77 resultados para galaxies: clusters: individual: Abell 2244
Filaments of galaxies are known to stretch between galaxy clusters at all redshifts in a complex manner. In this Letter, we present an analysis of the frequency and distribution of intercluster galaxy filaments selected from the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey. Out of 805 cluster-cluster pairs, we find at least 40 per cent have bona fide filaments. We introduce a filament classification scheme and divide the filaments into several types according to their visual morphology: straight (lying on the cluster-cluster axis; 37 per cent), warped or curved (lying off the cluster-cluster axis; 33 per cent), sheets (planar configurations of galaxies; 3 per cent), uniform (1 per cent) and irregular (26 per cent). We find that straight filaments are more likely to reside between close cluster pairs and they become more curved with increasing cluster separation. This curving is toward a larger mass concentration in general. We also show that the more massive a cluster is, the more likely it is to have a larger number of filaments. Our results are found to be consistent with a cold dark matter cosmology.
We present 547 optical redshifts obtained for galaxies in the region of the Horologium-Reticulum supercluster (HRS) using the 6 degrees field (6dF) multifiber spectrograph on the UK Schmidt Telescope at the Anglo-Australian Observatory. The HRS covers an area of more than 12 degrees x 12 degrees on the sky centered at approximately alpha = 03(h)19(m), delta = 50 degrees 02'. Our 6dF observations concentrate on the intercluster regions of the HRS, from which we describe four primary results. First, the HRS spans at least the redshift range from 17,000 to 22,500 km s(-1). Second, the overdensity of galaxies in the intercluster regions of the HRS in this redshift range is estimated to be 2.4, or delta rho/(rho) over bar similar to 1: 4. Third, we find a systematic trend of increasing redshift along a southeast-northwest spatial axis in the HRS, in that the mean redshift of HRS members increases by more than 1500 km s(-1) from southeast to northwest over a 12 degrees region. Fourth, the HRS is bimodal in redshift with a separation of similar to 2500 km s(-1) (35 Mpc) between the higher and lower redshift peaks. This fact is particularly evident if the above spatial-redshift trend is fitted and removed. In short, the HRS appears to consist of two components in redshift space, each one exhibiting a similar systematic spatial-redshift trend along a southeast-northwest axis. Lastly, we compare these results from the HRS with the Shapley supercluster and find similar properties and large-scale features.
We present 118 new optical redshifts for galaxies in 12 clusters in the Horologium-Reticulum supercluster (HRS) of galaxies. For 76 galaxies, the data were obtained with the Dual Beam Spectrograph on the 2.3 m telescope of the Australian National University at Siding Spring Observatory. After combining 42 previously unpublished redshifts with our new sample, we determine mean redshifts and velocity dispersions for 13 clusters in which previous observational data were sparse. In 6 of the 13 clusters, the newly determined mean redshifts differ by more than 750 km s(-1) from the published values. In three clusters, A3047, A3109, and A3120, the redshift data indicate the presence of multiple components along the line of sight. The new cluster redshifts, when combined with other reliable mean redshifts for clusters in the HRS, are found to be distinctly bimodal. Furthermore, the two redshift components are consistent with the bimodal redshift distribution found for the intercluster galaxies in the HRS by Fleenor and coworkers.
The first 'Australian Cluster Workshop' was held at the Australia Telescope National Facility in Sydney on 2001 February 6. The aim of the workshop was to bring together the many and varied groups working on clusters of galaxies in Australia, to forge newmulti-disciplinary links, and to generate enthusiasm and support for new cluster work and further cluster meetings in Australia. In this paper I present a summary of the workshop as well as some additional review material intended to place current Australian research in a broader perspective, looking ahead to the major issues still to be addressed.
