291 resultados para gene library


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This article investigates the expression patterns of 160 genes that are expressed during early mouse development. The cDNAs were isolated from 7.5 d postcoitum (dpc) encloderm, a region that comprises visceral encloderm (VE), definitive encloderm, and the node-tissues that are required for the initial steps of axial specification and tissue patterning in the mouse. To avoid examining the same gene more than once, and to exclude potentially ubiquitously expressed housekeeping genes, cDNA sequence was derived from 1978 clones of the Endoderm library. These yielded 1440 distinct cDNAs, of which 123 proved to be novel in the mouse. In situ hybridization analysis was carried out on 160 of the cDNAs, and of these, 29 (18%) proved to have restricted expression patterns.


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Pseudomonas aeruginosa is an important pathogen in immunocompromised patients and secretes a diverse set of virulence factors that aid colonization and influence host cell defenses. An important early step in the establishment of infection is the production of type III-secreted effectors translocated into host cells by the bacteria. We used cDNA microarrays to compare the transcriptomic response of lung epithelial cells to P. aeruginosa mutants defective in type IV pili, the type III secretion apparatus, or in the production of specific type III-secreted effectors. Of the 18,000 cDNA clones analyzed, 55 were induced or repressed after 4 It of infection and could be classified into four different expression patterns. These include (i) host genes that are induced or repressed in a type III secretion-independent manner (32 clones), (ii) host genes induced specifically by ExoU (20 clones), and (iii) host genes induced in an ExoU-independent but type III secretion dependent manner (3 clones). In particular, ExoU was essential for the expression of immediate-early response genes, including the transcription factor c-Fos. ExoU-dependent gene expression was mediated in part by early and transient activation of the AN transcription factor complex. In conclusion, the present study provides a detailed insight into the response of epithelial cells to infection and indicates the significant role played by the type III virulence mechanism in the initial host response.


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The activity of the TRACP promoter has been investigated as a model of gene regulation in osteoclasts. The murine TRACP gene promoter contains potential binding sites for a number of transcription factors in particular, candidate sites for the Ets factor PU.1 and for the microphthalmia transcription factor (MiTF). These are of relevance to osteoclast biology because the PU.1 knockout mouse has an osteopetrotic phenotype, and MiTF, when mutated in the mi/mi mouse, also results in osteopetrosis. The binding sites for both of these factors have been identified, and they have been determined to be functional in regulating TRACP expression. A novel assay system using the highly osteoclastogenic RAW/C4 subclone of the murine macrophage cell line RAW264.7 was used to perform gene expression experiments on macrophage and osteoclast cell backgrounds. We have shown that TRACP expression is a target for regulation by the macrophage/osteoclast transcription factor PU.1 and the osteoclast commitment factor MiTF and that these factors act synergistically in regulating this promoter. This directly links two controlling factors of osteoclast differentiation to the expression of an effector of cell function.


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Tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) is highly expressed in osteoclasts and in a subset of tissue macrophages and dendritic cells. It is expressed at lower levels in the parenchymal cells of the liver, glomerular mesangial cells of the kidney and pancreatic acinar cells. We have identified novel TRAP mRNAs that differ in their 5-untranslated region (5'-UTR) sequence, but align with the known murine TRAP mRNA from the first base of Exon 2. The novel 5'-UTRs represent alternative first exons located upstream of the known 5'-UTR. A similar genomic structure exists for the human TRAP gene with partial conservation of the exon and promoter sequences. Expression of the most distal 5'-UTR (Exon 1A) is restricted to adult bone and spleen tissue. Exon 1B is expressed primarily in tissues containing TRAP-positive nonhaematopoietic cells. The known TRAP 5'-UTR (Exon 1) is expressed in tissues characteristic of myeloid cell expression. In addition the Exon 1C promoter sequence is shown to comprise distinct transcription start regions, with an osteoclast-specific transcription initiation site identified downstream of a TATA-like element. Macrophages are shown to initiate transcription of the Exon 1C transcript from a purine-rich region located upstream of the osteoclast-specific transcription start point. The distinct expression patterns for each of the TRAP 5'-UTRs suggest that TRAP mRNA expression is regulated by the use of four alternative tissue- and cell-restricted promoters. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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To increase transient expression of recombinant proteins in Chinese hamster ovary cells, we have engineered their protein synthetic capacity by directed manipulation of mRNA translation initiation. To control this process we constructed a nonphosphorylatable Ser51Ala site-directed mutant of eIF2, a subunit of the trimeric eIF2 complex that is implicated in regulation of the global rate of mRNA translation initiation in eukaryotic cells. Phosphorylation of eIF2 by protein kinases inhibits eIF2 activity and is known to increase as cells perceive a range of stress conditions. Using single-and dual-gene plasmids introduced into CHO cells by electroporation, we found that transient expression of the eIF2 Ser51Ala mutant with firefly luciferase resulted in a 3-fold increase in reporter activity, relative to cells transfected with reporter only. This effect was maintained in transfected cells for at least 48 h after transfection. Expression of the wild-type eIF2 protein had no such effect. Elevated luciferase activity was associated with a reduction in the level of eIF2 phosphorylation in cells transfected with the mutant eIF2 construct. Transfection of CHO cells with the luciferase-only construct resulted in a marked decrease in the global rate of protein synthesis in the whole cell population 6 h post-transfection. However, expression of the mutant Ser51Ala or wild-type eIF2 proteins restored the rate of protein synthesis in transfected cells to a level equivalent to or exceeding that of control cells. Associated with this, entry of plasmid DNA into cells during electroporation was visualized by confocal microscopy using a rhodamine-labeled plasmid construct expressing green fluorescent protein. Six hours after transfection, plasmid DNA was present in all cells, albeit to a variable extent. These data suggest that entry of naked DNA into the cell itself functions to inhibit protein synthesis by signaling mechanisms affecting control of mRNA translation by eIF2. This work therefore forms the basis of a rational strategy to generically up-regulate transient expression of recombinant proteins by simultaneous host cell engineering.


