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This research is part of a project whose scope was to investigate the engineering properties of new non-commercial alloy formulations based on the Cu rich corner of the Cu-Fe-Cr ternary system with the primary aim of exploring the development of a new cost-effective high-strength, high-conductivity copper alloy. The aim of the present work was to increase the electrical conductivity and strength of the Cu-0.7wt%Cr-0.3wt%Fe alloy through selective minor additions (less than or equal to0.15 wt%) of elements expected to promote precipitation of dissolved Fe: Ti, B, P, Ni & Y. Such quaternary alloys with reduced Fe in solid solution would be expected to have properties equivalent to or better than those of the Cu-1%Cr reference alloy (Alloy Z). The investigation showed that none of the trace element additions significantly improved the size of the age hardening response or the peak aged electrical conductivity of Alloy A, although further work is required on the influence of Ti. Additions of P and B were detrimental. Other trace additions had little or no effect apart from causing some slight changes to the precipitation kinetics. The mechanical properties of the Cu-0.7%Cr-0.3%Fe alloy made with less expensive high carbon ferrochrome were found to be inferior to those of the equivalent alloy made with low carbon ferrochrome. (C) 2001 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
The aim of this project was to investigate the properties of copper rich Cu-Fe-Cr alloys for the purpose of developing a new cost effective, high-strength, high-conductivity copper alloy. This paper reports on the influence of cold work. The age hardening response of the Cu-0.7%Cr-2.0%Fe alloy was minimal, but the resistance to softening was superior to that reported for any commercial high-strength, high-conductivity (HSHC) copper alloy with comparable mechanical and electrical properties. For example, an excess of 85% of the original hardness of the 40% cold worked alloy is retained after holding at 700 degreesC for 1 hour, whereas commercial HSHC Cu-Fe-P alloys have been reported to soften significantly after 1 hours exposure at less than 500 degreesC. The Cu-0.7Cr-2.0Fe alloy would therefore be expected to be more suitable for applications with a significant risk of exposure to elevated temperatures. Optical microscope examination of cold worked and aged microstructures confirmed the high resistance to recrystallization for Cu-0.7%Cr-2.0%Fe. The Zener-Smith drag term, predicting the pinning effect of second phase particles on dislocations in cold worked microstructures, was calculated using the precipitate characteristics obtained from TEM, WDS and resistivity measurements. The pinning effect of the precipitate dispersions in the peak-aged condition was determined to be essentially equivalent for the Cu-0.7%Cr-0.3%Fe and Cu-0.7%Cr-2.0%Fe alloys. A lower recrystallisation temperature in the Cu-0.7%Cr-0.3%Fe alloy was therefore attributed to faster coarsening kinetics of the secondary precipitates resulting from a higher Cr concentration in the precipitates at lower iron content. (C) 2001 Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Y-Ba-Cu-O samples with additions of Y2O3 and CeO2 were quenched during seeded isothermal melt processing and examined by optical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Large YBa2Cu3O7-y (Y123) particles in the starting powder were found to form a distinct type of melt during heating, which was unaffected by the Y2O3 or CeO2 additives. This type of melt later formed regions with a low concentration of Y2BaCuO5 (Y211) particles in the Y123 matrix. The maximum growth rate of Y123 that could be sustained in the sample was found to be lower in the melt formed from large Y123 particles, and this may lead to growth accidents and subgrains in some samples.
The temperature dependence of the X- and Q-band EPR spectra of Cs-2[Zn(H2O)(6)](ZrF6)(2) containing similar to1% Cu2+ is reported. All three molecular g-values vary with temperature, and their behavior is interpreted using a model in which the potential surface of the Jahn-Teller distorted Cu(H2O)(6)(2+) ion is perturbed by an orthorhombic strain induced by interactions with the surrounding lattice. The strain parameters are significantly smaller than those reported previously for the Cu(H2O)(6)(2+) ion in similar lattices. The temperature dependence of the two higher g-values suggests that in the present compound the lattice interactions change slightly with temperature. The crystal structure of the Cs-2[Zn(H2O)(6)](ZrF6)(2) host is reported, and the geometry of the Zn(H2O)(6)(2+) ion is correlated with lattice strain parameters derived from the EPR spectrum of the guest Cu2+ complex.
