27 resultados para imperative
The effects of unconditional stimulus (US) valence (aversive electro-tactile stimulus vs. nonaversive imperative stimulus of a RT task) and conditioning paradigm (delay vs. trace) on affective learning as indexed by verbal ratings of conditional stimulus (CS) pleasantness and blink startle modulation and on relational learning as indexed by electrodermal responses were investigated. Affective learning was not affected by the conditioning paradigm; however, electrodermal responses and blink latency shortening indicated delayed learning in the trace procedure. Changes in rated CS pleasantness were found with the aversive US, but not with the non-aversive US. Differential conditioning as indexed by electrodermal responses and startle modulation was found regardless of US valence. The finding of significant differential blink modulation and electrodermal responding in the absence of a change in rated CS pleasantness as a result of conditioning with a non-aversive US was replicated in a second experiment. These results seem to indicate that startle modulation during conditioning is mediated by the arousal level of the anticipated US, rather than by the valence of the CS. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science (USA). All rights reserved.
We asked 12 patients with left visual neglect to bisect the gap between two cylinders or to reach rapidly between them to a more distal target zone. Both tasks demanded a motor response but these responses were quite different in nature. The bisection response was a communicative act whereby the patient indicated the perceived midpoint. The reaching task carried no imperative to bisect the gap, only to maintain a safe distance from either cylinder while steering to the target zone. Optimal performance on either task could only be achieved by reference to the location of both cylinders. Our analysis focused upon the relative influence of the left and right cylinders on the lateral location of the response. In the bisection task, all neglect patients showed qualitatively the same asymmetry, with the left cylinder exerting less influence than the right. In the reaching task, the neglect group behaved like normal subjects, being influenced approximately equally by the two cylinders. This was true for all bar two of the patients, who showed clear neglect in both tasks. We conclude that the visuomotor processing underlying obstacle avoidance during reaching is preserved in most patients with left visual neglect. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Ross River virus is a common mosquito-borne arbovirus responsible for outbreaks of polyarthritic disease throughout Australia. To better understand climatic factors preceding outbreaks, we compared seasonal and monthly rainfall and temperature trends in outbreak and nonoutbreak years at four epidemic-prone locations. Our analyses showed that rainfall in outbreak years tended to be above average and higher than rainfall in nonoutbreak years. Overall temperatures were warmer during outbreak years. However, there were a number of distinct deviations in temperature, which seem to play a role in either promoting or inhibiting outbreaks. These preliminary findings show that climatic differences occur between outbreak and nonoutbreak years; however, seasonal and monthly trends differed across geo-climatic regions of the country. More detailed research is imperative if we are to optimize the surveillance and control of epidemic polyarthritic disease in Australia.
Over the last decade, the international business literature has placed ever-greater emphasis on the role that learning and innovation play in determining multinational and multinational subsidiary performance. The present research seeks to understand the organizational paths leading to such desirable outcomes as greater learning, increased innovation and improved performance. Using a model tested with data collected through a survey of managers in subsidiaries of multinational firms, we find dual, independent paths to improved performance - one through networking and inter-unit learning and the other through subsidiary autonomy and innovation. A particular feature of these findings is that they can be shown to be robust after controlling for a wide range of environmental pressures and firm and industry factors. However, in the absence of environmental controls the dual path finding is rejected. These conflicting findings support the imperative to test models that include a diverse range of environmental pressures so that the true effects of organizational factors on learning, innovation and performance can be identified.
Study objectives: Smoking cessation for current smokers is a health-care imperative. It is not clear which approaches to smoking cessation are the most effective in the hospital setting and which factors predict long-term abstinence. We hypothesized that a hospital-based smoking cessation program involving behavioral modification and support would provide an effective intervention for smoking cessation. Design: Prospective cohort study. Setting: Smoking cessation clinics in a tertiary referral, cardiothoracic hospital. Patients or participants: Two hundred forty-three smokers and 187 never-smoker control subjects. Interventions: Smokers underwent specific sessions of individual counseling on behavioral modification, including written information, advice about quit aids, and support during the quit attempt. Abstinence was confirmed by exhaled carbon monoxide measurements. Measurements and results: Compared to never-smoker control subjects, smokers were more likely to have grown up with a smoking father or siblings, and to currently live or socialize with other smokers. Two hundred sixteen smokers attended at least two sessions of the smoking cessation program. Of these, 25% were unavailable for follow-up at 12 months and were assumed to be smoking. The point prevalence abstinence rate at 12 months was 32%. Independent factors associated with abstinence at 12 months were self-belief in quitting ability, having a heart condition, growing up without siblings who smoked, and increasing number of pack-years. Conclusions: This prospective study has demonstrated that this hospital-based smoking cessation program was as effective as programs in other settings. Social and psychological factors were associated with a greater chance of abstinence.
In response to the question, 'Education for what?', this article argues the case for an ethical imagination. It begins by illustrating different approaches to ethics - Greek antiquity, Kant s categorical imperative, Levinas's interhuman ethic of care, and Foucauldian genealogy. On the basis ofthis, it suggests that ethics may be understood as a disposition of continual questioning and adjusting of thought and action in relation to notions of human good and how to be and act in relation to others. It then briefly considers education as an ethical activity, and sets out three interrelated axes for an ethics of engagement in education: intellectual rigour, civility and care. Using examples ofcitizenship and statelessness in Australia, it argues that building an ethical imagination is a valuable goal for education.
