117 resultados para gas hold-up
Molecular dynamics simulations are used to study the interaction of low-energy Ar atoms with the Ni(001) surface, Angular scattering distributions, in and out of the plane of incidence, are investigated as a function of incident energy, angles of incidence, crystallographic orientation of the incident beam and surface temperature. The results show a clear transition to the structure scattering regime at around 2 eV. However, at lower energies, two sub-regimes are revealed by the simulations, Far energies up to 250 meV, scattering is mainly diffuse, and significant trapping on the surface is observed, At energies above this level, lobular patterns start to form and trapping decreases with the increase in energy, Generally, there is a weak temperature dependence, but variations in the angle of incidence and/or changes in the crystallographic direction, generate significant changes in the scattering patterns.
Stress corrosion cracks (SCC) had been found in a natural gas transmission pipeline during a dig-up and inspection program. The question was raised as to whether the SCC was active or dormant. This paper describes the resultant investigation to determine if a particular service crack was actively growing. The strategy adopted was to assess the appearance of the fracture surface of the service crack and to compare with expectations from laboratory specimens with active SCC. The conclusions from this study are as follows. To judge whether a crack in the service pipe is active or dormant, it is reasonable to compare the very crack tip of the service crack and a fresh crack in a laboratory sample. If the crack tip of the active laboratory sample is similar to that of the service pipe, it means the crack in the service pipe is likely to be active. From the comparison of the crack tip between the service pipe and the laboratory samples, it appears likely that the cracks in the samples extracted from service were most likely to have been active intergranular stress corrosion cracks. (C) 2003 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Passive tilting increases ventilation in healthy subjects; however, controversy surrounds the proposed mechanism. This study is aimed to evaluate the possible mechanism for changes to ventilation following passive head-up tilt (HUT) and active standing by comparison of a range of ventilatory, metabolic and mechanical parameters. Ventilatory parameters (V (T), V (E), V (E)/VO2, V (E)/VCO2, f and PetCO(2)), functional residual capacity (FRC), respiratory mechanics with impulse oscillometry; oxygen consumption (VO2) and carbon dioxide production (VCO2) were measured in 20 healthy male subjects whilst supine, following HUT to 70 degrees and unsupported standing. Data were analysed using a linear mixed model. HUT to 70 degrees from supine increased minute ventilation (V (E)) (P < 0.001), tidal volume (V (T)) (P=0.001), ventilatory equivalent for O-2 (V (E)/VO2) (P=0.020) and the ventilatory equivalent for CO2 (V (E)/VCO2) (P < 0.001) with no change in f (P=0.488). HUT also increased FRC (P < 0.001) and respiratory system reactance (X5Hz) (P < 0.001) with reduced respiratory system resistance (R5Hz) (P=0.004) and end-tidal carbon dioxide (PetCO(2)) (P < 0.001) compared to supine. Standing increased V (E) (P < 0.001), V (T) (P < 0.001) and V (E)/VCO2 (P=0.020) with no change in respiratory rate (f) (P=0.065), V (E)/VO2 (P=0.543). Similar changes in FRC (P < 0.001), R5Hz (P=0.013), X5Hz (P < 0.001) and PetCO(2) (P < 0.001) compared to HUT were found. In contrast to HUT, standing increased VO2 (P=0.002) and VCO2 (P=0.048). The greater increase in V (E) in standing compared to HUT appears to be related to increased VO2 and VCO2 associated with increased muscle activity in the unsupported standing position. This has implications for exercise prescription and rehabilitation of critically ill patients who have reduced cardiovascular and respiratory reserve.
Purpose: To report a case of a perforated acute hydrops in a mentally retarded patient that was successfully managed with intracameral sulfur hexafluoride gas and cyanoacrylate tissue adhesive. Methods: Interventional case report. Results: A 14-year-old mentally retarded male patient with keratoconus presented with a perforated acute hydrops. A bandage contact lens was applied. However, following a large emesis 2 days later, the aqueous leak worsened with shallowing of the anterior chamber. Under general anesthesia, sulfur hexafluoride was injected to reform the anterior chamber and cyanoacrylate tissue adhesive was applied to the perforated site and covered by a bandage contact lens and temporary tarsorrhaphy. A follow-up examination at 1 month showed a formed anterior chamber with tissue adhesive in situ and no aqueous leak. Conclusions: The successful use of intracameral sulfur hexafluoride and tissue adhesive in the management of perforated acute hydrops may avoid emergency tectonic penetrating keratoplasty and reduce potential complications in the poorly cooperative patient.