We present a new algorithm for detecting intercluster galaxy filaments based upon the assumption that the orientations of constituent galaxies along such filaments are non-isotropic. We apply the algorithm to the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey catalogue and find that it readily detects many straight filaments between close cluster pairs. At large intercluster separations (> 15 h(-1) Mpc), we find that the detection efficiency falls quickly, as it also does with more complex filament morphologies. We explore the underlying assumptions and suggest that it is only in the case of close cluster pairs that we can expect galaxy orientations to be significantly correlated with filament direction.
We present the proceedings from a two-day workshop held at Swinburne University on 2005 May 24-25. The workshop participants highlighted current Australian research on both theoretical and observational aspects of galaxy groups. These proceedings include short one-page summaries of a number of the talks presented at the workshop. The talks presented ranged from reconciling N-body simulations with observations, to the Hi content of galaxies in groups and the existence of 'dark galaxies'. The formation and existence of ultra-compact dwarfs in groups, and a new supergroup in Eridanus were also discussed.
Dwarf galaxies have attracted increased attention in recent years, because of their susceptibility to galaxy transformation processes within rich galaxy clusters. Direct evidence for these processes, however, has been difficult to obtain, with a small number of diffuse light trails and intra-cluster stars, being the only signs of galaxy disruption. Furthermore, our current knowledge of dwarf galaxy populations may be very incomplete, because traditional galaxy surveys are insensitive to extremely diffuse or compact galaxies. Aware of these concerns, we recently undertook an all-object survey of the Fornax galaxy cluster. This revealed a new population of compact members, overlooked in previous conventional surveys. Here we demonstrate that these 'ultra-compact' dwarf galaxies are structurally and dynamically distinct from both globular star clusters and known types of dwarf galaxy, and thus represent a new class of dwarf galaxy. Our data are consistent with the interpretation that these are the remnant nuclei of disrupted dwarf galaxies, making them an easily observed tracer of galaxy disruption.
We describe a population of compact objects in the centre of the Fornax Cluster which were discovered as part of our 2dF Fornax Spectroscopic Survey. These objects have spectra typical of old stellar systems, but are unresolved on photographic sky survey plates. They have absolute magnitudes - 13 < M-B
By utilizing the large multiplexing advantage of the Two-degree Field spectrograph on the Anglo-Australian Telescope, we have been able to obtain a complete spectroscopic sample of all objects in a predefined magnitude range, 16.5 < b(j) < 19.7 regardless of morphology, in an area toward the center of the Fornax Cluster of galaxies. Among the unresolved or marginally resolved targets, we have found five objects that are actually at the redshift of the Fornax Cluster; i.e., they are extremely compact dwarf galaxies or extremely large star clusters. All five have absorption-line spectra. With intrinsic sizes of less than 1.1 HWHM (corresponding to approximately 100 pc at the distance of the cluster), they are more compact and significantly less luminous than other known compact dwarf galaxies, yet much brighter than any globular cluster. In this paper we present new ground-based optical observations of these enigmatic objects. In addition to having extremely high central surface brightnesses, these objects show no evidence of any surrounding low surface brightness envelopes down to much fainter limits than is the case for, e.g., nucleated dwarf elliptical galaxies. Thus, if they are not merely the stripped remains of some other type of galaxy, then they appear to have properties unlike any previously known type of stellar system.
The H I Parkes All-Sky Survey (HIPASS) is a blind 21 cm survey for extragalactic neutral hydrogen, covering the whole southern sky. The HIPASS Bright Galaxy Catalog (BGC) is a subset of HIPASS and contains the 1000 H I brightest (peak flux density) galaxies. Here we present the 138 HIPASS BGC galaxies that had no redshift measured prior to the Parkes multibeam H I surveys. Of the 138 galaxies, 87 are newly cataloged. Newly cataloged is defined as having no optical ( or infrared) counterpart in the NASA/IPAC Extragalactic Database. Using the Digitized Sky Survey, we identify optical counterparts for almost half of the newly cataloged galaxies, which are typically of irregular or Magellanic morphological type. Several H I sources appear to be associated with compact groups or pairs of galaxies rather than an individual galaxy. The majority ( 57) of the newly cataloged galaxies lie within 10degrees of the Galactic plane and are missing from optical surveys as a result of confusion with stars or dust extinction. This sample also includes newly cataloged galaxies first discovered by Henning et al. in the H I shallow survey of the zone of avoidance. The other 30 newly cataloged galaxies escaped detection because of their low surface brightness or optical compactness. Only one of these, HIPASS J0546-68, has no obvious optical counterpart, as it is obscured by the Large Magellanic Cloud. We find that the newly cataloged galaxies with -b->10degrees are generally lower in H I mass and narrower in velocity width compared with the total HIPASS BGC. In contrast, newly cataloged galaxies behind the Milky Way are found to be statistically similar to the entire HIPASS BGC. In addition to these galaxies, the HIPASS BGC contains four previously unknown H I clouds.
