suitable marker of populations of these insects. ITS2 sequences were amplified by PCR from lice from four different countries: Australia, China, Japan and the USA. Direct cycle-sequencing of some of these PCR products gave equivocal nucleotide chromatograms. This indicated that some lice had more than one ITS2 sequence, so we cloned PCR products from these lice. Temperature gradient gel electrophoresis (TGGE) revealed that 50 of the 67 clones we screened had different nucleotide sequences. All lice had several ITS2 types, including those with unequivocal chromatograms. A phylogenetic tree of 15 different ITS2 sequences showed that the sequences from individual lice were not monophyletic. We conclude that the ITS2 is not a useful marker of populations for Pediculus humanus.
A morphological and physiological characterization of yeast strains CBS 8908, CBS 8915, CBS 8920, CBS 8925(T) and CBS 8926, isolated from Antarctic soils, was performed. Phylogenetic analyses of the sequences of the D1/D2 regions and the adjacent internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of the large-subunit rDNA of these strains placed them into the Tremellales clade of the Hymenomycetes. The sequence data identified strains CBS 8908, CBS 8915 and CBS 8920 as belonging to the species Cryptococcus victoriae. Strains CBS 8925(T) and CBS 8926 were found to represent an unique clade within the Hymenomycetes, with Dioszegia crocea CBS 6714(T) being their closest phylogenetic relative. Fatty acid composition and proteome fingerprint data for these novel strains were also obtained. No sexual state was observed. A novel basidiomycetous species, Cryptococcus statzelliae, is proposed for strains CBS 8925(T) and CBS 8926.
The specific identity of endosymbiotic dinoflagellates (Symbiodinium spp.) from most zooxanthellate corals is unknown. In a survey of symbiotic cnidarians from the southern Great Barrier Reef (GBR), 23 symbiont types were identified from 86 host species representing 40 genera. A majority (>85%) of these symbionts belong to a single phylogenetic clade or subgenus (C) composed of closely related (as assessed by sequence data from the internal transcribed spacer region and the ribosomal large subunit gene), yet ecologically and physiologically distinct, types. A few prevalent symbiont types, or generalists, dominate the coral community of the southern GBR, whereas many rare and/or specific symbionts, or specialists, are found uniquely within certain host taxa. The comparison of symbiont diversity between southern GBR and Caribbean reefs shows an inverse relationship between coral diversity and symbiont diversity, perhaps as a consequence of more-rapid diversification of Caribbean symbionts. Among clade C types, generalists C1 and C3 are common to both Caribbean and southern GBR symbiont assemblages, whereas the rest are regionally endemic. Possibly because of environmental changes in the Caribbean after geographic isolation through the Quaternary period, a high proportion of Caribbean fauna associate with symbiont taxa from two other distantly related Symbiodinium clades (A and B) that rarely occur in Pacific hosts. The resilience of Porites spp. and the resistance of Montipora digitata to thermal stress and bleaching are partially explained by their association with a thermally tolerant symbiont type, whereas the indiscriminant widespread bleaching and death among certain Pacific corals, during El Nino Southern Oscillation events, are influenced by associations with symbionts possessing higher sensitivity to thermal stress.