Extracellular copper regulates the DNA binding activity of the CopY repressor of Enterococcus hirae and thereby controls expression of the copper homeostatic genes encoded by the cop operon. CopY has a CxCxxxxCxC metal binding motif. CopZ, a copper chaperone belonging to a family of metallochaperones characterized by a MxCxxC metal binding motif, transfers copper to CopY. The copper binding stoichiometries of CopZ and CopY were determined by in vitro metal reconstitutions. The stoichiometries were found to be one copper(l) per CopZ and two copper(l) per CopY monomer. X-ray absorption studies suggested a mixture of two- and three-coordinate copper in Cu(1)CopZ, but a purely three-coordinate copper coordination with a Cu-Cu interaction for Cu(1)(2)CopY. The latter coordination is consistent with the formation of a compact binuclear Cu(l)-thiolate core in the CxCxxxxCxC binding motif of CopY. Displacement of zinc, by copper. from CopY was monitored with 2,4-pyridylazoresorcinol. Two copper(l) ions were required to release the single zinc(II) ion bound per CopY monomer. The specificity of copper transfer between CopZ and CopY was dependent on electrostatic interactions. Relative copper binding affinities of the proteins were investigated using the chelator, diethyldithiocarbamic acid (DDC). These data suggest that CopY has a higher affinity for copper than CopZ. However, this affinity difference is not the sole factor in the copper exchange: a charge-based interaction between the two proteins is required for the transfer reaction to proceed. Gain-of-function mutation of a CopZ homologue demonstrated the necessity of four lysine residues on the chaperone for the interaction with CopY. Taken together, these results suggest a mechanism for copper exchange between CopZ and CopY.
Quantitative laser ablation (LA)-ICP-MS analyses of fluid inclusions, trace element chemistry of sulfides, stable isotope (S), and Pb isotopes have been used to discriminate the formation of two contrasting mineralization styles and to evaluate the origin of the Cu and Au at Mt Morgan. The Mt Morgan Au-Cu deposit is hosted by Devonian felsic volcanic rocks that have been intruded by multiple phases of the Mt Morgan Tonalite, a low-K, low-Al2O3 tonalite-trondhjemite-dacite (TTD) complex. An early, barren massive sulfide mineralization with stringer veins is conforming to VHMS sub-seafloor replacement processes, whereas the high-grade Au-Cu. ore is associated with a later quartz-chalcopyrite-pyrite stock work mineralization that is related to intrusive phases of the Tonalite complex. LA-ICP-MS fluid inclusion analyses reveal high As (avg. 8850 ppm) and Sb (avg. 140 ppm) for the Au-Cu mineralization and 5 to 10 times higher Cu concentration than in the fluids associated with the massive pyrite mineralization. Overall, the hydrothermal system of Mt Morgan is characterized by low average fluid salinities in both mineralization styles (45-80% seawater salinity) and temperatures of 210 to 270 degreesC estimated from fluid inclusions. Laser Raman Spectroscopic analysis indicates a consistent and uniform array Of CO2-bearing fluids. Comparison with active submarine hydrothermal vents shows an enrichment of the Mt Morgan fluids in base metals. Therefore, a seawater-dominated fluid is assumed for the barren massive sulfide mineralization, whereas magmatic volatile contributions are implied for the intrusive related mineralization. Condensation of magmatic vapor into a seawater-dominated environment explains the CO2 occurrence, the low salinities, and the enriched base and precious metal fluid composition that is associated with the Au-Cu. mineralization. The sulfur isotope signature of pyrite and chalcopyrite is composed of fractionated Devonian seawater and oxidized magmatic fluids or remobilized sulfur from existing sulfides. Pb isotopes indicate that Au and Cu. originated from the Mt Morgan intrusions and a particular volcanic strata that shows elevated Cu background. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.