27 resultados para group membership models


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Language has been seen as a central pillar to ethnic identity. When the possibility of heritage language loss becomes imminent, therefore, concern turns towards the consequences for feelings of ethnic group membership. Heritage language researchers have indicated that the heritage language is so strongly associated with the individual’s cultural background that heritage language loss could have negative implications for the sense of identity to the ethnic group. This study investigates the relationship between language and ethnic identity over time among Gaelic learners in Nova Scotia. In order to identify the specific processes of heritage language use, the Gaelic learners are compared to French (second language), learners living in the same English-speaking milieu. Path analyses reveal that, only among Gaelic learners, there is an initial separation of language and ethnic identity, but that, over time, ethnic identity is a direct outcome of language use. The results support Edwards’ (1985), contention, at least in the case of heritage languages, that language and identity are not always strongly linked. It is suggested that this may be especially true in contexts where there is little opportunity for contact with members of the heritage language group.


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The present study attempted to examine the causal relationships among changes in automatic thoughts, dysfunctional attitudes, and depressive symptoms in a 12-week group cognitive behavior therapy (GCBT) program for depression. In all, 35 depressed patients attending the GCBT program were monitored with the Automatic Thoughts Questionnaire, Dysfunctional Attitudes Scale, and Beck Depression Inventory at the pre-treatment, 4th and 8th sessions, and post-treatment. The results were as follows: (1) GCBT reduces negative cognitions; (2) changes in automatic thoughts and dysfunctional attitudes lead to change in depressive symptoms; and (3) automatic thoughts play a mediating role between dysfunctional attitudes and depression. The findings taken as a whole support the Causal Cognition Model of depression. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study proposes gaining a new understanding of group development by considering the integrative and the punctuated equilibrium models of group development as complementary rather than competing. We hypothesized that we would observe both punctuated equilibrium and linear progression in content-analyzed data from 25 simulated project teams, albeit on different dimensions. We predicted changes in time awareness and in task and pacing activity in line with the punctuated equilibrium model and changes in structure and process on task and socioemotional dimensions in line with the integrative model. Results partially supported predictions for both models.


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Many models have been advanced to suggest how different expressions of sociality have evolved and are maintained. However these models ignore the function of groups for the particular species in question. Here we present a new perspective on sociality where the function of the group takes a central role. We argue that sociality may have primarily a reproductive, protective, or foraging function, depending on whether it enhances the reproductive, protective or foraging aspect of the animal's life (sociality may serve a mixture of these functions). Different functions can potentially cause the development of the same social behaviour. By identifying which function influences a particular social behaviour we can determine how that social behaviour will change with changing conditions, and which models are most pertinent. To test our approach we examined spider sociality, which has often been seen as the poor cousin to insect sociality. By using our approach we found that the group characteristics of eusocial insects is largely governed by the reproductive function of their groups, while the group characteristics of social spiders is largely governed by the foraging function of the group. This means that models relevant to insects may not be relevant to spiders. It also explains why eusocial insects have developed a strict caste system while spider societies are more egalitarian. We also used our approach to explain the differences between different types of spider groups. For example, differences in the characteristics of colonial and kleptoparasitic groups can be explained by differences in foraging methods, while differences between colonial and cooperative spiders can be explained by the role of the reproductive function in the formation of cooperative spider groups. Although the interactions within cooperative spider colonies are largely those of a foraging society, demographic traits and colony dynamics are strongly influenced by the reproductive function. We argue that functional explanations help to understand the social structure of spider groups and therefore the evolutionary potential for speciation in social spiders.


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The present study evaluated the effectiveness of attendance at a clinically based, short-term, in-patient group CBT program largely based on Monti, Abrams, Kadden, and Cooney(1) to treat problem drinking. Participants were 37 males and 34 females diagnosed with alcohol dependence. Patients attended 42 CBT sessions over three weeks, with each session being one hour in duration. Measures included the Khavari Alcohol Test (KAT), the Short Alcohol Dependence Data Questionnaire (SADD), the Beck Anxiety Index (BAI), the Symptom Checklist-90-Revised (SCL-90), a General Self-Efficacy scale (GSE), and the Drinking Expectancy Profile (DEP). Group attendance rates were monitored daily. Two structured phone calls were conducted at one month and three months post-discharge. Results showed that attendance rates at CBT group sessions were not associated with improvements found at the end of therapy or in drinking behaviors at three-month follow-up. Full support could not be found for the effectiveness of group CBT and cognitive models of problem drinking.