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Mutations in the Plasmodium falciparum chloroquine resistance transporter (pfcrt) gene were examined to assess their associations with chloroquine resistance in clinical samples from Armopa (Papua) and Papua New Guinea. In Papua, two of the five pfcrt haplotypes found were new: SVIET from Armopa and CVIKT from an isolate in Timika. There was also a strong association (P < 0.0001) between the pfcrt 76T allele and chloroquine resistance in 50 samples. In Papua New Guinea, mutations in the pfcrt gene were observed in 15 isolates with chloroquine minimum inhibitory concentrations (MICs) of 16-64 pmol, while the remaining six isolates, which had a wild-type pfcrt gene at codon 76, had MICs of 2-8 pmol. These observations confirm that mutations at codon 76 in the pfcrt gene are present in both in vivo and in vitro cases of chloroquine resistance, and that detection of the pfcrt 76T allele could predict potential chloroquine treatment failures.


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Eugenics is a difficult matter for discussion because, even as a term, it has fallen into disrepute. Yet a eugenic mindset pervades the discourses of reproduction and genetics in the West. I utilise the futures scenario of gene therapy to explore conceptually how the intersecting trajectories of science and religion make a new eugenics possible. The problematic of an inherent elitism within these sources, combined with a quest for power, leads me to renew the call for an adequate moral space within which to explore the requirements of social justice.


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The molecular mechanisms that regulate the transcription of key developmental genes involved in shoot organogenesis have yet to be fully elucidated. However, it is clear that plant growth regulators, such as cytokinin, play a critical role in the differentiation of adventitious shoots. In Nicotiana tabacum zz100 leaf discs, high frequency shoot formation could be induced with 5 muM of the cytokinin N-6-benzyladenine (BA). Increasing the exogenous BA concentration to greater than 20 muM resulted in stunted explants with abnormal shoot morphology and altered mineral composition. Explants with abnormal shoots did not appear to be hyperhydric. Abnormalities were, however, associated with an increase in the expression of a knotted1-type homeobox gene (TobH1) isolated from normal shoot-forming cultures. The results suggest that the development of cytokinin-induced abnormal shoot morphology possibly involves changes in TobH1 gene expression.


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A common single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in the 5' untranslated region (5'UTR) of the epidermal growth factor (EGF) gene modulates the level of transcription of this gene and hence is associated with serum levels of EGF. This variant may be associated with melanoma risk, but conflicting findings have been reported. An Australian melanoma case-control sample was typed for the EGF+61A>G transversion (rs4444903). The sample comprised 753 melanoma cases from 738 families stratified by family history of melanoma and 2387 controls from 645 unselected twin families. Ancestry of the cases and controls was recorded, and the twins had undergone skin examination to assess total body nevus count, degree of freckling and pigmentation phenotype. SNP genotyping was carried out via primer extension followed by matrix-assisted laser desorption time of flight (MALDI-TOF) mass spectroscopy. The EGIF+61 SNP was not found to be significantly associated with melanoma status or with development of nevi or freckles. Among melanoma cases, however, G homozygotes had thicker tumors (p=0.05), in keeping with two previous studies. The EGF polymorphism does not appear to predispose to melanoma or nevus development, but its significant association with tumor thickness implies that it may be a useful marker of prognosis.