We introduce the Survey for Ionization in Neutral Gas Galaxies (SINGG), a census of star formation in H I selected galaxies. The survey consists of H alpha and R-band imaging of a sample of 468 galaxies selected from the H I Parkes All Sky Survey (HIPASS). The sample spans three decades in H I mass and is free of many of the biases that affect other star-forming galaxy samples. We present the criteria for sample selection, list the entire sample, discuss our observational techniques, and describe the data reduction and calibration methods. This paper focuses on 93 SINGG targets whose observations have been fully reduced and analyzed to date. The majority of these show a single emission line galaxy (ELG). We see multiple ELGs in 13 fields, with up to four ELGs in a single field. All of the targets in this sample are detected in H alpha, indicating that dormant (non-star-forming) galaxies with M-H I greater than or similar to 3x10(7) M-circle dot are very rare. A database of the measured global properties of the ELGs is presented. The ELG sample spans 4 orders of magnitude in luminosity (H alpha and R band), and H alpha surface brightness, nearly 3 orders of magnitude in R surface brightness and nearly 2 orders of magnitude in H alpha equivalent width (EW). The surface brightness distribution of our sample is broader than that of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) spectroscopic sample, the EW distribution is broader than prism-selected samples, and the morphologies found include all common types of star-forming galaxies (e.g., irregular, spiral, blue compact dwarf, starbursts, merging and colliding systems, and even residual star formation in S0 and Sa spirals). Thus, SINGG presents a superior census of star formation in the local universe suitable for further studies ranging from the analysis of H II regions to determination of the local cosmic star formation rate density.
We derive observed H alpha and R-band luminosity densities of an H I-selected sample of nearby galaxies using the SINGG sample to be l'(H alpha) = (9.4 +/- 1.8) x 10(38) h(70) ergs s(-1) Mpc(-3) for H alpha and l'(R) = (4.4 +/- 9.7) x 10(37) h(70) ergs s(-1) angstrom(-1) Mpc(-3) in the R band. This R-band luminosity density is approximately 70% of that found by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. This leads to a local star formation rate density of log ((rho)over dot(SFR) [M-circle dot yr(-1) Mpc(-3)]) = -1.80(-0.07)(+0.13)(random) +/- 0.03(systematic) + log (h(70)) after applying a mean internal extinction correction of 0.82 mag. The gas cycling time of this sample is found to be t(gas) = 7.5(-2.1)(+1.3) Gyr, and the volume-averaged equivalent width of the SINGG galaxies is EW(H alpha) = 28.8(-4.7)(+7.2) angstrom (21.2-3.5+4.2 angstrom without internal dust correction). As with similar surveys, these results imply that (rho)over dot(SFR)(z) decreases drastically from z similar to 1.5 to the present. A comparison of the dynamical masses of the SINGG galaxies evaluated at their optical limits with their stellar and H I masses shows significant evidence of downsizing: the most massive galaxies have a larger fraction of their mass locked up in stars compared with H I, while the opposite is true for less massive galaxies. We show that the application of the Kennicutt star formation law to a galaxy having the median orbital time at the optical limit of this sample results in a star formation rate decay with cosmic time similar to that given by the. (rho)over dot(SFR)(z) evolution. This implies that the (rho)over dot(SFR)(z) evolution is primarily due to the secular evolution of galaxies, rather than interactions or mergers. This is consistent with the morphologies predominantly seen in the SINGG sample.
Hydrogen is being seen as an alternative energy carrier to conventional hydrocarbons to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. High efficiency separation technologies to remove hydrogen from the greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide, are therefore in growing demand. Traditional thermodynamic separation systems utilise distillation, absorption and adsorption, but are limited in efficiency at compact scales. Molecular sieve silica (MSS) membranes can perform this separation as they have high permselectivity of hydrogen to carbon dioxide, but their stability under thermal cycling is not well reported. In this work we exposed a standard MSS membrane and a carbonised template MSS (CTMSS) membrane to thermal cycling from 100 to 450°C. The standard MSS and carbonised template CTMSS membranes both showed permselectivity of helium to nitrogen dropping from around 10 to 6 in the first set of cycles, remaining stable until the last test. The permselectivity drop was due to small micropore collapse, which occurred via structure movement during cycling. Simulating single stage membrane separation with a 50:50 molar feed of H2:CO2, H2 exiting the permeate stream would start at 79% and stabilise at 67%. Higher selectivity membranes showed less of a purity drop, indicating the margin at which to design a stable membrane separation unit for CO2 capture.
