23 resultados para gene mutation


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Kennedy's disease (spinobulbar muscular atrophy) is an X-linked form of motor neuron disease affecting adult males carrying a CAG trinucleotide repeat expansion within the androgen receptor gene. While expression of Kennedy's disease is thought to be confined to males carrying the causative mutation, subclinical manifestations have been reported in a few female carriers of the disease. The reasons that females are protected from the disease are not clear, especially given that all other diseases caused by CAG expansions display dominant expression. In the current study, we report the identification of a heterozygote female carrying the Kennedy's disease mutation who was clinically diagnosed with motor neuron disease. We describe analysis of CAG repeat number in this individual as well as 33 relatives within the pedigree, including two male carriers of the Kennedy's mutation. The female heterozygote carried one expanded allele of the androgen receptor gene with CAG repeats numbering in the Kennedy's disease range (44 CAGs), with the normal allele numbering in the upper-normal range (28 CAGs). The subject has two sons, one of whom carries the mutant allele of the gene and has been clinically diagnosed with Kennedy's disease, whilst the other son carries the second allele of the gene with CAGs numbering in the upper normal range and displays a normal phenotype. This coexistence of motor neuron disease and the presence of one expanded allele and one allele at the upper limit of the normal range may be a coincidence. However, we hypothesize that the expression of the Kennedy's disease mutation combined with a second allele with a large but normal CAG repeat sequence may have contributed to the motor neuron degeneration displayed in the heterozygote female and discuss the possible reasons for phenotypic expression in particular individuals.


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Cross-species comparative genomics is a powerful strategy for identifying functional regulatory elements within noncoding DNA. In this paper, comparative analysis of human and mouse intronic sequences in the breast cancer susceptibility gene (BRCA1) revealed two evolutionarily conserved noncoding sequences (CNS) in intron 2, 5 kb downstream of the core BRCA1 promoter. The functionality of these elements was examined using homologous-recombination-based mutagenesis of reporter gene-tagged cosmids incorporating these regions and flanking sequences from the BRCA1 locus. This showed that CNS-1 and CNS-2 have differential transcriptional regulatory activity in epithelial cell lines. Mutation of CNS-1 significantly reduced reporter gene expression to 30% of control levels. Conversely mutation of CNS-2 increased expression to 200% of control levels. Regulation is at the level of transcription and shows promoter specificity. Both elements also specifically bind nuclear proteins in vitro. These studies demonstrate that the combination of comparative genomics and functional analysis is a successful strategy to identify novel regulatory elements and provide the first direct evidence that conserved noncoding sequences in BRCA1 regulate gene expression. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) is an etiologically heterogeneous cardiac disease characterized by left ventricular dilation and systolic dysfunction. Approximately 25-30% of DCM patients show a family history of mainly autosomal dominant inheritance. We and others have previously demonstrated that mutations in the giant muscle filament titin (TTN) can cause DCM. However, the prevalence of titin mutations in familial DCM is unknown. In this paper, we report a novel heterozygous 1-bp deletion mutation (c.62890delG) in TTN that cosegregates with DCM in a large Australian pedigree (A3). The TTN deletion mutation c.62890delG causes a frameshift, thereby generating a truncated A-band titin due to a premature stop codon (p.E20963KfsX10) and the addition of ten novel amino acid residues. The clinical phenotype of DCM in kindred A3 demonstrates incomplete penetrance and variable expressivity. Finally, protein analysis of a skeletal muscle biopsy sample from an affected member did not reveal the predicted truncated titin isoform although the aberrant mRNA was present, suggesting posttranslational modification and degradation of the truncated protein. The identification of a novel disease-causing mutation in the giant titin gene in a third large family with DCM indicates that mutations in titin may account for a significant portion of the genetic etiology in familial DCM.


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Consider a haploid population and, within its genome, a gene whose presence is vital for the survival of any individual. Each copy of this gene is subject to mutations which destroy its function. Suppose one member of the population somehow acquires a duplicate copy of the gene, where the duplicate is fully linked to the original gene's locus. Preservation is said to occur if eventually the entire population consists of individuals descended from this one which initially carried the duplicate. The system is modelled by a finite state-space Markov process which in turn is approximated by a diffusion process, whence an explicit expression for the probability of preservation is derived. The event of preservation can be compared to the fixation of a selectively neutral gene variant initially present in a single individual, the probability of which is the reciprocal of the population size. For very weak mutation, this and the probability of preservation are equal, while as mutation becomes stronger, the preservation probability tends to double this reciprocal. This is in excellent agreement with simulation studies.


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The AXIN1 gene has been implicated in caudal duplication anomalies. Its coding region was sequenced in both members of a monozygotic ( MZ) twin pair discordant for a caudal duplication anomaly, but no mutation was found. Using bisulfite sequencing, we examined methylation at the promoter region of the AXIN1 gene in these twins and in twin and age-matched singleton controls. Methylation of the promoter region in peripheral blood mononucleated cells was variable among individuals, including MZ pairs. In the MZ pair discordant for the caudal duplication, this region of the affected twin was significantly more methylated than that of the unaffected twin (), which was significantly more P < .0001 methylated than those of the controls (). We have confirmed that this CpG island does function as a promoter P = .02 in vitro and that its activity is inversely proportional to the extent of methylation. This finding raises the possibility that hypermethylation of the AXIN1 promoter, by mechanisms as yet undetermined, is associated with the malformation. This case may be paradigmatic for some cases of MZ discordance.


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The recent emergence of a decreased susceptibility of Neisseria gonorrhoeae strains to penicillin in New Caledonia has lead clinicians to operate a change in the treatment strategy. In addition, this important health issue has emphasized the need for a rapid means of detecting penicillin resistance in N. gonorrhoeae in order to select an effective treatment and limit the spread of resistant strains. In recent years, the use of fluorescence resonance energy transfer on the LightCycler has proven to be a valuable tool for the screening of mutations occurring in the genome of various microorganisms. In this study, we developed a real-time PCR assay coupled with a fluorometric hybridization probes system to detect a penicillin resistance-associated mutation on the N. gonorrhoeae ponA gene. Following an extensive evaluation involving 136 isolates, melting curve analysis correctly evidenced a 5 degrees C T-m shift in all N. gonorrhoeae strains possessing this mutation, as determined by conventional sequencing analysis. Moreover, the mutation profiles obtained with the real-time PCR showed good correlation with the pattern of penicillin susceptibility generated with classical antibiograms. Overall, our molecular assay allowed an accurate and reproducible determination of the susceptibility to penicillin corresponding to a mutation present in all chromosomally mediated resistant strains of N. gonorrhoeae.