Three coral reef fish species, Zanclus cornutus, Chaetodon vagabundus and Naso lituratus, were collected in French Polynesia and on the Great Barrier Reef, Queensland. These fish species were each infected by one morphologically similar digenean species in both localities; Schistorchis Zancli Hanson, 1953 was found in Zanclus cornutus. Preptetos laguncula Bray and Cribb, 1996 in Naso lituratus and Neohypocreadium dorsoporum Machida and Uchida, 1987 in Chaetodon vagabundus. In addition, on the Great Barrier Reef P. laguncula was also found in Naso unicornis and N. dorsoporum in Chaetodon ephippium and Chaetodon flavirostris. Morphometric differences between the species from the two sites were only slight. Sequences from the second internal transcribed spacer of the ribosomal DNA of each worm revealed total homology or negligible divergence between samples from hosts caught in French Polynesia and on the Great Barrier Reef. These results show that across more than 6000 km these digeneans are similar in morphology and genotype. Some species of fishes and molluscs a-re considered to have distributions that encompass the entire tropical Indo-West Pacific. These findings suggest that at least some of their parasites have similarly broad distributions. (C) 2001 Australian Society for Parasitology Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Sequence variation in the internal transcribed spacer (ITS-1) ribosomal DNA subunit was examined for sorghum midge obtained from introduced and native hosts in south-eastern and central Queensland. No variation was observed relative to host plant or geographical distance for midges collected from two introduced hosts, grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor ) and Johnson grass (S. halepense ); however, sequence differences were observed between midges from introduced and native hosts and among midges from a single native host, slender bluegrass (Dichanthium affine ). No evidence was observed of introduced midges on native hosts, or vice versa. These results agree with previously hypothesised host distributions for native and introduced midges in Australia, and expand the sample of introduced hosts to include Johnson grass. They suggest that Stenodiplosis sorghicola , the principal midge infesting grain sorghum, is also the most common species on Johnson grass. This confirms that Johnson grass plays a role in the population dynamics of S. sorghicola and suggests that midges originating from Johnson grass may influence levels of infestation in grain sorghum.
Testing the applicability of molecular genetic markers to population analyses of scleratinian corals
The abundance of coral reefs worldwide is in decline, and despite the ecological importance of reefs, only a limited number of DNA markers have been identified for scleractinian coral genetic studies. This paper addresses the search for new coral molecular markers and investigates the applicability of the cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI), the internal transcribed spacer region 1 (ITS1), and the pocilloporin gene to the question of intraspecific variation in the scleractinian coral Pocillopora verrucosa along the southeast African coastline. The COI fragment was 710 bp long and was identical for P. verrucosa (n = 10) and P. damicornis (n = 3). Only two different ITS1 sequences were found (differing by 13 bp insertion), but more importantly, 24% of the sequences were heterogenous indicating that different multiple copies of the sequence exist. Pocilloporin is an intronless gene that was absolutely conserved throughout all P. verrucosa populations (n = 50). Thus, the three DNA regions studied appear unsuitable for the population genetic analyses of P. verrucosa.
Most scleractinian coral species are widely distributed across the tropical and subtropical Indo-Pacific. However, the genetic connectivity between populations of corals separated by large distances (thousands of kilometers) is not well known. We analyzed variability in the nucleotide sequence of the internal transcribed spacer-1 (ITS-1) of the nuclear ribosomal gene unit in the ubiquitous coral Stylophora pistillata, across the western Pacific Ocean. Eight populations from Japan, Malaysia, and the northern and southern Great Barrier Reef (GBR) were studied. Phylogenetic analyses and analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) clearly revealed that there is panmixia among these coral populations. AMOVA showed that ITS-1 sequence variability was greater within populations (78.37%) than among populations (12.06%). These patterns strongly suggest high levels of connectivity across the species' latitudinal distribution range in the western Pacific, as is seen in many marine invertebrates.