In reaction time (RT) tasks, presentation of a startling acoustic stimulus (SAS) together with a visual imperative stimulus can dramatically reduce RT while leaving response execution unchanged. It has been suggested that a prepared motor response program is triggered early by the SAS but is not otherwise affected. Movements aimed at intercepting moving targets are usually considered to be similarly governed by a prepared program. This program is triggered when visual stimulus information about the time to arrival of the moving target reaches a specific criterion. We investigated whether a SAS could also trigger such a movement. Human experimental participants were trained to hit moving targets with movements of a specific duration. This permitted an estimate of when movement would begin (expected onset time). Startling and sub-startle threshold acoustic probe stimuli were delivered unexpectedly among control trials: 65, 85, 115 and 135 ms prior to expected onset (10:1 ratio of control to probe trials). Results showed that startling probe stimuli at 85 and 115 ms produced early response onsets but not those at 65 or 135 ms. Sub-threshold stimuli at 115 and 135 ms also produced early onsets. Startle probes led to an increased vigor in the response, but sub-threshold probes had no detectable effects. These data can be explained by a simple model in which preparatory, response-related activation builds up in the circuits responsible for generating motor commands in anticipation of the GO command. If early triggering by the acoustic probes is the mechanism underlying the findings, then the data support the hypothesis that rapid interceptions are governed by a motor program. © 2006 Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of IBRO.
Objective: To ascertain the extent to which neonatal analgesia was used in Australia for minor invasive procedures as an indicator of evidence-based practice in neonatology. Methods: A cross-sectional telephone survey of hospitals in all Australian states and territories with more than 200 deliveries per year was carried out. Questions were asked regarding awareness of the benefits and the use of analgesia for minor invasive procedures in term and near term neonates. Analysis was undertaken according to state and territory, annual birth numbers and the level of neonatal nursery care available. Results: Data were available from 212 of 214 eligible hospitals. Of the total respondents, 51% and 70% respectively were aware of the benefits of sucrose and breast-feeding for neonatal analgesia. Eleven per cent of units administered sucrose before venepuncture and 25% of units used breast-feeding. Ten per cent of units used sucrose before heel prick with 49% utilizing breast-feeding. Expressed breast milk was used in 10% of units. Analgesia was given less frequently before intravenous cannulation compared to venepuncture and heel prick. Awareness and implementation of neonatal analgesia varied widely in the states and territories. There was a trend for hospitals providing a higher level of neonatal care to have a greater awareness of sucrose as an analgesic (P < 0.0001) and the use of sucrose for venepuncture (P = 0.029), heel prick (P = 0.025) and intravenous catheter insertion (P = 0.013). Similar trends were found on analysis according to birth number of the maternity units. Smaller units had a greater usage of breast-feeding as an analgesic for heel prick (P = 0.017). Conclusion: Despite good evidence for the administration of sucrose and breast milk in providing effective analgesia for newborn infants, it is not widely used in Australia. It is imperative that the gap between research findings and clinical practice with regard to neonatal analgesia be addressed.
Previous research has been interpreted to suggest that the startle reflex mediates the RT facilitation observed if intense, accessory acoustic stimuli are presented coinciding with the onset of a visual imperative stimulus in a forewarned simple RT task. The present research replicated this finding as well as the facilitation of startle observed during the imperative stimulus. It failed, however, to find any relationship between the size of the blink startle reflex elicited by the accessory acoustic stimuli, which differed in intensity and rise time, and RT or RT facilitation observed on trials with accessory acoustic stimuli. This finding suggests that the RT facilitation is not mediated by the startle reflex elicited by the accessory acoustic stimuli. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
It is widely acknowledged that quality pedagogy is central to improving the educational outcomes of all students. In improving the social and academic outcomes of boys, and more specifically disengaged boys, the productive pedagogies model has been presented as a way forward. In terms of drawing on this model in socially just ways; to facilitate a broadening, rather than reinscribing of boys' narrow constructions of gender identity, this paper illustrates the imperative of teachers interacting with key feminist understandings of masculinity. Organized around the four dimensions of productive pedagogy, the paper draws on ( predominantly Australian-based) seminal work in the sphere of masculinities and schooling to discuss key strategies and initiatives for improving boys' educational outcomes. Against this backdrop, the paper demonstrates the importance of two principle understandings. The first relates to teachers understanding masculinity through feminist lenses, as constructed, regulated and maintained through inequitable social processes and the second relates to teachers understanding pedagogy as critical and transformative practice. These understandings are presented as vital to enabling gender justice.
With the increasing demand on healthcare systems it is imperative that all care is provided as efficiently and effectively as possible. Technology within the medical domain offers an exciting opportunity to augment work practices in order to meet these needs. This research project explores the implications of the interrupt-driven nature of work in clinical situations on documentation within an environment that increasingly involves electronic health records (EHRs). Midwives in a busy maternity ward were observed and interviewed about the work practices they employed to document information associated with patient care. The results showed that the interrupt-driven nature of the workplace, a feature common to many healthcare settings, led to a tension between the work and the work to document the work. Further, the IT environment in which the information was collected was not designed to cater for frequent interruption of the data entry process. Several recommendations for improving the IT environment are proposed to support health professionals in documenting patient data whilst attending to the interruptions. The recommendations include timeout screens, push technology, use of handheld PDAs, and cues to augment documentation in an interrupted session. Copyright © 2008 RMIT Publishing
This paper explores some of the challenges faced by the Fryer Library, the special collections branch of the University of Queensland Library responsible for manuscripts and pictorial materials, as well as theses and rare books. The challenges are not dissimilar to those being met by other cultural agencies or institutions as well as other academic libraries. The challenges covered include collection development, access and preservation, making appropriate responses to the research imperative, as well as promotion of services and collections, and servicing the community at large. The paper outlines the research library context and concludes with experiences of cross-sectoral collaborations and future opportunities.