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Mutations of the MEN1 gene, encoding the tumor suppressor menin, predispose individuals to the cancer syndrome multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1, characterized by the development of tumors of the endocrine pancreas and anterior pituitary and parathyroid glands. We have targeted the murine Men1 gene by using Cre recombinase-loxP technology to develop both total and tissue-specific knockouts of the gene. Conditional homozygous inactivation of the Men1 gene in the pituitary gland and endocrine pancreas bypasses the embryonic lethality associated with a constitutional Men1(-/-) genotype and leads to beta-cell hyperplasia in less than 4 months and insulinomas and prolactinomas starting at 9 months. The pituitary gland and pancreas develop normally in the conditional absence of menin, but loss of this transcriptional cofactor is sufficient to cause beta-cell hyperplasia in some islets; however, such loss is not sufficient to initiate pituitary gland tumorigenesis, suggesting that additional genetic events are necessary for the latter.


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Limited but significant sequence similarity has been observed between an uncharacterized human protein, SIN1, and the S. pombe SIN1, Dictyostelium RIP3 and S. cerevisiae AVO1 proteins. The human Sin1 gene has been automatically predicted (MAPKAP1; GenBank accession number NM_024117); however, this sequence appears to be incomplete. In this study, we have cloned and characterized the full-length human Sin1 mRNA and identified a highly conserved domain that defines the family of SIN1 orthologues, members of which are widely distributed in the fungal and metazoan kingdoms. We demonstrate that Sin1 transcripts can use alternative polyadenylation signals and describe a number of Sin1 splice variants that potentially encode functionally different isoforms. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The Epstein - Barr nuclear antigens (EBNA), EBNA-3, -4 and - 6, have previously been shown to act as transcriptional regulators, however, this study identifies another function for these proteins, disruption of the G2/M checkpoint. Lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs) treated with a G2/M initiating drug azelaic bishydroxamine ( ABHA) did not show a G2/M checkpoint response, but rather they display an increase in cell death, a characteristic of sensitivity to the cytotoxic effects of the drug. Cell cycle analysis demonstrated that the individual expression of EBNA-3, - 4 or - 6 are capable of disrupting the G2/M checkpoint response induced by ABHA resulting in increased toxicity, whereas EBNA-2, and - 5 were not. EBNA-3 gene family protein expression also disrupted the G2/M checkpoint initiated in response to the genotoxin etoposide and the S phase inhibitor hydroxyurea. The G2 arrest in response to these drugs were sensitive to caffeine, suggesting that ATM/ATR signalling in these checkpoint responses may be blocked by the EBNA-3 family proteins. The function of EBNA-3, - 4 and - 6 proteins appears to be more complex than anticipated and these data suggest a role for these proteins in disrupting the host cell cycle machinery.


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Polydnaviruses are endogenous particles that are crucial for the survival of endoparasitoid wasps, providing active suppression of the immune function of the lepidopteran host in which wasp larvae develop. The Cotesia rubecula bracovirus (CrBV) is unique in that only four gene products are detected in larval host (Pieris rapae) tissues and expression of CrBV genes is transient, occurring between 4 and 12 h post-parasitization. Two of the four genes, CrV1 and CrV3, have been characterized. CrV1 is a secreted glycoprotein that has been implicated in depolymerization of the actin cytoskeleton of host haemocytes, leading to haemocyte inactivation; CrV3 is a multimeric C-type lectin that shares homology with insect immune lectins. Here, a third CrBV-specific gene is described, CrV2, which is expressed in larval P. rapae tissues. CrV2, which is transcribed in haemocytes and fat body cells, has an ORF of 963 bp that produces a glycoprotein of approximately 40 kDa. CrV2 is secreted into haemolymph and appears to be internalized by host haemocytes. CrV2 has a coiled-coil region predicted at its C-terminus, which may be involved in the formation of putative CrV2 trimers that are detected in haemolymph of parasitized host larvae.


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Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a rare aggressive skin tumor which shares histopathological and genetic features with small-cell lung carcinoma (SCLC), both are of neuroendocrine origin. Comparable to SCLC, MCC cell lines are classified into two different biochemical subgroups designated as 'Classic' and 'Variant'. With the aim to identify typical gene-expression signatures associated with these phenotypically different MCC cell lines subgroups and to search for differentially expressed genes between MCC and SCLC, we used cDNA arrays to pro. le 10 MCC cell lines and four SCLC cell lines. Using significance analysis of microarrays, we defined a set of 76 differentially expressed genes that allowed unequivocal identification of Classic and Variant MCC subgroups. We assume that the differential expression levels of some of these genes reflect, analogous to SCLC, the different biological and clinical properties of Classic and Variant MCC phenotypes. Therefore, they may serve as useful prognostic markers and potential targets for the development of new therapeutic interventions specific for each subgroup. Moreover, our analysis identified 17 powerful classifier genes capable of discriminating MCC from SCLC. Real-time quantitative RT-PCR analysis of these genes on 26 additional MCC and SCLC samples confirmed their diagnostic classification potential, opening opportunities for new investigations into these aggressive cancers.