Pearsonellum pygmaeus n. sp. is described from Cromileptes altivelis (Serranidae), the Barramundi Cod, from Heron Island (southern Great Barrier Reef) and Lizard Island (northern Great Bat-Her Reef). This new species differs from Pearsonellum eorventum (type and only species) in the combination of smaller overall body size, the relative distance of the brain from the anterior end, the relative lengths of both the oesophagus and the testis, the degree to which the testis extends outside the intercaecal field, the shape of the testis, the shape and size of the ovary and the extent to which the uterzus loops around the ovary. There are in addition, 20 base pair differences between the ITS2 rDNA sequence of P. pygmaeus n. sp. and that of P corventum. Three new host records for P. corventum are reported. Adelomyllos teenae n. g., n. sp. is described from Epinephelus coioides (Serranidae), the Estuary Cod, from Moreton Bay, southeast Queensland. The new genus differs from the 22 other sanguinicolid genera in the combined possession of two testes, a cirrus-sac, separate genital pores, a post-ovarian uterus and an H-shaped intestine. A. teenae n. sp. is the third sanguinicolid described from the Epinephelinae. Sanguinicolids have now been reported from 11 species of Serranidae. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Marteilia sydneyi (Paramyxea) is the causative agent of QX disease in oysters. In spite of the economic impact of this disease, its origin and the precise reason(s) for its apparent spread in Australian waters are not yet known. Given such knowledge gaps, investigating the population genetic structure(s) of M. sydneyi populations could provide insights into the epidemiology and ecology of the parasite and could assist in its prevention and control. In this study, single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP)-based analysis of a region (195 bp) of the first internal transcribed spacer (ITS-1) of ribosomal DNA was employed to investigate genetic variation within and among five populations of M. sydneyi from oysters from five different locations in eastern Australia. The analysis showed the existence of a genetic variant of M. sydneyi common to the Great Sandy Strait, and the Richmond and Georges Rivers, as distinct from variants at the Pimpama and Clarence Rivers. Together with historical and other information relating to the QX disease outbreaks in eastern Australia, the molecular findings support the proposal that the parasite originated in the Great Sandy Strait and/or Richmond River and then extended southward along the coast. From a technical perspective, the study demonstrated the usefulness of SSCP as a tool to study the population genetics and epidemiology of M. sydneyi. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In recent years there has been much progress in our understanding of the phylogeny and evolution of ticks, in particular the hard ticks (Ixodidae). Indeed, a consensus about the phylogeny of the hard ticks has emerged which is quite different to the working hypothesis of 10 years ago. So that the classification reflects our knowledge of ticks, several changes to the nomenclature of ticks are imminent or have been made. One subfamily, the Hyalomminae, should be sunk, while another, the Bothriocrotoninae, has been created (Klompen, Dobson & Barker, 2002). Bothriocrotoninae, and its sole genus Bothriocroton, have been created to house an early-diverging ('basal') lineage of endemic Australian ticks that used to be in the genus Aponomma. The remaining species of the genus Aponomma have been moved to the genus Amblyomma. Thus, the name Aponomma is no longer a valid genus name. The genus Rhipicephalus is paraphyletic with respect to the genus Boophilus. Thus, the genus Boophilus has become a subgenus of the genus Rhipicephalus (Murrell & Barker, 2003). Knowledge of the phylogenetic relationships of ticks has also provided new insights into the evolution of ornateness and of their life cycles, and has allowed the historical zoogeography of ticks to be studied. Finally, we present a list of the 899 valid genus and species names of ticks as of February 2004.
In just over a decade, the use of molecular approaches for the recognition of parasites has become commonplace. For trematodes, the internal transcribed spacer region of ribosomal DNA (ITS rDNA) has become the default region of choice. Here, we review the findings of 63 studies that report ITS rDNA sequence data for about 155 digenean species from 19 families, and then review the levels of variation that have been reported and how the variation has been interpreted. Overall, complete ITS sequences (or ITS1 or ITS2 regions alone) usually distinguish trematode species clearly, including combinations for which morphology gives ambiguous results. Closely related species may have few base differences and in at least one convincing case the ITS2 sequences of two good species are identical. In some cases, the ITS1 region gives greater resolution than the ITS2 because of the presence of variable repeat units that are generally lacking in the ITS2. Intraspecific variation is usually low and frequently apparently absent. Information on geographical variation of digeneans is limited but at least some of the reported variation probably reflects the presence of multiple species. Despite the accepted dogma that concerted evolution makes the individual representative of the entire species, a significant number of studies have reported at least some intraspecific variation. The significance of such variation is difficult to assess a posteriori, but it seems likely that identification and sequencing errors account for some of it and failure to recognise separate species may also be significant. Some reported variation clearly requires further analysis. The use of a yardstick to determine when separate species should be recognised is flawed. Instead, we argue that consistent genetic differences that are associated with consistent morphological or biological traits should be considered the marker for separate species. We propose a generalised approach to the use of rDNA to distinguish trematode species.