Ultra-compact dwarf galaxies: a new class of compact stellar system discovered in the Fornax Cluster
We have used the 2dF spectrograph on the Anglo-Australian Telescope to obtain a complete spectroscopic sample of all objects in the magnitude range, 16.5 < bj < 19.8, regardless of morphology, in an area centred on the Fornax Cluster of galaxies. Among the unresolved targets are five objects which are members of the Fornax Cluster. They are extremely compact stellar systems with scale lengths less than 40 parsecs. These ultra-compact dwarfs are unlike any known type of stellar system, being more compact and significantly less luminous than other compact dwarf galaxies, yet much brighter than any globular cluster.
We present the HIPASS Bright Galaxy Catalog (BGC), which contains the 1000 H I brightest galaxies in the southern sky as obtained from the H i Parkes All-Sky Survey ( HIPASS). The selection of the brightest sources is based on their H I peak flux density (S-peak greater than or similar to116 mJy) as measured from the spatially integrated HIPASS spectrum. The derived H I masses range from similar to10(7) to 4 x 10(10) M-.. While the BGC ( z< 0.03) is complete in S-peak, only a subset of &SIM;500 sources can be considered complete in integrated H I flux density (F-H I &GSIM;25 Jy km s(-1)). The HIPASS BGC contains a total of 158 new redshifts. These belong to 91 new sources for which no optical or infrared counterparts have previously been cataloged, an additional 51 galaxies for which no redshifts were previously known, and 16 galaxies for which the cataloged optical velocities disagree. Of the 91 newly cataloged BGC sources, only four are definite H I clouds: while three are likely Magellanic debris with velocities around 400 km s(-1), one is a tidal cloud associated with the NGC 2442 galaxy group. The remaining 87 new BGC sources, the majority of which lie in the zone of avoidance, appear to be galaxies. We identified optical counterparts to all but one of the 30 new galaxies at Galactic latitudes > 10degrees. Therefore, the BGC yields no evidence for a population of free-floating'' intergalactic H I clouds without associated optical counterparts. HIPASS provides a clear view of the local large-scale structure. The dominant features in the sky distribution of the BGC are the Supergalactic Plane and the Local Void. In addition, one can clearly see the Centaurus Wall, which connects via the Hydra and Antlia Clusters to the Puppis Filament. Some previously hardly noticable galaxy groups stand out quite distinctly in the H I sky distribution. Several new structures, including some not behind the Milky Way, are seen for the first time.
We present the result of investigations into two theories to explain the star formation rate (SFR)-density relationship. For regions of high galaxy density, either there are fewer star-forming galaxies or galaxies capable of forming stars are present but some physical process is suppressing their star formation. We use H I Parkes All-Sky Survey's (HIPASS) HI detected galaxies and infrared and radio fluxes to investigate SFRs and efficiencies with respect to local surface density. For nearby (vel < 10 000 km s(-1)) H I galaxies, we find a strong correlation between H I mass and SFR. The number of H I galaxies decreases with increasing local surface density. For H I galaxies (1000 < vel < 6000 km s(-1)), there is no significant change in the SFR or the efficiency of star formation with respect to local surface density. We conclude that the SFR-density relation is due to a decrease in the number of H I star-forming galaxies in regions of high galaxy density and not to the suppression of star formation.