Weakly branched silica films formed by the two-step sol-gel process allow for the formation of high selectivity membranes for gas separation. 29Si NMR and gas permeation showed that reduced crosslinking leads to He/CH4 selectivity improvement from 300 to 1000. Applied in membrane reactor for cyclohexane conversion to benzene, conversions were achieved at 14 fold higher than a conventional reactor at 250°C. Hydrothermal stability studies showed that carbon templating of silica is required for hydrothermally stable membranes. From our work it was shown that with correct application of chemistry, practical membrane systems can be built to suit gas separation (e. g. hydrogen fuel) and reactor systems.
In this work we compare the hydrothermal stability performance of a Templated Molecular Sieve Silica (TMSS) membrane against a standard, non-templated Molecular Sieve Silica (MSS) membrane. The tests were carried under dry and wet (steam) conditions for single gas (He, H2, CO and CO2) at 1-2 atm membrane pressure drop at 200oC. Single gas TMSS membrane H2, permeance and H2/CO permselectivity was found to be 2.05 x 10-8 mols.m-2.s-1.Pa-1 and 15, respectively. The MSS membrane showed similar selectivity, but increased overall flux. He permeance through membranes decayed at a rate of 4-5 x 10-10 mols.m-2.s-1.Pa-1 per day regardless of membrane ambience (dry or wet). Although H2/CO permselectivity of the TMSS membrane slightly improved from 15 to 18 after steam testing, the MSS membrane resulted in significant reduction from 16 to 8.3. In addition, membrane regeneration after more than 50 days resulted in the TMSS membrane reverting to its original permeation levels while no significant improvements were observed for the MSS membra ne. Results showed that the TMSS membrane had enhanced hydrothermal stability and regeneration ability.
A new class of hybrid molecular sieve silica (MSS) membranes is developed and tested against standard and organic templated membranes. The hybrid membrane is synthesized by the standard sol-gel process, integrating a template (methyltriethoxysilane - MTES) and a C6 surfactant (triethylhexylammonium bromide) into the silica film matrix. After hydro treatment under a relative humidity of 96% for 50h, the hybrid membrane shows no changes in its gas separation capabilities or energy of mobility. The structural characteristics and integrity of the hybrid membrane are retained due to a high concentration of organophilic functional groups and alkoxides observed using 29 Si NMR. In contrast, the structural integrity of the membranes prepared with non-templated films deteriorated during the hydro treatment due to a large percentage of silanol groups (Si-OH) which react with water. The hybrid membranes underwent a decrease in the H2/CO2 selectivity of only 1% whereas for the non-templated membrane a 21% decrease was observed. The transport mechanism of the hybrid membranes is activated as permeation increased with temperature. The activation energy for the permeation of H2 is positive while negative for CO2. The H2 permeation obtained was 3x 10 -8 mol.m -2 .s -1 .Pa -1 and permselectivities for H2/CO2 and H2/N2 varied between 1-7 and 31-34, respectively.
MSS membranes are a good candidate for CO cleanup in fuel cell fuel processing systems due to their ability to selectively permeate H2 over CO via molecular sieving. Successfully scaled up tubular membranes were stable under dry conditions to 400°C with H2 permeance as high as 2 x 10-6 mol.m-2.s^-1.Pa^-1 at 200 degrees C and H2/CO selectivity up to 6.4, indicating molecular sieving was the dominant mechanism. A novel carbonised template molecular sieve silica (CTMSS) technology gave the scaled up membranes resilience in hydrothermal conditions up to 400 degrees C in 34% steam and synthetic reformate, which is required for use in fuel cell CO cleanup systems.
Worker cleaning up leaflets after demonstration during visit to Brisbane of Former South Vietnamese vice president Nguyen Cao Ky in January 1967.
A technique to simulate the grand canonical ensembles of interacting Bose gases is presented. Results are generated for many temperatures by averaging over energy-weighted stochastic paths, each corresponding to a solution of coupled Gross-Pitaevskii equations with phase noise. The stochastic gauge method used relies on an off-diagonal coherent-state expansion, thus taking into account all quantum correlations. As an example, the second-order spatial correlation function and momentum distribution for an interacting 1D Bose gas are calculated.
We calculate the two-particle local correlation for an interacting 1D Bose gas at finite temperature and classify various physical regimes. We present the exact numerical solution by using the Yang-Yang equations and Hellmann-Feynman theorem and develop analytical approaches. Our results draw prospects for identifying the regimes of coherent output of an atom laser, and of finite-temperature “fermionization” through the measurement of the rates of two-body inelastic processes, such as photoassociation.