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Background: This study extended that of Kwon and Oei [Kwon, S.M., Oei, T.P.S., 2003. Cognitive change processes in a group cognitive behavior therapy of depression. J. Behav. Ther. Exp. Psychiatry, 3, 73-85], which outlined a number of testable models based on Beck's cognitive theory of depression. Specifically, the current study tested the following four competing models: the causal, consequential, fully and partially interactive cognitive models in patients with major depressive disorder. Methods: A total of 168 clinically depressed outpatients were recruited into a 12-week group cognitive behaviour therapy program. Data was collected at three time points: baseline, mid- and at termination of therapy using the ATQ DAS and BD1. The data were analysed with Amos 4.01 (Arbuckle, J.L., 1999. Amos 4.1. Smallwaters, Chicago.) structural equation modelling. Results: Results indicated that dysfunctional attitudes, negative automatic thoughts and symptoms of depression reduced significantly during treatment. Both the causal and consequential models equally provided an adequate fit to the data. The fully interactive model provided the best fit. However, after removing non-significant pathways, it was found that reduced depressive symptom contributed to reduced depressogenic automatic thoughts and dysfunctional attitudes, not the reverse. Conclusion: These findings did not fully support Beck's cognitive theory of depression that cognitions are primary in the reduction of depressed mood. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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We have developed a way to represent Mohr-Coulomb failure within a mantle-convection fluid dynamics code. We use a viscous model of deformation with an orthotropic viscoplasticity (a different viscosity is used for pure shear to that used for simple shear) to define a prefered plane for slip to occur given the local stress field. The simple-shear viscosity and the deformation can then be iterated to ensure that the yield criterion is always satisfied. We again assume the Boussinesq approximation, neglecting any effect of dilatancy on the stress field. An additional criterion is required to ensure that deformation occurs along the plane aligned with maximum shear strain-rate rather than the perpendicular plane, which is formally equivalent in any symmetric formulation. We also allow for strain-weakening of the material. The material can remember both the accumulated failure history and the direction of failure. We have included this capacity in a Lagrangian-integration-point finite element code and show a number of examples of extension and compression of a crustal block with a Mohr-Coulomb failure criterion. The formulation itself is general and applies to 2- and 3-dimensional problems.


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On a global scale basalts from mid-ocean ridges are strikingly more homogeneous than basalts from intraplate volcanism. The observed geochemical heterogeneity argues strongly for the existence of distinct reservoirs in the Earth's mantle. It is an unresolved problem of Geodynamics as to how these findings can be reconciled with large-scale convection. We review observational constraints, and investigate stirring properties of numerical models of mantle convection. Conditions in the early Earth may have supported layered convection with rapid stirring in the upper layers. Material that has been altered near the surface is transported downwards by small-scale convection. Thereby a layer of homogeneous depleted material develops above pristine mantle. As the mantle cools over Earth history, the effects leading to layering become reduced and models show the large-scale convection favoured for the Earth today. Laterally averaged, the upper mantle below the lithosphere is least affected by material that has experienced near-surface differentiation. The geochemical signature obtained during the previous episode of small-scale convection may be preserved there for the longest time. Additionally, stirring is less effective in the high viscosity layer of the central lower mantle [1, 2], supporting the survival of medium-scale heterogeneities there. These models are the first, using 3-d spherical geometry and mostly Earth-like parameters, to address the suggested change of convective style. Although the models are still far from reproducing our planet, we find that proposal might be helpful towards reconciling geochemical and geophysical constraints.


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Young men with psychotic disorders have persistently poorer outcomes in social functioning when interventions aimed at arresting social isolation are not implemented. Recent literature has indicated that it is important to develop rehabilitation programmes that are based on areas of needs that are identified by the participants. To assist in the design of a group programme, a qualitative (focus group) investigation of the perceptions of young males concerning male roles and identity in today’s society was conducted. The participants were six young males with psychotic disorders who had been referred to an Australian regional rehabilitation service to address poor social functioning and social isolation. Three main themes emerged from the focus groups. These were role models, concept of what is a man, and societal expectations. The findings were used to develop a group programme called Kick’n’On.


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Conceptual modeling forms an important part of systems analysis. If this is done incorrectly or incompletely, there can be serious implications for the resultant system, specifically in terms of rework and useability. One approach to improving the conceptual modelling process is to evaluate how well the model represents reality. Emergence of the Bunge-Wand-Weber (BWW) ontological model introduced a platform to classify and compare the grammar of conceptual modelling languages. This work applies the BWW theory to a real world example in the health arena. The general practice computing group data model was developed using the Barker Entity Relationship Modelling technique. We describe an experiment, grounded in ontological theory, which evaluates how well the GPCG data model is understood by domain experts. The results show that with the exception of the use of entities to represent events, the raw model is better understood by domain experts


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Even when data repositories exhibit near perfect data quality, users may formulate queries that do not correspond to the information requested. Users’ poor information retrieval performance may arise from either problems understanding of the data models that represent the real world systems, or their query skills. This research focuses on users’ understanding of the data structures, i.e., their ability to map the information request and the data model. The Bunge-Wand-Weber ontology was used to formulate three sets of hypotheses. Two laboratory experiments (one using a small data model and one using a larger data model) tested the effect of ontological clarity on users’ performance when undertaking component, record, and aggregate level tasks. The results indicate for the hypotheses associated with different representations but equivalent semantics that parsimonious data model participants performed better for component level tasks but that ontologically clearer data model participants performed better for record and aggregate level tasks.


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While classic intergroup theories have specified the processes explaining situational shifts in social identification, the processes whereby social identities change more profoundly and become integrated within the self have to be proposed. To this aim, the present studies investigate the processes by which group members integrate a new social identity as they are joining a new group. Combining a social identity approach and stress and coping models, this research tests if social factors (i.e., needs satisfied by fellow group members, social support), have an impact on the adaptation strategies group members use to deal with the novelty of the situation and to fit into their new group (seeking information & adopting group norms vs. disengaging). These strategies, in turn, should predict changes in level of identification with the new social group over time, as well as enhanced psychological adjustment. These associations are tested among university students over the course of their first academic year (Study 1), and among online gamers joining a newly established online community (Study 2). Path analyses provide support for the hypothesised associations. The results are discussed in light of recent theoretical developments pertaining to intraindividual changes in social identities and their integration in the self.