We present the analysis of the spectroscopic and photometric catalogues of 11 X-ray luminous clusters at 0.07 < z < 0.16 from the Las Campanas/Anglo-Australian Telescope Rich Cluster Survey. Our spectroscopic data set consists of over 1600 galaxy cluster members, of which two-thirds are outside r(200). These spectra allow us to assign cluster membership using a detailed mass model and expand on our previous work on the cluster colour-magnitude relation ( CMR) where membership was inferred statistically. We confirm that the modal colours of galaxies on the CMR become progressively bluer with increasing radius d( B - R)/dr(p) = - 0.011 +/- 0.003 and with decreasing local galaxy density d( B - R)/dlog ( Sigma)= - 0.062 +/- 0.009. Interpreted as an age effect, we hypothesize that these trends in galaxy colour should be reflected in mean H delta equivalent width. We confirm that passive galaxies in the cluster increase in Hd line strength as dH delta/dr(p) = 0.35 +/- 0.06. Therefore, those galaxies in the cluster outskirts may have younger luminosity-weighted stellar populations; up to 3 Gyr younger than those in the cluster centre assuming d( B - R)/dt = 0.03 mag per Gyr. A variation of star formation rate, as measured by [ O II]lambda 3727 angstrom, with increasing local density of the environment is discernible and is shown to be in broad agreement with previous studies from the 2dF Galaxy Redshift Survey and the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. We divide our spectra into a variety of types based upon the MORPHs classification scheme. We find that clusters at z similar to 0.1 are less active than their higher-redshift analogues: about 60 per cent of the cluster galaxy population is non-star forming, with a further 20 per cent in the post-starburst class and 20 per cent in the currently active class, demonstrating that evolution is visible within the past 2 - 3 Gyr. We also investigate unusual populations of blue and very red non-star forming galaxies and we suggest that the former are likely to be the progenitors of galaxies which will lie on the CMR, while the colours of the latter possibly reflect dust reddening. We show that the cluster galaxies at large radii consist of both backsplash ones and those that are infalling to the cluster for the first time. We make a comparison to the field population at z similar to 0.1 and examine the broad differences between the two populations. Individually, the clusters show significant variation in their galaxy populations which we suggest reflects their recent infall histories.
We present a detailed investigation into the recent star formation histories of 5697 luminous red galaxies (LRGs) based on the H delta (4101 angstrom), and [O II] (3727 angstrom) lines and the D4000 index. LRGs are luminous (L > 3L*) galaxies which have been selected to have photometric properties consistent with an old, passively evolving stellar population. For this study, we utilize LRGs from the recently completed 2dF-SDSS LRG and QSO Survey (2SLAQ). Equivalent widths of the H delta and [O II] lines are measured and used to define three spectral types, those with only strong H delta absorption (k+a), those with strong [O II] in emission (em) and those with both (em+a). All other LRGs are considered to have passive star formation histories. The vast majority of LRGs are found to be passive (similar to 80 per cent); however, significant numbers of k+a (2.7 per cent), em+a (1.2 per cent) and em LRGs (8.6 per cent) are identified. An investigation into the redshift dependence of the fractions is also performed. A sample of SDSS MAIN galaxies with colours and luminosities consistent with the 2SLAQ LRGs is selected to provide a low-redshift comparison. While the em and em+a fractions are consistent with the low-redshift SDSS sample, the fraction of k+a LRGs is found to increase significantly with redshift. This result is interpreted as an indication of an increasing amount of recent star formation activity in LRGs with redshift. By considering the expected lifetime of the k+a phase, the number of LRGs which will undergo a k+a phase can be estimated. A crude comparison of this estimate with the predictions from semi-analytic models of galaxy formation shows that the predicted level of k+a and em+a activities is not sufficient to reconcile the predicted mass growth for massive early types in a hierarchical merging scenario.